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6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins 6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins

04-09-2010 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
I agree 110% on leaving America, this country is sooooooo corrupt, compromised and co-opted its just amazing, especially how no one will do anything about it. Obama ruled out the use of nukes in self-defense so I'm afraid that's not an option... expatriation is the only answer, but its not easy finding somewhere else to go....

Nice bubble world you live in.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by equalsfour?
Distajo, and what did you do to stop this from occurring?

your post basically gives no new insight but just hints that we are all selfish lazy pricks
Well, i'm 20 years old, i learned how to play poker a little less than a year ago, and last november is when i found out that online poker is in jeopardy. I joined PPA, sent letters out. One of the federal senators lives near me in my state and i have made efforts to reach him for discussion.

I admit, i haven't done as much as Rich Muny or John Pappas, but i've done more than the average poker player. And have made an impact as much as a young person could have.

It doesn't matter if my post reveals nothing new. It needs to be repeated that if online poker goes down and many people are forced to go back to a 9 to 5 job or can't play a pleasurable leisure activity, the blame lies in their inactivity.
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04-09-2010 , 06:38 PM
Gambling is a sin, people.

It's God's will that we save our children from gambling.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 06:47 PM
i also think that 6/1/10 is going to be a very bad day...

threads will start popping up..."anyone from US able to deposit lately"

official cash @ casino for online monies threads will start...etc

i expect online dollars to start trading in casinos at an increasingly steep discount.

however, all of this is leading US towards regulation of the industry.

just imagine in 10 poker and marijuana cafes. LOL
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04-09-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Karganeth
Will this affect players outside the US playing on US poker sites?
There are no US poker sites lol
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04-09-2010 , 07:15 PM
Everyone with over $1k can ship me the funds and collect them here in Ireland -15% for the trouble. Good excuse for a holiday too.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by moki
...and a budget deficit/debt to match. Highest relative to GDP of any developed nation, I believe.

About the consent for sex, etc. ages in the USA... that's controlled by each individual state, and can vary quite a bit.
Wow.. what a completely pointless comment....and according this source.. your wrong anyway

But anyway, i'm sure you'll try to find other figures that show your country in a better light. at the end of the day, this isn't the point.

The point is excessive wrote

"But then again we have the freedom to fall ill without worrying about medical bills."

This is real world fact whichever way you swing it......its completely indisputable regardless of how much you don't like it and feel you have to write completely erroneous arguments.

If i break my leg/get cancer/partner has a child etc etc tomorrow....i will get world class medical attention free of charge..(even if i'm homeless). This is a fact! At no point in my lifetime will i walk into a hospital only to be told "hang on mate, our national debt is quite high relative to our GDP, we can't treat you." Just ain't gonna happen. Get over it.

Now i think USA is an amazing country with fantastic culture and i'm not here to start a debate. I'm just trying to free you of your personal ignorance on this particular issue.
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04-09-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by bbq
Gambling is a sin, people.

It's God's will that we save our children from gambling.
We're all going to burn....US players that is
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 08:16 PM
time to cashout the few hundred i got left eh
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by mike4583
Wow.. what a completely pointless comment....and according this source.. your wrong anyway

But anyway, i'm sure you'll try to find other figures that show your country in a better light. at the end of the day, this isn't the point.

The point is excessive wrote

"But then again we have the freedom to fall ill without worrying about medical bills."

This is real world fact whichever way you swing it......its completely indisputable regardless of how much you don't like it and feel you have to write completely erroneous arguments.

If i break my leg/get cancer/partner has a child etc etc tomorrow....i will get world class medical attention free of charge..(even if i'm homeless). This is a fact! At no point in my lifetime will i walk into a hospital only to be told "hang on mate, our national debt is quite high relative to our GDP, we can't treat you." Just ain't gonna happen. Get over it.

Now i think USA is an amazing country with fantastic culture and i'm not here to start a debate. I'm just trying to free you of your personal ignorance on this particular issue.
so a homeless person who goes to the ER is told she needs a new liver in a week or will die, will get the new liver and for free in the UK?
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Distajo
yes, it's true that online poker has seen better days. And it appears as though the "sky is falling." Don't be fooled by some of the posters' unfounded optimism and willful ignorance, each day gets worse and worse w/ states explicitly make online poker punishable like MA, payment process seizures, closed accts, etc. June 1st will undoubtedly be apocalyptic. Banks will be under fear of penalty for handling transactions with poker websites. Because of this, it will be harder to move money and the people who rely on income from PS/FT/etc. will have to hone their crime chops by opening offshore bank accts. and finding other astute methods of getting their money. Weak players will not bother w/ such difficult methods of getting money on and your edges as a winning player will become even more marginal to the point where you are breakeven or losing after the rakeback.

The PPA has tried very hard in fighting for our cause and for that they should be commended. I applaud them for standing up for a lazy, unappreciative, degenerate population such as the online poker crowd is.

If June 1st brings the worst case scenario, it's easy to blame the APA (Axis of anti-Poker Asssholes) for sneakily passing legistation against us. But, we had our opportunities to change this. And i blame all of the stoic, ingrate assshole players who benefitted off of online poker all these years, but never cared to do a damn thing to help our cause. Instead of thousands of letters, we could've sent hundred of thousands, made more phone calls, and made our voice heard.

I don't care if i get flamed, but i'm frustrated at the indifference some people show towards this topic.

People, go on the PPA website, send emails, letters, your congressman.
It's very clear that many players are not doing anything about the UIGEA and soon might be too late to wake up and complain after the fact.
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04-09-2010 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Foldemlow

People, go on the PPA website, send emails, letters, your congressman.
It's very clear that many players are not doing anything about the UIGEA and soon might be too late to wake up and complain after the fact.
Ya for real all you lazy scumbags need to do this. I learned this in my Social Justice classes. The people need to do something or else nothing will be done to help us.

March on Washington D.C. with our laptops?
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04-09-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by MissionBetterLife
I'm glad u are living in LAND OF THE FREE (?) and not in 3rd world country like me.

Land of the free, united nations of hypocrisy, profit's our goal,
we're incorporated, it's big business and oil companies controlling us all,
oh yeah, land of the free, free to conspire, control destiny,
oh yeah, you're gonna see, no use resistin',
you're livin' in the land of the free, free to control your life,
land of the free, free to control your mind, land of the free?
blow me
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Donny Cam
Ya for real all you lazy scumbags need to do this. I learned this in my Social Justice classes. The people need to do something or else nothing will be done to help us.

March on Washington D.C. with our laptops?
Laptops and bottles of piss to show the dedication. Leatherass could front the movement.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
so a homeless person who goes to the ER is told she needs a new liver in a week or will die, will get the new liver and for free in the UK?
have you never been to europe? thousands of homeless alcoholics in front of every single hospital, waiting in line to get their liver transplant.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
i also think that 6/1/10 is going to be a very bad day...

threads will start popping up..."anyone from US able to deposit lately"
and I think you are a moran and this proves it

Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
posting the processor info was a mistake which i corrected within 5 minutes. there was no malicious intent, i think people took offense when they gave advice and i went in another direction, but had I followed advice that woulda pissed off some other peoples.
downie posts processor info, then...

Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
..she wanted to know what the message on the outgoing wire meant (a word directed by the site to reference the transaction) and after researching the companies behind some of the checks deposited back to my account, "was unable to determine what kind of businesses they were."
so i was completely honest, I said these are related to "online internet gambling- poker and sports betting" and that having read the new UIGEA legislation, have withdrawn all money from my accounts because as I said "the legal grey area is becoming less grey."
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:28 PM
This sucks for us Live players now all the online players are going to be flocking our lives games.

Not good for the live game scene. As they are soft as hell now at least most online players don't know how to play/or just get bored when they aren't playing 24 tables.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
i also think that 6/1/10 is going to be a very bad day...

threads will start popping up..."anyone from US able to deposit lately"

official cash @ casino for online monies threads will start...etc

i expect online dollars to start trading in casinos at an increasingly steep discount.

however, all of this is leading US towards regulation of the industry.

just imagine in 10 poker and marijuana cafes.
Um ...... No. We are moving toward less freedom. There are no goodies at the end of rainbow. Just another storm. I can't imagine in 10 years, cause I am too busy looking back on all we lost in the last 10. That's the way our govt. works these days, they slap you with one hand, when you turn, they slap you with the other. Then, they tell you they are doing it for your own good.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:43 PM
Should I just not deposit/withdraw anymore?

Or should I keep what I am doing until the end of may and withdraw until we find out the deal
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
so a homeless person who goes to the ER is told she needs a new liver in a week or will die, will get the new liver and for free in the UK?
ITS NOT FREE!!!!! have you seen the type of taxes UK people pay for that "Free" medical care?
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Um ...... No. We are moving toward less freedom. There are no goodies at the end of rainbow. Just another storm. I can't imagine in 10 years, cause I am too busy looking back on all we lost in the last 10. That's the way our govt. works these days, they slap you with one hand, when you turn, they slap you with the other. Then, they tell you they are doing it for your own good.
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by MissionBetterLife
I'm glad u are living in LAND OF THE FREE (?) and not in 3rd world country like me.

Land of the free, united nations of hypocrisy, profit's our goal,
we're incorporated, it's big business and oil companies controlling us all,
oh yeah, land of the free, free to conspire, control destiny,
oh yeah, you're gonna see, no use resistin',
you're livin' in the land of the free, free to control your life,
land of the free, free to control your mind, land of the free?

this has gone through my head so many times reading threads like this, go Pennywise
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by BlitzPlayer
Should I just not deposit/withdraw anymore?

Or should I keep what I am doing until the end of may and withdraw until we find out the deal
Keep playing
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by BlitzPlayer
Should I just not deposit/withdraw anymore?

Or should I keep what I am doing until the end of may and withdraw until we find out the deal
i think withdraws are gonna be fine still, basically the game is just gonna be even more dried up than it already is. good thing 2 casinos near me are getting table games this summer
6/1/10:  UIGEA Enforcement Begins Quote
04-09-2010 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Distajo
yes, it's true that online poker has seen better days. And it appears as though the "sky is falling." Don't be fooled by some of the posters' unfounded optimism and willful ignorance, each day gets worse and worse w/ states explicitly make online poker punishable like MA, payment process seizures, closed accts, etc. June 1st will undoubtedly be apocalyptic. Banks will be under fear of penalty for handling transactions with poker websites. Because of this, it will be harder to move money and the people who rely on income from PS/FT/etc. will have to hone their crime chops by opening offshore bank accts. and finding other astute methods of getting their money. Weak players will not bother w/ such difficult methods of getting money on and your edges as a winning player will become even more marginal to the point where you are breakeven or losing after the rakeback.

The PPA has tried very hard in fighting for our cause and for that they should be commended. I applaud them for standing up for a lazy, unappreciative, degenerate population such as the online poker crowd is.

If June 1st brings the worst case scenario, it's easy to blame the APA (Axis of anti-Poker Asssholes) for sneakily passing legistation against us. But, we had our opportunities to change this. And i blame all of the stoic, ingrate assshole players who benefitted off of online poker all these years, but never cared to do a damn thing to help our cause. Instead of thousands of letters, we could've sent hundred of thousands, made more phone calls, and made our voice heard.

I don't care if i get flamed, but i'm frustrated at the indifference some people show towards this topic.
I agree with you, but as a realist, the reason the groundswell doesn't happen is because people are afraid of their government. How many people who were in the game early and made a lot of money payed taxes correctly from Day 1?

For every Dwan, Galfond, insert great player, the game started as a hobby and developed into something more over the course of years. While those guys have a team of tax attorneys at this point, the idea that a lot of people want to raise their hand and put a target on their back to the IRS is simply never going to happen.

Very few people early on when they were 19 years old filled out itemized tax returns properly. Poker players went from making a few hundred one year, to maybe 15k the next, to out of this world popular very quickly and kids woke up making more than their parents in a hurry. We know this is the case, and that's the problem thinking you are ever going to get a huge movement of letter writers.

Victories need to be won in the courtroom with this thing, and that's where those who have made big money and stand to profit hugely should make their donations, to the legal battle. Everyone would love a return to the glory years. Kids spend 40 hours a week studying databases to eke out another .5 ptbb per hour, they'd get involved to make poker a cash cow again, but they are fearful and tbh there isn't a clear objective defined. The PPA does great as they are fighting a battle on multiple fronts, they are simply overwhelmed by the nature of how hard it is to overturn something already passed.

People are afraid of their government, particularly the IRS, and drawing numbers of players willing to put their name on a letter with the grey nature of the gambling laws will never happen. Put up some money for attorneys if you want to make a difference because that's our only hope. Pro-active legal action.
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