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Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job

06-04-2008 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Iq75
I'm calling BS. I know that the US is a weird country, but no way the police are going to kill her if her boyfriend does not stop playing online poker.

You Fins don't speak a lot of English, do you?
Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Quote
06-04-2008 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Iq75
I'm calling BS. I know that the US is a weird country, but no way the police are going to kill her if her boyfriend does not stop playing online poker.
Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Quote
06-04-2008 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Iq75
I'm calling BS. I know that the US is a weird country, but no way the police are going to kill her if her boyfriend does not stop playing online poker.
"Terminated" can also mean fired.
Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Quote
06-04-2008 , 03:12 AM
Is online poker in maryland even illegal?????
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06-04-2008 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by virtua_fish
Is online poker in maryland even illegal?????
Call the police and ask them!

Certainly within the rights to fire someone who is involved in a situation like that. In most cases they do not have to give a reason for firing you as long as it is not in relation to a protected class in discrimination.

If I ran a police department I would not want my employees participating or living in a house where activities that are viewed as illegal are taking place.
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06-04-2008 , 03:26 AM
Is online poker actually illegal in some states?
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06-04-2008 , 03:32 AM
How is this not illegal? I don't know how the law is in the US but in my country (Argentina) I'm 100% sure you can't be fired for being associated (not even married) with someone who broke the law.

I can compare this to getting fired because your girlfriend was arrested for a DUI. How is that your fault?
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06-04-2008 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Call the police and ask them!

Certainly within the rights to fire someone who is involved in a situation like that. In most cases they do not have to give a reason for firing you as long as it is not in relation to a protected class in discrimination.

If I ran a police department I would not want my employees participating or living in a house where activities that are viewed as illegal are taking place.
Thanks for clearing that up for me clown shoe
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06-04-2008 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
activities that are viewed as illegal
By whom?
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06-04-2008 , 03:56 AM
[ ]republicans are the party of personal freedom and individual liberties
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06-04-2008 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by selurah
Hahaha this wreaks of so much bull****. If you are gonna make up lies, at least make them believable.
This sounds completely plausible to me. Also, it's unlikely to be made up because OP has not made himself the subject of the story, which people will normally do unless the story is shameful somehow. This story contains minor brags (semi-professional online player, has gf, gf is policewoman) so OP would have made himself the subject.
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06-04-2008 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by Iq75
I'm calling BS. I know that the US is a weird country, but no way the police are going to kill her if her boyfriend does not stop playing online poker.
This is insanely funny for so many reasons.
Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Quote
06-04-2008 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Scansion
This is insanely funny for so many reasons.
haha yeah
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06-04-2008 , 05:32 AM
thats america
fyp. the land of the free etc.
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06-04-2008 , 06:08 AM
Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Quote
06-04-2008 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by virtua_fish
Is online poker in maryland even illegal?????
No, Maryland doesn't have a prohibition on online gambling, and since there is no federal law which prohibits a gambler from engaging in it it is not illegal in any way.

What really happened...
Lisa: God Sarah I'm so sick of my stupid boyfriend John playing online poker all the time. I wouldn't mind if he wasn't such a donkey and lost all the time. He's obsessed with it, oh and he's a filthy pig, I really shouldn't have let him move in with me *sigh*
Sarah: Would he move out if he couldn't play online poker there anymore?

1 day later...
John: Zooter dude I like totally had to move out of my girlfriend's apartment to continue to play online poker or she would have, like, totally got fired from her job dude.
Zooter: Duuuuude. That's sucks man. I'm telling 2+2. I'm a ******, want to have gay sex?
John: Sure dude
Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by thehotspur
No, Maryland doesn't have a prohibition on online gambling, and since there is no federal law which prohibits a gambler from engaging in it it is not illegal in any way.

What really happened...
Lisa: God Sarah I'm so sick of my stupid boyfriend John playing online poker all the time. I wouldn't mind if he wasn't such a donkey and lost all the time. He's obsessed with it, oh and he's a filthy pig, I really shouldn't have let him move in with me *sigh*
Sarah: Would he move out if he couldn't play online poker there anymore?

1 day later...
John: Zooter dude I like totally had to move out of my girlfriend's apartment to continue to play online poker or she would have, like, totally got fired from her job dude.
Zooter: Duuuuude. That's sucks man. I'm telling 2+2. I'm a ******, want to have gay sex?
John: Sure dude
Great plot for Rounders 2 imo
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06-04-2008 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by Toast91185
Sounds entirely plausible to me. When I was in high school the police called the parents of the kid who hosted our ring games after school. The athletic director tipped them off because he was upset that all we athletes were playing poker instead of hitting the gym. People are idiots
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06-04-2008 , 08:51 AM
I've actually had someone drop me off their myspace friends list because I put up a poker background... turns out their boss was look at *their* friends list and giving them a hassle about it at their job, even though I didn't work there.

People *are* weird.
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06-04-2008 , 09:01 AM
wow next thing you know male bosses are gonna pressure female workers for sexual favors.
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06-04-2008 , 09:05 AM
Associating W/ Internet Poker Players Will Cost You Your Job Quote
06-04-2008 , 10:51 AM
Police officers in MD frequent home games I attend...
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06-04-2008 , 11:02 AM
tell him to play poker at starbucks
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06-04-2008 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by PLOlover
wow next thing you know male bosses are gonna pressure female workers for sexual favors.
lol, topical
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06-04-2008 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Zooter
CLIFF NOTES: Friend's girlfriend's job is in jeopardy because her bosses heard that her boyfriend who lives with her plays online poker.
The company is covering their ass.

Whether online poker is illegal in MD is to some extent, irrelevant. The company believes it is. Therefore they need to protect themselves by formally reprimanding your friends girlfriend. They have no rights to monitor her or her boyfriend (unless he's using her work computer), so as long as she does not bring it up, it shouldn't be a problem. Just don't talk about it.

A lot of people still look at poker as gambling. People who gamble a lot are stereotyped as having a gambling problem. People with gambling problems are frequently thought of as doing bad things for money. Including getting themselves and/or their significant others in trouble. Everyone on here can delude themselves into thinking otherwise. But the reality is, a fair amount of the population sees things this way.
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