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Alan Boston FTW imo... Alan Boston FTW imo...

11-14-2008 , 12:38 PM
Haha awesome!!!!
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
11-14-2008 , 12:48 PM
alan bostin does not give a ****. my hero.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
11-14-2008 , 12:54 PM
what is it about pro chat that attracts ******s?
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
11-14-2008 , 09:53 PM

some gems:


QUESTION FROM mcw23: favs sports man

ANSWER FROM Roland de Wolfe: rolling cupcakes on greg muellers manbreasts


QUESTION FROM coldgin8979: Would you reccommend mucking all losing hands and if not, when is it good or bad to show a hand?

ANSWER FROM Roland de Wolfe: muckin gis good but i like to threw them in the dealers face


QUESTION FROM CallMeTheGame: do you find gavin's double chin sexy?

ANSWER FROM Roland de Wolfe: it feels like a stress ball
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
11-15-2008 , 04:24 AM
Cocaine, it's a hell of a drug.

LSD, shrooms, weeds, pcp and whatever else, too.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
11-15-2008 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by sba9630
The Odds: One Season, Three Gamblers, and the Death of Their Las Vegas by Chad Millman
yeah thats it. sick book.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
11-15-2008 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by LiveNow
i read some book about sports betting and he was a major part of it...forget what it's called atm...
The Odds, by chad millman

Last edited by virtua_fish; 11-15-2008 at 10:30 AM. Reason: oops to late
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
11-15-2008 , 11:01 AM
When i'm done with this internet **** and has grown up i want to be like Alan Boston for sure. 30% of how cool he is would actully be fine to.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 12:20 AM
aliens,, oops alan talking to the rail right now in the ftops event #3
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 12:29 AM
AK Tilted (Observer): i heard from the 2p2 forums you were going to buy a new avatar or something for a million
RAS3000 (Observer): NH Mang
baberahamlinkin (Observer): alan, where can i sign up for the heaven's gate cult?
Alan Boston: you talked about this on a forum??
Alan Boston: are people that sick
Cal-Nik-2: lol
AK Tilted (Observer): well i didnt. but it was mentioned
Alan Boston: i just need to send in new pictures
Alan Boston: i dont need any points
Alan Boston: it is a &&%%ing avatar
Alan Boston: damn
baberahamlinkin (Observer): lol
AK Tilted (Observer): they'll update it for you if you want?
Alan Boston: it is supposed to be funny
baberahamlinkin (Observer): you look like an alien
Alan Boston: i just have to send them pictures
baberahamlinkin (Observer): plz send immed
Men_D_Bastard (Observer): yours and roland de wolf is almost the uglist one in here]
Alan Boston: the thing i hate is I am fit as &%!!, and this thing makes me look sickkly
Cal-Nik-2: the botox makes you look youngish if you want something positive to say!
Men_D_Bastard (Observer): lol
Alan Boston: i got carded last month
Alan Boston: i had a hoodie on
Alan Boston: got carded
Men_D_Bastard (Observer): give them a pix w/ a cap or something
Alan Boston: not kdding
Alan Boston: so looking young is not a problem
AK Tilted (Observer): how old are you?
Alan Boston: 51 this month
Jiacstrap: ur def in a cult
Alan Boston: could send picture in with my shirt off, and torture all the women
JMB 14 (Observer): nice one
baberahamlinkin (Observer): you look like that lady in the fight club. ya know, the one at the beginning in the cancer meeting
AK Tilted (Observer): you should ask to replace patrik antonius on the sign-in page alan
Men_D_Bastard (Observer): lame
Cal-Nik-2: gl all
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 01:07 AM
****er got my chat banned a few weeks ago.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 01:20 AM
Good **** from Boston. real dude but not a A list pro.

would read again
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 01:23 AM
"look likes that chick from fight club"

Lol @ being compared to helena bonham carter
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 03:16 AM
Alan Boston: could send picture in with my shirt off, and torture all the women
LOL Allen you big tease.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 06:12 AM
Man Alan Boston is a cool dude. Played live with him one time and a bunch of pro sports bettors at the Palms. Also when I used to work out with a personal trainer, AB's name came up, and he told me that AB is completely inhuman in the gym.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by DCJ311
Man Alan Boston is a cool dude. Played live with him one time and a bunch of pro sports bettors at the Palms. Also when I used to work out with a personal trainer, AB's name came up, and he told me that AB is completely inhuman in the gym.
Almost alien like.
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
08-07-2009 , 07:43 AM
Alan Boston is an oversensitive douche. You can't even mention something about him without him saying he with throw you against a wall.

[ ] FTW
[ ] doesn't look like his avatar
[ ] can "beat up" everyone he thinks he can
[x] Insecure alien
Alan Boston FTW imo... Quote
