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06-18-2008 , 05:35 AM
should go to

start, control panel, add or remove programs, and uninstall every poker software, its amazing the nonsense u read most of u guys are micro suckers
06-18-2008 , 05:40 AM
If you belonged to the winning 10%, you wouldn't be telling us to quit.

In fact, the only reason to convince the majority of people not to play is if the majority of people can beat you.

Just pointing that out.
06-18-2008 , 05:40 AM
U should uninstall your life
06-18-2008 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by megacatracho
should go to

start, control panel, add or remove programs, and uninstall every poker software, its amazing the nonsense u read most of u guys are micro suckers
You're obviously crushing $1000NL

Oh, wait...
06-18-2008 , 05:44 AM
[ ] expert tarp
06-18-2008 , 05:47 AM
ITT we copy/paste megacatracho posts

Originally Posted by megacatracho
My apologies if this sounds like a beat or variance thread, but i think i can get better advice here. I took a long break, like a month after i was doing fairly well and i started playing 50nl with a 1.8 two days i have dropped aprox 6 buyins...and i think my game is off, any advice on playing at 50nl ? I play at bodog btw


Originally Posted by megacatracho
Hi guys im a micro por lol i play at 25 max to 50 max and i used to do very well like a month ago but then i took a month break aprox and now im back and i have donked 400$ in 2 my roll went from 1.8k to 1.4k SICK i have never lost this way.

I feel my game is off, im not patient, y play full ring 50nl and im getting ripped apart by suckers who dont laydown their hands when i bluff, that overbet with aces and i dont belive then and call with middle pair so the only fault is my game, not variance, not bad beats nothing. Any advice? Im feellin terribly but poker is my main job lol so i cant quit....for now i plan on cashing out and just leaving 100-200 bucks or so to rebuild

My quesions are

Any advice on beating 50nl any tread i use to beat it though lol?
Has any of u after a long break lose ur game? how do u get it back?
Advice on managing urself and playing more tight?

btw i tilted like 100 playing limit holdem i was in money tilt lol


Originally Posted by megacatracho
I posted on the micro stakes i just thought it was like a beat...actually i cash out like 1k-2k a thats how im a pro lol

Thnx anyways
Originally Posted by megacatracho
I have the hand history but i cant post it correctly nor converted, it is from Bodog so not sure how to convert. I had just cashed out and i left only like 300$ on the account, and i started playing 100nl wish is dumb but i regularly play there and 50nl so didnt see it as a problem.

There was this massive donk with a 700$ stack i had 200$ and he as just insane ******ed. From the cutoff with AQ i raise to 5$ he calls and another guy calls. Flop comes Axx i check i knew the donk was betting, the donk bets 5$ the other guy calls i raise to 20$ the donk calls the other guy folds. Turn comes a blank i check again the donk bets 25$ i move in the donk calls 400$ pot i show AQ he shows A8 guess what the river was.... 8 ..... i lose the donk leaves the table with almost 1k


Originally Posted by megacatracho
hahaha i dont know how to post the HH. And i had to post the beat to kinda unsteam....

Btw this happens while im in a downswing and prolly have to wire mor money...confidence is crippled and i feel i cant win
06-18-2008 , 05:48 AM
in before poooof!
06-18-2008 , 05:50 AM
more gems from megacatracho

Originally Posted by megacatracho
Hi guys, i need massive help in this. After cashing out and leaveing only like 400$ in my account (im a 100, 50 and 25nl regular) ive been in a dowsning, partly beats, mostly playing like a ******, doing stupid stuff, playing limit holdem and basicaly my fault. I dropped a lot this days and today i got horribly sucked out on the river and now i only have 100$ in my account.

Now i play 25nl and i feel the bets giagiantic....i feel i cannot win a hand, i feel i cant have a winning session etc. My confidence is extremely low now. Prolly need to wire more moeny but i cant with the confidence so low

How do u guys regain confidence?


Originally Posted by megacatracho
Just played 25 short handed QQ goes down to a flopped flush and lost 25 more, im at 80 for sure going busto at this rythm, im unpatient at the tables and cant win....definitely going to 10nl again :S
Originally Posted by megacatracho
Almost busto not patient at the tables....playng too confidence

i need a coach where can i get in touch with some1?
Originally Posted by megacatracho
almost busto...prolly moving to 10nl again :S
Originally Posted by megacatracho
U dont know how much ur post has helped me, that small and helpless words are exactly what i feel now....i feel like poker is over for me and im a loser.....but it makes me feel much better to know other people have felt my way, thanks a ton for ur post...seriously...
06-18-2008 , 05:50 AM
You know it's coming....

06-18-2008 , 05:52 AM
Te gusta la verga por Detroit asumo...
06-18-2008 , 05:57 AM
I agree with OP. The house takes all the money. $3 per pot adds up to over $10 an hour per person. After taxes 150 million Americans do clear more than $12 an hour in cash. $16 with a 25% tax rate +. The rake should be maxed at $1 per pot. Everyone is dumb.
100% of internet poker players should put $10 in a World Poker Exchange account. Let FTP and Riverstars lose all their business and be forced to lower their rake, then you can switch back to where the good software is at. Everyone is really really stupid. Every day of my life, I feel like everyone around me is ******ed. Every last one of you should have a WPEX account.
06-18-2008 , 06:01 AM
Interesting twist
06-18-2008 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
You know it's coming....

That thing would be awesome in a zombie attack - cracking ace by night and cracking zombies by day. Some days i really wish for a zombie based cataclysmic event - is that wrong?

Anyway, i know OP will soon be banned for racism, but in the mean time im loving the delicious irony of a busto microstakes players calling everyone a busto microstakes player as if it is some kind of huge insult or summit.
06-18-2008 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by dismalstudent99
If you belonged to the winning 10%, you wouldn't be telling us to quit.

In fact, the only reason to convince the majority of people not to play is if the majority of people can beat you.

Just pointing that out.
06-18-2008 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
You're obviously crushing $1000NL

Oh, wait...
ahahahaha owned
06-18-2008 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by BorgataBabe80
I agree with OP. The house takes all the money. $3 per pot adds up to over $10 an hour per person. After taxes 150 million Americans do clear more than $12 an hour in cash. $16 with a 25% tax rate +. The rake should be maxed at $1 per pot. Everyone is dumb.
100% of internet poker players should put $10 in a World Poker Exchange account. Let FTP and Riverstars lose all their business and be forced to lower their rake, then you can switch back to where the good software is at. Everyone is really really stupid. Every day of my life, I feel like everyone around me is ******ed. Every last one of you should have a WPEX account.
I dont want to play against players who consider what impact the rake has to their bottom line, its pretty clear why WPX sucks beyond belief and that Stars and FTP are numbers one and two (and iPoker, which rakes slightly worse, is 3).
06-18-2008 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I dont want to play against players who consider what impact the rake has to their bottom line, its pretty clear why WPX sucks beyond belief and that Stars and FTP are numbers one and two (and iPoker, which rakes slightly worse, is 3).
Crappy software, and no advertising?
06-18-2008 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by megacatracho
I posted on the micro stakes i just thought it was like a beat...actually i cash out like 1k-2k a thats how im a pro lol

Thnx anyways
[x] Beat: you make $18,000 a year
06-18-2008 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
[x] Beat: you make $18,000 a year
Nah - he didn't mention that he deposits $5k / month.
06-18-2008 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
[x] Beat: you make $18,000 a year
Tbh, given the choice between making 18k a year at poker and 18k a year working for Wal Mart or some other crappy low end low skill low pay job like that id pick poker every single time.
06-18-2008 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by megacatracho
should go to

start, control panel, add or remove programs, and uninstall every poker software, its amazing the nonsense u read most of u guys are micro suckers
I run a Mac, what's your suggestion now?
06-18-2008 , 06:30 AM
Thank you OP for being so generous as to give us this sage advice, rather than take all our money at the tables. This was very big of you.

You just know that after he gets banned he's gonna read every reply in this threat and tilt even harder because his comments got deleted and he cant make any more racist responses. Care to embarass yourself further before you're banned?
06-18-2008 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by DarthDonkey
I run a Mac, what's your suggestion now?
Go to Macintosh HD>Applications>Parallels Desktop>File>Open>select virtual machine>wait for Windows to boot>Start>Control Panel>Add or Remove programs

06-18-2008 , 06:33 AM
Are you from Honduras, "catracho"?
06-18-2008 , 06:35 AM
OP is either the best account or worst real account ever.
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