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Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation

10-10-2008 , 12:35 PM
At the risk of starting another lame thread about tipping dealers, I thought this article about a lawsuit over the division of dealers tips had a few tidbits of interesting information, among them, that dealers apparently make 80k - 100k. Article here

Wynn Las Vegas on Sept. 1, 2006, began allowing table game supervisors to share in the tips earned by dealers. Wynn executives said the move was done to correct the widening disparity between the wages earned by dealers and casino floor supervisors.

Wynn Las Vegas executives said at the time the new policy was introduced that the casino's dealers were earning about $100,000 annually in salary and tips. The new tip-pooling policy meant an average pay reduction of about 20 percent.

Table game supervisors were given a boost in salary and were allowed a percentage of the tips to bring their compensation up to what dealers were earning. The casino also instituted a bonus program for dealers.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 12:44 PM
1st in an epic thread
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 01:49 PM
Please sticky this for when the next big "tip the dealers more you tight bastards" thread comes up - with one scheduled after the Nov WSOP final table.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 02:03 PM
Come on guys, dont you get it?

Dealing is one of the toughest jobs in the world and they probably deserve double that.

They have to go through a rigorous training program that spans countless weeks, and work under extremely high pressure doing something that only a small fraction of primates can do.

Tipping your dealer is one of the most noble things you can do in life.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 02:08 PM
Dealing should be a 40K/yr tops imo unless they put in bunch of overtime. I will stick to my $1 tips like a true nit
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 02:20 PM
Never tipped dealers and never will.
Much rather give money to charity workers or nurses. People who do work which has a purpose.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 03:35 PM
i tip too much IMO, i should start saving my money
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 03:46 PM
FT Slot Attendants where I work make at minimum $80k (upwards to $100k) per year and only $30k of that is their yearly salary for bringing people JP's and making change.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Zetack
At the risk of starting another lame thread about tipping dealers, I thought this article about a lawsuit over the division of dealers tips had a few tidbits of interesting information, among them, that dealers apparently make 80k - 100k. Article here
Wynn Las Vegas on Sept. 1, 2006, began allowing table game supervisors to share in the tips earned by dealers. Wynn executives said the move was done to correct the widening disparity between the wages earned by dealers and casino floor supervisors.

Wynn Las Vegas executives said at the time the new policy was introduced that the casino's dealers were earning about $100,000 annually in salary and tips. The new tip-pooling policy meant an average pay reduction of about 20 percent.

Table game supervisors were given a boost in salary and were allowed a percentage of the tips to bring their compensation up to what dealers were earning. The casino also instituted a bonus program for dealers.
That article was about the pit dealers specifically, not poker dealers, keep that in mind.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 06:51 PM
100K a year? I guess i need to get a job at the wynn
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by UbinTook
That article was about the pit dealers specifically, not poker dealers, keep that in mind.
Exactly. I know a bunch of poker dealers there, and this whole issue is dealing with all the pit dealers. It has nothing to do with the poker dealers.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Abbaddabba
Dealing is one of the toughest jobs in the world and they probably deserve double that.
I hate statements like this. There are SOOO many worse jobs out there than dealing and saying something like that simply proves you have never been unfortunate enough to have to work one of them.

Worst job in the world , tell that to the guy shoveling **** for minimum wage.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 09:30 PM
lol im pretty sure it was sarcasm
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Hurley
Never tipped dealers and never will.
Much rather give money to charity workers or nurses. People who do work which has a purpose.
The reason dealers are dealing your game is because of the tips. So maybe u shouldnt play live.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 09:50 PM
i was at the wynn last month, dealer asked y i didn't tip; i said y would i tip you for doing your job? the cards dont come out any different based on who deals, & esp. in a raked game where time dont matter. i dont get a tip for working the cash registrar at a store, or for selling patio furniture. he basically implied that he needs the tips because he has bills & they only make like $3/hour; i say to those dealers ****'em, anybody who graduated high school can deal ****in cards, stfu, be lucky that you can do such an easy job for such good money.

PS, i know everybody has heard argument b4, but i will never justify tipping someone for doing there job (waiters, obv. different); & i will argue it till the day i die
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 10:00 PM
I was thinking about tipping last night. All the uproar about dealer tips. Its such a joke. Such a mass public misconception that they are just scraping along on their wages plus tips. They are making out like fat cats for a job that is so simple and requires little training. Hell even for a job that requires 4 years of school they are doing damn good. Tipping should be banned like in Europe. Its BS that employers put the responsibility of most of their employees' wages on the customers. This is the reason dealers and other tipped occupations want us to feel bad for not giving a large tip. If there was no tipping then the employers would be forced to pay a full wage and that might be like $15 an hour or something for dealers instead of the $50 an hour they bring in now in this land of tipping.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by ml02kr
i was at the wynn last month, dealer asked y i didn't tip; i said y would i tip you for doing your job? the cards dont come out any different based on who deals, & esp. in a raked game where time dont matter. i dont get a tip for working the cash registrar at a store, or for selling patio furniture. he basically implied that he needs the tips because he has bills & they only make like $3/hour; i say to those dealers ****'em, anybody who graduated high school can deal ****in cards, stfu, be lucky that you can do such an easy job for such good money.

PS, i know everybody has heard argument b4, but i will never justify tipping someone for doing there job (waiters, obv. different); & i will argue it till the day i die
Is this a copy and paste from somewhere, or am i getting a huge case of de ja vu?
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 10:09 PM
Just to clarify if i read this correctly. The tipped employees were making more than management (the floor supervisors). So the Wynn decided to increase the managements pay by taking the money from the tipped employee.

No one else thinks this is completely f'ed up. They make billions a year and they want to give a raise by stealing from the dealers. I hope the dealers win this in the long run.

Oh and no I am not a dealer.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Hurley
Never tipped dealers and never will.
Much rather give money to charity workers or nurses. People who do work which has a purpose.
Funny thing is. I would tip you $1000 if u have ever donated to charity. Cheap is cheap, and you sir, are cheap. I tip almost every won pot, and up to $10+ on big pots. (at 5-10 and 10-20). Dealing is not an easy job, I think it is equally as difficult as waiting tables, if not more difficult, and waiters certainly get tipped. Although we all enjoy poker, and think dealing and being around poker must be a dream job, it certainly is not. They have to deal with scum degenerates whining and bitching all day at them. Not only that but dealing takes constant concentration to your surroundings and non stop focus because of your responsibilities they have to the table. That being said I think dealers get paid plenty of money due to the large tips they recieve, however most of it is hard earned.
PS: I fuccking hate cheap people.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 10:59 PM
Lets keep in mind this article is about pit dealers not poker. Here is what I know my neighbor worked at the bellagio as a black dealer for 5 years now the Wynn is going to open she decides to go work for the Wynn, all is good for the first year. Now Mr. Wynn tells his dealers that they have to give up a % of their tips to the floor. This was not what she singed up for. If she had known this she would still be at the bellagio. Sorry Mr. Wynn I have lost respect for you …
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by BornMunson
Funny thing is. I would tip you $1000 if u have ever donated to charity. Cheap is cheap, and you sir, are cheap. I tip almost every won pot, and up to $10+ on big pots. (at 5-10 and 10-20). Dealing is not an easy job, I think it is equally as difficult as waiting tables, if not more difficult, and waiters certainly get tipped. Although we all enjoy poker, and think dealing and being around poker must be a dream job, it certainly is not. They have to deal with scum degenerates whining and bitching all day at them. Not only that but dealing takes constant concentration to your surroundings and non stop focus because of your responsibilities they have to the table. That being said I think dealers get paid plenty of money due to the large tips they recieve, however most of it is hard earned.
PS: I fuccking hate cheap people.
So your saying they should get payed based on the difficulty of their job compared to waiting tables? There are much more harder jobs than dealing, most don't get tips. I just see a tip as a, "Congratulations for doing your job well." With that said, there are many more jobs well deserving or a "Congratulations for doing your job well."
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:19 PM
**** dealers. especially the damn blackjack dealers. I am down a couple thousand, and then win 500 back. Dealers start begging for tips. **** them. When dealers start tipping me when I lose 10 hands in I row I will start tipping them. 21 dealers are the scum of the earth
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by ml02kr
the cards dont come out any different based on who deals
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:48 PM
i think the dollar tip for each pot is the most a dealer should get.

i strongly think that dealer schools should me more stringent. out of an average of 20 people in a class, i'd say only a small few end up being competent dealers and the rest are the ****ty dealers who fill most card rooms.

i used to be a dealer and a damn good one. i wasnt the best but i'm mainly a player, so i know what players want and i keep the game moving. nobody ever threw a card at me or said something nasty to me. when i came to the table, the players would liven up because the last dealer put them to sleep.

if i got a dollar from every deal, i was extremely satisfied. that dollar adds up.

most dealers want everything they can get. that is fine because most dealers i knew were competant dealers........but they also expected this rain of money and even bitched (away from the tables) when they get toked a buck in the big games or big pots.

its ok to want, but i say be happy with what you get. alot of these dealers act like the players owe it to them. personally myself, i felt uncomfortable if someone gave me more than a dollar. being a good dealer is hard work but its not that hard.

jesus, have you guys seen lately, on many televised poker events.......the dealers cant even spread the flop out smoothly.......or CORRECTLY for that matter.

whens the last time you seen a dealer count the stub (deck) when the river card is dealt out?

please, i dont want to hear any counterpoints from any dealers in here. you guys remind me of life long maids and butlers who think they are upper crust because they work for the upper crust.
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by truthadair1
Lets keep in mind this article is about pit dealers not poker. Here is what I know my neighbor worked at the bellagio as a black dealer for 5 years now the Wynn is going to open she decides to go work for the Wynn, all is good for the first year. Now Mr. Wynn tells his dealers that they have to give up a % of their tips to the floor. This was not what she singed up for. If she had known this she would still be at the bellagio. Sorry Mr. Wynn I have lost respect for you …
You just had to go and make this about race..
Because you can never have to many tipping threads - Dealer's Compensation Quote
