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Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer?

02-25-2016 , 12:19 PM
Hoping he got everything taken care of or is on the way to do so. Any updates?
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by jeffg576
Hoping he got everything taken care of or is on the way to do so. Any updates?
Yeah right... They never do.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 05:34 AM
No payments for months for me. Think most have given up all hope of the money. Total scumbag.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by WhySoSrs?
No payments for months for me. Think most have given up all hope of the money. Total scumbag.
Maybe he can post an update here.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 01:04 PM
Why was this thread locked for so long?
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by bbbbb33
Why was this thread locked for so long?
I think people were being mean to the thief.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by bpb
I think people were being mean to the thief.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 08:55 PM
Anyone who wants to contact me can, I've been sending updates and payments when I can, but the little money I do get from disability has gone to past due hospital bills that my insurance didn't cover (I lost my insurance for a few months, but have it back now), food, and to help my Grandma out who I am living with and has been taking care of me. She is far from rich and needs any help she can get, without her who knows where I would be.

I have not received a single PM on this account, I have not received a single e-mail to my email, and nor has the person that was sending out my payments. Every single question has been replied to. Everyone will be paid, but obviously it's going to take quite a bit of time.

I still cannot walk. While I am getting close, it's still at least a couple/few months away until I'll be on my feet. Once I do get back to health I can start figuring out my future and how I'm going to pay people back. I am going through grueling physical therapy right now, and I went through over 60 surgeries over the last 2 years, multiple infections, 3+ month long hospital stays, etc.

I promise everyone will be paid, and anyone who wants to talk to me privately can do so, and has had the ability to do so since this all happened.

Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by PlayFunPoker
What exactly is your plan to generate income to pay people?

I'm just generally curious. 9-5? WSOP? etc?
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
What exactly is your plan to generate income to pay people?

I'm just generally curious. 9-5? WSOP? etc?
My plan will be going to college and getting a degree, during that time I will be playing poker as well. I don't plan on posting in this thread much, nothing good can come of it. People can contact me via PM/email.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by PlayFunPoker
My plan will be going to college and getting a degree, during that time I will be playing poker as well. I don't plan on posting in this thread much, nothing good can come of it. People can contact me via PM/email.
College and playing poker... pretty much two of the worst things you can do if you have any intention of paying back what you've stolen...

Good CAN come of posting if you commit to doing what's right, acknowledging your mistakes, making good faith payments, and continuously chipping away at the balances without excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. You're young, it's not too late to make a positive change.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 10:58 PM
I think his plan is to play poker and delusions of winning it back.
Props for his posting though!
I actually think if he dropped poker imaginations altogether he'd actually just become totally non responsive and walk away (no pun intended).
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 11:07 PM
I would like to start a collection for this guy to get him back on his feet and into the game. Seems like a genuine hard luck story.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 11:17 PM
focus on school, play a few tourneys a year hoping to bink otherwise focus on getting your head straight. I have been in the same situation and it took a while but i paid everyone back and got clean. good luck
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by RMB
College and playing poker... pretty much two of the worst things you can do if you have any intention of paying back what you've stolen...

Originally Posted by kcbj6
focus on school, play a few tourneys a year hoping to bink otherwise focus on getting your head straight. I have been in the same situation and it took a while but i paid everyone back and got clean. good luck
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-26-2016 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kalrex
I think his plan is to play poker and delusions of winning it back.
Props for his posting though!
I actually think if he dropped poker imaginations altogether he'd actually just become totally non responsive and walk away (no pun intended).
This. Ridiculous that poker has any part to play in the plan.

What happened again? Or right under aged playing drug addict scammed people, then to "get him back straight" some irresponsible moron backed him to play live MTTs. That wasnt going so well so he threw himself off a ledge

School. Awesome. Poker? Fkn forget it, should not be welcomed back in any way or form but ofc some greedy ******* will bankroll him in
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-27-2016 , 01:21 PM
When were last payments? Think number of people owed and $$ amount owed is relevant.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-27-2016 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by PlayFunPoker
during that time I will be playing poker as well.
You stole a lot of money to play poker and jumped off a garage right after playing poker. Maybe you should consider avoiding poker for awhile. At least for the rest of your life.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-27-2016 , 08:32 PM
Has money to play poker but not to pay back what he owes?

Take responsibility for your actions. Pay your debts.

Everything that has happened to him has been self inflicted. Grow up.

Immature kid has to learn that having money to play poker, socialise comes only after you pay back all your debts.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-27-2016 , 10:08 PM
^If you can earn more playing poker than working minimum wage, and those are your only two options, then you need to maintain a bankroll before you can withdraw anything for purposes of paying back. Not that I know anything at all about Brandon's situation, but come on let's have some clarity here.

Also good luck Brandon. I don't know anything about you and you might be the devil incarnate, but I think a lot of the posts here have been unwarranted.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-27-2016 , 11:45 PM
I can't believe I just spent the past two hours reading this whole thread. The internet is young... Stories like this will be repeated, many more times. I feel so bad for this young man, if this is even all true. I have overcome an addiction just as bad as his, learned to live sober, and now grind poker full time and love myself and my life. It has been the hardest thing I've ever done, getting clean. Poker... Poker is a trip in itself, but it's my passion. It's what I wake up for. It helps keep me off drugs and be a better person. That's just me though.... I guess I really got lucky. Good luck bro, I really hope you turn your life around.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-28-2016 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Boris47
Has money to play poker but not to pay back what he owes?

Take responsibility for your actions. Pay your debts.

Everything that has happened to him has been self inflicted. Grow up.

Immature kid has to learn that having money to play poker, socialise comes only after you pay back all your debts.
What makes you assume he has money to play poker? He has said he's penniless.

He'll be getting backed obviously.

Read comprehension fails all over this thread.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-28-2016 , 03:12 PM
I understand people saying to concentrate on school, but if I was owed, I'd want him playing poker, not thinking I'm going to have to wait until he gets a degree, then a job.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
02-28-2016 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
I understand people saying to concentrate on school, but if I was owed, I'd want him playing poker, not thinking I'm going to have to wait until he gets a degree, then a job.
Totally Agree... He's a big boy, he ****ed up. He needs to make it right ASAP by any means necessary. The guy needs to get his ego in check, realize drugs own him, and start making some moves in the right direction. Take control of your life. Stop asking others what to do. ****ing make something happen young man... Jesus.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
