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Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT*

01-18-2014 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by JT314pokerplaya
Silly line. I'll take both sides for 10k, who's holding escrow?

More like:
Men's crew (-450)
Field (+600)
Great fix, you really showed him.

I'll take both sides for 10k.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:39 PM

Did I do this right??
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:40 PM
Borgata should refund everybody twice and invite the final 27 for a 3mil freeroll after they get paid out their icm chop.

Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by FLATCALLBRAND
I was in Sig room on 1b and got 20k chips
They were fake chips so 25k doesn't make sense.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzach

Did I do this right??
no lol
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzach

Did I do this right??
Looks good technically, but I wouldn't be happy if I were no. 27. Let's face it, anything could happen. I've won tournaments where I've been down to a single blind at one point.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Tilt Boy
I agree played every January for last 7 yrs. This one was so bad in hind sight i wished i stayed home. My gut was telling me not to go because last year was marginal but this one had so many bad dealers. Put me on serious dealer tilt and bad play ensued.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using 2+2 Forums
sick name
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzach

Did I do this right??
No, that way of doing it pays way too much to the big stacks and too little to the short stacks. At a minimum, you should award everyone 27th place money and only chip-chop what remains after that. A full ICM chop would probably be better (though I don't know where to find an ICM calculator for more than 10 players).
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
Not cool, man. Not cool.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
No, that way of doing it pays way too much to the big stacks and too little to the short stacks. At a minimum, you should award everyone 27th place money and only chip-chop what remains after that. A full ICM chop would probably be better (though I don't know where to find an ICM calculator for more than 10 players).

I wasn't sure the formula I just figured remaining prize pool * player stack averages
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by acesover8s
Great fix, you really showed him.

I'll take both sides for 10k.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:10 PM
the chances card rooms get shut down for good because they only bring in 11% of the profit is players gamble in the pits and eat at casinos, and attend shows etc. mostly due to that they are playing cards there anyway, not because they go to casinos to piss their money away in their free time

Last edited by whatupDG; 01-18-2014 at 06:27 PM.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:29 PM
please change thread title to work in the word "imbroglio"
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
please change thread title to work in the word "imbroglio"
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Yeah completely unacceptable at that stage of the tournament. The fact that the tournament was reduced to 16, 30 minute levels on all of day 1 didn't help either.
why did this happen ?
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by ZephyrSpy
I really think live tournys would be better played on those PokerPro e-tables. It would improve player experience by giving them a decent number of hands per hour, ans this incident would not happen. And hopefully the state would make the penalty for trying to hack these the same as hacking a slot machine.
why not just play online poker ?
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:45 PM
Pure speculation on my part but it's possible they can't proceed with distributing the remaining prize money among the final 27 because one of them is the perpetrator? If so they will surely want to have all the charges filed, legal hurdles cleared, etc before redistributing.

Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
why did this happen ?
Because people in the Borgata MTT threads wanted bigger and bigger guarantees . Borgata obliged and the fields continued to swell. A necessary by-product of that is shorter levels or it becomes a week long event.

FFS its a $560 BI event. 30 min levels on Day 1 is fine.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:46 PM
Lots of deep legal expertise itt.

Someone please say "class action" again. It's been a few posts
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by acesover8s
Great fix, you really showed him.

I'll take both sides for 10k.
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
Hehe, obv was just leveling to see if anyone pays attention. Good to see some other gambooler degens ITT.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:48 PM
Kevmath just retweeted someone saying refunds for everyone and top 27 get paid by chip counts
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:49 PM
A refund is definitely in order for all those that played, but is an ICM chop really fair to the final 27? We all know, no matter what decision is made, not everyone is going to be happy. How could it with over 4000 players?

I think if it is found that NONE of the final 27 are the culprits, they should not be punished by not being able to finish the tournament even if it is at a later date. For those from out of town, Borgata should be offering flight, and room and board to get back. Even if it is one or two found to be involved, maybe split up their chips evenly across the remaining HONEST players. Take their payouts, and pay that to those that busted right before them as long as they are not involved obv.

The problem is, we may never know who all was involved and that's the reason I believe it is being canceled. I think if they knew exactly how many were responsible and who they were, then they would have postponed it instead of cancelling it. I have a feeling they might have a few ideas, but they definitely don't have concrete on anyone yet is my feeling. I hope I am wrong about that.

I feel bad for those in the 27 who played an honest game and got deep in this huge field. Although the 5k chips were introduced, and maybe a some players were busted by players with more chips then they were supposed to have, you still had to play cards regardless to get through the field. I don't think the 27 should be punished when in reality they played clueless (Lets hope most anyway) to the fact there was cheating going on and they earned their spot in the final 3 tables by playing good poker.

Really crappy deal for all involved, but those 27 deserve a better shake regardless. ICM might be the only way, but I still don't find that fair either, but its looking like that is what will end up happening.
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
Not cool, man. Not cool.
Originally Posted by August West
Is there anybody familiar with NJ gambling laws to know exactly what the perpetrators will be charged with and the potential jail time or fines associated with the charges?
5:12-114 Unlawful use of bogus chips or gaming billets, marked cards, dice, cheating devices, unlawful coins; penalty.

(2)Knowingly to use or possess any cheating device with intent to cheat or defraud.

e.Any person who violates this section is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree and notwithstanding the provisions of N.J.S.2C:43-3 shall be subject to a fine of not more than $50,000, and in the case of a person other than a natural person, to a fine of not more than $200,000 and any other appropriate disposition authorized by subsection b. of N.J.S.2C:43-2.

I'm not personally familiar with how the DGE operates, but this is a plain out theft and likely in the 1st degree because we'd assume the end goal was to achieve 1st for over $75k, that's punishable by massive fines and SERIOUS prison time 20+ years. Of course that's very unlikely that they'll ever see that outcome.

Also, there will likely to be trademark infringement / forgery (copying and producing the chips), tampering with evidence (flushing the chips).

Everything but the theft would be a 4th degree offense, up to 18 months in jail.
Again I'm not familiar with how the DGE investigators usually deal with this stuff, but that's my best guess. All considered, I doubt the offenders spend much, if any, time in jail....
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:49 PM
People need to realize that one or more of the 27 left could/may be the ones behind the T 5K fake chips...
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
01-18-2014 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
I was just speaking with a friend who played day 1a and day 1b. Day 1a in the Event Center he got 20k in chips and busted. On day 1b he was seated in the Signature Room and got 25k in chips starting. There are I believe 25 tables in the Sig Room so if everyone there was given an extra 5k chip to start, well there's the 1 million extra.

As for the whole counterfeit chip thing, well that's another story.
not the 1st time i have heard an entire table sat w/extra chips.
implies casino error not foul play.

could this all be a cover up of a massive casino F up ?

or maybe both happened.

what a mess
Borgata finds counterfeit 5k chips in WPO #1-Cncls event-Arrest made-Lawsuit filed-*RULING OUT* Quote
