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Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo

05-07-2016 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by AnotherMakiaveli
he should have said that the T&C changed in the meantime, haven't they noticed??? winner pics are 50k now.

Originally Posted by cicakman
What the **** OP, you're supposed to wait for chainsaw to create threads like this.
Nah, this is way above chainsaw's standard.

Originally Posted by Schneids
IMO if someone is that angry at Amaya they could simply not play any of the PS Live events.
Yeah, I skipped MC this year for that reason but if you're a tournament poker pro it's not practical to ply your trade without paying rake to PS as they have a near-monopoly position online and control some of the most important live events, esp MC and PCA.

Originally Posted by jcorb
If those conditions are unacceptable then don't sign the form or play in the event.
Protests against a dominant and oppressive power often involve breaking their rules in some way.

Originally Posted by markksman
This is one of the dumbest protest actions of all time.
I dunno, this thread alone shows it's shone another light on Amaya's greed and dishonesty.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 06:19 AM
there is actually a deeper problem, one that was mentioned many times on these forums - the fact that players are required to do all the promotional stuff for the organizers of tournaments, not only for free, but after actually paying rake. If you want players to work for you for free, at least pay their rake ffs.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
there is actually a deeper problem, one that was mentioned many times on these forums - the fact that players are required to do all the promotional stuff for the organizers of tournaments, not only for free, but after actually paying rake. If you want players to work for you for free, at least pay their rake ffs.
This thinking implies that Stars get a return on investment for putting out pictures of the winners of their events, which they don't. A picture of Bonomo winning a side event at the EPT will earn them diddly squat.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 08:57 AM
Sounds like some harmless douche on douche violence.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Daveshoelace
This thinking implies that Stars get a return on investment for putting out pictures of the winners of their events, which they don't. A picture of Bonomo winning a side event at the EPT will earn them diddly squat.
advertisement never gets any ROI, that's why all the corporations are doing it. tax purposes, you know. beside of that they do it, so they can pay some crazy marketing people.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
there is actually a deeper problem, one that was mentioned many times on these forums - the fact that players are required to do all the promotional stuff for the organizers of tournaments, not only for free, but after actually paying rake. If you want players to work for you for free, at least pay their rake ffs.
Or you can organize a million dollar MTT at the local bridge club.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Daveshoelace
... A picture of Bonomo winning a side event at the EPT will earn them diddly squat.
Very likely -EV
SJWs are so yesterday.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by FakeVariance
He multi'd in a some MTT's and stars stole 50k from him. Who is the bad guy again?
To the guys he multi-accounted against, the answer is obvious.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by restorativejustice
To the guys he multi-accounted against, the answer is obvious.
Sorry but thats not worse than the 50k pilfer. People multi account ALL THE TIME. He was just unfortunate enough to get caught. Plus this was in MTTs, not single table cash games or sit n go's. Not a single one of his "victims" lost anywhere close to 50k worth of equity.

Originally Posted by _dave_
You're right. Forcing people to play asinine levels of non-optimal poker only to pull the rug of incentives out from underneath them right before they are about to achieve their reward is hogwash. Glad we agree on that

Last edited by FakeVariance; 05-07-2016 at 11:26 AM.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 11:34 AM
This thread is mind boggling. Is it a generational thing? Is conformity and not rocking the boat the new rebellion of youth?

So much wrong in this thread, but among other things, someone referred to Amaya as the "sponsor" of the event -- would you call Subway the sponsor of those little stores where you can go in and buy a (Subway) sandwich? Where enthusiasts can go to participate in sandwich eating events? And if you decide to enter, don't complain if there is something wrong with your order, because you knew the risk going in, and should have just skipped that event if you don't like it.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 01:33 PM
Personally, I think it's mysterious that a even a scummy company like Amaya would want to use a known cheater in their publicity photographs.

Couldn't they just use one of the old 2+2 multiaccounting photoshops?
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-07-2016 , 07:16 PM
Just have Brian Hastings pose for you
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Just have Brian Hastings pose for you
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 01:23 AM
Shouldn't there be a bunch of pics of him up? One for each screen name....
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
Taking a stand against amaya he is indeeded one of the good guys
He's hypocritical cheating scum and a whining little bitch to top it off.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by raidalot

Nah, this is way above chainsaw's standard.

Yeah, I skipped MC this year for that reason but if you're a tournament poker pro it's not practical to ply your trade without paying rake to PS as they have a near-monopoly position online and control some of the most important live events, esp MC and PCA.

Protests against a dominant and oppressive power often involve breaking their rules in some way.

I dunno, this thread alone shows it's shone another light on Amaya's greed and dishonesty.
Yea let's pretend he's Rosa Parks.

Lmao at opressor.the poor guy gambling for millions he sure has it rough.

Poker players really consist of so many selfish delusional whining self entitled self important little bitches.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 02:23 AM
borg et al. constantly reminding us why poker is such a profitable domain
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by FakeVariance
People multi account ALL THE TIME. He was just unfortunate enough to get caught. Plus this was in MTTs, not single table cash games or sit n go's.
He wasn't caught doing what people call multi-accounting these days, lol.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by FakeVariance
He multi'd in a some MTT's and stars stole 50k from him. Who is the bad guy again?
Originally Posted by _dave_
He wasn't caught doing what people call multi-accounting these days, lol.
Wasnt he putting 3+ accounts in 9man SNGs? (hope my use of the word man here triggers a sjw)
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
He's hypocritical cheating scum and a whining little bitch to top it off.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 04:12 AM
Did Stars adversely change the Super Nova benefits for those in the middle of trying to qualify?

I have not kept up with online poker.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by tuccotrading
Did Stars adversely change the Super Nova benefits for those in the middle of trying to qualify?

I have not kept up with online poker.
Don't be absurd. They didn't change it in the middle... they waited all the way until it was about to end.

Last edited by FakeVariance; 05-08-2016 at 06:07 AM.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 06:15 AM
Just be glad youre still allowed to play poker you dumb mother****er.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by RecreationalPlayer
$50 to the first person to show me a poker protest that achieved its objective.....
Andy Bloch ripped the playing cards at a WSOP event after complaining they were marked. He got a penalty, but also got a new deck and fresh setups were offered subsequently.

Ship the $50 to Doctors Without Borders
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
05-08-2016 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
And yeah Pokernews are basically Amaya-owned now so it's pretty hilarious to cooperate with them.
Bonomo claims he will be banned from EPT if he doesn't do a winners photo Quote
