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Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Bilzerian giving away 100k..

11-17-2013 , 04:45 PM
I noticed he has moved into acting, I'm sure he will deliver as 'Handsome Man at Bar':
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-17-2013 , 04:59 PM
Lol yeah I mean I can see what it says he does, bit of this bit of that, but how exactly does his net worth equate to 100 Mill with these ****ty acting jobs?
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-17-2013 , 05:20 PM
His dad. He's not worth 100 million.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-17-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by WhyDid I doThat :|
Lol yeah I mean I can see what it says he does, bit of this bit of that, but how exactly does his net worth equate to 100 Mill with these ****ty acting jobs?
How dare you?? The man was in "Olympus Has Fallen...."
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-18-2013 , 10:05 AM
Way to give back!

Very nice, Dan ))
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-18-2013 , 12:44 PM
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-18-2013 , 09:13 PM

He even made it to popular Serbian newspaper
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-18-2013 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by donjonnie
if find it to be discusting and sad how many guys cheer on a grown, physicly strong man beating on prostitutes repeatedly.
do you guys think beating women in general is hilarious or is it just because those were hookers not people?
i mean some cocked up dude kicking a women half his size while she is on the ground, what exactly is funny about that?
or wait no now i get it its funny becasue their pimp will propably beat them up again when they come home empty handed.
why are you guys idealizing such a vile `human being whos biggest accomplishment to date was beeing born zo a rich father. is that really who you want to be, a useless wifebeating piece of **** born with a silverspoon in his mouth?
where can I watch him beating up hookers?
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-18-2013 , 11:21 PM
Apparently there's a remake of "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" being made... Somehow they're looking for wildlife at Dolphins Stadium or something!

Somebody definitely remembered to send him a speedo but where's the red beanie?
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 01:20 AM
Amsterdam Story

So here I am in amsterdam, I had just blazed a chong the size of my dick and im thinking I need to get a blow job asap. I go on walk about in the red light district, and for those of you who havn't been to amsterdam the hookers are in windows all up and down the streets and allys. Lets put it this way, the great warrior poet 50 cent was not speaking about this kind of window shopping when he made the song "window shopper", talking **** about window shopping... B/c its the best.
So i pick the finest hooker in 2 blocks and she lets me in and closes the curtain. We discuss price and the fact that a condom will not be part of this blow job, price is set at 50 euro(80 us at the time). Bj commences and I go to pull her tits out and she then requests 20 more euro for her tits to be played with(out****ingrageous!) I tell her that her tits arn't worth 2 euros(even though I would of paid 200 euro for the package deal, its the principle). So then she gets upset and starts arguing with me, I tell her to suck my suck my **** and stop speaking. I further explain to her the only appropriate use for her mouth and she picks up her cell phone to call her "boyfriend" who she says is bigger than me and will kick my ass. I say to her I can't wait to meet and beat the schlep rock who is dating a low-rent welching hooker. At this point I am not longer interested in her services and see three viable options... 1. Beat her ass 2. Smash her stereo(only nice thing in her room) 3. Walk out like a bitch and forget about it.
So I pick the second worst option and I smash her stereo into a hundred pieces and walk out. She spits on me and starts talking ****... suddenly I regret not choosing the best option(1 obv), but I keep it together and walk on. She spits on me again, I tell her to savor the flavor of my dick and not to waste it. She then kicks me in the back, and continues yelling at me. I am STILL willing to let it go, but then she spits on my fur coat, and comes to kick me again!!! I turn around as she is coming at me and hit her with a round house kick to the ribs that literally sends her 3 feet into the air and she lands like the sack of **** that she is on the ground. I smile at a job well done and as i turn to look forward I get caught right in the face with a right cross from her boyfriend. I stumble back, glases broken at my feet(before I had lasic) I am a little stunned, but I shake it off and come at this big ugly bastard. I hit him with a hard overhand right and just as he falls back a little, a big ugly buddy of his comes from behind me grabs both my arms. Now another guy comes at me from the left, I hit him with a weak push kick and before he can come at me again I break free from the dude who had me locked up and I take off running. I roll back to the hostel where my boys are staying to rally the troops.
I get to the hostel to find them all ****ed up and lazy. I bust out the blow, we motivate ourselves and clear our heads... I've got a head full of blow and blood on my tongue, my buddies are ready to lay down some hate and discontent, but when we get back the hooker and all her lackeys are nowhere to be found. We eat mushrooms instead.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 01:33 AM
That blitz quote came from this old thread. Link to thread doesn't work anymore though.

from another thread

Originally Posted by superlulz
Just had my 3rd heart attack, feeling better now, about to leave the hospital. Waiting on lab results now!/DanBilzerian/s...20815790391296

Went from a great week in Hawaii,go to bellagio, win 170k in 45 being robled into going back to hawaii,lose 800k&have a lung embolism!/DanBilzerian/s...22342504452096

Originally Posted by superlulz
"Guy just died in hospital bed next to me, WTF"!/DanBilzerian/s...23251594690561

well, talk about having a bad day.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 02:16 AM
is it altruism if you tell everyone???
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 02:17 AM
he should give that bread to the Philippines
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheG0ldenJ3w
is it altruism if it's money that was stolen and then given to you and you tell everyone???
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 03:01 AM
nothing is stolen.. You manipulate things to raise the price of a company's stock. Stockholders and everyone else actually make money.

The people who get hurt are the Board of Directors who lose power and control.. and the steps they usually take to prevent a takeover are very much more like stealing (poison pills.. increasing balance sheet debt levels, and generally making the company look bad by lowering its value.)
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 03:24 AM
Did a quick search and couldnt see this posted in the two Dan Bilzerian threads.
Just saw this article on Dan Bilzerian and rapper The Game donating 10k to the Phillipines.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Rob999
+1 the guy is doing a nice thing. Why criticize?
Yep give this guy a break ffs.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 06:25 AM

Link to the instagram that details who has recieved money from the milly that The Game is giving away.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 06:52 AM
People flaunting around with their supposed philanthropy are lame, impure motivations, real men do it anonymously.

Of course it's still better than doing nothing, so in that light it's good that people are firing each other up, even if it's to stroke their own ego's.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 07:35 AM
".. let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.."

and btw, everyone who pays taxes is contributing something, so nobody need feel guilty (speaking of the Philippines)
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
People flaunting around with their supposed philanthropy are lame, impure motivations, real men do it anonymously.
I bet you don't give anything.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 09:28 AM
i liked him until i read the amsterdam hooker story... that's messed up man! treat your hookers with respect people.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Kramerica
i liked him until i read the amsterdam hooker story... that's messed up man! treat your hookers with respect people.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 10:22 AM
For those saying that Blizerian's dad was a thief, read up on what he actually did. He got the screw job of the decade courtesy of Giuliani and the anti-wealth movement.
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
11-19-2013 , 10:23 AM
Ok, found it
Bilzerian giving away 100k.. Quote
