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Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer?

01-14-2014 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by MadScientist
Is Complete Donk the youngest scammer in HSNL history?
don't give him anything else to brag about
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:16 AM
Still no contact or posts from Brandon... Doesnt look good.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:45 AM
Just out of curiously, does anyone know what drug(s) he is hooked on?
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by RU18LOL
Just out of curiously, does anyone know what drug(s) he is hooked on?
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
I truly don't want to be commended on this, nor do i deserve it but I will make things right and I will keep in contact. I did horrible things for money for drugs and deceieved so many. I'm truly sorry to everyone I hurt and all I can do is stay off oxy etc and figure out my future and get ppl paid
aka hillbilly heroin.

Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 06:25 AM
No middle ground between socially inept and feloniously violent huh. K.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
in general people love speaking with authority about things they have never experienced and are totally unqualified to comment on.
Irony at it`s finest
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 08:34 AM
No word from Brandon, eh? I'm shocked!
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by stevesmith1980
No word from Brandon, eh? I'm shocked!
Originally Posted by WhySoSrs?
Still no contact or posts from Brandon... Doesnt look good.

Have you guys read the thread? CompleteDonk has posted several times.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Have you guys read the thread? CompleteDonk has posted several times.
From post #283 on the 12th....

The total debt I will figure out tomorrow but I believe it's around 60k

I assumed this meant he would report this info to all on the 13th. He hasn't shown since, though.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 09:50 AM
very typical for an addict. he'll be back in a week or two (with more lies).
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by stevesmith1980
From post #283 on the 12th....

The total debt I will figure out tomorrow but I believe it's around 60k

I assumed this meant he would report this info to all on the 13th. He hasn't shown since, though.
Oh, my bad. The posts infer he's remained silent to date.

I'm assuming at this point with everyone coming forward he is retracing his footsteps to get an actual count.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 10:03 AM
Ah, good, no scammer thread in NVG would be complete without someone coming in and blaming the victims/poker world/people at large for not being willing to beat people up.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
I wonder, does the biker get paid back after killing the guy who scammed him? There is a reason no one goes after the 'scammer' physically, they want their money. It's not like anyone is saying forgive and forget either, god that was a dumb post.
Thats why I just kidnap family members as collateral

Last edited by beastjr; 01-14-2014 at 10:56 AM. Reason: and torture them obv
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 12:09 PM
****. I really hoped Brandon was past this. I also got hit up for money a couple weeks ago on Facebook and I was afraid I'd see a thread like this sooner or later.

Brandon and I were housemates for a few months in 2012. I already knew about his challenges with drug addiction and poor money management when he asked me if I wanted to rent a house with him and his friend. But, I only knew a couple of other people in Vancouver, plus I thought I could be a good influence on him since I don't use drugs and am pretty responsible with money. I knew he was struggling with drug addiction after his parents had both died, and he made it seem like Cabo (where he lived right before we rented the house) wasn't a good situation for him since his friends there used a lot of drugs too and he didn't know any non poker players, and I thought it'd be better for him to live in a real city where he had a better chance of making friends outside of poker. If that comes across like I'm judgmental of the poker lifestyle or of the majority of people who use drugs responsibly, it's not meant that way at all, I just felt like that wasn't the environment Brandon needed at that particular time.

Anyway, I had Brandon pay me for the whole 4 months rent in advance and tried to avoid any situations where he'd owe me money. I tried to argue with him a few times that he should stop playing high-stakes HUNL and HUPLO and just crush mid-stakes and MTTs, but I could tell I wasn't getting anywhere, for example there was a weekend when he won the Warmup for 80K but he blew that entire amount in two days at 25-50 HUNL if I remember correctly. Other than that we got along great and he never tried to take advantage of me for money during the time the three of us lived in that house. When I quit poker and moved back to the US to start school, Brandon moved in with his girlfriend who seemed like a good influence on him and I really thought things were getting better for him. We've kept in touch since then and he told me a few months ago that he'd been off of narcotics for almost a year, which I was really happy about. He asked me not to tell anyone about his drug problem and I promised not to, which I regret now.

Then a couple weeks ago, around Christmas, I got a random message on Facebook asking if I could spot him $500 on BoA and that he'd pay me back $550 in a couple days when a swap went through. I obv declined because even though I thought he was doing much better, I still didn't really trust him with money. In retrospect I should have figured out that he was hitting his friends up for money so he could buy drugs and I should have made a post here right away. I wasn't helping anyone by keeping my mouth shut and letting Brandon get into even bigger debt by trying to scam seemingly every single one of his Facebook friends. This whole situation sucks. Even more than being disappointed in Brandon I'm mad at myself for not making a post in MTTc instantly when the situation seemed shady.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 12:09 PM
Has anyone had any contact with Brandon from the 12th? I would also like to hear from some people local to him that may be able to help. PM me.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 12:14 PM
As an aside, I don't care what someone did, don't tell people to kill themselves, especially not people with a history of drug addiction / mental health issues.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 01:17 PM
I wrote this with Mark Herm a few months ago and now seems like a good time to post…different publications wanted to have this first but may have been turned off due to the nature of the material.

Professional poker players are wired differently than the average person. They tend to be incredibly intelligent, unafraid to take huge risks (albeit, calculated ones) and are so passionately dedicated to their craft that they may disregard their own emotional, mental and physical health in pursuit of their career. While pro poker players have many remarkable traits that allow them to be fearless, intuitive, calculating and cunning, they are also at particular risk for vulnerabilities that invite the use of various mind-altering substances. The field of professional poker is fertile ground for extreme monetary success; at the same time, it is a slippery slope in terms of the personal pitfalls that one can encounter on the climb to the top. No one can blame someone for preserving his or her livelihood and critical skill set, but to what lengths are some of us willing to go in order to be great, or numb to disappointment, or simply able to sleep well after hours of check raising and 4-betting?

It appears that substance use in the poker world is a growing problem and, while many notable players have recently come out publicly with their recovery and sobriety, there is no doubt that this issue is slowing killing the spirits of many talented players (perhaps more so than bankrolls). Clearly, the problem is more encompassing than a money management issue, although that capacity can be compromised as well; substance abuse is a problem that undermines the human spirit. The disease of addiction and the abuse of drugs or alcohol compromises a host of qualities and strengths that are essential for effective functioning; including self-regulation, judgment, relationships, self-esteem and, ultimately, personal success. The very strengths that makes us unique thinkers, fearless decision-makers and highly analytically minded, are also the same things that put us most at risk for trouble. Many of us are high flyers on a tight rope with no net and the fall is potentially a lot higher than it first appears. Poker players deal with huge swings, long and intense hours, and many fear-inducing situations that the average person doesn’t necessarily experience. The seductive beauty of mind-altering substances is that they temporarily tame self-doubt, mute the negative self-talk, and allow a person to disconnect from the world around them (especially when that world gets overwhelming and conjures up fear or self-doubt). The ugly nature of these substances (yes, even adderall or weed) is that they can turn on a person or simply fail to work for the reasons initially intended. At some point, and generally before we recognize it as a problem, the relationship with the substance becomes more important than the people around you, your career or your actual self worth.

Often times we don’t think we have a problem, especially if we are winning and have money. Plenty of people have a hard time spotting their difficulties with drugs or alcohol when they are successful financially as high-level pros. The question is really what is success and what do you want your internal life to feel like? Much of this comes down to how you define success for yourself and whether or not that definition includes internal clarity, calmness and wholeness. Many of us have chosen poker as a lifestyle as well as a career and the lifestyle is the antithesis of health for many of us. Sure, there are a handful of guys who have wonderful relationships, stay in shape, eat and sleep well and have passions that enrich their lives outside of poker, but this is far more rare than we care to acknowledge.

This is a dog eat dog profession. There is no need to get it twisted. Someone loses and someone wins. It’s zero sum at its core. As professionals in this highly competitive field, we need to start becoming more supportive and helpful to one another, and to send a message to others who engage in the unique and compelling world of poker. If one of us suffers from the grips of addiction or heavy abuse, we all suffer. How we do on the felt define us as players. How we treat ourselves and the people in our community define us as people. People in our profession need to stop suffering silently in relation to struggles and vulnerabilities outside of their play, particularly those pertaining to addiction or abuse.

Many of the best players have surrounded themselves with the brightest and most creative minds in the game. They rely on one another for support; different takes on hand histories, and in turn feel less alone and more connected in this potentially isolating world of professional poker. And yet, at its core, the professional poker world is a community, a network comprised of unique individuals who share a passion. Asking for help is harder than suffering alone for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Very few of us become high-level players and thinkers on our own - we are, in fact, a community - we count on each other, we compete with each other, we learn from each other, we notice each other's strengths, vulnerabilities and quirks and we admire each other's gifts and talents. If you have, or someone around you has, an issue with substance use, it will very likely play out negatively on and off the felt. It is time to raise awareness regarding this problem and to recognize that, individually and collectively, we will benefit from speaking out and reaching out.

Mark Herm aka chirp (Dipthrong/ship itt) is well known backer in the game and has had some success on the felt himself. He got sober over 2.5 years ago and has a new outlook on life.

Jake Neff, LSW, MSS, is a therapist in private practice specializing in addiction and recovery. He is a part-time player who believes in helping people define their own visions of what it means to be successful. He got sober over 8.5 years ago and has since changed his personal definition of success.

Feel free to reach out...

Last edited by Videopro; 01-14-2014 at 01:27 PM. Reason: removed direct contact info
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 01:21 PM
still no reply from brandon. either on skype,mail or this thread.

big thanks to robbat , who just added me and shipped 50$ donation. really cant believe that random people that dont have something to do with it , helping me out. thanks alot.

Last edited by warloeckchen1; 01-14-2014 at 01:38 PM.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 01:39 PM
Are that many people really on drugs? What's the matter with you people?
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by stevesmith1980
Are that many people really on drugs? What's the matter with you people?
Drug addiction, particularly opiate addiction, is a huge problem. The innocent days of smoking weed and drinking as a teenager are replaced by stealing your parents prescription pills. We live in a society where if you have a problem you're given a pill. Prescription pill abuse is far more rampant than doing coke, heroine, etc. We've allowed legal drug dealers to exist for far too long.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by SEABEAST
this is a good post. i played pre moneymaker and i think that helped me conceptualise the boom for what it was, and assists me to be comfortable with where poker is now and where it is heading. it must be very hard for people who came of age when poker seemed like a free 6 figures a year.

regarding completedonk i don't wish to pile on the trash heap but tt_fold talked me out of co-backing him with bkice a year or two ago and i'm very thankful for that. i know that he really did like CD and considered him a friend but at the same time saw the writing on the wall and was willing to pass knowledge that on to others.
I agree with his post and the one he quoted. For all the 18 year olds crushing, put poker behind friends, family, school and use the $ you earn as fun $/ savings

Sent from my XT907 using 2+2 Forums
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
Drug addiction, particularly opiate addiction, is a huge problem. The innocent days of smoking weed and drinking as a teenager are replaced by stealing your parents prescription pills. We live in a society where if you have a problem you're given a pill. Prescription pill abuse is far more rampant than doing coke, heroine, etc. We've allowed legal drug dealers to exist for far too long.
Consigned. The documentary (OxyContin Express) I linked my previous post, I think it was, is about precisely this.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
Drug addiction, particularly opiate addiction, is a huge problem. The innocent days of smoking weed and drinking as a teenager are replaced by stealing your parents prescription pills. We live in a society where if you have a problem you're given a pill. Prescription pill abuse is far more rampant than doing coke, heroine, etc. We've allowed legal drug dealers to exist for far too long.
Very true. Instead of solving problems (ADHD, "depression," etc) we just throw a pill at them. Next thing you know these kids are hooked.

I think this also has a direct correlation with our pussy society today. Lets face it...most kids and even young adults today are pussies.
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by stevesmith1980
Very true. Instead of solving problems (ADHD, "depression," etc) we just throw a pill at them. Next thing you know these kids are hooked.

I think this also has a direct correlation with our pussy society today. Lets face it...most kids and even young adults today are pussies.
I don't think it's so much being a pussy society as it is drug companies pushing these pills on us and making it the norm. It's acceptable to be on 10 different drugs for problems you could in most cases fix yourself but it's not acceptable to smoke a joint. We're doing it wrong...
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
01-14-2014 , 02:23 PM
Complete scumbag. His actions (random unsolicited pm's to previous marketplace buyers) are quite calculated and predatory imo. Doesn't come across as someone who was out of control or in a frenzy.

Always thought he came across terribly on here. Insanely arrogant but this **** is unreal.

There are quite a few people (of past and present) in MTTc that have a degree of accountability for their past indulgences of an underage kid. I'm sure they thought they were helping a troubled kid excell at a game that gave him a purpose in life but it was never going to end well. I think Gobbo was even staking him when he knew he was like 14 or something.

Originally Posted by MrTimCaum
Just saw this thread for the first time, still reading through it but I'll share this PM he sent me out of the blue on the 30th (I've never talked to him before and only played live with him once a year and a half ago)

Hey, this is CompleteDonk/TheMatadorCC. I have been looking for a PS/FTP swap for wire (or cash at PCA/Aussie), and have had no luck so far finding one. A friend mentioned you had a score and may be interested, and we have quite a few mutual friends. I am looking for anywhere from a few k to 10-15k. 10K is probably optimal since Stars bank at PCA is 10k limit and can get it to you right away assuming you're going.

I have a ton of references and have been around for a long time with no problems, done a lot of swaps/sold actions and have 7 figs in cashes etc. I will do 0 vig as I'd really like to get some funds online ASAP and play. Let me know, thanks a lot.


edited to clarify that I did not send him anything, just sharing that he tried to get me.
Guy was trying to do you a favour passing on the vig.

Last edited by Langerdang; 01-14-2014 at 02:24 PM. Reason: lol at "can give you cash at PCA/Aussie Millions"
Brandon Barnes / CompleteDonk / TheMatadorCC Scammer? Quote
