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All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player

04-12-2015 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
Common sense and personal experience. One reference, coincidence. Two references, happenstance. But three? Very, very. questionable.

The real clincher for me is the mention of Harrington's neck brace. I am a pretty avid reader of poker content and I can honestly say I've never read a tournament recap that makes mention of it.

Listen, I get it. We all say and do things we regret. Luckily, people are pretty forgiving. Just step up and say I blew it.

BTW Your PC/Apple comment was pretty funny.
But the sayings were pretty common poker terminology. As far as chip and a chair goes, if the writer had known, he might have said chip and a wheelchair.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-12-2015 , 10:49 PM
Im sure it offended the 5 people that read poker magazines.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-12-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
Personally, I wasn’t offended but I’m not Greer. Greer does an outstanding job finishing second in a tournament. But rather than allowing him to celebrate his accomplishment, Foley does a pretty despicable thing by clearly singling him out because he is handicapped.

I agree crippled is a fairly common poker tern and I’d give it a pass if it was the only reference made. By also specifically mentioning “Harrigton’s neck brace” and “chip and chair” the writer is clearly focusing on Greer’s disability.

But I actually think the apology is worse than the article. The editor may not have known but James Foley clearly did.

Just admit you made a tasteless joke rather than hide behind the “I didn’t know” defense. I would actually have respect for Foley if he had the courage to say: “In hindsight, it was wrong to make specific references to Greer’s handicap. It is something I truly regret.”

Accepting responsibility is one thing but accepting responsibility truthfully is so rare nowadays.
This. I thought the joke was fairly funny (oh yeah, it was a definite joke, not a coincidence) and could see myself make a similar one, but only if I knew people around me and especially the subject of the joke was OK with it. Printing it publicly, maybe not the best move. Also agree the apology is even worse than the failed joke, just admit and move on.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by lloyd45
This is funny. This is not something to be truly offended or disgusted by. Lighten up. People just want to be offended by something nowadays.
Are you disabled? If not, i really don't think you can say he shouldn't have been offended.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Kramerica
malmuth u r whack too.. oh yeah its a sincere apology. gimme a break. like u have to stop the discussion because I'm getting pissed at idiots with no tact or compassion? whatever man.
Originally Posted by Kramerica
i never once said it wasn't a sincere apology. its about the cs's in this thread acting like freaking morons as always.
No, you never said it wasn't a sincere apology, but you did scoff at someone else thinking it sounded like one. So yeah... that's pretty close.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 02:23 AM
LOL at people who think that was a lame apology.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 02:40 AM
This seems in poor taste for any writer/journalist. A comedian would be fine here, but this is not a comedian.

Whether or not it was intentional, I don't know. To those expecting a better apology: If the writer missed that the player was handicapped, as they claim, do you really expect them to cover all ground on a tweeted apology (such as using the word sorry)?

I don't really think they owe the player anything though. They made their magazine look worse in the eyes of many. Better fact checking (or better judgement) would've resulted in a better reputation for them here.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 05:20 AM
don't forget the part about "added insult to injury"
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 08:51 AM
Fkn love you Luke.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Brilliant27
I'm shocked that chainsaw didn't start this thread
Originally Posted by doublejoker
I was about to start a thread on this.
This made me laugh pretty hard
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
LOL at people who think that was a lame apology.
Is there a double meaning in that.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-13-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
This seems in poor taste for any writer/journalist. A comedian would be fine here, but this is not a comedian.

Whether or not it was intentional, I don't know. To those expecting a better apology: If the writer missed that the player was handicapped, as they claim, do you really expect them to cover all ground on a tweeted apology (such as using the word sorry)?

I don't really think they owe the player anything though. They made their magazine look worse in the eyes of many. Better fact checking (or better judgement) would've resulted in a better reputation for them here.
You probably also advocate the writers researching the height of each player that is short stacked before referring to their stack as "short". Fact checking? There isn't a national disability database for them to look all of the players up on. Bore off, it was a complete coincidence.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-14-2015 , 02:11 PM
We're running out of real problems in this country right?
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-14-2015 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
It's a really weird development that over the past decade or so, a lot of people seem to think they have an inalienable right not to be offended by anything. If someone gets offended, they can immediately get a crazed mob to attack whoever offended them. It used to be that this type of thing was pretty much limited to fundamentalist christian whackjobs, but now more and more "liberal" people are adopting the tactic. It was gross when the family values brigade pulled this crap, and it's gross now. If you don't like what someone writes, don't read it. If you don't like what someone says, don't listen them.

It's as if people think they immediately suffer severe damage any time they see or hear something that they'd rather not see or hear. It's like everyone suddenly joined in with the nut jobs that wanted heavy metal music banned because it encourages satanism, or got all up in arms because Janet Jackson's nipple slipped out for 1 second on television.
Originally Posted by Adebisi
I'm for any freedom of speech as long it doesn't attempt to limit or impede the speech of others. I really don't particularly care what the idea being expressed is as long it isn't:

"This guy should be fired/fined/jailed/banned/attacked/ostracized/bullied, because I don't like what he says"

You only get to say whatever you want if you recognize that everyone else can too. As a general matter, the more people get attacked for what they say, the more they will tend to self-censor. Society becomes more rigid and controlled and less free without anyone even having to bother passing blatantly oppressive laws.
amen brother, good posts

kramerica's posts have suddenly got me questioning the merits of full freedom of speech tho
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-14-2015 , 06:07 PM
This thread has taught me that there are a lot of double entendres when it comes to (i) physical disabilities; and (ii) and common poker terms/phrases (and also just regular everyday words). I've never thought about it before, but this is probably more than I would have guessed. And I really can't tell at all which people in this thread are purposefully posting the double entendres and which are just coincidences that I'm now noticing because of the content of this thread.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-14-2015 , 06:45 PM
This writer's options were really limited here. Can't say "crippled" because Garrett is at the table. Can't say "short stack" because Charania is sitting right next to him. Surprised this guy was able to meet his word threshold.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-15-2015 , 01:22 AM
hes not ****ing handicapped hes in a gym in his picture, hes disabled.. and i seriouslu doubt the writer did this on purpose, lighten up guy clearly is better than all of us at poker to so WAL him
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-15-2015 , 01:25 AM
One thing is certain: a lot of disability has been exposed itt.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-15-2015 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Knumhealts
the probability of the writer making this joke and NOT knowing about him being paralyzed is hilariously low.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
04-15-2015 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by Knumhealts
the probability of the writer making this joke and NOT knowing about him being paralyzed is hilariously low.
If you read the All-In Mag. apology article on page four, you will probably have to agree there is no way the author of the article could have known about his condition. The article was written by a free lance journalist with limited poker knowledge. Neither the writer nor editor were present at the event, so they would have no way to know what any player looked like unless they were familiar with the specific final table players from a previous tournament. Another poster mentioned the player in question is the 4037th most popular player. This tells me that a part time poker writer would have no idea who he was. Definitely an unfortunate incident, but I see no malice here.
All-In Mag Makes Fun Of Handicapped Player Quote
