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ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do"

05-26-2021 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
At the very least there could have been some kind of voting only for the players left in the field about what they prefer, to reschedule to another date or to just cancel and get paid.
So how is that going to work? If 60% want to play on a different day, all of the people who simply can not be there for that day are ****ed?

Originally Posted by jfound
And people who say online poker is rigged has valid points now, sites cheating the players again and again
This has no relation whatsoever to sites being rigged, and no one has been cheated. NVG isn't your personal blog to drop your "all online poker sites suck" hot takes in every second thread, so please knock it off.
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-26-2021 , 04:58 PM
Still no payout here from the $215. Ill give another day before I go bother support about it.

I had an average stack and my Bounty was ~$775 total. I should be getting back ~$2500, minus the ITM payouts that we already received during the tourney. ($419 at this point I believe.)
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-26-2021 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
this was a multi flight event with reentries, I know players still in who were in for tons of buy ins, easily can happen that the ICM or chip chop payment does not even cover your buy ins.

Now fair enough if an overwhelming majority of the players left in the field say they could not make it to or would not want to play another day to play it out. I still doubt that the majority of the players left liked this decision. Surely it seems like the outspoken people prefer the ICM payments, that does not always reflect the true range of opinions as most people did not get a voice in this.

At the very least there could have been some kind of voting only for the players left in the field about what they prefer, to reschedule to another date or to just cancel and get paid.

I did not even consider cancelling a real option until i heard the message the next day to me this is absolutely ridiculous for an advertised big prize pool event like this. If you do that with a normal weekly game there is no real issue with that. But a game like this, it blows my mind even to see the couple of people on twitter and here who are fully supporting this decision.
Besides the fact that voting on this matter is completely impractical, you can't just go with what the majority wants and let a bunch of people lose a lot of EV if its rescheduled (in this case blind out). People registered to play the tournament on set dates, changing those dates after the tournament started is simply not fair.
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-26-2021 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
this was a multi flight event with reentries, I know players still in who were in for tons of buy ins, easily can happen that the ICM or chip chop payment does not even cover your buy ins.

Now fair enough if an overwhelming majority of the players left in the field say they could not make it to or would not want to play another day to play it out. I still doubt that the majority of the players left liked this decision. Surely it seems like the outspoken people prefer the ICM payments, that does not always reflect the true range of opinions as most people did not get a voice in this.

At the very least there could have been some kind of voting only for the players left in the field about what they prefer, to reschedule to another date or to just cancel and get paid.

I did not even consider cancelling a real option until i heard the message the next day to me this is absolutely ridiculous for an advertised big prize pool event like this. If you do that with a normal weekly game there is no real issue with that. But a game like this, it blows my mind even to see the couple of people on twitter and here who are fully supporting this decision.
How do people manage to form opinions like this and then vigorously defend them? It's baffling.

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ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 12:19 AM
Because they’re stupid?
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
this was a multi flight event with reentries, I know players still in who were in for tons of buy ins, easily can happen that the ICM or chip chop payment does not even cover your buy ins.

Now fair enough if an overwhelming majority of the players left in the field say they could not make it to or would not want to play another day to play it out. I still doubt that the majority of the players left liked this decision. Surely it seems like the outspoken people prefer the ICM payments, that does not always reflect the true range of opinions as most people did not get a voice in this.

At the very least there could have been some kind of voting only for the players left in the field about what they prefer, to reschedule to another date or to just cancel and get paid.

I did not even consider cancelling a real option until i heard the message the next day to me this is absolutely ridiculous for an advertised big prize pool event like this. If you do that with a normal weekly game there is no real issue with that. But a game like this, it blows my mind even to see the couple of people on twitter and here who are fully supporting this decision.
how is what you're in for remotely relevant?
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
ITT everyone is debating/ arguing over the wrong things. The biggest issue is that ACR ****ed up and doesn't know how to handle two day events.
Ding ding. They've historically had more 2 day events not complete than completed. The customer has got dramatically worse lately and that's really hard to do when it was already terrible. Seeing Moneymaker trolling everyone and the other lol pros acting like it's all cool is ridiculous.
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by LoadingitUP
Ding ding. They've historically had more 2 day events not complete than completed. The customer has got dramatically worse lately and that's really hard to do when it was already terrible. Seeing Moneymaker trolling everyone and the other lol pros acting like it's all cool is ridiculous.
**Customer service, ldo**
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 08:15 AM
i refuse to play on this site for exactly these reasons. this mtt two day restart/reschedule/we don't know how to properly run a tourney that we guranteed would be available sht is unacceptable. this is a great way for sites to basically get everyone to break even so they have more players left over to rake over the coals. they do not give a fk about you (not specific to ACR but they seem to care less than most) and just want the maximum rake. this is the same reason i don't play KO tournies - they are designed (like 2 day restarts that don't happen) to help make players break even and so that everyone has money left in their account to contribute back to rake. fugg em
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 10:40 AM
finally got a refund, but still no lobby to check and see if it is right. This is a scam.
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by ledn
Still no payout here from the $215. Ill give another day before I go bother support about it.

I had an average stack and my Bounty was ~$775 total. I should be getting back ~$2500, minus the ITM payouts that we already received during the tourney. ($419 at this point I believe.)
I got my payout for $2100 which seems correct based on my estimations of remaining prize pool

Obviously sucks that they dont have the lobby anywhere for people to verify. I did some rough math to estimate what I should get back.
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So how is that going to work? If 60% want to play on a different day, all of the people who simply can not be there for that day are ****ed?

This has no relation whatsoever to sites being rigged, and no one has been cheated. NVG isn't your personal blog to drop your "all online poker sites suck" hot takes in every second thread, so please knock it off.
Sorry I will stop but if u keep reading, it’s not only me but enough said I’ll refrain from posting. I don’t think online poker sucks at all, I just think the current online site sucks. The old pokerstar was great
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by tarheels2222
Because they’re stupid?
answering a rhetorik question to look funny and clever, very intelligent indeed, never seen before stuff you seem to be the right guy to be in charge of judging who is stupid and who not. Keep it up
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 04:39 PM
ACR has never shown any ability to properly run their site, nor any remote concern about player issues ... this is a drop in an extremely wet bucket ... if you go check how many events this has happened in I'd take the over on 100 instances in the past 3 years ... as the people in the thread are realizing, there is no method of reconciling the issue that will make all or even the majority of the players happy ... this is why it is unacceptable, and unacceptable business practice is par for the course with ACR ... i am a broken record and i understand it is a nuanced decision for American players, but nothing short of a complete US boycott of the site will make them change anything about the way they operate
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-27-2021 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by ledn
I got my payout for $2100 which seems correct based on my estimations of remaining prize pool

Obviously sucks that they dont have the lobby anywhere for people to verify. I did some rough math to estimate what I should get back.
True, it sucks we can't see the lobby and actually calculate things. Now I have no idea what sort of amount I should receive. Hopefully, the money we received is close to what we should expect.
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-28-2021 , 12:46 AM
The lobby and payouts are posted on the winningpokernetwork forum, or will be by tommorrow
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-28-2021 , 06:14 AM
Isn't this an unregulated site? Seems they can do whatever they want and playing on the site, you have to accept that sometimes it won't go to plan. Think of it as another rake.
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
05-28-2021 , 08:09 AM
ACR = the Kmart of online poker
ACR Cancelling DAY 2 Events of PKOSS series and paying ICM is NOT the "right thing to do" Quote
