Originally Posted by helpmeinvest
You implied heavily he's been doing this in 2017 or before. It's 2019. How far ahead of the game could he be that in 2+ years not a single other reg or programmer or whoever has been able to accomplish this. All your argument is, is that it's possible for someone to be doing this, with no evidence whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sure it's frustrating losing to someone, but your argument is a weak one. You hint you know a lot more about botting that's going on and what others may have/are capable of, but you're singling out this one player. Just let it all out if know more.
It's ****ing trivial to do what TC said... you have no idea what you are talking about. To make it easy for you to understand:
You do realize solvers have been spitting out close to GTO solutions for various spots for many YEARS publicly(who knows how long privately), correct?
You do realize you can save these solutions, correct?
that's the crux of this argument of if it's possible or not, if you admit the two up top its trivial, if you are disputing what I said above you can instantly be proven wrong...
Just so happens this kido pham specialized in a simple form of poker that made it easy to solve. Yet you dolts brand him as some PLO wizard that only sits there and plays on acr HU cap/short all day. Why didn't he grind the 50/100 rathole short? Could it be because the varying stack sizes made it harder to approx a gto from his sims? Nah, he was too busy waiting for action at 10/20 cap to deal with that, you're right... lmao.
Lastly... who ever said nobody else has done this? He gave you an example of people doing it years back on stars. It's easily doable and has been for quite some time.
Last edited by BeHumble!; 03-08-2019 at 01:25 PM.