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From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl

03-20-2010 , 09:44 PM
Well, I'm going to stick by the escrow theory put forth by the producer.

You guys can speculate all day long on meaningless topics, like why they chose that particular form for a freezeout.

A couple reasons could be:
- high stakes player usually can't be bothered with having to set up private tournaments
- a 1/2 plo table is always available so they can play any time
- sngs have increasing blinds

but really, who cares? it is what it is.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-20-2010 , 10:04 PM
i was just questioning why they were playing 1/2 cg when they were talking about 300k losses, is that so ******ed? also was curious if it was mr x playing in that video. that is how this discussion started, i obviously am not objecting to the parameters set to their hu match...
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-20-2010 , 10:43 PM
Wow cant wait to watch it in the 28th!! Loved the first one!
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-20-2010 , 10:43 PM
I enjoyed it and am really loving the series. I'm very much looking forward to the next. I liked Robl and even though I thought he was naive to things and possibly the people around him he seemed like a nice guy overall.

Some things I didn't like (in no particular order):

1) Robl's sister talking about poker as if she knew anything.
2) All Victory Poker references.
3) The lack of enough ship hola balla evidence.
4) Bringing the vid out for 24 hours on one day only.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-20-2010 , 11:15 PM
i actually liked that andrew's sister was into poker, or at least became interested in poker for andrew's sake. great support imo, and i'm sure she wasn't just acting like she knew what poker is about.

oh, saintmirror is an account that perkysmerky uses now. i just found out by reading the FTP regs thread. so that is obviously mr x.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-20-2010 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by AceLosesKing
This so much, excellent points sir. I too would've waited until the 28th, but why wait when I can watch it right now? I'm all about supporting a grassroots project but this is just... confusing. Fwiw if there is a way to support the release on the 28th, I will be doing that as well.

Episode wasn't as good as Zeebo's. This is evident for a few reasons.

1/ Its been bashed to death, but the Victory Poker stuff seemed out of place. I get that its a new phase of his life, but that RV scene was really dumb. If you were trying to show that its a part of his life, why not interview a few members of VP on how they met Robl, what they think of his game, etc.

2/ You need to figure out what story you're trying to tell. With the Zeebo episode it was clear that we were getting a look at how poker can affect someone, what happens to relationships, the emotional issues... Here we just had Robl tell us about how awesome his life is. And that's not hating on the kid, he seems like a cool dude, but there was no point. Where was any of it going? It didn't really lead anywhere worthwhile.

3/ How is he doing now? With Zeebo we had actual numbers, core facts. There was a beginning, middle, end. Robl seemingly popped up last year and is (reportedly) crushing high stakes games. Going into this I knew nothing of Robl and how he got started, I was interested in getting to know the kid. Going into Zeebo's episode there was a lot of hype and talk about what had happened, what his life was/is. Made it much more enjoyable IMO.

4/ Standard excellent production values. It was a well made film.

After the episode finished there was a somewhat bitter taste in my mouth. It wasn't what I was expecting (maybe I was after a more deeper ep, ala Zeebo's) but it wasn't the worst 40m I've spent. I will definitely be checking out a 3rd installment.

Good luck with everything guys.

I felt the same way. The lack of story is a big flaw in this documentary. I was entertained though.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-20-2010 , 11:32 PM
agree with everything except bits of 3), robl has been around for more than a year. that's just me being nitty tho
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-20-2010 , 11:57 PM
Haven't seen the episode yet, missed the 24 hour posting. Will wait until producers re-release it on 28th. So far, the biggest debate it seems to have sparked is "hair gel", and some debate as to why Robl was playing 1/2 plo. Sounds kind of boring and predictable. One viewer referred to the use of the word "like" being used way too much. Outdated trends rolled up into one package and labeled "balla". Okay, I can wait.

I think the reason so many related to Zeebo, was not because he was a "nerd". It was because he was real, and not trying to impress anyone. He had problems like everyone else, and put it out there for you to see. Like it or not, what you saw, is what he is. The guy is a survivor, and people respect that.

Hate to tell all you hair gel fans, but your getting behind the times. The trend in O 10 for the younger guys is the schoolboy rocker hair (e.g. Viktor Blom). And for us over 30, it's the classics and keeping it clean and well groomed. I guess hair gel could be in there, as long as you wash the bugs and dirt out of it that the previous day's gel caught. And, don't just add another coating. Maybe you'll catch the eye of some ol milf. LOL Cleanliness is not just next to godliness, it's the first step to getting some.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew "good2cu" Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:22 AM
I've watched Robl being interviewed, read his articles in poker magazines and his blogs, watched him play and watched a documentary on his lifestyle. And I've formed the conclusion that the guy is a complete douche, as you yanks would say.

IMO, he's a bad advert for poker. He seemed to be on a constant mission to prove something either to himself or his peers thru this 'hollabolla' BS degen lifestyle. It doesn't impress me that he goes out and wastes several $k on strippers or that he has a stripper's pole next to his bed in his apartment (that's just pretty sad really) or that he has a fit PA or is offered a few lines of coke by a UFC fighter at a party....

And as for the PLO game v PA (Aussie Millions Cash Game) when he didn't have a clue what he was doing and luckboxed a <1% chance to scoop most of the pot... (he said in a PokerPlayer article later that he'd only played PLO a few times and had yet been staked to play in this game! WTF!) I can't believe such an eejit gets a site to sponsor him. Hardly a great example to young players is he? So yes, he irritates me and I want to see him go bust. The guy has no class.

Oh and the way he talks annoys me too. FFS, take those marbles out of your ****ing mouth or get some speech therapy lessons!

Having said that, I will try to watch the documentary with an open mind.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:40 AM
I have enjoyed both and looking forward to the DVD release. Cpt Zeebo was so willing to just throw it all out there and had no concerns in the world which was so interesting and different then a guy like Andrew. Andrew is an incredible poker player and going to be one of the "big game" players for years to come and has to be more careful what he shows the world.

Andrew is an extremely nice guy and a lot of times people's opinions of someone they catch glimpes of on the internet are very misleading.

Not sure if this is kosher to ask, but what is the budget for one of these episodes, sure we could raise some funds to help with the next one.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:59 AM
If you can look past his bad form when working out, and his poor decision making while setting up HU freezeouts (of course his opponent could have said sit at XX/XX and Andrew just sat for all I know, the villain was supposedly not a pro grinder) it was a pretty good episode imo.

I know people want to compare it to zeebo but as mi_turtle said zeebo was really willing to put it all out there which made for a really interesting story. That's probably pretty rare in the documentary film making game, as people usually want to portray themselves a certain way.

Anyway I thought the show was good, and Andrew seemed like a fairly normal kid.

He seems much more normal and well adjusted than the people that are hating on him for his workout routine (or his poor form I guess) and complexion imo, now that's just weird.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Marzipan
It doesn't impress me that he goes out and wastes several $k on strippers or that he has a stripper's pole next to his bed in his apartment (that's just pretty sad really) or that he has a fit PA or is offered a few lines of coke by a UFC fighter at a party....
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by RML604
If you don't want people to download it and try to find it elsewhere, releasing it in this manner was a mistake. I definitely would have happily waited until the 28th, but knowing that I can get it elsewhere right now instead of waiting makes it 1000x more likely that i'll just go watch it elsewhere, especially considering i'm not even breaking any laws by watching it elsewhere.

If you're genuinely concerned about people "pirating" this, you went about this release all wrong.
The sneak preview was what I thought would be the best decision in a sea of bad options - a result of problems outside our control. We promised a 3/14 release, I didn't want to break that promise even if we only put it up for 24 hrs.

Re: piracy - the way I see it, the more people that see this film and discuss, the better. I'd obviously prefer that people wait and see it as we intended it to be seen, but honestly who am I to complain that people are going out of their way to try to find it elsewhere? As far as I'm concerned that is a great thing for us. That said - I do hope that people who have seen the movie on mirrors/torrents will come to our site when it's ready and will continue to support the project, because we won't be able to make more of these films without the community's support. WE HEART YOU GUYS.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 01:13 PM
Just wanted to say - ty all for the tremendous feedback so far, both in thread and via PM and email. There is a lot of great constructive criticism and we are very happy to have it and have fans that care enough to tell us what they think.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 03:04 PM
What about a film called - From Robusto to Busto with isildur?

now theres a million dollar idea, my fee is 10%
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 03:24 PM
Yes, you were the first to suggest that...
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 03:54 PM
wow sarcasm, that's original
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by catuskid
wow sarcasm, that's original
I see what you did there. The old double sarcasm. Nice.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 06:13 PM
I like Robl but the
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Hate to tell all you hair gel fans, but your getting behind the times. The trend in O 10 for the younger guys is the schoolboy rocker hair (e.g. Viktor Blom). And for us over 30, it's the classics and keeping it clean and well groomed. I guess hair gel could be in there, as long as you wash the bugs and dirt out of it that the previous day's gel caught. And, don't just add another coating. Maybe you'll catch the eye of some ol milf. LOL Cleanliness is not just next to godliness, it's the first step to getting some.
Or you could not be a d-bag, and be funny and nice, and sleep with chicks every week who don't care what you have in your hair.

Nah, never mind. It must be the hair product you use.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
i actually liked that andrew's sister was into poker, or at least became interested in poker for andrew's sake. great support imo, and i'm sure she wasn't just acting like she knew what poker is about.

oh, saintmirror is an account that perkysmerky uses now. i just found out by reading the FTP regs thread. so that is obviously mr x.
Clueless people shouldn't comment on things they've no clue about.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by KRANTZ
I'd obviously prefer that people wait and see it as we intended it to be seen,
Does this mean that the video will be re-released with different content?
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:54 PM
i cant find it on the internet
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by mrrpb
Clueless people shouldn't comment on things they've no clue about.
you're probably right. i just assumed it was because of these posts. perky got his name from taking so many PILLS, and is considered a fish in relation to the regs. this was also posted in this thread, so i assumed it perky = mr x. maybe fees back just really hurts
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
03-21-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
you're probably right. i just assumed it was because of these posts. perky got his name from taking so many PILLS, and is considered a fish in relation to the regs. this was also posted in this thread, so i assumed it perky = mr x. maybe fees back just really hurts
There's a reason mr.x is being referred to as mr.x and it's ******s like you that have caused it.
From Busto to Robusto w/ Andrew &quot;good2cu&quot; Robl Quote
