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Actionjeff spits on another players ? Actionjeff spits on another players ?

01-18-2010 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
u do know that if the spit gets in your mouth you can contract diseases...

I remember seeing somewhere a man with HIV got 35 years in prison for spitting in the face of a police officer.
01-18-2010 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by two2brains
u do know that if the spit gets in your mouth you can contract diseases...

I remember seeing somewhere a man with HIV got 35 years in prison for spitting in the face of a police officer.
Uhm way to skew/distort the reality of the situation. Yes you could probably catch something if they were sick. And while theoretically possible, no one has been known to get HIV simply by being spit on by someone infected with HIV. You put those two sentences together to imply that the person who received that sentence did it because he could have possibly infected the police officer with HIV which is simply false.

However the man in that case was a huge ******* to the cops so I'm not saying he shouldn't have gotten convicted for battery. But they excessively added years because the jury assumed you could contract HIV as well from being spit on.
01-18-2010 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
Yeah, I'm gonna have to clarify on details cuz some of you guys are FOS.
Bryn and I have personal issues unrelated to him multi-accounting dealing with large amounts of money. I was just ready to drop it and take the hit for making the mistake of dealing with a scumbag. My hate was reignited real strong when I kept hearing about him talking behind my back like a bitch.
I walked away after busting the 5k and Bryn was in my path. He made eye contact with me as I was walking away, I gave him a **** you and he smirks at me. I walked up to him and said something along the lines of "don't look at me you thieving piece of ****" and nudge him with my shoulder. At this point security gets called. He said something along the lines of, 'if I wasn't playing poker, give me one good reason....
So I gave him that good reason. and let's be clear here: no, it didn't ****ing miss, and yeah, it was right in his face, and it was a lot cuz I'd been putting down some water at the table
And he sat down like the bitch he is and looked confused and stuttered some BS about meeting me outside. I said I'd be there and walked off with big security guy running over to me. That dude was pissed and meant business or I wasn't going anywhere. He kept asking the floor guy if there was anything else he could do to me as he escorted me out. I don't blame him. I find that to be an honorable job. Luckily I just got kicked out of the poker room.
I waited for 5 mins outside the poker room and no one came.
Then the clown sent me a bunch of angry texts with one word insults and a promise to have 20 guys ready to jump me at any live tournament. Punk I wish you would.
I challenged him to fights and he's backed down. I wouldn't disrespect someone as I did if they didn't really really piss me off and wrong me badly. All the same, it's not something I'm proud of, and I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think he'd take a swing at me. Damn shame, that would have been glorious
So I guess I underestimated what a pussy the wigger is. In doing so, I let myself down and all of you. I am sorry, but that's the way it went down.
**** bryn kenney, **** his crew, and if you like Bryn, then **** you too, and that's it on the subject.

from p5's

Last edited by Greeson08; 01-18-2010 at 07:33 PM. Reason: I suck at quoting =(
01-18-2010 , 07:37 PM
01-18-2010 , 07:49 PM
just to make things clear since actionjeff is a delusional idiot lowlife piece of ****, so any story w me and jeff has to start w him having 100k of my $ in his accnt cuz i was staking him since he was bust, i told him not to play any cash games on the stake at all the night before the wcoop main event, he then proceeded to lose the 100k that night on xanax because the kid is a pillhead delusional idiot, so then i told him he had to pay me atleast the 35k he was registered for in 2 tournaments which he did, i then kept on staking him during the summer i gave him some $ and he was down about 60k in makeup and i told him i was done staking him which i had owed him like 10k from buyins since i was doing really ****ty then so he then offered to call the -50k and 10k i owed him even which i did since it was pretty obvious the kid had just lost his mind and was playing terrible since all i heard all summer was how he was giving his chips away and sending me fake hand histories which i found ouyt later from other people, i wasnt talking any **** about the kid whatsoever i had forgotten about the idiot he then sends me a text about 2 weeks ago telling me to pay him 2500 or something since he had hit the wall busto and i guess it sucks when u cant afford to eat, so i told him he was an idiot, then i see him in the 5k when i was talking to my broither in the tournament and was chipleader in the tourney when the pussy comes up and spits on me and runs out of the room i mean its pretty obv uve lost ur mind u brain busto idiot but u go and pull a pussy move like that when im obviously not gonna do anything and get kicked out mid of a tourney, then u go and run out of the room and u didnt hit me at all so stop trying to make up more lies u broke ******
01-18-2010 , 07:56 PM
Thread just got interesting !
01-18-2010 , 07:59 PM
01-18-2010 , 08:00 PM
jeff we all know u did it ran out of the room and left the bahamas right after since we know thats the kind of pussy u r my brother went out looking for u and u were nowhere outside of the poker room waiting for ****
01-18-2010 , 08:01 PM
spitting is a pussy move.
Cheating players out of tons of $$ is ......far worse
01-18-2010 , 08:02 PM
I wish I coulda witnessed it. I woulda been laughing my ass off at such pussy behavior by AJ. I mean, spitting? Cmon pLease..
01-18-2010 , 08:02 PM
Its cute when poker players fight. The dreaded, oh hes busto comment, has to be a real knife in the heart to most of this community.
01-18-2010 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by EddieOB
spitting is a pussy move.
Cheating players out of tons of $$ is ......far worse
slapping is pretty **** gay too
01-18-2010 , 08:04 PM
Both sides of this story are quite interesting. I wonder where the truth lies.
01-18-2010 , 08:06 PM
sry but if i hit chad in the face id prolly break that crackhead little head and get sued for everything
01-18-2010 , 08:08 PM
he told me hed fight me when i saw him and he obv had nothing to say when i saw him so i tried to get that lowlife piece of **** to swing after he ****ed me for 15k i lent him and talked hella **** about me when he had 185k makeup to me when i was losing so he could get out of it, chad is as big of a piece of **** as they come
01-18-2010 , 08:10 PM
lol wowwww
01-18-2010 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by BrynKenney
he told me hed fight me when i saw him and he obv had nothing to say when i saw him so i tried to get that lowlife piece of **** to swing after he ****ed me for 15k i lent him and talked hella **** about me when he had 185k makeup to me when i was losing so he could get out of it, chad is as big of a piece of **** as they come
Do you feel like a badass slapping a guy by himself when u have 5 friends there?
01-18-2010 , 08:15 PM
i had 1 friend there he had 1 and my friend was nowhere near us
01-18-2010 , 08:15 PM
01-18-2010 , 08:16 PM
Spitting is a pussy move. Doubly so when you've been knocked out of a tournament and your opponent is still in. Is he really suppose to give up xxK$ of equity to fight? I probably would, but I can't fault someone who doesn't.

I have a pretty negative opinion of BryKenney and his whole act, but after this ActionJeff has found a new low.
01-18-2010 , 08:17 PM
lol chads just a little guy though bryn. I would feel bad about hitting such a little guy
01-18-2010 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by BrynKenney
just to make things clear since actionjeff is a delusional idiot lowlife piece of ****, so any story w me and jeff has to start w him having 100k of my $ in his accnt cuz i was staking him since he was bust, i told him not to play any cash games on the stake at all the night before the wcoop main event, he then proceeded to lose the 100k that night on xanax because the kid is a pillhead delusional idiot, so then i told him he had to pay me atleast the 35k he was registered for in 2 tournaments which he did, i then kept on staking him during the summer i gave him some $ and he was down about 60k in makeup and i told him i was done staking him which i had owed him like 10k from buyins since i was doing really ****ty then so he then offered to call the -50k and 10k i owed him even which i did since it was pretty obvious the kid had just lost his mind and was playing terrible since all i heard all summer was how he was giving his chips away and sending me fake hand histories which i found ouyt later from other people, i wasnt talking any **** about the kid whatsoever i had forgotten about the idiot he then sends me a text about 2 weeks ago telling me to pay him 2500 or something since he had hit the wall busto and i guess it sucks when u cant afford to eat, so i told him he was an idiot, then i see him in the 5k when i was talking to my broither in the tournament and was chipleader in the tourney when the pussy comes up and spits on me and runs out of the room i mean its pretty obv uve lost ur mind u brain busto idiot but u go and pull a pussy move like that when im obviously not gonna do anything and get kicked out mid of a tourney, then u go and run out of the room and u didnt hit me at all so stop trying to make up more lies u broke ******
lol at how many outright lies are in this post. dude you know that everyone in the poker community reads this forum and there are people that know for certain that you're full of **** right?
01-18-2010 , 08:21 PM
mlagoo if u think what im saying is a lie thats bc ur friends w a braindead ******
01-18-2010 , 08:21 PM
or u just r urself
01-18-2010 , 08:23 PM
i love life
