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Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons

01-30-2011 , 08:36 AM
So I write instead of them because their English is not so good and I feel this decision is kind of hasty, also the reps didn't say any numbers they just sent some default ban template e-mail.

2 guys in my community who live like 20km from each other and they are playing sometimes the same limits are banned because Betfair's security team thought they were colluding. 1st one plays $20-$30 DoNs and 2nd one plays $10-$20 DoNs, they both play around 12-16 tables in the same time. So sometimes they are on the same tables but I know them and they are not that kind. They are playing basicly breakevenish or w/ small negative ROI and they are living from the rake races etc.

They are regs at those limits raking around at least $5k a month and they were both banned before they could get paid by rake races and first deposit bonus end. They both lost like $4-5k "rakeback" because of this ban.

The letters they both got:

Dear ........

In response to recent enquiries regarding your Betfair account we would like to advise that your account with us has been permanently closed following an investigation into your activities on our site. The funds in your account will be returned to you shortly.

We will suspend or terminate an account at our absolute discretion if we suspect that a user is engaging in collusion or unsporting activity which disadvantages other players unfairly.

Please also be advised that our Helpdesk will not be able to assist you with any further enquiries. This decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

Investigations Team
Dear Sir

Thank you for your query.

After reviewing your account today, we have detected clear collusion between you and another player on our poker network. As such, your account has been closed, and the balance returned to your registered Moneybookers account.

Collusion on our poker network is explicitly against our websites terms and conditions and only harms our genuine customers when carried out. When detected we will take the appropriate action.

We can confirm this decision is final.

Investigations Team
If this place isn't correct for this please move.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 08:44 AM
Pretty sure the only computer you can play 12-16 tables on Betfair software with is being used to discover the Higgs-Boson particle.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 08:47 AM
But how much did you steal?
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 08:48 AM
yeah Betfair are useless, if they were vaguely competent they would have confiscated the colluders funds and given them to the players affected by the collusion.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by timeforheroes
Pretty sure the only computer you can play 12-16 tables on Betfair software with is being used to discover the Higgs-Boson particle.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 09:03 AM
Do you trust your friends 100% Just_Dance?

I once raged on a BitTorrent community because they banned a friend for ratio cheating, which he denied and I didn't see him as that kind. Raged quite a bit before they assured me they were not wrong and my friend confessed .
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by timeforheroes
Pretty sure the only computer you can play 12-16 tables on Betfair software with is being used to discover the Higgs-Boson particle.

This was probably true when the new Ongame software was introduced, but not really anymore. My desktop computer (bought in 2007) can easily run 12 tables at Ongame if the animations are turned off. Haven't tried more than that.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 09:14 AM
snap-banning for silly reasons and then in the same post shows email where they say they have evidence of collusion.

wouldn't call colluding/cheating a silly reason myself
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 09:18 AM
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by timeforheroes
Pretty sure the only computer you can play 12-16 tables on Betfair software with is being used to discover the Higgs-Boson particle.
lol i was just about to make a similar comment
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 09:43 AM
Why don't they just play on one of numerous other Ongame skins and collude there instead?
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 10:13 AM
You can make 4-5k/mo rakeback playing $20 sng's while still clearing a deposit bonus?
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy Warbucks
You can make 4-5k/mo rakeback playing $20 sng's while still clearing a deposit bonus?
Yea exactly. Rake 5 % on these things? Thats 1$ paid / sng. Lets assume 33% rakeback so that means 15k sng's a month. Even if its 2$/sng, thats still 7.5k sng's.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 12:30 PM
Rake is 10% and high volume SNG regs are probably getting 60-80% rakeback equivalent with the bonuses.

$4-5k rakeback/mo is definitely on the higher side, but still realistic at those stakes.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 12:31 PM
How many on each team?
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Do you trust your friends 100% Just_Dance?

I once raged on a BitTorrent community because they banned a friend for ratio cheating, which he denied and I didn't see him as that kind. Raged quite a bit before they assured me they were not wrong and my friend confessed .
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 04:00 PM
@Morphine rake is 10% | rakeback equivalent with private+betfair rake races +first deposit bonus can be in the neighbourhood of 80-100% easily.

@others - The players funds weren't deducted by "colluded money amounts" (so there wasn't collusion obv just for thinking they are doing that). They got a snap ban right the day before the rake race etc payment would gonna happen.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Just_dance

@others - The players funds weren't deducted by "colluded money amounts" (so there wasn't collusion obv just for thinking they are doing that). They got a snap ban right the day before the rake race etc payment would gonna happen.
It states "clear collusion" in the quoted email. They just got their funds back because Betfair (well known to be the most incompetent management in internet gaming) are too lazy/inept to confiscate funds and reimburse affected players.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 04:42 PM
is collusion really a stupid reason?
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 04:49 PM
Pretty big coincidence that Betfair bans 2 players for colluding and they just happen to be friends with each other..
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by blackjacki2
Pretty big coincidence that Betfair bans 2 players for colluding and they just happen to be friends with each other..
It isn't really a coincidence. Things that make sites suspect colluding are things that could also just mean they are friends. For example IP addresses traced to the same area, more-than-avarage similar playing times (eg. both go to same school -> both are often online/offline at the same times) and also when people start playing poker they probably are more likely to start playing the same format their friends play than random guy would -> likelihood that both grind DoNs.

What I am trying to say is that it's not really necessarily coincidence that they are suspected for colluding and friends. Friends have the same things in common than colluding players have.

It's pretty useless to speculate this here, we don't have any information (not even SNs) so it's all just guessing.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 06:40 PM
just post their SNs, and someone can do that sharkscope thing comparing their winrates together vs their winrates apart.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 07:09 PM
Betfair have done this kind of thing b4, but i know of no one that has ever recieved funds because colluding players cheated them.A friend during one of their rake races was also banned just b4 the end of the rake race,the reason given for bloking another players tables.What happened was other lad was joining all my friends hu tables,so my friend decided to join all his hu cash tables, he sat out and refused to play my friend who said leave then, the lad protested to betfair and they banned my friend even though he was sat in ready to play on all tables.It cost my friend the reward of 110% rake back for one month, so he left betfair,when they realised he was one of the biggest rakers on their then dieing site they tried to get him back making all sorts of offers.....betfair equal muppets so although these players might have been colluding its def not a sure thing because betfair say so.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 07:58 PM
You're not gonna get much sympathy if all you say is that they couldn't possibly have colluded because "I know them and they are not that kind." Cheaters have friends too. Betfair's statement that they detected "clear collusion" is pretty damn strong.

I think you're implying that Betfair might have closed their accounts to take their rake race/bonus money? That's pretty hard to believe.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
01-30-2011 , 08:04 PM

Somebody please kill me.
Betfair is snap-banning players for silly reasons Quote
