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Barry Greenstein sucks (HSP spoilers  ITT) Barry Greenstein sucks (HSP spoilers  ITT)

02-27-2011 , 06:14 PM
If by sucks you mean the opposite of OP I agree.
02-27-2011 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by StragressionWins
Every interview he's been on tilts me because he is so arrogant. Am I the only one who doesn't like this guy?
Seems like a decent guy with good morals but I agree he comes off very arrogant

Needs to get his facts straight on the UB scandal too
02-27-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by listening
Because we take the time to read his words and really listen when he speaks? Because he's surprised when voted into a prime tournament by a bunch of young guys, when he feels he isn't very well-known?

BUT - he sure is confident as hell and should be. Barry knows more about poker than you will on the best day you ever have. Or me or almost anyone but the few at his level and his level is as high as you get. Barry did a series of commentary videos on hands he -played on The Poker Stars Big Game. He explains what he does and why. He doesn't say: you should all go out and do what I do... he just knows how to win and hang onto his money and is willing to share with anyone willing to listen.

Without the confidence he has, without loads of self-esteem (what you mis-identify as "arrogance" probably because you lack same - not dissing you, just sayin') he would not have risen through years of exceptionally hard work to the position in the poker world he holds today.

But more, much more importantly: Barry's a mensch. (sp?) An exalted status to which I aspire, but can only dream of attaining.
got link pls ?

//edit: oc +1 for barryg1s awesomeness

Last edited by JackWraith; 02-27-2011 at 07:06 PM. Reason: awesomeness of barryg1
02-27-2011 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
It must suck to be owned by someone that doesn't even realize he already won the game on a previous move.
Damn. Beaten by like... nearly 2 hours.

Barry G is awesome btw.
02-27-2011 , 08:05 PM
Why isn't Barry's post getting more love? It was hilarious.
02-27-2011 , 08:13 PM
Lol at everyone giving OP chit for HIS opinion. Just b/c 99% of the poker world loves someone it doesn't mean that everyone has to have the same opinion. I happen to really respect and like Barry but I am going to tell someone that their feelings are wrong.
02-27-2011 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by barryg1
Thanks for the support guys. I'm sure I have said things that come across as arrogant. I don't usually appreciate being lumped in with the old time tournament players, since back in the day the was a wide gap between who could beat high-stakes cash games and who won tournaments. I also may come across as arrogant when I refuse to agree that the young crowd has reinvented poker, although like sports, the game advances over time and with the increase in popularity, we have an increased number of good players.

I get interviewed a lot, so I'm sure I'll say things that sound stupid. There have been several times my girlfriend has pinched my arm to stop me from saying something that may offend someone out of context. At the end of the day, we're talking about my persona. Here on 2+2, my persona is better than who I really am.

As for the arrogant claim, it may come from the authoritative tone of being an educator. I taught at the college level for several years so I can come across as lecturing. But I think I'm a lot more laid back than most people think, and I don't take myself or the criticism too seriously.

Anyway op, maybe in the selection of things you've seen with me I come across badly. If you get to sit opposite me at a poker table, I hope you find me to be more pleasant as I figuratively stomp on your throat, take all your money, and silently laugh at your play!
i just caught this.. lolz.
02-27-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by barryg1
Thanks for the support guys. I'm sure I have said things that come across as arrogant. I don't usually appreciate being lumped in with the old time tournament players, since back in the day the was a wide gap between who could beat high-stakes cash games and who won tournaments. I also may come across as arrogant when I refuse to agree that the young crowd has reinvented poker, although like sports, the game advances over time and with the increase in popularity, we have an increased number of good players.

I get interviewed a lot, so I'm sure I'll say things that sound stupid. There have been several times my girlfriend has pinched my arm to stop me from saying something that may offend someone out of context. At the end of the day, we're talking about my persona. Here on 2+2, my persona is better than who I really am.

As for the arrogant claim, it may come from the authoritative tone of being an educator. I taught at the college level for several years so I can come across as lecturing. But I think I'm a lot more laid back than most people think, and I don't take myself or the criticism too seriously.

See, Barry, it's exactly this kind of tone -- "oh, I'm Barry G, look at me with my fancy book learnin'" -- that got OP so riled in the first place. I'm sure if you jest talked more like regular folks -- you know, like a rube who just fell off a turnip truck -- you'd suit him jest fine.
02-27-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by BanSooners
Lol at everyone giving OP chit for HIS opinion. Just b/c 99% of the poker world loves someone it doesn't mean that everyone has to have the same opinion. I happen to really respect and like Barry but I am going to tell someone that their feelings are wrong.
... maybe a better way to go about expressing your opinion that barry is arrogant is "barry g opinion/rant" instead of titling it "barry greenstein sucks" cause the latter isn't constructive and is inevitable to take a thread in the wrong direction. you're right but you're totally wrong lol, the OP is also flat out wrong because barry is a standup guy and while i can see how he might come off as arrogant, i think most of us agree he's just a strongly opinionated person who also has a history of being a lecturer, so that's pretty easy to understand why he comes off as such. and i don't think it's anything that's so apparent and obvious that it warrants this thread, so yeah, i think everyone is in line telling OP to eat it.
02-27-2011 , 09:08 PM
How can you hate on Barry? Lol. Guys a ledge.
02-27-2011 , 09:11 PM
i think most of us agree he's just a strongly opinionated person who also has a history of being a lecturer, so that's pretty easy to understand why he comes off as such.
Nah I lectured at music college, on a jazz degree that was in that time the most highly regarded jazz degree in Europe. I did it for 6/7 years, and I don't come across as arrogant. Lecturing does not equal coming across as arrogant.
02-27-2011 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Micro Rec Player
Nah I lectured at music college, on a jazz degree that was in that time the most highly regarded jazz degree in Europe. I did it for 6/7 years, and I don't come across as arrogant. Lecturing does not equal coming across as arrogant.
This is a level, right?
02-27-2011 , 09:16 PM
Of course it is.
02-27-2011 , 09:19 PM
Having said that, I would suggest using the fact you used to lecturer as justification for sounding 'arrogant' is a bit of a reach...
02-27-2011 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Micro Rec Player
Having said that, I would suggest using the fact you used to lecturer as justification for sounding 'arrogant' is a bit of a reach...
People get used to certain modes of conversation, and taken out of context, may come off sounding wrong.

For instance, people are always asking me "why are you being such a douchebag?" And I tell them, it just sounds that way to them because I talk on 2p2 a lot.
02-27-2011 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by barryg1
Thanks for the support guys. I'm sure I have said things that come across as arrogant. I don't usually appreciate being lumped in with the old time tournament players, since back in the day the was a wide gap between who could beat high-stakes cash games and who won tournaments. I also may come across as arrogant when I refuse to agree that the young crowd has reinvented poker, although like sports, the game advances over time and with the increase in popularity, we have an increased number of good players.

I get interviewed a lot, so I'm sure I'll say things that sound stupid. There have been several times my girlfriend has pinched my arm to stop me from saying something that may offend someone out of context. At the end of the day, we're talking about my persona. Here on 2+2, my persona is better than who I really am.

As for the arrogant claim, it may come from the authoritative tone of being an educator. I taught at the college level for several years so I can come across as lecturing. But I think I'm a lot more laid back than most people think, and I don't take myself or the criticism too seriously.

Anyway op, maybe in the selection of things you've seen with me I come across badly. If you get to sit opposite me at a poker table, I hope you find me to be more pleasant as I figuratively stomp on your throat, take all your money, and silently laugh at your play!
You've earned it, big guy:

02-27-2011 , 09:47 PM
Barry is a great player and very honest in his opinions. I read his book and actually liked it.
02-27-2011 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
... maybe a better way to go about expressing your opinion that barry is arrogant is "barry g opinion/rant" instead of titling it "barry greenstein sucks" cause the latter isn't constructive and is inevitable to take a thread in the wrong direction. you're right but you're totally wrong lol, the OP is also flat out wrong because barry is a standup guy and while i can see how he might come off as arrogant, i think most of us agree he's just a strongly opinionated person who also has a history of being a lecturer, so that's pretty easy to understand why he comes off as such. and i don't think it's anything that's so apparent and obvious that it warrants this thread, so yeah, i think everyone is in line telling OP to eat it.
Definitely not thread worthy, definitely agree that Barry is a standup guy as well & I am guessing that the OP was leveling a bit. Only thing I disagreed with you on for awhile (you're usually dead on) is in a diff thread where you say skanky is wrong in that if a backer turns you
down it's not b/c they think you suck. I don't know about that

Rest of skanks claims were ludacris tho
02-27-2011 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
Text convo I had with Barry on Friday:

Me: Ha! Just walked in to a restaurant and you were on the TV. Girl in front says "he's my favorite poker player"

BG: Send her over here!

Me: She's not Asian

BG: Darn. Never mind then

Obvious brag that BG returns my texts post is obvious.
More BarryG storys ITT, please.
02-27-2011 , 10:06 PM
barry greenstein is the cadillac of poker

Last edited by 27AllIn; 02-27-2011 at 10:28 PM.
02-27-2011 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by barryg1
I also may come across as arrogant when I refuse to agree that the young crowd has reinvented poker, although like sports, the game advances over time and with the increase in popularity, we have an increased number of good players.
disagree, but too lazy to provide reasoning. +1 post count ftw
02-27-2011 , 10:17 PM
OP may never be heard from again. Isolation is a bitch.
02-27-2011 , 10:24 PM
Barry got me to stop shoving suited connectors from MP with 10BB left. Thanks Barry!
02-27-2011 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
berry greenstien is the cadillac of poker
No, Cadillac is the Barry Greenstein of cars.
02-27-2011 , 10:29 PM
I like Barry Greenstein, def not a douche and doesn't seem arrogant to me. I didn't know he was part of the old guard crowd that didn't give credit to online players for being much better in NLHE though:

I also may come across as arrogant when I refuse to agree that the young crowd has reinvented poker - I thought he admitted that Dwan postarized all over him on HSP?
