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The Big Question For Full Tilt's U.S. Players: Will They Get Their Poker Winnings Back? The Big Question For Full Tilt's U.S. Players: Will They Get Their Poker Winnings Back?

09-27-2012 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by 1938ford
Just a couple of questions for you:

Since there is not yet a claims processor who will make this "announcement" and to whom will players begin "applying"?

Once a processor has been pick

Since there is "no real advance notice" has the DOJ decided to forgo the requirement that potential victims be notified of the remissions process?
NO, just your not going to get an annoucement of an annoucement

Who is the "they" you speak of?
Who made all of the adjustments and withdrawals to the 1.3 million potential victim accounts you describe? Was it one person in the DOJ, or a team of people?
FTP made all these adjustments during their downtime

If the DOJ could do all of this on their own in less than 60 days why do you suppose they want to hire a claims processor?
To process the remission requests

Why would the DOJ post an employment ad and describe the job duties to potential applicants as the responsibility to “design and execute a process to solicit, receive and evaluate claims, and to process payments, for losses incurred by U.S. victims that are attributable to the fraud alleged in the [Full Tilt Poker complaint]. In so doing the Claims Administrator will obtain and evaluate information, such as financial transaction records, from claimants, and analyze information contained in user account records provided in database and other format by Full Tilt Poker.”?
Same answwer as above

Where do you suppose the DOJ obtained all of the FTP information necessary to make the "adjustments" you describe to 1.3 million victim accounts? According to the settlement agreement PStars was responsible for providing the DOJ with this information, but PStars has just recently taken control of FTP hardware and is in the process of moving it. Did the DOJ already have all of the info? Did PStars put the info on a floppy disk and send it over before they moved the computers? Without a claims processor who would they have sent the information to?
DOJ did not make the adjustments, FTP did.
09-27-2012 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bubbleblower

No doubt, especially since they used that same term "quickly" themselves, it's their selling argument.
The faster they pay the better they will look and they realize that very well.
They have a strong incentive to do this as "quickly" as possible, so that pressure is coming from within.

1.3 Million voters. I bet you get your money before the elections.
The election has zero to do with the remissions or how quickly it will go.
09-27-2012 , 01:09 PM
All the work is done by FTP/PStars. They need to do that before the 6th of November anyway and it probably has allready been done long time ago.

A "notification may be made by publication". In this case with 1.3 million victims they could use that option.
That would not be consistent with the 50.000 plus first though. May be you are right Eli is making this up, it would make more sense if he didn't have an answer for everything.
Even if that is the case I am convinced he is right about most details.

He posted while I typed this and he is certainly right about FTP doing the work.
09-27-2012 , 01:23 PM
The one thing that sticks out the most to me ELI has been saying is that- the accounts with over 5k in them will be dealt with first, they are the top 5.5%(ish) of account holders which would make perfect sense to get the whales out of the way first and the deal with the smaller accounts last. So we assume that bigger accounts will be dealt with rather quickly from these people. Whereas the smaller accounts, most of those people might say F it, and have forgotten about the money.

So why not knock out the big accounts first and then deal with the 94.5(ish) rest of smaller accounts later?

Eli- have you heard any news that the bigger account holders will have so much time to apply for remission? Or after so many of those accounts are dealt with then the smaller ones will be handled?

Also, (if) after the bigger accounts will be dealt with, will the smaller accounts 1-5k only have so much time for apply for remission?
09-27-2012 , 01:24 PM
eli808 is making way too much ****ing sense. If he is trolling, he is the best I have ever seen.

What he is saying will happen sounds like what the DOJ would do if they were rational, efficient, and fair. I've never considered them any of those things, but one time, please be real.
09-27-2012 , 01:43 PM
I'm confident Eli is legit and I appreciate him coming on here.
09-27-2012 , 01:46 PM
I have independently confirmed Eli is legit by thinking about it
09-27-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
The one thing that sticks out the most to me ELI has been saying is that- the accounts with over 5k in them will be dealt with first, they are the top 5.5%(ish) of account holders which would make perfect sense to get the whales out of the way first and the deal with the smaller accounts last. So we assume that bigger accounts will be dealt with rather quickly from these people. Whereas the smaller accounts, most of those people might say F it, and have forgotten about the money.

So why not knock out the big accounts first and then deal with the 94.5(ish) rest of smaller accounts later?

Eli- have you heard any news that the bigger account holders will have so much time to apply for remission? Or after so many of those accounts are dealt with then the smaller ones will be handled?

Also, (if) after the bigger accounts will be dealt with, will the smaller accounts 1-5k only have so much time for apply for remission?
I'm not sure, I never asked. I would imagine there is a standard for these things. I mean you can not leave it open for ever. I'll check tonight on it.

I do know they really wanted to be carefull with this case as they received lots of calls on the matter. Its not often they have 1 million remissions to do or in this case, contract out.
09-27-2012 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Eli808
I'm not sure, I never asked. I would imagine there is a standard for these things. I mean you can not leave it open for ever. I'll check tonight on it.

I do know they really wanted to be carefull with this case as they received lots of calls on the matter. Its not often they have 1 million remissions to do or in this case, contract out.
Thank you for the constant updates.
09-27-2012 , 02:11 PM
#2 on Eli's post worries me because majority of my account is xfers I received from RakeBackPros. Im sure a lot of other players are in the same boat. Hopefully we don't have to jump through hoops to get this money back.
09-27-2012 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Yums111
#2 on Eli's post worries me because majority of my account is xfers I received from RakeBackPros. Im sure a lot of other players are in the same boat. Hopefully we don't have to jump through hoops to get this money back.
I also received many transfers from RakeBackPros. I don't really imagine this being a problem though. I would think they are just looking for transfers you may have received from people who made phantom deposits. That would be my guess anyways.
09-27-2012 , 02:58 PM
Eli, what's your estimation on when we get our funds (5k+ accounts)? By November? End of the year? Thanks for updates.
09-27-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Eli, what's your estimation on when we get our funds (5k+ accounts)? By November? End of the year? Thanks for updates.
+1... cant believe this hasnt been asked yet!
09-27-2012 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Eli, what's your estimation on when we get our funds (5k+ accounts)? By November? End of the year? Thanks for updates.
Just in time for black Friday.

The shopping day -- what did you think I meant?

or ...................

If we can deliver 1.3 million votes for ______ then the checks will arrive by November 6, 2012.
09-27-2012 , 04:19 PM
Eli must be PS<3FTP's Gimmick.
09-27-2012 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Eli808

I have a source that works for the Government that is in the know for the remission process.
Yes. Finally someone with some sources that we can check on everyday, and wonder if its real. This sweat was getting boring.

Thanks Eli. Keep it up. Find out some dates when you can. Or just make some **** up.
09-27-2012 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Yums111
#2 on Eli's post worries me because majority of my account is xfers I received from RakeBackPros. Im sure a lot of other players are in the same boat. Hopefully we don't have to jump through hoops to get this money back.
They are only concerned about transfers from players who made phanton deposits. All the accounts for the US players have been adjusted for deposits and withdraws that were not completed. A number of the accounts have negative balances and this is what will raise concerns
09-27-2012 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Eli, what's your estimation on when we get our funds (5k+ accounts)? By November? End of the year? Thanks for updates.
Sorry, I don't have that information. I just know they are just finishing up awarding the contract. I should know more soon, just not yet.
09-27-2012 , 06:55 PM
Eli I just want to thank you. I believe you. Not because I want to but because I don't give most of the human race credit for being capable of this high level of a troll. I'd be surprised if there wasn't some risk involved in what you're doing here so, seriously, thanks.
09-27-2012 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Eli808
They are only concerned about transfers from players who made phanton deposits. All the accounts for the US players have been adjusted for deposits and withdraws that were not completed. A number of the accounts have negative balances and this is what will raise concerns
Do you know what the exact plan is to deal with accounts that DO have transfers from phantom-deposit accounts? I would assume that if you have transfers from a phantom-deposit account, that amount may be deducted from your remission? A lot of us (myself included) have numerous small-ish (<$100) transfers from various staking deals etc. As long as the only risk to us is the loss of those amounts, it's not worth sweating for most people, but it would suck if some random guy sending me $64.54 for my 1% of his Sunday action two years ago put my entire balance at risk.

Any clarification/details on that would be appreciated.
09-27-2012 , 07:42 PM
Ford, I want to apologize about cussing you out before. You're just really irritating me. It's the way you attempt to involve logic in your child way of thinking and then you become so stubborn when someone makes a logical point that you spaz out on them and start reiterating exactly what they just proved wrong. Hopefully, one day you will realize that people will disagree with you and that is just the way the world is...

And IMHO, that marks the time in which a man has grown up enough to rightfully rub his winnings on his tittiez then go spend it on hookers and blow.
09-27-2012 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by I am a donkeyAA
Ford, I want to apologize about cussing you out before. You're just really irritating me. It's the way you attempt to involve logic in your child way of thinking and then you become so stubborn when someone makes a logical point that you spaz out on them and start reiterating exactly what they just proved wrong. Hopefully, one day you will realize that people will disagree with you and that is just the way the world is...

And IMHO, that marks the time in which a man has grown up enough to rightfully rub his winnings on his tittiez then go spend it on hookers and blow.
09-27-2012 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by I am a donkeyAA
And IMHO, that marks the time in which a man has grown up enough to rightfully rub his winnings on his tittiez then go spend it on hookers and blow.
09-27-2012 , 10:29 PM
Eli, thank you very much for coming here!
Do you happen to have any ideas on how they are gonna handle the cashout? They are gonna mail you a check or do a electronic direct deposit or we have the option to choose?
09-27-2012 , 11:52 PM
What are the chances that Eli is legit? 85% is my guess
