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02-20-2014 , 08:59 PM
I mean the payout seems really first heavy so it would make less sense to use this as an excuse for how some of the hands were played, like KJs fold bvb wtf.
02-20-2014 , 09:01 PM
To me the 3 hands that seemed sketch is a "whole worth more then the sum of the parts" situation. The Q9 can be explained because he could have just been using pot control and if i remeber corectly the river got there for a lot of hands . The 66 vs 62 hand can be somewhat explained by saying he had a really good read on the situation and believes that his oppenent blake always has it in this situation vs him and even if hes bluffing its not worth the pay jump risk. The KJ vs K10 to me is either just a nitty bad play or softplaying. individually theyre somewhat explainable but if you look at them as a whole . with the knowledge that mark and blake are super capable and have been successful cash game and tournament players for a long time. They both know how to combat eachothers game very well because they know eachother very well and are very good players. Knowing how easy it would be to tell you friend to fold that 66 vs 62 by merely opening your eyes a little wider saying something and that we know there was eye contact and words said during the hand. None of those plays would be called standard. I dont think they are standard by themselves or standard given the circumstances. I do believe that this was prob not a set up thing. theyre riends and it just came natural to want to play hu with your friend. They prob werent thinking lets cheat together and chop it up. That seems the most unlikely. To me was prob just an unspoken lets get hu together and it is softplay
02-20-2014 , 09:06 PM
I completely agree with the above post the ones defending Blake are his 30-60 limit buddies the general public in MN can't stand the guy. Which makes It really amazing that Bryan who seems like a pretty sharp guy decides to have Blake be the face of his product ? He's a known douche bag to everyone from other players, dealers, even his so called friends I've seen him embarrass at the table guys like DQ Dan one if the nicest guys around. I play a lot on Wed and he struts around like he owns the place. Also Blake is a known bookie part of a bigger issue at Canterbery that somehow gets pushed under the rug complete joke and last I heard he was federally indicted 1 year ago for money laundering, racketerring , etc wtf is Bryan Mileski thinking? Way better selections for Pros with all that baggage like Kou Vang , Adam Dahlin , Jeremy Dresch etc I won't even go into the Ft watched it all was embarrassed to be from MN obv soft play 100% from two aggressive players and guarantee they had silent agreement to chop this which is why they suddenly went nuts when heads up. Hint guys the pay jump from 2nd to 1st was way more then 3rd to 2nd so your logic about ICM and two big stacks picking on short stack are a complete joke. The biggest issue will be proving it occurred almost next to impossible but when the video does come out it is so blatantly bad if Bryan doesn't remove Blake from his Pro team it tells me he is either ignorant or blind it's that bad now post the dam video already
02-20-2014 , 09:10 PM
I also remember those two Mark and Blake being at a final table in Iowa I was there can't remember which spot? Anyone ? Also I'd like to go review that one to see of any gestures or soft play was evident there. Why isn't the 3rd place kid speaking up?
02-20-2014 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by mc4chess
People keep referencing the top heavy payouts in defending their play? It seems this would influence me in the opposite way no??
The payouts:
3rd place: $32.9k
2nd place: $49.7k
1st place: $90.9k.

Here's how I think about it:

Assuming you're one of the 2 big stacks, by staving off getting busted by playing a dumb pot with the big stack, you're a large favorite to slide up the pay scale another 17k. Once that happens, you're going to be close to 50-50 to win another $40k for first... Half of that is 20k... So 17k+20k=~$37k in EV gained by avoiding busting in 3rd place. 3rd place money itself is $32.9k, so by just avoiding getting into a stupid spot with the other big stack, you're effectively more than doubling your long run payday from this tournament spot.

Obv, if the small stack does succeed at doubling up and/or getting closer to being equal to the other stacks, and you're still folding the KJs to the SB's open, then we've got some soft playing problems.

I think most of the doubters are really discounting the power of still being in the tournament, with above avg chips. Gaining a few more chips here or there, as long as the small stack is still in and still small, doesn't result in much EV gain for the two big stacks. Losing those chips, however, results in a huge EV loss.
02-20-2014 , 10:19 PM
They both were knocked out early at final table in Iowa. There were one or two more of their good friends at that final table as well. But I never noticed any suspicious play from any of them. Nor did I notice anything suspicious on day 2 prior to the final table. They all seemed like solid players. None of the hands in question seem that crazy to me. And there are always forms of collusion at final tables, usually between strangers. You pick on the weak guy. These two obviously respect each others games, and chip stacks, so avoid big, tournament deciding pots with each other. Is it collusion? Sort of
02-20-2014 , 11:04 PM
We'll I don't know why I'm surprised Bryan Mileski CEO of. MSPT poker is tweeting away" watching video now everything seems fine" Jesus Christ let the people who play be the judge and quit selling it ahead of time. Why did you stop for 15 min if everything looked fine? Why are you sponsoring a potential felon? Even if he gets off he's known bookie everyone uses in Mn and your sayings everyone is making big laudowns? Lol wow this makes me sick I'm never playing another. MSPT event again ! Joke period
02-20-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Beenaroundguy
We'll I don't know why I'm surprised Bryan Mileski CEO of. MSPT poker is tweeting away" watching video now everything seems fine" Jesus Christ let the people who play be the judge and quit selling it ahead of time. Why did you stop for 15 min if everything looked fine? Why are you sponsoring a potential felon? Even if he gets off he's known bookie everyone uses in Mn and your sayings everyone is making big laudowns? Lol wow this makes me sick I'm never playing another. MSPT event again ! Joke period

If everything was fine and dandy - there wouldn't have been that 15 minute break - resulting in Brian Soja(co-commentator for live stream) tweeting "" @mnpatsfanpoker: @BryanMileski runs an honest business @msptpoker he talked to both players at the break. Nothing out of the ordinary after that""

Why would the MSPT founder "talk to both players at break" and then "nothing out of ordinary after that" occured. Needless to say after the "break" and after "talking to both players" Mark Sandness' seat was move to the opposite side of the table as Blake Bohn"

Maybe they will eventually release the live stream(un-edited) so everyone can form their own opinion about the situation.
02-20-2014 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by stuff
Ask sharkslayer about the people he screwed out of money in the past and ask him why he was barred from the Rio last WSOP.
02-20-2014 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by jayhawks
He is a major scumbag.
02-21-2014 , 12:38 AM
Cliffs on Sharkslayer history
02-21-2014 , 01:00 AM
Plenty of scum bags we could discuss fellas we are talking about the ones involved in this mess right? Tired of all of this cheating lately just want an homet no bull**** tourney with no funny shady stuff going on. Is that so hard to ask?
02-21-2014 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by BulltexasATM
Cliffs on Sharkslayer history
This please .. I'm pretty sure I played some live cash with him recently and he seemed like a huge tool/dbag
02-21-2014 , 01:11 AM
I'm a scumbag? You realize it's so easy to figure out who you clowns are by your previous posts? Quit hiding behind acting tough with little or the wrong facts any time you want to discuss something I'm pretty was to find or I'll go find you next time I guess. I havnt commented 1 time here on this leave me out of it.
02-21-2014 , 01:15 AM
Let me guess I felted you w 54 or 910? Guys crack me up I bare talk at the table when I do I joke around and buy other players drinks and I tip the dealer , floor and waitress's well everytime yep guess you pegged me one more guy to talk to at Canturberry
02-21-2014 , 01:17 AM
Sharkman why are you chiming in on this didn't you start all of this on Twitter then you pussed out and deleted your tweets on the subject? That's pretty lame stand by your word or don't tweet it out there just to flame the subject.
02-21-2014 , 01:22 AM
"Beenaroundguy"are you joking?i didn't start this there was plenty of people on live chat discussing it at least 10-15 tweets during I will apologize for RT some I went back a short time later and deleted it after I thought about how it looked. I'd like to watch the full FT video and quite honestly won't matter what I think. Both are good aggressive players with stats to back it up my opinion doesn't matter. Bryan is on top of it I'm staying off the subject now leave my name out of this thread pretty weak and a punk high school move by all 3 of you
02-21-2014 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by mike1270
can you explain why they are killing poker? or link to another thread where you give your thoughts on this - thanks
tournaments were never meant to be a way for a professional to make a living. Professionals have NEVER made a living grinding live tourneys. People have been nibbling around the edges of this for a while, long since I said it and was flamed back in '08. Now its becoming common knowledge the ROI of the "best" live tourney "pros" is less than 30%, not enough to cover travel, food, lodging, taxes, etc.

So why do i care? because tournaments were really REALLY never NEVER meant to be a way for rec players and degens to get their gambling fix. They were meant to be a short one day event with a shiny prize to get degens to the killing floor...errr....the cash tables.

FAKE tournament "pros" have convinced a generation of rec players and degens that those icky cash games where they get their asses handed to them are not the only way to be a rich respected poker player. They can also do it in tourneys, which is a LIE. But it is a lie for NO REASON as the fake tourney pros gain nothing as they are broke ass suckers as well!

Casinos are/have been complicit but are wising up. For a long time the casinos havent been severely hurt in drop by hosting tournament series but now they are. Multi-day, Multi-rebuy tournaments are killing their drop because these function as a cash game replacement for the masses with a much lower rake! Tourney donks think the rake in these joke-aments is high but its really nothing compared to what a casino gets per table in a cash game. Tournament directors are being told to phase these abominations out.

For these reasons and many others, such as the top weighted aspect and the up front taxing have sucked the life out of cash game poker which is THE ONLY WAY THE MAKE MONEY AS A PROFESSIONAL POKER PLAYER. PERIOD.
02-21-2014 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Beenaroundguy
Sharkman why are you chiming in on this didn't you start all of this on Twitter then you pussed out and deleted your tweets on the subject? That's pretty lame stand by your word or don't tweet it out there just to flame the subject.
to be fair i think todd auto-deletes all his tweets in a locked account...especially his TWTR predictions!
02-21-2014 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Beenaroundguy
and last I heard he was federally indicted 1 year ago for money laundering, racketerring , etc
wouldn't there be evidence of this on google? is this just a rumor you're making up or is there some sort of proof for this statement?
02-21-2014 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Beenaroundguy
Sharkman why are you chiming in on this didn't you start all of this on Twitter then you pussed out and deleted your tweets on the subject? That's pretty lame stand by your word or don't tweet it out there just to flame the subject.
Stick to the topic of this thread you idiot. This thread is about the collision/softplaying that occurred Sunday at the MSPT final table at Running Aces. Todd has nothing to do with this thread. It's obvious you're a friend of Mark or Blake and trying to take the attention off them. Once MSPT releases the UNEDITED recorded live stream everyone will be able to see the truth.
02-21-2014 , 10:32 AM
didn't see this posted yet
02-21-2014 , 10:37 AM
You are correct we are getting off the subject here in my opinion here is what is boils down to. I think everyone agrees that watched the MSPT that Mark and Blake definitely soft played in 3-5 hands the question is whether this is cheating or strategy? The other issue is they are known to be good friends if this was two random guys I would agree on the argument big stacks vs smaller stack but that's not the case here. I also think it looks bad to have your partner "Pokermews" intervieew one of your own Pros I mean really so this solves it now? They have as much to lose as MSPT does. Anyone know this Tyler kid? Why isn't he saying anything? Also why doesn't ARC looking at this? Is the video up yet ? It's not going to matter because it appears Brian has already decided in his mind there isn't an issue just funny 4 years of events I've watched most not 1 time has this every been brought up by this many people funny to hear Blake and Mark try to defend why they did what they did but it is the exact opposite of how they play which makes this whole thing a joke, maybe we should call Jesse Ventura "Conspiracy theory" to get to the bottom of this!
02-21-2014 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
Not a very credible source when @PokerNews sponsors MSPT. Of course they're gonna defend them and try and make it look like nothing happened.
02-21-2014 , 12:23 PM
It certainly does amaze me that Bryan Mileski would sponsor Blake Bohn and have him be the face of his product when very few people talk very highly of Blake. Blake is a superb player with amazing results, but that is not the issue. If you are going to sponsor someone for your tour, at least have him be someone people will be drawn towards, respect, and look up to on and OFF the felt.

Are there any other tours that "sponsor" pros for their tour or is MSPT the only one? I personally don't get it.
