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Antonio Esfandiari, Laak to Star in Discovery Channel Show, "Underground Poker" Antonio Esfandiari, Laak to Star in Discovery Channel Show, "Underground Poker"

09-11-2014 , 09:48 PM
I found out about this one day too late
09-11-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
The show is stupid because it's ridiculously fake. It won't last a season. Kind of reminds me of this clip
LOL that show is 100% real.
09-11-2014 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by IAMthepokerhack
what makes you think Tilly is his sugar momma? Pretty sure Phil has his own money-actually have heard that its a significant nest egg-perhaps even more than Jennifer has-(also-I don't JT as the type of woman to support the man she hangs with-much more of a pragmatist-probably wouldn't date anyone that couldn't move on the same board as her)
Her net worth is $20M-30M, mostly because she is getting Simpsons money via her divorce with ex husband Sam Simon. Laak's net worth might be $500k-2M max. He bought a condo in Vegas in 2010 and has been trying to sell it for the last 4 years. He's actually upped the price each of the last 3 years. If he were rich, he would just hang onto it for when he's in Vegas or ask a more realistic amount that he could actually get for it. He lives in Tilly's house in LA, not the other way around. On one of the season 5 episodes of HSP, Antonio was talking about who's net worth he'd rather have, and someone asked about Tilly or Laak. Antonio said something like "sorry Phil, gatta go with Jennifer on this one." It's not even close.
09-11-2014 , 10:29 PM
Cliffs on episode 1?
09-11-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jw513
Cliffs on episode 1?
Phil and AE go to NO looking for a high stakes underground game. Phil is on a downswing and looking for a win. AE gets stacked AA<99. AE wins a ~35K hand later in a high stakes game.
09-11-2014 , 11:15 PM
I liked the show. It prob was staged but 99% of reality shows are staged these days anyways. I have always found the Antonio-Phil duo entertaining. Hope there are more episodes to come.
09-11-2014 , 11:53 PM
09-12-2014 , 02:29 AM
it's on pokertube. Just google Discovery Channel Poker Underground. Then go to videos on google. I can't get the link right.
09-12-2014 , 02:38 AM
I looked around, can't find a link. Can't even find a torrent of the show.
09-12-2014 , 03:57 AM
Mmmyea, I can't find it either. I can see a video which is supposed to be 61min long, but if you click on it it's actually only the 1min promo video.

I guess we'll have to wait a bit.
09-12-2014 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by subfocused
it's on pokertube. Just google Discovery Channel Poker Underground. Then go to videos on google. I can't get the link right.
09-12-2014 , 10:50 AM
the first home game they were at was full of idiot donkeys. they shoulda hit n run
09-12-2014 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by DoobiousJ
Can't get much worse right?
I agree that the staging is so fake it makes it suck, but at least it's not as bad as poker night in america. At least AE and Laak are entertaining. Poker night is so bad it's disgusting.
09-12-2014 , 12:51 PM
I would have been cool if they interviewed Pete the Greek. They said he is an awesome underground cash game player and he bluffed Laak off a 30K pot.
09-12-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by RMB
Wasn't their last show on MTV?
I think he is referring to Mojo network. 25 Ep of "I bet you."

Season 3 is hidden somewhere in the catacombs.
09-12-2014 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by High Time John
I would have been cool if they interviewed Pete the Greek. They said he is an awesome underground cash game player and he bluffed Laak off a 30K pot.
Every time I've seen Laak on a TV show he was either being bluffed off a better hand or was executing a horrible bluff that others picked off.
09-12-2014 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Every time I've seen Laak on a TV show he was either being bluffed off a better hand or was executing a horrible bluff that others picked off.
You didn't watch hsp season 2?
09-12-2014 , 02:56 PM
I love how Antonio had an aggressive image so when you pick up AA it's a good time to slow down and slow play those aces. Backwards logic much?

Show was terrible from my perspective but it's nice to have something poker related on tv and hopefully it attracts new people to the game.
09-12-2014 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by iPUTnutsONtheTABLE
Her net worth is $20M-30M, mostly because she is getting Simpsons money via her divorce with ex husband Sam Simon. Laak's net worth might be $500k-2M max. He bought a condo in Vegas in 2010 and has been trying to sell it for the last 4 years. He's actually upped the price each of the last 3 years. If he were rich, he would just hang onto it for when he's in Vegas or ask a more realistic amount that he could actually get for it. He lives in Tilly's house in LA, not the other way around. On one of the season 5 episodes of HSP, Antonio was talking about who's net worth he'd rather have, and someone asked about Tilly or Laak. Antonio said something like "sorry Phil, gatta go with Jennifer on this one." It's not even close.
you really are speculating here-

I agree that JT is a high net worth person-

what I think your mistaken about is Laak's net worth-rich people sell things all the time- I think you should watch that exchange again-what is said is that JT is worth more and Esfandiari starts to correct the table saying that Laak is worth more and Phil stops him-Pretty sure Phil has a BIG chunk from his time on Wall Street-and that his poker career is really more of an extended retirement-but I don't have any first hand knowledge I'm not sure how you would either as Phil is very private about his personal financial situation.
09-12-2014 , 04:21 PM
It's very clear that jeniffer has much more money
09-12-2014 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by THAKID
It's very clear that jeniffer has much more money
I see that you have independently thought about it so it must be true-great addition
09-12-2014 , 05:26 PM
Your the one speculating
I've played with Phil and Jennifer

She's wealthy, he is not
09-12-2014 , 05:41 PM
I admit that I have no direct knowledge of their independent net worths and I am speculating-but I have played with both of them as well and I get the feeling the poor mouth is part of Phil's act JT likes to flaunt it
09-12-2014 , 06:22 PM
Actually, I was wrong. He lived at Panorama but was just renting.

I'd be surprised if Laak's net worth was more than 5% of JT's net worth. Not from her career either, just because she was married to Sam Simon and got a favorable divorce settlement before the Simpsons took off.
