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Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha

01-05-2007 , 10:22 PM

In the past 30 minutes, magicpitch has made just over $250,000.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-05-2007 , 10:25 PM
The big game's over:

magicpitch1: ow
magicpitch1: i won 500
krist123 (Observer): very nice
magicpitch1: in 2hrs

Dags still sitting there with 300k, but he's in a lot. Zig's left and Magic's sitting out. New players there now.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-05-2007 , 10:29 PM
Zigmund and Dags were playijng HU at first, and both sat out when Magic joined them. Both asked him in chat to leave, but he wouldn't. Dags said something like "David, just this once HU" but still Magic wouldn't go. Dags then said he didn't mind playing one three-handed table, if he could play Zig heads up on another. But Magic joined both their tables, and ended up with the money from Zigmund which Dags clearly wanted for himself!
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:08 PM
They're at it again, this time with Sgrugby too. Magic's sitting on 80k as we speak but he's in for that.

Dealer: Hand #1545976475
Dealer: John DAgostino posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: sbrugby folds
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $400
Dealer: John DAgostino calls $200
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $1,600
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $1,200
Dealer: John DAgostino calls $1,200
Dealer: The flop is [3c 8h 4h]
Dealer: John DAgostino checks
Dealer: Ziigmund checks
Dealer: magicpitch1 bets $4,400
Dealer: John DAgostino raises to $18,000
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $18,000
Dealer: magicpitch1 raises to $26,198, and is all in
Dealer: John DAgostino calls $8,198
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $8,198
Dealer: The turn is [Qc]
Dealer: John DAgostino checks
Dealer: Ziigmund checks
Dealer: The river is [9s]
Dealer: John DAgostino bets $41,697
szogo (Observer): nice pot
Dealer: Ziigmund folds
Dealer: Uncalled bet of $41,697 returned to John
Dealer: John DAgostino shows two pair, Nines and
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows three of a kind, Threes
Dealer: magicpitch1 wins the pot ($83,392) with
three of a kind, Threes
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:08 PM
Sgrugby's sitting on 98k as we speak, in for 40. Just won this one:

Dealer: Hand #1545985301
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: sbrugby posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $400
Dealer: John DAgostino folds
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $1,600
Dealer: sbrugby calls $1,200
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $1,200
Dealer: The flop is [5s 2d Jh]
Dealer: Ziigmund bets $4,800
Dealer: sbrugby raises to $12,000
Dealer: magicpitch1 folds
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $19,200
Dealer: sbrugby calls $7,200
Dealer: The turn is [7d]
Dealer: Ziigmund bets $1,800, and is all in
Dealer: sbrugby calls $1,800
Dealer: Ziigmund shows [Qs Qd Ah 8c]
Dealer: sbrugby shows [Kd Ac 5c Jc]
Dealer: The river is [3s]
Dealer: Ziigmund shows a pair of Queens
Dealer: sbrugby shows two pair, Jacks and Fives
Dealer: sbrugby wins the pot ($46,798) with two pair,
Jacks and Fives
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:13 PM
Dealer: Hand #1546026992
Dealer: sbrugby posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: magicpitch1 posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $1,400
Dealer: sbrugby calls $1,200
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $1,000
Dealer: The flop is [7c 8c 7d]
Dealer: sbrugby checks
Dealer: magicpitch1 checks
Dealer: Ziigmund checks
Dealer: The turn is [Qd]
Dealer: sbrugby bets $3,250
Dealer: magicpitch1 folds
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $13,950
Dealer: sbrugby calls $10,700
Dealer: The river is [Ah]
Dealer: sbrugby checks
Dealer: Ziigmund bets $32,100
Dealer: sbrugby has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: sbrugby calls $32,100
Dealer: Ziigmund shows two pair, Sevens and Fives
Dealer: sbrugby shows a full house, Sevens full of
Dealer: sbrugby wins the pot ($96,299) with a full
house, Sevens full of Eights
Dealer: Ziigmund adds $35,254
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:23 PM
Magicpitch had a lucky escape catching an ace when he flopped two-pair and a draw versus Zigmund's made straight on a KQJ board. Then this hand:

Dealer: Hand #1546080922
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: magicpitch1 posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $1,200
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $800
Dealer: The flop is [7h 2h Td]
Dealer: magicpitch1 checks
Dealer: Ziigmund bets $2,400
Dealer: magicpitch1 raises to $9,600
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $7,200
Dealer: The turn is [Ts]
Dealer: magicpitch1 bets $21,600
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $43,200
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $4,281.50, and is all in
Dealer: Ziigmund shows [Qd Tc 2s 4c]
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows [Qh 8d Jh 9h]
Dealer: Uncalled bet of $17,318.50 returned to
Dealer: The river is [8c]
Dealer: Ziigmund shows a full house, Tens full of
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows a straight, Jack high
Dealer: Ziigmund wins the pot ($73,362.50) with a
full house, Tens full of Twos
Dealer: magicpitch1 adds $40,000

The other two are sitting out so it's HU.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:24 PM
Cry me a river:

Dealer: Hand #1546100709
Dealer: magicpitch1 posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: magicpitch1 raises to $1,200
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $3,600
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $2,400
Dealer: The flop is [7h 7c Td]
Dealer: Ziigmund bets $7,200
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $7,200
Dealer: The turn is [5h]
Dealer: Ziigmund checks
Dealer: magicpitch1 bets $10,800
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $54,000
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $35,998.50, and is all in
Dealer: Ziigmund shows [Ah Jd 7d 4s]
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows [4c 5s 4d 5d]
Dealer: Uncalled bet of $7,201.50 returned to
Dealer: The river is [Ad]
Dealer: Ziigmund shows a full house, Sevens full of
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows a full house, Fives full of
Dealer: Ziigmund wins the pot ($115,196.50) with a
full house, Sevens full of Aces
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:26 PM
Sbrugby's just come back, no doubt looking for a 300k pot to take Zigmund's stack...
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:29 PM
Wow, bad fold I bet!!

Dealer: Hand #1546128842
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: sbrugby posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $400
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $1,600
Dealer: sbrugby folds
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $1,200
Dealer: The flop is [Ts 3c 9d]
Dealer: Ziigmund checks
Dealer: magicpitch1 checks
TakeAChillPill (Observer): Zigmund, are you really
Mike Sexton ??
Dealer: The turn is [Th]
Dealer: Ziigmund bets $3,600
Dealer: magicpitch1 raises to $12,400
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $26,600
Dealer: magicpitch1 raises to $51,198, and is all in
Dealer: Ziigmund folds
Dealer: Uncalled bet of $24,598 returned to
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows [7s 4c 4h 8h] (two pair,
Tens and Fours)
Dealer: magicpitch1 wins the pot ($56,799)
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:32 PM
Dealer: Hand #1546143662
Dealer: sbrugby posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: magicpitch1 posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $1,400
Dealer: sbrugby folds
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $1,000
Dealer: The flop is [3c 2h Kh]
discopoker66 (Observer): SBRUGBY im curious how
manyFTP's do you guys get up to ???????????
Dealer: magicpitch1 checks
Dealer: Ziigmund bets $3,000
Dealer: magicpitch1 raises to $12,000
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $9,000
Dealer: The turn is [Js]
Dealer: magicpitch1 bets $27,000
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $27,000
Dealer: The river is [2c]
wck117 (Observer): sick game going on here
JimDixon (Observer): CAKK
JimDixon (Observer): CALL
Dealer: magicpitch1 has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: magicpitch1 bets $30,400
JimDixon (Observer): HE HAS BUSTED FLUSH
W84M3 (Observer): fold
JimDixon (Observer): CALLL
wck117 (Observer): he missed
W84M3 (Observer): call
W84M3 (Observer): fold
JimDixon (Observer): CALL I PAY U BACK
Dealer: Ziigmund has 15 seconds left to act
JimDixon (Observer): IF U LOS
JimDixon (Observer): EI PROMISE
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $30,400
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows two pair, Kings and
Dealer: Ziigmund mucks
Dealer: magicpitch1 wins the pot ($141,799) with
two pair, Kings and Threes
Dealer: Hand #1546151995
Dealer: magicpitch1 posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the big blind of $400
JimDixon (Observer): wow man u really suck
Dealer: sbrugby raises to $1,400
JimDixon (Observer): I meant CALL IF U HAVE A
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:54 PM
Sbrugby is playing Zigmund on another table, eg:

Dealer: Hand #1546271704
Dealer: sbrugby posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: sbrugby raises to $1,200
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $3,600
Dealer: sbrugby calls $2,400
Dealer: The flop is [Jd 2c Kc]
Dealer: Ziigmund checks
Dealer: sbrugby bets $7,200
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $28,800
Dealer: sbrugby raises to $37,599.50, and is all in
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $8,799.50
Dealer: sbrugby shows [5h Td 9s Kh]
Dealer: Ziigmund shows [8s Jc Ks 9c]
Dealer: The turn is [Qd]
Dealer: The river is [Ac]
Dealer: sbrugby shows a straight, Ace high
Dealer: Ziigmund shows a flush, Ace high
Dealer: Ziigmund wins the pot ($82,398.50) with a flush, Ace high
Dealer: sbrugby is sitting out
Dealer: sbrugby adds $40,000
Dealer: sbrugby has returned

Next hand:
Dealer: Hand #1546276182
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: sbrugby posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $1,200
Dealer: sbrugby raises to $3,600
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $2,400
Dealer: The flop is [Jh 6h Qc]
Dealer: sbrugby bets $7,200
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $28,800
Dealer: sbrugby raises to $36,400, and is all in
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $7,600
Dealer: sbrugby shows [4c 4h Js Jd]
Dealer: Ziigmund shows [As Qh 9h Kc]
Dealer: The turn is [6c]
Dealer: The river is [8h]
Dealer: sbrugby shows a full house, Jacks full of Sixes
Dealer: Ziigmund shows a flush, Queen high
Dealer: sbrugby wins the pot ($79,999.50) with a full house, Jacks full of
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 07:54 PM
WTF was this?

Dealer: Hand #1546277852
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the small blind of $200
Dealer: sbrugby posts the big blind of $400
Dealer: ByTheBy calls $400
Dealer: magicpitch1 calls $400
Dealer: Gus Hansen folds
Dealer: Luck123 folds
cchen54 (Observer): sup
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $2,000
Dealer: sbrugby folds
Nelob (Observer): lol ziig u gotta stop with poker
man, you lost a lot lately
Kardsh4rk (Observer): ok railbirds. in about 8 min
there is a charity SNG with 3 pros in ...
Dealer: ByTheBy raises to $6,800
Dealer: magicpitch1 raises to $22,800
JuniorZip21 (Observer): where?
Kardsh4rk (Observer): under private tournies ...
$5+$5 buyin
JuniorZip21 (Observer): when?
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $20,800
Dealer: ByTheBy calls $7,200, and is all in
Dealer: The flop is [2s Js 7c]
Kardsh4rk (Observer): 8 min
namisgr (Observer): Magicpitch is a megalo
Dealer: Ziigmund checks
JuniorZip21 (Observer): ok
Dealer: magicpitch1 bets $60,000
Dealer: Ziigmund calls $16,997, and is all in
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows [Kc Ac As 9h]
Kardsh4rk (Observer): p/w is grant
Dealer: Ziigmund shows [3c 6h 4c Ah]
Dealer: ByTheBy shows [7h 9d 8s Ad]
jcg2005 (Observer): search andy bloch
Dealer: Uncalled bet of $43,003 returned to
Dealer: The turn is [Kh]
Pro Snowboarder (Observer): hello again Kardshark.
Dealer: The river is [Jh]
Dealer: magicpitch1 shows two pair, Aces and Jacks
Dealer: Ziigmund shows a pair of Jacks
Dealer: magicpitch1 wins the side pot ($51,594) with
two pair, Aces and Jacks
Dealer: ByTheBy shows two pair, Jacks and Sevens
Dealer: magicpitch1 wins the main pot ($42,397)
with two pair, Aces and Jacks
wck117 (Observer): this is nt hi lo bro
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-06-2007 , 08:00 PM
Game's broken up.

Magic on 205, in for at least 120
Sbrugby on 153 and 106, in for 160 I think.

Zig lost the most.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-30-2007 , 11:00 PM

where everybodey dessapeared from full tilt?
i havent seen david benyamine for 1000 years!
what happenned to him, when he usually plays?
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-31-2007 , 01:03 AM
Magicpitch aka Benyamine was playing yesterday on Stars and FT.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-31-2007 , 01:22 AM
what happened to TLK? busto?
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-31-2007 , 12:48 PM
Wow these guys are nuts or they have TMM syndrome. 2/4 PL omaha is a big enough game for me.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
01-31-2007 , 06:00 PM
i like watching the high stakes FT games, but usually have no idea who i'm there a database of who's who somewhere for these screenames?
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
02-02-2007 , 08:45 PM
I know Benyamine signed with Mansion but I'm not sure if they restrict where he plays
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
02-04-2007 , 05:01 AM
Benyamine has a rough start for February. In only 4 days I have him down about 440k. In yesterdays session he lost 380k alone. Fortunately for him he is still up because of January and December results.

Of course some sick hands, full house over full house, K-high straight vs. Nut-straight etc.

But my nominee of the best hand for this month so far is........

Full Tilt Poker Game #1717308703: Table Pantheon (6 max) - $200/$400 - Pot Limit Omaha - 2:11:35 ET - 2007/02/02
Seat 1: sbrugby ($80,345)
Seat 5: John DAgostino ($50,596)
Seat 6: SheFaLLs ($72,196)
John DAgostino posts the small blind of $200
SheFaLLs posts the big blind of $400
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
sbrugby folds
John DAgostino raises to $1,200
SheFaLLs calls $800
*** FLOP *** [Jc 3d 4d]
John DAgostino bets $2,400
SheFaLLs raises to $9,600
John DAgostino calls $7,200
*** TURN *** [Jc 3d 4d] [5d]
John DAgostino checks
SheFaLLs bets $15,600
John DAgostino has 15 seconds left to act
John DAgostino raises to $39,796, and is all in
SheFaLLs calls $24,196
John DAgostino shows [Kd 8d 9c Ah]
SheFaLLs shows [2d Ad Jd 3c]
*** RIVER *** [Jc 3d 4d 5d] [Js]
John DAgostino shows a flush, King high
SheFaLLs shows a straight flush, Five high
SheFaLLs wins the pot ($101,191) with a straight flush, Five high
John DAgostino adds $40,000
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $101,192 | Rake $1
Board: [Jc 3d 4d 5d Js]
Seat 1: sbrugby (button) didn’t bet (folded)
Seat 5: John DAgostino (small blind) showed [Kd 8d 9c Ah] and lost with a flush, King high
Seat 6: SheFaLLs (big blind) showed [2d Ad Jd 3c] and won ($101,191) with a straight flush, Five high

And the biggest hand so far:

FullTiltPoker Game #1724323387: Table Pantheon (6 max) - $200/$400 - Pot Limit Omaha - 7:01:31 ET - 2007/02/03
Seat 3: magicpitch1 ($50,594)
Seat 4: SheFaLLs ($82,186)
Seat 6: sbrugby ($109,743)
magicpitch1 posts the small blind of $200
SheFaLLs posts the big blind of $400
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
sbrugby raises to $1,400
magicpitch1 calls $1,200
SheFaLLs raises to $5,600
sbrugby calls $4,200
magicpitch1 calls $4,200
*** FLOP *** [Kd 4s Qs]
magicpitch1 checks
SheFaLLs bets $16,000
gwaihir (Observer): why not 200 400 in holdem
sbrugby raises to $64,800
magicpitch1 folds
SheFaLLs raises to $76,586, and is all in
sbrugby calls $11,786
SheFaLLs shows [Ks Jh Kc Ah]
sbrugby shows [As 6s 4h Th]
*** TURN *** [Kd 4s Qs] [6h]
*** RIVER *** [Kd 4s Qs 6h] [8d]
SheFaLLs shows three of a kind, Kings
sbrugby shows two pair, Sixes and Fours
SheFaLLs wins the pot ($169,971) with three of a kind, Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $169,972 | Rake $1
Board: [Kd 4s Qs 6h 8d]
Seat 3: magicpitch1 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: SheFaLLs (big blind) showed [Ks Jh Kc Ah] and won ($169,971) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 6: sbrugby (button) showed [As 6s 4h Th] and lost with two pair, Sixes and Fours

Later guys
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
02-24-2007 , 08:29 AM
Benyamine had a nice session, working his way up to 160k. Unfortunately, bad luck was coming to town and he had several beats. Like:

FullTiltPoker Game #1861799374: Table Eginton (6 max) - $200/$400 - Pot Limit Omaha - 6:54:55 ET - 2007/02/24
Seat 1: Ben Grundy ($18,192)
Seat 2: Luck123 ($8,000), is sitting out
Seat 3: Gus Hansen ($34,384)
Seat 4: luther41 ($95,192)
Seat 5: peterpan777 ($72,770)
Seat 6: ballsrider ($100,885.50)
peterpan777 posts the small blind of $200
ballsrider posts the big blind of $400
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Ben Grundy folds
peterpan777: wow
Gus Hansen folds
luther41 folds
peterpan777 raises to $1,200
ballsrider calls $800
*** FLOP *** [As 8s 4h]
peterpan777 bets $2,400
ballsrider calls $2,400
*** TURN *** [As 8s 4h] [7h]
peterpan777 checks
ballsrider bets $7,200
Ben Grundy: no outs if u have me beat
Ben Grundy: no gutshot
peterpan777 raises to $28,800
ballsrider calls $21,600
*** RIVER *** [As 8s 4h 7h] [Ts]
peterpan777 bets $40,370, and is all in
ballsrider has 15 seconds left to act
ballsrider calls $40,370
*** SHOW DOWN ***
peterpan777 shows [Js 6h 4s Ah] (a flush, Ace high)
ballsrider mucks
peterpan777 wins the pot ($145,538) with a flush, Ace high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $145,540 | Rake $2
Board: [As 8s 4h 7h Ts]
Seat 1: Ben Grundy didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Luck123 is sitting out
Seat 3: Gus Hansen didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: luther41 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: peterpan777 (small blind) collected ($145,538)
Seat 6: ballsrider (big blind) mucked

And a sick one at the very end:
FullTiltPoker Game #1861842421: Table Eginton (6 max) - $200/$400 - Pot Limit Omaha - 7:16:27 ET - 2007/02/24
Seat 1: Ben Grundy ($79,569)
Seat 2: Luck123 ($6,000)
Seat 3: Gus Hansen ($58,043)
Seat 4: luther41 ($49,447.50)
Seat 5: peterpan777 ($149,329)
Seat 6: ballsrider ($39,400)
peterpan777 posts the small blind of $200
ballsrider posts the big blind of $400
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Ben Grundy folds
Gus Hansen raises to $1,400
luther41 calls $1,400
peterpan777 calls $1,200
ballsrider raises to $7,000
Gus Hansen calls $5,600
luther41 calls $5,600
Houston Jim (Observer): benyamine is card counting
peterpan777 folds
*** FLOP *** [Th Ts 6s]
Ben Grundy stands up
ballsrider has 15 seconds left to act
ballsrider bets $10,000
SheFaLLs adds $40,000
Gus Hansen has 15 seconds left to act
Gus Hansen raises to $20,000
luther41 folds
ballsrider raises to $32,400, and is all in
Gus Hansen calls $12,400
ballsrider shows [Ac 2d Ah 6h]
Gus Hansen shows [9h Ks Kh Td]
*** TURN *** [Th Ts 6s] [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [Th Ts 6s Tc] [4d]
ballsrider shows a full house, Tens full of Aces
Hsp13 (Observer): wooooow
Gus Hansen shows four of a kind, Tens
Gus Hansen wins the pot ($87,198) with four of a kind, Tens
ballsrider is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $87,200 | Rake $2
Board: [Th Ts 6s Tc 4d]
Seat 1: Ben Grundy didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Luck123 is sitting out
Seat 3: Gus Hansen showed [9h Ks Kh Td] and won ($87,198) with four of a kind, Tens
Seat 4: luther41 (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: peterpan777 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: ballsrider (big blind) showed [Ac 2d Ah 6h] and lost with a full house, Tens full of Aces

Fortunately for Balls, he is still up for the month.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
02-24-2007 , 08:38 AM
Fortunately for Balls, he is still up for the month.
for his sake, hopefully a ****ton, because he's down 1.5mill+ at NLHE this month
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
02-24-2007 , 08:56 AM
Fortunately for Balls, he is still up for the month.
for his sake, hopefully a ****ton, because he's down 1.5mill+ at NLHE this month
Indeed. I believe Limit Hold'em, next to PLO is his strong game. He is pretty bad or average at NLHE.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
02-24-2007 , 11:58 AM
Sucks for Gus that DB "only" had 39k on that quads vs. boat hand.
Benyamine (and others) on FT omaha Quote
