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Another Poker pro gets scammed. When will they learn? Another Poker pro gets scammed. When will they learn?

03-31-2017 , 03:11 PM
Guy took forever with a full house then Annette called clock and he got aggro about it LOL
03-31-2017 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by BackDoorFlush
Man gets robbed on the subway. When will people stop taking the subway?

Way too much victim blaming on this site.
Does this include getting punched on the subway?
The below article wasa side link in the OP's link for this story.
03-31-2017 , 06:21 PM
The problem I think a lot of people have is that it's not very relatable. There are 2 different parts here.

The rent and back utilities is simple to understand, you rent a place with someone else you trust they will pay their share of the rent, if they don't though all of the rent is still due, same with utilities, this is more of a forced loan if he didn't have the money, less sympathetic if Gu was simply like we'll square up later and Timoshenko let him keep racking this up.

Things like let me get 50k to invest in stock, let's back a loan together, or here hold my 10k is what makes people go wtf.

Maybe I'm an jerk but i don't think there is anyone i would do this type of stuff for/with. I have helped friends and family out in the past with loans for rent, car repair and other items like that and am quite generous in regards to those type of things, but the above requests are silly.
03-31-2017 , 06:35 PM
the chips in that picture are gorgeous...

03-31-2017 , 06:51 PM
why would anyone pay $15K / month for rent?
03-31-2017 , 08:03 PM
^cuz you cant get a loan for a house when your income is "poker player"
03-31-2017 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by DickeLatte
in regards to being an idiot, antanas surely considers you to be qualified.
You must borrow a lot. Sorry dude, the answer's NO. Stop begging. I don't care about your sick cat and how you're such a "sick player" but you have no bankroll because your "hands just won''t hold up".
03-31-2017 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by e1cnr
why would anyone pay $15K / month for rent?
Originally Posted by lolposting2016
^cuz you cant get a loan for a house when your income is "poker player"
I think his point was that $15K per month is a very high rent. That's $180,000 per year.
03-31-2017 , 10:46 PM
I think it said their apartment was 7k a month
04-01-2017 , 01:46 AM
Just a quick mention of how much I hate the 'when will they learn?' part of the OP.

Focus should be on the scammer not anything else. Absolutely reeks of the same attitude of 'she was wearing a short skirt what did she expect?'

And yeah I expect a full of reddit/pepe response to this but I'm fine with it
04-01-2017 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
what do you think the correct % would be?
At the casino I frequent, I witness people loaning people money probably on average like once or twice per day. Maybe over the past 3 years I've heard of like 3-4 people skip out on debts. So it probably works out to less than 0.1% at my casino, considering how many loans that aren't done in front of me. It's super common where people only bring like $2k to the casino and then borrow $2k more or whatever and just pay up next time they show up. Everyone knows that if you decide to not pay up your debts, you basically can't come to the casino anymore, so it's really rare anyone welshes unless they're on their last legs. Obviously not all loans are created equal. The rich businessman that's plays twice a week for the past 5 years that needs you to spot him $1-2k is much different than the degen roommate needing you to front him $50k for penny stocks.

Last edited by Ten5x; 04-01-2017 at 02:59 AM.
04-01-2017 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by rubixxcube
Things like let me get 50k to invest in stock, let's back a loan together, or here hold my 10k is what makes people go wtf.

Maybe I'm an jerk but i don't think there is anyone i would do this type of stuff for/with. I have helped friends and family out in the past with loans for rent, car repair and other items like that and am quite generous in regards to those type of things, but the above requests are silly.
You're not a jerk at all. Fronting someone 50k for penny stocks is just idiotic. Holding 10k might not be that big of a deal though, depending on the circumstances. I'd be comfortable doing that but only with a few people. Having your roommate "hold 10k" is roughly equivalent to leaving 10k outside of a personal safe in a shared apartment/hotel. By doing so, you're sort of betting that your relationship, their standing in the gambling community, and their integrity is worth more than 10k. It can be an easy decision. I really doubt that my best friend will ever steal 10k from me and sacrifice our friendship, when he knows I'd just loan/give him 10k if he asked.
04-01-2017 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by TheGramuel
Just a quick mention of how much I hate the 'when will they learn?' part of the OP.

Focus should be on the scammer not anything else. Absolutely reeks of the same attitude of 'she was wearing a short skirt what did she expect?'

And yeah I expect a full of reddit/pepe response to this but I'm fine with it
Shrug, if I loan someone I don't know well money with no ways of contacting them and no leverage to force them to repay, there's definitely learnings for me and some of the responsibility should be on me.

Would it be ideal if everyone who borrowed money paid it back, every guy at a bar saw a drunk girl as an opportunity to help her get home safe, and everyone in the world was wonderful to each other? Sure. But that's not reality, and if you are naive enough to think it's even a plausible reality, then prepare for a lot of disappointment in your life.

As to the question about the correct percentage? .1% seems around the right number. You just have no idea how many of these transactions go through every single day - think of some of the massive staking stables that are sending money back and forth with horses every day. I guarantee if their scam rate was 10% of all transactions they'd be out of business pretty quick.
04-01-2017 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
I think it said their apartment was 7k a month
After becoming friends, they moved into a $7,000-per-month Union Square apartment in September 2010. Under their agreement, Timoshenko, 29, would cover the full amount, and Gu would repay his share of the rent — $2,625 — according to a lawsuit filed late Wednesday in Manhattan Federal Court.
04-01-2017 , 09:30 AM
Yea so it's not a 15k a month apartment.

Or are you trying to prove something else?
04-01-2017 , 09:58 AM

guy owns money from Rent and this makes news?

what is the relation with poker?
04-01-2017 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
Yea so it's not a 15k a month apartment.

Or are you trying to prove something else?
are you serious?
Originally Posted by poiulkjh

guy owns money from Rent and this makes news?

what is the relation with poker?
are you serious?
04-01-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by lolposting2016
^cuz you cant get a loan for a house when your income is "poker player"
That's not true.
04-01-2017 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Is this really newsworthy? I mean who the hell cares about 2 guys in some sort of dispute over rent money.

Yvgeniy: "You owe me 90 grand"

Frank: "No I don't"

Yvgeniy: "Yes you do"

And this **** makes a local paper?
It has allure and makes an interesting story; many people have been stiffed by a deadbeat roomate skipping rent, usually to the tune of a few hundred or a thousand. People can relate to how infuriating it is to be stolen from in broad daylight from someone you trust and the fact that it's nearly six figures is probably interesting to people outside of the poker community who are used to hearing about personal debts of that size.
04-01-2017 , 04:42 PM
Reminds me of a "looking for a room to rent" ad I saw around 2013 on a non poker message board

It featured the usual short intro with the guys personal details age /sex / lifestyle / preferred flatmates etc. Then it ended with this epic line

"By the way.......I'm an professional online tournament poker i won't have any problems paying the rent!"


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
04-01-2017 , 05:02 PM
with all the information on how to win at poker, how does anyone lose?

i would say at this point if you lose at poker, shame on you
04-01-2017 , 06:25 PM
In my experiences just don't lend money. I would guess my payback rate lifetime is about 30%, it just isn't worth it.
04-01-2017 , 10:40 PM
Of those whose occupation it is to spot BS, sure seems many are very gullible off the felt.

Who's the guy pictured in the article? Yvgeny or Frank?
04-02-2017 , 02:04 AM
april fools aside, where the **** is timoshenko? dude has fallen off the map in the media
04-02-2017 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
with all the information on how to win at poker, how does anyone lose?

i would say at this point if you lose at poker, shame on you

This will be the tagline for the training site I'm working on called Destroy Live Poker. If you want to win, refer your buddies to train together and get $20 off!
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