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Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark)

02-19-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by 2eazy
Kinda like when he stated he can hook up with random girls at will because he his a millionaire just like tiger woods
How is this not true? Girls like guys with money, its common sense
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by 2eazy
and people who makes 50 cents a hand compared to his 1$ a hand are not as good as him. .
not as good as him at what exactly?
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by MatthewRyan
not as good as him at what exactly?
in poker?
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:58 AM
I am kind of surprised about all of this Doyle Bronson is a admitted Bumhunter, they only play when they have some fresh bums at the table. They do not play against each other. I thought the whole concept is to make money.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 03:51 AM
The witch hunt is certainly ramping up. First it was the shorties killing the games, now the bum hunters are to blame, next it'll be the 20 tabling hud bots. Its gonna be a fun ride over the the next year or 2...

Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:22 AM

Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:28 AM
Leatherass>aejones= end of thread
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by LearnedfromTV
A little common sense says that either extreme is bad. Giving action to get action, being willing to start games and keep games going, and playing in tough games to improve are all good things to do, in moderation. Snapping up the seat next to the fish, having a fish list, sitting out of game you're a dog in, refusing action to some people are all good poker skills as well.

Obviously when the answer is a shade of gray and everyone feels the need to make it black or white people will end up yelling past each other.
Originally Posted by aejones
This is clearly the best post in the thread.
It is in the nature of controversy to draw lines.

I think this is not primarily a philosophical or scientific controversy. I think this is a "political" controversy. How to treat fish is a political issue. Just like the short-stacking controversy, by "shouting," some have ended up putting pressure on the poker sites to make changes. In politics we cannot get everyone to agree with us, obv. So, some "force," some "political will" rather than pure reason, needs to come into play. By "putting down" those in this thread who are "shouting" is like saying they should go away.

It is not obvious that the answer is a shade of gray. It is obvious beyond a shadow of a doubt to anyone with half a brain that some kinds of bumhunting is bad for the game and could scare fish off. Barry Greenstein talks about this in Ace On The River. He even uses a quote: 'when you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite'. Someone who says that is just afraid to think, or is pusillanimously supporting the status quo. Something that goes to extremes is out of the gray area. But it is a good thing to debate over the gray areas. But when someone starts off with "A little common sense says..." I know someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I really think you need to pay closer attention to what you read. It comes across as if you agree 100% with that post. From the little I know of you you are more intelligent than that.

Let the crowd roar.

But on a lighter note:

Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by jcl
Game selecting:

At the start of your session, scan every table of your limit and choose the X best (where X is how many tables you play). Re-scan every 30 minutes or so as tables break and you need new ones.


Open every table in the lobby across every stake with at least one person on it. Add your name to the waitlist on tables with a huge fish on it. Meanwhile, keep an eagle eye out on the rest of them. As soon as a fish sits, pounce on the seat two to his left (a better bumhunter would've already beaten you to the one directly to his left) and play until he busts.
Yeah, this post pretty much nails it. Bumhunters refuse to start games or keep them going and actively prey on the weak players.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by aejones
I don't normally take the time to respond or care about LA, all I will say is that the distinctions I make are that:

1. BW's poker video was good, which tells me he is actually thinking about hand ranges instead of simply narrating the action, if you haven't seen it you can't comment on that.

2. LA, as far as everyone who has played with him is concerned, is excruciatingly mind-bogglingly tight, such a tightness that is not good for the games, I do not believe that BW is nearly that nitty.

3. LA used to mutli-table and purely shortstack, as far as I know BW has never just loaded up 12 tables with 20 bbs and jammed over opens.

4. As far as I know BW does not sit out the EXACT hand that the fish does, which I know LA does (or did for a relevant period of time in his poker career).

Additionally, BW told me that 6 months ago or a year ago or whatever when he started playing he had no idea about game selecting and would just play all tables against all regs (this was prior to him even using a HUD). I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I can't imagine you can win at the rate that he does while not having an edge over the regs. I would think LA's winrate in his last 500k hands is 1/3 that or less, which would suggest that his advantage over the regs is nonexistent. I don't have a lot to go with on BW's game except results, his ability to explain himself in his video(s) that I've seen, and one person's comment who was an ipoker reg and had a note on him that said he was "very smart and creative." The first two things are enough for me to decide he's an asset to my training site.

I retract the statement I made about 50k hands a month, that is clearly wrong, I just have NO idea about volume-- last month I think I played 20k hands and that was probably my highest volume month in the last 2 years!

I'm not really sure what LA is trying to get from me. We are clearly completely different people, but he attacks me personally frequently and doesn't attack my poker game. I attack his poker game and never him personally since he could fly to Vegas on a private jet and attend exclusive parties with the hottest women in the world on a moment's notice, and I'm more comfortable discussing poker on a poker forum.

Since this will be my only post in the thread (unless there is a blatant fact that needs correcting), I will just say that I'm hardly known as a hypocrite and I stick by my guns. Additionally I am out to do what is best for my poker training website: That is first that I think BW is an asset to it because of his current and future ability to teach poker and second that while I do not personally do the things that he does, I have judged them to be less detrimental to the game than what LA does.

If you guys cannot see the differences, I guess we are just on different sides of a very gray line.

This is clearly the best post in the thread.
Cliffs for tl;dr crowd:

AEJ profits from BW being a bumhunter so it makes it OK. He dislikes LA and as such will never retract any statements regarding him. BW has already gone on record stating that he would like to be like LA because he admires his approach to playing poker professionally.

Originally Posted by 2eazy
Why does L.A think aejones bashes him because he is a competitor at another training site, aejones is friends with a bunch of coaches on competing websites. The argument makes no sens

I have zero issue with leatherass game, i think he is a fine player and i applaud that he is capable of consistently making money year after year. The issue i do have with him is his ridiculous ego, and is ridiculous statements that come with it. Kinda like when he stated he can hook up with random girls at will because he his a millionaire just like tiger woods and how he think everyone is jealous of him, and people who makes 50 cents a hand compared to his 1$ a hand are not as good as him. He just comes off bad in public. But i salute him for all the poker success hes had.
The irony here is profound.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 05:49 AM
get your popcorn ready this is gettin good.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by forcewithme
get your popcorn ready this is gettin good.
Oh no Dusty, u didn't!

Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by TheGreatModi
The idiot who made this video deserves to be shot.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:25 AM
This isn't getting good.

LA's columns have been garbage. Each one is basically a tirade trying to improve his rep.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by forcewithme
get your popcorn ready this is gettin good.
leatherass sucks

aejones rules
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:34 AM
wow this is kind of getting ugly. LA is trying so hard to defend his rep, I don't think i would five a **** what people said about me if i was making the kind of money he is
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by J-monkey
wow this is kind of getting ugly. LA is trying so hard to defend his rep, I don't think i would five a **** what people said about me if i was making the kind of money he is
no matter how much money u make, there's always more to be made. why wouldn't LA defend his position against AE? it's all good for business.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:48 AM
I suppose they can bank a lot off their reputations but it gets a bit out of hand with all this back and forth. If LA coached for leggo and was friends with Aejones, would AE defend him if someone else called him out as a bumhunter?
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by forcewithme
get your popcorn ready this is gettin good.
Man this is tedious, the two of you should hug it out.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:03 AM
I know 2+2 is full of aejones fanboys but to be honest, I think LA is right this time. Starting from the very first sentence AE's post is obviously lies/biased. (half of the posts I've read by him are dissing LA in some way)
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:06 AM
Can we just see HU4ROLLZ and get this over with already?

PS - leatherass is incredibly dishonest.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:17 AM
i don't think it's dishonesy if he actually believes it.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
completely worthless thread, why do people respond to such an op?
your face is a worthless thread
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
I know 2+2 is full of aejones fanboys but to be honest, I think LA is right this time. Starting from the very first sentence AE's post is obviously lies/biased. (half of the posts I've read by him are dissing LA in some way)
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
02-19-2010 , 08:41 AM
Once I saw a LA vid on 6max nlhe small stakes. MP donk limped (not short stacked), LA (CO) folded QJo with no further explaination.

That's a random post I know.
Bumhunting explained, (aejones said to still be in the dark) Quote
