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Billionaires Bet on Online Gaming Billionaires Bet on Online Gaming

11-01-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.JR
The House always wins.
haha, nice.
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11-01-2011 , 05:55 PM
Damn it, this means it's time for me to start paying monthly and watching Cardrunner videoes again only to pass out 15 minutes in yet continue to convince myself I'm learning
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11-01-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by 3betdegen
Perhaps im being overtly optimistic but what im really hopeing is that as someone who's being playing since the inital moneymaker boom is that by hanging in the saddle now until the next boom begins that all be able to just get out and perhaps not crush but make really decent money once legalization comes down the line.
Because by 2007 i was almost almost of verge of becoming a hater constantly hearing the moaning and carrying on of those people who were crushing on party from 2003-2004 (and perhaps longer i dont know).
However i now realize that those dudes who were crushing were the ones who were literally pushing and pressing through the deep snow grinding pre boom.
Well boys heres to hanging in there.
may I suggest full stops?
Billionaires Bet on Online Gaming Quote
11-01-2011 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage
You're like that girl that gets beat up by her boyfriend but keeps going back
If by "beat up by her boyfriend" you mean "make 5 figures a year for clicking buttons" then yeah you better believe I'm coming back.

PS is hands down the best site in the world and I have a hard time believing it won't be worth coming back to in the future, and FT has RUSH poker, which was like free money if you worked the rakeback/promos right.

The only reason either site had problems at any point in the last 5 years was because of the government. No government protectionism bought by Harrah's, horse racing, and the NFL = PS and FT processing our deposits and withdrawals within minutes and without lack of transparency, which is what they were doing pre-UIGEA before Prohibition II created a gray market in the US.

Even in this gray area, the sites circumvented laws not to screw us players, but to bypass obviously ******ed legislation that arbitrarily decided poker is illegal in the court of (massively ignorant) public opinion.

Originally Posted by Jerok
wat am i reading
He's just saying that in the pre-UIGEA Party Poker days, any idiot could make money playing poker. And a ton of people were making sick amounts of money because of it.

It wasn't about how good you were as a player back then. It was how bad everyone else was around you. As such, a person who is banking 5 figs now probably bank 6 or more pre-UIGEA. It was that soft.

Originally Posted by Fedorfan
Well when you already have a cartel with limited competition and you're printing money as it is, the natural reaction seems to be to resist change, for fear of new competition, lower margins, ect. Similar with the recording industry and online music, movie/tv with online content options youtube/hulu/netflix streaming...
And like the owners of sports teams who blackout televised games or even earlier didn't want radio broadcasts of their games for fear of loss in ticket sales, they're all morons too imo.
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11-01-2011 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
I want to go on record right now that I believe the internet will be the next big source of music purchases and music will be played digitally. I'm thinking about inventing some kind of player for this, like a pod where you store all your music. Could call it myPod.
best post i have read in a long time

Very exciting article though.

Billionaires are not dumb people. Their influence seems awesome for gaining the political change needed to help all of us
Billionaires Bet on Online Gaming Quote
11-01-2011 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Kittens
You guys do realise it's probably exactly these billionnaires' lobbying that's gotten the DOJ to clear the marketplace ready for their entry..
The new Reid Bill will be introduced soon and attached to one of the jobs bills. No source. Just hunch.
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