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Are big name pros dicks? Are big name pros dicks?

10-21-2016 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by sump
I heard when he plays in home games he prefers to bring the chip set.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-22-2016 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Seven Deuce
Played with several top pros and became friendly with including Marcel Luske ... but only ever asked one for a photo, which was Freedy Deeb ... really nice guy .. also Men The Master Nguyen was a genuine great guy when I spoke to him briefly
Both of those guys have shady **** in their background. Freddy Deeb's name was mentioned in the UB Superuser scandal.
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10-22-2016 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by FakeVariance
Clint Josephy = huge loser
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10-22-2016 , 12:20 PM
Obv crown jewel pic is with Stealthmunk.... Best pro of them all!
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-22-2016 , 02:29 PM
I was in a tournament with Tony G one time and actually was busted out by him AA vs my KK. I asked him for a photo and he started going off on me most likely to be funny but whatever. He told me to get on my bike. I think he then could tell I was bummed considering it was a buy in way above my usual that I satellited in. He pulled me aside to apologize and actually rebought me into the same tourny for a 5050 split of any winnings. Pretty good guy if you ask me.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-22-2016 , 05:40 PM
Would be fun to go check out a live tournament if there were any that were close by - the former mayor of my city wanted to build a casino by the lakeshore on a prime piece of government real estate that had just became available, but unfortunately the project didn't have much support from the rest of city council?

Someone at PSO who lives in Scotland goes to rail the UKIPT every year, and said it's kind of a fun change of pace from Twitch, etc
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-22-2016 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Truetellher
Does anybody have any experience meeting big name pros like Tony Gregg or Hollywood Haxton? Did you talk to them and were they nice? My read is that the pros with sponsors like somerville would be willing to talk and take pictures with their fans. Same with twitch streamers, I think someone like fees or mathew would genuinely enjoy talking with their fans. I ask because im planning to play a tournament in Europe next year but one of the main reasons why id like to go is to take pictures with pros. I wouldnt want to Timex to tell me to **** off if I ask for a picture so id rather know now before I waste my time and money. So if any of you guys have met big name pros at events let me know how it went. Thanks.
Just go to the WPT Shooting Star in San Jose. All the Shooting Star bounties agree to take pics, sign autographs, etc and do so before the start and during breaks.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-23-2016 , 04:08 AM
I played a cash game with Chris Moneymaker. He was a super nice guy. I was actually surprised by how well he came across.

I played a cash game with Greg Mueller and he was super friendly and very talkative. We chatted quite a bit. He would ask me why I made certain decisions at the poker table. He seemed like he genuinely liked learning more things about the game..also he probably wanted to understand how I think since i was an opponent.

I played cash with Chau Giang a couple times and he never said anything. It was late in the evening and he seemed to be hopping from game to game.

I watched Rob Salaburu play a cash game with a bunch of drunks that were making complete asses out of themselves and were being quite annoying to Rob and he was very quiet and reserved and didn't make a fuss about anything as he took the entire table's money.

I happened to sit next to Huck Seed at a bar in a Mexican Restaurant and he was really cool..laid back and chill. We talked a lot about poker.

I've played with TJ Cloutier in cash and tournaments. I've never had an issue with him. He took it in stride when I knocked him out of the Milly Maker AJ > AK.

I struck up a brief conversation with Ike Haxton at ARIA once. He seemed quite friendly.

Phil Hellmuth is a poker GOD and I didn't have the balls to go up to him but he looked super friendly from afar.

I played very briefly with Maria Ho and I think I rubbed her the wrong way because I said something cocky/annoying regarding a hand she played.

I sat next to Maya Geller (Patrik Antonius's wife) all day during a poker tournament and she was very nice. We were like BFFs that day.

I added Allen Kessler to a group dialogue on facebook once and he left the group without my permission and then tried to add me as a friend but I was having none of that. His buddy Mikey Borovetz seems like a great guy though.

Mike Dentale refused my twoplustwo invitation to take me out to a steak dinner.

I never asked to take photos with any of these players, although I would love to take photos with Borovetz and Dentale but have unfortunately never met either in person.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-23-2016 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by <"))))><
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10-23-2016 , 04:40 AM
Tony and Joe Hachem are ****s. Joe still thinks he's the **** even though he hasn't done anything in 10 years

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Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-23-2016 , 12:41 PM
That dude who's name I can't remember is a bit of a spare Rollie.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-23-2016 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Mike Dentale refused my twoplustwo invitation to take me out to a steak dinner.
lol ... not sure who that is, but that story's funny ... imagine that

Gosh, my power was out this morning and at lunch - just came home and it's still out Have my Pokémon Go wifi, but my phone battery's getting low ... such first world problems, so sad
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-24-2016 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Jamie Barlow
I was in a tournament with Tony G one time and actually was busted out by him AA vs my KK. I asked him for a photo and he started going off on me most likely to be funny but whatever. He told me to get on my bike. I think he then could tell I was bummed considering it was a buy in way above my usual that I satellited in. He pulled me aside to apologize and actually rebought me into the same tourny for a 5050 split of any winnings. Pretty good guy if you ask me.

"He then could tell"...... were you uncontrollably sobbing? Lol

Looked down and saw your sketchers?

You don't have to answer but I found in humor in the details left unsaid that have potential to be hilarious Are big name pros dicks?

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Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-24-2016 , 12:08 PM
I'm sure they are a lot more firendly than some regs on this forum. So go for it.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-25-2016 , 06:00 PM
RE: Tony Gregg

sincerely one of the friendliest and most sincere first interactions of anyone I've ever met.

Rep Porter; Overheard him not quietly badmouthing Bonomo at Bonomo's final table so I turn look at him ask if he is actually talking about Bonomo. I'm a professional, and dont get excited or intimidated by poker players but Rep, didn't know me from an random. He was reminding me about everything that wrong with the majority of 'successful' poker players with regard to relating to other poker players. Ungrateful, for his ability and success he finds solace in ****ting on others. Instead of understanding he is a part of a community that provides for his livelyhood and protecting it by building our brand as professionals together He immediately tried shaming and embarrassing me for asking if he was badmouthing bonomo. In the most disrespectful manner possible. If I was an amateur I wouldn't want to buyin to any game with this guy, ever. In fact I might not want to be seen around a pker room for fear of being embarrased(If I was someone else) He was potentially trying to show off for some random woman he was with. I was taken aback by his reaction but didn't take it personal, turned around went back to spectating. Rep then continued to badmouth Bonomo loudly to this woman. I walked away and She mouthed 'I'm sorry' twice as I did.

So Rep Porter can ***** for all I care, but I'd run into a burning building guys like Tony Gregg, KingDan, LuckyChewy, Big Cheese.

Last edited by KhalynYohrk; 10-25-2016 at 06:05 PM.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-25-2016 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
Stay away from Hellmuth he will probably big time you
It's my mission in life to be told off by Hellmuth after handing him a bad beat in a game.

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10-26-2016 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by GrindyMcGrinder
It's my mission in life to be told off by Hellmuth after handing him a bad beat in a game.

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Make sure you tell him you're from Northern Europe.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-28-2016 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Shumkoolie
Make sure you tell him you're from Northern Europe.
Or I could show him what we think of him in Little ****ing Italy!

I really don't understand his defenders. I can't stand it when I see the strong beating up on the weak because somehow they've been taken advantage of. Makes me want to slap my desk.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-28-2016 , 10:19 PM
I was on the rail watching hellmutrh once, in one hand he was taking a long time to act to the point the other players were getting annoyed. so i yelled to phil, "hey phill, since you have all this extra time can I get a selphie with you" needless to say he was quite rude about it, specially since he proceeded to make a bad call.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-28-2016 , 11:09 PM
you kind of sound like the ******* there tbh
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-29-2016 , 02:13 AM
Ya but that's funny and everyone should needle helmuth at every opp

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10-29-2016 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
you kind of sound like the ******* there tbh
good grief,, that was the whole idea.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-29-2016 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by rakes
a long time ago (must have been 2008 or 2009?), I saw gobboboy was playing a 5k at the venetian. He responded with a smile/hello when i shouted hi freak and weird dude. confirmed nice guy.
Still freaky. Still trying not to be a dick.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-29-2016 , 10:51 PM
I saw Gobo and Merson walking in the hall together at the 2014 wsop and I was thinking I should go up to Gobo and say, "Hey ... You are the guy from that funny Jeep .gif," and then hand my phone to Merson and say, "Do you mind taking a pic of us dude?" like I had no idea who he was. They would have been laughing about it all day. I figured esp Merson got bothered a lot, so I decided not to do it. Woulda been epic tho.
Are big name pros dicks? Quote
10-29-2016 , 11:04 PM
I've played with Esfandiari and met DN. Both were awesome and more than willing to take photo's with fans. You'll be fine!
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