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Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine

10-28-2008 , 01:38 PM
First thing you see when you go to a horse table on full tilt or Omaha hi lo is benyamine ivey hansen and sometimes antonius playing quite often. I dunno if anyone else has noticed but almost all Gus's profit this month are entirely from benyamine. I knew he was losing but i didnt realize how much until i looked up his stats. According to high stakes db Benyamine is down a ridiculous 5.8 MILLION this year in omaha hi lo alone in just the monitored game, but up 6 MIL in PLO. If this guy just stuck to PLO he would actually be a winner online but because hes such a degen hes donated in all the other games. I just think this guy is a complete degenerate and when he said he was a 6.5 mil loser last year it didnt surprise me at all, i think hes doing the same thing this year also but instead of losing at NL its OMaha HI lo if he keeps this up he wont even be up all that much. I mean most people wouldnt even realize he was such a big loser in the other game if he wasnt up so much in PLO. According to high stakes db says if up 3-4 mil the O8 before they started monitoring the games. So yea i think he really is Dengenyamine but that my opinion, what do you think?
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 01:40 PM
Mr. B is good at the pokerz
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mookman5
Mr. B is good at the pokerz
he is but that doesnt mean he isnt a complete degen
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:06 PM
i believe they are all degens ,as well as most of us on 2+2 posting and reading this garbage all day
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:24 PM
rakeback pro imo
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
i believe they are all degens ,as well as most of us on 2+2 posting and reading this garbage all day
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by d0nk3y
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:27 PM
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by DBKKK
Firstthingyouseewhenyougotoahorsetableonfulltiltor Omaha hiloisbenyamineiveyhansenandsometimesantoniusplayi ngquiteoften.Idunnoif anyoneelsehasnoticedbutalmostallGus'sprofitthismon thareentirelyfrombenyamine. Iknewhewaslosingbutididntrealizehowmuchuntililooke duphisstats.Accordingtohigh stakesdbBenyamineisdownaridiculous5.8MILLIONthisye arinomahahiloaloneinjust themonitoredgame,butup6 MILinPLO.IfthisguyjuststucktoPLOhewouldactuallybea winneronlinebutbecausehessuchadegenhesdonatedinall theothergames.Ijustthink thisguyisacompletedegenerateandwhenhesaidhewasa6.5 milloserlastyearitdidnt surprisemeatall,ithinkhesdoingthesamethingthisyear alsobutinsteadoflosingatNLits OMahaHIloifhekeepsthisuphewontevenbeupallthatmuch. Imeanmostpeoplewouldnt evenrealizehewassuchabigloserintheothergamifhewasn tupsomuchin PLO.Accordingtohighstakesdbsaysifup3-4miltheO8beforetheystartedmonitoring the games.SoyeaithinkhereallyisDengenyaminebutthatmyop inion,whatdoyou think?
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 03:40 PM
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 03:44 PM
Mr. B is a winning poker player, he is going to busto pyramids account.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by SoUnreal
Mr. B is a winning poker player, he is going to busto pyramids account.
who is that chic??? AMAZINGLY hot
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:10 PM
He is a degen. Then again, most poker players are.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:22 PM
he is pretty good.... i mean he prolly has more moeny then the majority of people on these forums thanks to poker so... yea but im definitly not saying hes degen.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
who is that chic??? AMAZINGLY hot
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:39 PM
The important thing is that he can afford to lose that much at hi lo. I'm sure he imagines that he will eventually be a winner in that game too and that nothing will stop him.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:47 PM
awesome thread
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:50 PM
I read an article about him in a UK poker magazine and he was saying things like, '' im not even sure if im up or down over the last 2 years'' and ''i dont care whether its a $170k pot or a $550k pot, figures dont mean nothing to me''. He says his daughter is the most important thing in his life and not money.
Hes not a degen, he just has more important things to worry about then what his FT account balance is.
The next archie karas imo
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:54 PM
I thought O8 was one of his best games?

That's pretty ridiculous if he's down that much, though High stakes DB has him at like 9mil up overall doesn't it?
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by SSDas
I thought O8 was one of his best games?

That's pretty ridiculous if he's down that much, though High stakes DB has him at like 9mil up overall doesn't it?
makes it sicker imo.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:27 PM
He was up like over $1 million for the month of June I think.

Definitely a degen though, but then so am I.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by DannyVegas89
I read an article about him in a UK poker magazine and he was saying things like, '' im not even sure if im up or down over the last 2 years'' and ''i dont care whether its a $170k pot or a $550k pot, figures dont mean nothing to me''. He says his daughter is the most important thing in his life and not money.
Hes not a degen, he just has more important things to worry about then what his FT account balance is.
The next archie karas imo
He's not a degen/ Next archie karas...

i belive that's an oxi-moron (spelling)

p.s If you're reading this thread - 1000000000% you're a degen as well.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by capelli13
The important thing is that he can afford to lose that much at hi lo. I'm sure he imagines that he will eventually be a winner in that game too and that nothing will stop him.
The important thing is you have no clue who is funding his losses.

wasn't he stuck like half a mill to antonious /God last yr at some point?

Who gives a <<<< about if he has it or not. the dudes a straight up gambler like the rest of us. Can't believe i waste time reading thru some of these.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
Who gives a <<<< about if he has it or not. the dudes a straight up gambler like the rest of us. Can't believe i waste time reading thru some of these.
You don't like ___________ is a degen/is busto/is playing 10-20 @ Bellagio with Phil Laak threads? They're epic.
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
You don't like ___________ is a degen/is busto/is playing 10-20 @ Bellagio with Phil Laak threads? They're epic.

some are HIGHlarious - jus think this one is more pointless then the OP's existence on earth
Benyamine is truly a Degenyamine Quote
