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Barbara Enright refuses a chop to pay the bubble Barbara Enright refuses a chop to pay the bubble

05-21-2012 , 06:19 PM
This was different from everyone having to chip in. Whoever won paid the bubble.
05-21-2012 , 06:20 PM
Good for you Barbara. OP is way off base.
05-21-2012 , 06:23 PM
Barbara Enright is truly a grouchy old lady. Played with her once before.

Regardless my favorite logical point in these debates was made earlier ITT..

"All it does is make the person bubble +1 the bubble and so on.." Really does not change $hit
05-21-2012 , 06:25 PM
I would never allow the bubble to be paid, and I wouldn't feel an ounce of remorse in doing so. It's poker, and as a professional it's not my job to be charitable so one extra person can get money. Calling the player in the question a bitch just because of this is insanity. Don't play if you don't like the original payouts.
05-21-2012 , 06:30 PM
A local casino that I frequent has a great rule. If you refuse any kind of a chop/pay-the-bubble deal, then anyone who brings up a chop again receives a penalty unless it's the person who turned it down last time.

Having experienced too much "chop drama" at final tables already I absolutely love this rule.

Once I had the rest of the table harass me because I refused to chop when there was a player with ONE BIG BLIND left at the table. Then he busted and there was another player with a single big blind and I got harassed again.

Oh and good for Barbara. Poker is not a charity.
05-21-2012 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by There Is A Light
But then the guy who busts one before the bubble becomes the new 'bubble'.

Let's all kick in some money for him too!
05-21-2012 , 06:34 PM
glad she refused. glad everyone else is glad. glad glad glad.
05-21-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Koko the munkey
A local casino that I frequent has a great rule. If you refuse any kind of a chop/pay-the-bubble deal, then anyone who brings up a chop again receives a penalty unless it's the person who turned it down last time.

Having experienced too much "chop drama" at final tables already I absolutely love this rule.

Once I had the rest of the table harass me because I refused to chop when there was a player with ONE BIG BLIND left at the table. Then he busted and there was another player with a single big blind and I got harassed again.

Oh and good for Barbara. Poker is not a charity.
Seems like a good rule.
05-21-2012 , 06:42 PM
I'm assuming that the people berating Barbara for her decision are of the age where everyone got a trophy in little league.
05-21-2012 , 06:44 PM
I agree with all y'all that most of the time paying the bubble should probably not be considered and it's fine to object to a motion to do so. I disagree as it pertains to the specific circumstances as I described them, which have been only partially addressed and mostly ignored here.

I doubt very much that any one of you would have had the balls to side with Babs last night, as everyone, the floor of The Bike included, thought it preposterous that this self-important and wholly misguided crank forced us into an excruciatingly long session of pointless hand to hand play over less than $200 out of a 10K prize pool.

I confess I did admire her courage, which was real and genuine, as opposed to the posturing here.
05-21-2012 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
Why would it matter how long the tournament had been going on for, what the buy-in was or if it were recreational players or not?
Everyone knows the rule going in and the entire points of tournaments is that someone wins a lot of buy-ins and most people lose their buy-in. Reading about all these people who try and bully people into letting them change the payout structure is one of the most pathetic things ever. If the mincash means that much to them either play for smaller stakes or find another hobby.

No idea who Barbara is or how she act at the table but kudos to her for not backing down, its absolutely ridiculous as it is that the floor/td doesn't do a better job preventing this and make sure the tournaments are run smoothly with the announced payout structures, the fact that this has become somewhat common is just absolutely disgusting.
This probelm is rampant at the west palm beach kennel club/poker room. I spent 4 months down there grinding and literally had people wanting to fight me because i wouldnt agree to pay the bubble. The downside is that alot of them will spite call you for refusing so its def harder to make moves. But i applaud Barbara.
05-21-2012 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by tiledonk
I'm assuming that the people berating Barbara for her decision are of the age where everyone got a trophy in little league.

very well put
05-21-2012 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by vergere
Do you understand the purpose of the bubble in a tournament?
Seems like you are one of the few who realizes that she might have objected purely for strategic purposes rather than a desire to save a tiny bit of money or to be a stickler for the rules.
05-21-2012 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by manzoni
this self-important and wholly misguided crank forced us into an excruciatingly long session of pointless hand to hand play over less than $200 out of a 10K prize pool.
I disagree with personally attacking her and with pretty much everything else that you posted, but I disagree with the part quoted above because of an error in fact...not just my opinion.

When you are the chipleader of the tourney or even just a comfortable stack, paying the bubble does not only amount to the money actually coming out of your pocket to pay the bubble. You miss out on the opportunity to chip up against shorter stacks who are afraid of bubbling. Once you decide to stop hand for hand play and essentially cancel the bubble part of the tourney (that you are aware will be part of the tourney when you buy in), you change the whole game. You actually screw people over who took the appropriate risks based on stack sizes and blind levels who have shoved and lost assuming that the payout structure will stay as it was when they entered the tourney.

A competent player on the bubble is giving up way more when they play the bubble than the $200 when they win 1st in the tourney. I've played with Barbara twice, and believe she is aware of the strategical implications of bubble play.
05-21-2012 , 06:57 PM
this just creates a new bubble. What about the guy that got out 29th? it's part of poker, someone bubbles.
05-21-2012 , 06:59 PM
good for barbara
05-21-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by TBadr
05-21-2012 , 07:02 PM
Paying the bubble just seems like the dumbest thing ever. Hey lets chip in to compensate 28th, but f 29th place. Like where is the line drawn?

Obviously shes completely fine to not give in and its silly to think otherwise.

Last edited by Sharkzilla1; 05-21-2012 at 07:02 PM. Reason: My pony is slow
05-21-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by manzoni

Don't get me wrong, I believe it's any players right to object to paying the bubble, absolutely
contradicts this
Originally Posted by manzoni
- but after 8 hours in a large field MTT with a low price point full of recreational players, it just it seems Barbara was a bit out of line as someone who should be an ambassador of the game. .
If it is "any players right", allow them to exercise it as this wish.

You cannot say it is their right, yet moan when they use it.
05-21-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Koko the munkey
A local casino that I frequent has a great rule. If you refuse any kind of a chop/pay-the-bubble deal, then anyone who brings up a chop again receives a penalty unless it's the person who turned it down last time.

Having experienced too much "chop drama" at final tables already I absolutely love this rule.
That's a cool rule, but I'm wondering, does that rule only stay in effect until someone gets busted? I would assume that someone refusing a chop 8-handed doesn't mean they're the only one who can bring up a chop the rest of the tourney.
05-21-2012 , 07:09 PM
Good for her...paying the bubble is ******ed for multiple reasons.
05-21-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by vergere
Do you understand the purpose of the bubble in a tournament?

with the OP's attitude, everyone shoulda taken back their buyin at the start and saved themselves 8 hours of having no fun that day.

i LOVE denying the "bubble" his money back. i love staring blankly into someone's face as they try to convince me of all their reasons to pay the bubble.

if i'm selling a 1984 IROC camaro through craigslist for $600, and a guy sees the ad and drives 8 hours to come check it out, and then gives me a sob story and asks if i could sell it for $500, i'd spit in his face and tell him i wouldn't sell it to him for a grand, and tell him to go home; the IROC's no longer for sale.

if i bet $20 straight up on a football match, and 10 minutes toward the end the guy wants to change the bet to $15 i'd tell him to **** off. he shoulda bet $15 to start if he didn't have the stomach for it.

if i'm slaying gladiators in the arena, and a guy's about to get totally killed by me, and he starts begging for mercy, pleading to me that i should let him keep his broken body and crawl away in shame. i would laugh and laugh. then taunt him for his cowardice. then make him believe he's got a chance to survive; then finish him.

if i buy into a $70 multi-table no limit texas hold'em tournament, and ~280 people enter, and we're getting RIGHT into the meat of the poker tournament, the bubble, and some cowardly fool starts begging his opponents to pay the 28th man.. first of all i'd feel extremely insulted on behalf of the man who played and busted with honor in 29th place, and then i'd look straight into the face of the pathetic loser in front of me and deny him. and if they tried to round up a pool among the other players without including me, i'd do everything in my power to convince the floor that what they are doing is compromising the integrity of the tournament i've been playing for the last ~8 hours (but who's counting? it's a game! have fun with it!).
05-21-2012 , 07:13 PM
agreed. No matter what the buy-in and no matter how many people want to pay the bubble. The people who refuse to are not "cruel degenerate hags" lol. The bubble is a great spot to pick up chips from people who are playing scared because they don't want to walk away empty handed after 8hrs+ of play.
05-21-2012 , 07:13 PM
Also ambassador of the game? Who is Barbara Enright?? never heard of her.
05-21-2012 , 07:14 PM
good for her. also +1 on koko the monkey's local casino rule. every casino/TD should be doing that. bringing it up is fine. as soon as a single person objects, that's it. bring it up again--->one hand penalty. bring it up any more--->one round penalty. any name-calling or berating the player who objected--->one round penalty. ez game.
