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Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker

06-06-2013 , 04:10 PM
"I don't have a horse in this race" @BenMezrich.

Ya thats because you are the horse.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 04:27 PM
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Beefeater
Ben, can you explain how the book was originally conceived, and just who approached who? Did Scott Tom and Oscar Hilt Tatum approach you with this idea?
From the Forbes article:

"Basically, it started with an email from one of the founders of Absolute Poker..."
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 05:46 PM
Ben is nothing more than an AP mouth piece. He was paid by the criminals to write a book about them and he did. End of story. Think of this as nothing more than the typical AP press releases that came out with lie after lie after lie.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 06:14 PM
Ugh. This guy is a horrible mix of false cluelessness ("i'm just writing a kind of non fictional book guys!" ) and cynical. He does not give a flying **** whether he is writing total bull**** and unfortunately all we are doing is giving his book more publicity.

He loves it. He is the authorial equivalent of Fox News. With Fox the more outraged people are, the more they discuss it - the more the advertisers love it.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 06:26 PM
it's sitting at 1,541st position on amazon according to some sales ranking website. i doubt this is doing him much good press.

myself and a few others laid into him on the book's amazon reviews section. come join the fun!
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
it's sitting at 1,541st position on amazon according to some sales ranking website. i doubt this is doing him much good press.

myself and a few others laid into him on the book's amazon reviews section. come join the fun!
The thing I noticed last night was when people were tweeting at him saying things like "Just ordered straight flush, excited to read" and stuff like that some dude would just tweet back saying "Don't read that crap its all lies anyway", which I thought was funny.

I think the constant twitter bashing does the most good. I mean, look at what Annie Duke had to do. She literally had to get dozens and dozens of friends to constantly tweet good things about her or about articles she wrote so that when you search her its not all tweets calling her a cheater.

When someone looks up a screen name on twitter and half of the tweets at him/her are calling him/her a liar I think the points get across pretty clear.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 07:43 PM
‏@haralabob 10m
I really wish someone would take the time to listen to the UB tapes and tell him exactly when Scott Tom is named. @melissalvla @BenMezrich

@haralabob 8m
Respectfully, @benmezrich do yourself a favor and listen to the UB coverup tapes, Scott Tom is named as an owner of the new AP/UB company.

@benmezrich 5m
@haralabob what year. 2007? 2008? Scott and hilt maintain they were years out by Black Friday, 2011. Will listen, interesting stuff!

@haralabob 4m
@benmezrich They also claimed the same when Cereus was formed. My point is they are habitually lying in an attempt to obfuscate ownership.

@haralabob 2m
@benmezrich 1. Claimed AJ green was cheater (proven false) 2. Claimed Scott Tom had no involvement in Cereus (proven false) see a pattern?

@benmezrich 1m
@haralabob I get what you're saying. But they maintain they were years away from running the company by Black Friday.

Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1

@benmezrich 1m
@haralabob I get what you're saying. But they maintain they were years away from running the company by Black Friday.
Indeed. They had already taken the money and run.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by MauiPunter
Ben is nothing more than an AP mouth piece. He was paid by the criminals to write a book about them and he did. End of story. Think of this as nothing more than the typical AP press releases that came out with lie after lie after lie.

Haralabus basically outlines that they are lying and he just takes their word (who happen to be cheating scumbags who stole millions of dollars) for it. Ben isn't concerned about the facts.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
it's sitting at 1,541st position on amazon according to some sales ranking website. i doubt this is doing him much good press.

myself and a few others laid into him on the book's amazon reviews section. come join the fun!
I suggest everyone do this.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-06-2013 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by incrowd
Taking Ben at his word that he wrote this foolish book with good intentions, what needs to happen now is a sequel titled "The Education of Ben Mezrich"

More than anything else, his book is embarrassing. Cluelessly repeating statements of people trying to cover their own ass combined with factual errors leads to a book that makes him look like an incompetent fool as a writer to anyone who knows some of the details of the events involved. The general public might find it entertaining if they are fully unaware of the events, but to use the Hitler comparison, a book that doesn't just quote Hitler saying he didn't know about the Holocaust, but itself asserts there was no Holocaust is not just a bad a book. It's an ignorant one, so Ben needs to do some learning before he embarrasses himself further.

The DOJ seizure did nothing to cause players to lose money. What it did was cause Scott Tom to lose his ability to profit from running a business recklessly. There is never any reason that player deposits should be in jeopardy, except for that amount of money in transit to and from bank accounts. This amount of money should be covered by a financial reserve should the money be lost somehow. That reserve should not have been used on hookers and cocaine and ugly cars. This should be the key bottom line you need to learn, Ben. Absolute failed 100% only because of bad and dishonorable business practices.

The daily and monthly revenue numbers you repeatedly quoted were meaningless. Payments to affiliates for providing players, payments to processors, payments to support staff and lawyers and engineers cut into that gross revenue. Absolute did make a lot of money, most of which Scott and Hilt hid from other owners, but Absolute was never as large an entity as your book makes out. A company 1/10the size of Pokerstars is not one of the biggest companies on the Internet.

At one point you fawn over the $250,000 annual salary of Buckley, who had one of the most critical roles at Absolute. 250k is small potatoes in the poker world. Lots of players make that. Lots of employees of the bigger online poker companies make more. Of all the items in your book, the fact that Buckley made so little money in his key role is the one eye opener, if it is true.

Your assertion that absolute had to fail without American players is wrong, as was your assertion about the percentage of players that were Americans. Absolute was more vulnerable than Tilt or Stars because its flawed company policy depended much more heavily on Americans than the other poker rooms, including Party and 888 and others before them. Prior to Black Friday, 90% of AP's business may have been from the US, but Pokerscout showed only about 33% of Stars was. Tilt was somewhere inbetween. The point again is your frat boy buddies built a a business doomed to fail from their own decisions.

Get a lamp and try to find anyone in the industry who believes Scott Tom wasn't the key person with Absolute until the very end. The frat boys told you a bunch of lies and half-truths and made you look incompetent. Just because Scott Tom didn't sleep in the office anymore does not mean he wasn't the ultimate boss for the tangled web of shell companies that controlled Absolute.

Ben, some people here read your book and think you are a deliberate liar. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were gullible, biased and incompetent. Those are the only two choices though, especially after some of the assertions you've made about the DOJ and so on. Educate yourself and you may be able to undue some of the damage you have done to your own reputation.
The really sad part of this whole situation is that it is highly likely that Ben knows and understands all of the above.

However, to him it doesn't matter. He wrote the book because, and only because, it would result in him profiting and achieving a higher degree of fame and name/brand value.

Ben doesn't care about the truth, doesn't care about his role in aiding bad people to profit and spew out falsely positive PR, and doesn't care about any of the concepts we are roasting him for. He is happy to completely discard integrity if it means he is able to sell more copies of a book to an admittedly stupid target audience.

For that, Ben, **** you.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by HindRider
"...The book has received decent reviews, even from New York Times critic Janet Maslin..."
Holy crap, anyone that reads Maslin's critique (see below) and says she gave it a "decent review" is either clueless, lying, or both.

Originally Posted by sba9630
Hey, We’ll Be Rich! Uh oh, They Passed a Law. Now We’re Going to Jail!
‘Straight Flush’ by Ben Mezrich

Published: May 22, 2013
What ethically challenged billionaire would not welcome the journalistic cosseting of Ben Mezrich? With each new book, Mr. Mezrich becomes increasingly adept at how to use his kid gloves. He is expert at making up conversations he did not hear, sexing up parties he did not attend, pumping up the thrills of getting rich quick and playing down the legal liabilities of characters who may have done a teeny bit of innocent law-bending or moral compromising on their ways to the top.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 09:34 AM
my amazon review..was I too kind? How this piece of literary work (andi use that term VERY loosely) could ever be billed as a "true story" is totaly beyond me. it seems mr. Mezrich doesn't care about facts in the slightest. his portrayal of these scumbags is not based in fact in any way shape or form,with the possible exception of how they partied it up. (of course leaving out the fact that the money used to do so, was stolen from innocent players) Amazon should use due diligence, and require him to remove his "true story" billing and put this book into the fiction section post haste. if your looking for a poorly writen, overly dramatic book of lies, then you might enjoy this book. otherwise I would suggest passing on this one. two thumbs down. (more if I had more thumbs)
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 10:26 AM
As fiction and entertainment I thought it was a true story not even close!
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 01:04 PM
i edited his wiki so all his books are now listed as fiction. makes me feel better. honestly believe that this should be the way it stays, as literally NONE of his books are true works of non fiction anyway. they're all mostly "based" on true stories.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by benmezrich
Ok, lots of posts, too many to try to respond to right now, but first off, let me start by saying I agree with many of these points concerning the end game at AB/UB vs Pokerstars; in the book I think it's clear (though many of you seem to disagree) that Black Friday left the players devastated because the business, due to prohibition-like persecution, was being run using overseas, shady payment processing, with no regulations protecting player money; the nature of the payment system was inherently flawed because of these complex steps the companies had to take to get money in and out of the US via these phony 'companies' (i.e. the ones selling nonexistant golf balls, flower delivery, etc,). I think there's a pretty good explanation on this link:

that seems, to me, to explain some aspects of what was going on in all of these companies, and why PokerStars was able to pay back accounts while other companies couldn't. This isn't the kind of writing I do, and it wouldn't fit in the kind of book I write; but I'm sure many of you can go even farther to explain that aspect of how things went bad. The broad strokes, in my opinion, are how i described it- and I maintain that the blame should be aimed at the DOJ and UIGEA for setting this all in motion and creating this prohibition atmosphere. But I don't have a horse in this race, you can blame whoever you'd like. Scott and Hilt maintain that for the final several years of the business they had zero control of the company, they were not shareholders, directors, executives, consultants, etc. Pete, Garin and Brent were still involved but only as employees. I assume this won't convince people or keep the blame from flowing their way, but it does seem to me that the notion that people lost money because these guys were "cheats" is based more on emotion than on fact. The cheating and Black Friday are two separate events, involving different casts.

Most of the other comments seem to either be attacks on my style of nonfiction- which i understand, it's not for everyone- or a furious calling out of the AP 'founders'; specifically, Scott, and then after that, I think the brush seems to have a pretty wide stroke); related to the AP cheating scandal. I'm not here to defend them, again, I don't have a horse in that race, and personally i don't think the book paints anyone as a saint, this is simply the characters built via interviews, as they are, in their own words. I agree with everyone that the cheating was indeed a scandal, that the bones of that story are in the book, and that the more complex intricacies of that story are still to be told. I believe that part of the book is handled appropriately, but others can certainly go deeper and dig for more facts. In any event, I am not an investigative journalist, and I have always been perfectly clear about what I write, and how I write it. Narrative nonfiction- true stories written in a thrilleresque style; some of you will enjoy it, some will not.

Again, best, hopefully more to come:

Ben Mezrich
I would just like to make it clear that although Ben has linked to my blog to explain how funds are segregated, I do not agree with the analysis regarding the UIGEA, the DOJ, and the "prohibition atmosphere."
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 04:26 PM
thanks for stopping by Ben. we now know why you were selected to write this fairy tale.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by sba9630
Holy crap, anyone that reads Maslin's critique (see below) and says she gave it a "decent review" is either clueless, lying, or both.
Haha thanks for the link. Whoever said that skimmed her review, saw the words and phrases "incredibly adept," "expert" and "nothing if not creative writing," then reflexively said, "Hey, Maslin liked it! She really liked it!"

Also, whoever incrowd is, those are probably the best first two posts in 2+2 forum history.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-07-2013 , 05:05 PM
You guys, you guys, stop being so tough on Ben. Clearly he independently confirmed all of Tom's and Beckley's stories by thinking about it. That's good enough.

Oh, and...

From this very forum on 12 Aug 2012:

Originally Posted by SumNewb
Intersection of 21 and The Social Network?
From the Mark Shanahan's and Meredith Goldstein's "The Names Blog" in the Boston Globe (4 June 2013) [Punctuation/style corrections are mine.]

“Two of the founders pitched me on the story and it seemed like a blend of 21 and The Social Network so that’s why I got excited,” said Mezrich, who wrote the books on which those movies were based.
Based on the way this thread has gone, it appears Mezrich read SumNewb's post almost a year ago and now uses it as a talking point for his interviews, mostly because it really is a great sales pitch.

Is that true? Who knows? But now that I've put it into writing, it's now in people's heads as a plausible story. In time, it will simply be seen as the truth. (Cue the Liberty Valance scene about legend and fact.) But who would ever be so manipulative as to do that?!
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 10:58 AM
I wonder if we'll see Mezrich in this thread again or does he realize he won't pull the wool over our eyes and will never be seen again.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 11:38 AM
In case this helps anyone, if you bought the book on Kindle you can get a refund within 7 days of your purchase (go to 'Manage Your Kindle' on Amazon's website).
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 11:47 AM
Thanks for saying that Alex, because I realized I still have the receipt, it is within thirty days of purchase, and the book still looks new so I can get all my money back from the bookstore I got it.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by haley44
Ben, if the money wasn't on the plane -- despite every major Costa Rican news outlet reporting that it was -- then why did you feel it imperative to falsify your book's timeline by putting the accident AFTER the public discovery of the cheating?

That's 100% on you. Scott Tom could not have traveled backwards in time seven weeks to get on that plane and fly off to Antigua in a noble gesture of removing himself from AP operations. When you allow yourself to understand that, you begin to understand why the cheating became so frantic, with the POTRIPPER tourney occurring immediately after Scott Tom's return from Antigua.

I find it hard to have rational discussions with people who serve as the mouthpiece of lies for personal profit.
I'm still waiting to hear how Scott and Hilt managed to go back in time seven weeks with their plans to fly off into the Caribbean on a jet, to nobly save their company from all the lies about the cheating that were commencing in October of 2007.

Mr. Mezrich has a case of selectiveresponsivitis to rival that of the legendary Lock Poker Shane.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 02:32 PM
I wonder what the betting line is for Ben selling the movie rights to his book and Hollywood turning this monstrosity into a movie? Ben has already had two books turned into movies, so there's probably a studio executive somewhere dumb enough to greenlight this one ...

Often it's the "pitch" - and not necessarily the facts - that get a project greenlighted. For instance, James Cameron's pitch for "Titanic" went something like this: "This is a movie about a terrible tragedy that happened in 1912. It's a chick flick, a movie about feelings, and there's no sequel." That pitch eventually grossed over $2 billion dollars. If Ben comes up with a good pitch, he can probably get this fairy tale greenlighted.

Last edited by Alan C. Lawhon; 06-10-2013 at 02:33 PM. Reason: Minor edit.
Ben Mezrich Announces Book About Absolute Poker Quote
