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Ben Afleck Ben Afleck

09-21-2007 , 06:57 PM
He won a live tourney in California at the Commerce several years ago, if I remember correctly...
The California State Championship...preety big tourney
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 07:04 PM
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 07:04 PM
there was a guy that looked exactly like BA at a local casino like a month ago.. after about an hour i say, "you know, you look exactly like ben affleck". The entire table agrees and he tells us how he gets that all the time.. He even spoke like ba, it was seriously sick. we start asking him what jennifer lopez is like in bed and tell all the waitresses that he's ben affleck. it was hilarious when they bought him a beer expecting a huge tip and he stiffed them.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 07:05 PM
did not read the rest but seriously bennifer should die as an actor and poker player
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 07:06 PM
/ end of thread
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 07:10 PM
I think its "PhantomsYo"
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 08:04 PM
I remember hearing last year that his name on Stars was/is CalStChump(or something like that) and on FTP it was/is GoldenGod. Both screen names disappeared about the same time that he got married.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 08:10 PM
I had heard quite a while back that she had made him stop playing. For someone who loved the game so much to just give it up like that, she must have best p***sy ever.

Let me add that there is no woman in the world that I would stop playing poker for.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 09:31 PM
I've heard Afleck is world class according to a top tournament pro?
Ben Afleck Quote
09-21-2007 , 11:20 PM
I heard he's going by the name Graycat now.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 09:32 AM
I had heard quite a while back that she had made him stop playing. For someone who loved the game so much to just give it up like that, she must have best p***sy ever.

Let me add that there is no woman in the world that I would stop playing poker for.
If he's a losing player, then he's probably a degen, so it may not have been that unreasonable a request.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 11:56 AM
ben afleck=most overrated actor ever
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 12:34 PM
if ben afleck died tomorrow it wouldn't be soon enough
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 01:28 PM
if ben afleck died tomorrow it wouldn't be soon enough
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 02:39 PM
if ben afleck died tomorrow it wouldn't be soon enough
Seriously? Jesus dude he isn't Pol Pot, he's [censored] Holden McNeil.

You frighten me.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 02:48 PM
ben afleck=most overrated actor ever
I've yet to meet anyone that thinks he is a good actor.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 02:54 PM
ben afleck=most overrated actor ever
I've yet to meet anyone that thinks he is a good actor.
You obviously don't remember the touching yet poignant role in Armageddon. The heartbreaking "animal cracker" scene will always immortalize him as one of the most underrated actors of his generation.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 03:28 PM
i actually thought he was pretty good in Hollywoodland, but thats about it, and who can forget his fantastic portrayal of a 5th year senior that loves paddling freshman in Dazed and Confused?
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 03:50 PM
"If you become an employee of this firm, you will make your first million within three years. Okay? I'm gonna repeat that. You will make a million dollars within three years of your first day of employment at J.T. Marlin. There is no question as to whether or not you'll become a millionaire working here. The only question is how many times over.

You think I'm joking? I am not joking. I am a millionaire. It's a weird thing to hear, right? I'll tell ya. It's a weird thing to say. I am a [censored] millionaire.

I am a [censored] millionaire. And guess how old I am. Twenty-seven. You know what that makes me here? A [censored] senior citizen. This firm is entirely comprised of people your age, not mine. Lucky for me, I'm very [censored] good at my job, or I'd be out of one. You gups are the new blood. You're gonna go home with the kessef. You are the future big swinging dicks of this firm.

Now, you all look money hungry, and that's good. Anybody tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't [censored] have any. They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the [censored] smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby.

You want details? Fine. I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet. What's up? I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork. I have every toy you could possibly imagine. And best of all, kids, I am liquid.

So, now that you know what's possible. Let me tell you what's required. You are required to work your [censored] ass off at this firm. We want winners here, not pikers. A piker walks at the bell. A piker asks how much vacation time you get in the first year. Vacation time? People come and work at this firm for one reason: to become filthy rich. That's it. We're not here to make friends. We're not savin' the [censored] manatees here, guys. You want vacation time? Go teach third grade, public school.

The first three months at the firm are as a trainee. You make $150 a week. After you're done training, you take the Series Seven. You pass that, you become a junior broker and you're opening accounts for your team leader. You open 40 accounts, you start workin' for yourself. Sky's the limit. Word or two about being a trainee. Friends, parents, other brokers, whoever, they're gonna give you [censored] about it. It's true. $150 a week? Not a lot of money. Pay them no mind. You need to learn this business, and this is the time to do it. Once you pass the test, none of that's gonna matter. Your friends are [censored]. You tell them you made 25 grand last month, they're not gonna [censored] believe you. [censored] them! [censored] 'em! Parents don't like the life you lead? [censored] you, Mom and Dad.' See how it feels when you're makin' their [censored] Lexus payments. Now, go home and think about it. Think about whether or not this is really for you. If you decide it isn't, listen, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not for everyone. Thanks. But if you really want this, you call me on Monday and we'll talk. Just don't waste my [censored] time."
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 04:59 PM
Boiler Room? Nice..
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 05:07 PM
The 2 scene's he appeared in that movie was better acting than anything else he has done.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 05:15 PM
Ben Afleck in Daised and Confused>>>>>>>>all his other movies
Ben Afleck Quote
09-22-2007 , 05:23 PM
I remember hearing last year that his name on Stars was/is CalStChump(or something like that) and on FTP it was/is GoldenGod. Both screen names disappeared about the same time that he got married.
Is this true? GoldenGod has been multitabling 5/10 with me lately. Has standard tag stats.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-28-2007 , 11:08 AM
Daised & Confused
Chasing Amy
Boiler Room

That's it. That's the list.
Ben Afleck Quote
09-28-2007 , 11:23 AM
Boiler Room? I liked it better when it was called Glengarry Glen Ross. It amazes me that people think his Boiler Room monologue was good. This is a good monologue, with a similar tint. Another great monologue from same movie. Right before Pacino went downhill.

Affleck was good in Good Will Hunting, but I think thats only because he was playing himself (Boston kid that likes to talk [censored] and drink), and I heard he was quite good in Hollywood Land.
Ben Afleck Quote
