Originally Posted by ballin4life
I play in a home game that is literally right down the street. Is there anything we can do to prevent something like this happening to us?
Here's a good way. Takes a bit of time to set up, but it will ultimately give you a hassle free life.
Step 1 - Post an advert for a poker tournament on a specific date in a number of different publications that the police are likely to read.
Step 2 - A few days before the 'tournament' make a couple of anonymous tipoffs to the police from 'concerned neighbours' about an illegal poker tournament.
Step 3 - On the night of the tournament, when everybody arrives, instead of playing poker watch Star Wars. Inform your trusted regular players inadvance so they aren't disappointed. Make sure there are no cards, quantites of cash or anything else that might indicate a poker game anywhere in the house.
Step 4 - When police arrive, act very confused.
Step 5 - Repeat Steps 1-4 until the police stop turning up*.
Step 6 - Continue with weekly poker tournaments.
Step 7 - Profit
* On subsequent reenactments of Step 3, you may substitute Star Wars for another similarly geeky movie. Non geeky movies may also be used at a stretch.