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2016 wsop hof nominees announced. 2016 wsop hof nominees announced.

09-09-2016 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bigoldnit
My first google result has Phil born in 1977, so not 40 yet.
But would he be 40 by time of induction?
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-09-2016 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
But would he be 40 by time of induction?
Actually he needs to be 40 by the time of nomination. So that makes sense he was not nominated.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 02:54 AM
No Isai no interest. this is some booo****
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by youriw21
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 06:33 AM
Moneymaker should be a lock to get in, just look at those criteria

A player must have played poker against acknowledged top competition
Be a minimum of 40 years old at time of nomination
Played for high stakes
Played consistently well, gaining the respect of peers
Stood the test of time
Or, for non-players, contributed to the overall growth and success of the game of poker, with indelible positive and lasting results.
The only one you could argue he hasn't done is played consistently well, but he's probably not in the bottom 35% of skill level of players that have won the ME, either.

I'd give the remaining spot to Matt Savage, dude will obv get it at some point and the other nominees are of a lower level.

I think maybe WSOP curates to players that actually still play a lot of WSOP at the moment they get into the HOF. Maybe Isai and Ivey will never pop up because of that.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
Here are the numerous flaws with the WSOP HOF:

1. The nomination process is completely opaque. There's a form on the website for fans to submit names, but you never see the results. WSOP could just be hand-picking nominees and you'd never know.

2. In fact, it's quite obvious that people such as Isai Scheinberg are being deliberately kept off the ballot. The interests of the WSOP are a factor. They shouldn't be.

3. It's also known that certain insiders have a say as to who gets on the ballot, such as with Doyle getting Sailor Roberts in several years ago. The "Poker Hall of Fame Governing Council", whoever that is comprised of, supposedly has the ultimate say in who gets on the ballot. So what is the point of giving fans a form to fill out? To harvest our e-mail addresses?

4. The point system has been completely broken in years past, giving an enormous amount of power to a small number of people. Influential HOF members (like Doyle) could to use their influence to get whoever they wanted inducted. This may have been changed, as I don't see any information on how the votes are counted this year.

5. We don't know who the voters are, aside from the living hall of famers. Why is this a secret?

6. We don't know the results of the voting. I can understand keeping the choices of individual voters secret, but why not show vote totals for each candidate? The only reason that comes to mind is to hide irregularities.

7. There are too few voters. This makes it easier to manipulate results with voting blocs, lacks diversity, and increases variance. The chances of someone like David Chiu ever getting in may depend on the whim of 1 or 2 people.

8. Because only 2 players per year can be inducted, there is a backlog of people like Chiu building up, and most of them will never get in. This is worsened by the induction of "builders" and joke selections like McEvoy.
Very good post.

I'd like to see Ulliot nominated. I feel he deserves it in part for being a player and for the growth of the game in the UK that he had a big part in.

2) Moneymaker I'd like to see get it as well but tbh I'd like to wait a few years to see what comes of online poker. If the industry continues to contract then it doesn't seem relevant. If things can improve then I'd like to see him included. He works very hard as an ambassador to the game and is a genuinely humble man that is so easy for the common man to relate with.

3) Obviously Isai not getting the nod is a joke and embarrassment for the entire HOF. By not including him the current members of the HOF should be outraged as it just throws the entire HOF's sense of worth into serious question. This brings down their stock.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 08:56 AM
Moneymaker and Savage.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
5. We don't know who the voters are, aside from the living hall of famers. Why is this a secret?
According to the latest EPT Not Live podcast, Stapes is one of them.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
The only one you could argue he hasn't done is played consistently well
I'm not really sure you could argue Moneymaker meets any of those criteria (well, he's 40), but I'd still be okay him getting in, mainly because poker doesn't have the same rule that baseball has:

6. Automatic Elections: No automatic elections based on performances such as a batting average of .400 or more for one (1) year, pitching a perfect game or similar outstanding achievement shall be permitted.

I think poker should separate the player and contributor categories, maybe elect one player a year and a contributor every other year, something like that. The idea of having to elect two people every single year is a bit much.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
The criteria they will consider in their vote are as follows:

A player must have played poker against acknowledged top competition
Be a minimum of 40 years old at time of nomination
Played for high stakes
Played consistently well, gaining the respect of peers
Stood the test of time
Or, for non-players, contributed to the overall growth and success of the game of poker, with indelible positive and lasting results.

I'm sure there are better nominees but from the finalists and using this criteria...

Moneymaker for obvious reasons. You could say right place, right time but hes also put in a ton of hours being an ambassador for the game all around the world. He didn't do it for a year or two and then fall back, he still does it now.

If they are being strict on this criteria and the last one only applies to non-players, then he shouldn't get in.

Matt Savage- I think Matt is great at what he does and has been one of the leaders in improving tournament structures and series

Humberto- Not sure how much respect his peers have of his game but the SHARK, SHARK, SHARK alone should get him in. He has been able to combine being a personality with also not being ridiculously annoying about it (to most ). I'm not sure how much ambassador stuff he does in his home country.

Maybe Carlos?? Not super familiar with the skill level of most of the other players when they were more well known. Just because they made it on TV and had their names repeated over and over probably shouldn't make them HOF.

I might be the one person who took this a bit serious but I think HOFs are pretty nice.

Chris Moneymaker is a no brainer at this point. The guy put poker on the map and his win made the W.S.OP and Pokerstars massive juggernauts. He always comes across as a cool guy, and you can still seeing him grinding away on Pokerstars.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-10-2016 , 11:51 PM
I nominate Freddy Deeb, Shaun Deeb, and Jennifer Tilly's cleavage.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-11-2016 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by illdonk
I'm not really sure you could argue Moneymaker meets any of those criteria (well, he's 40), but I'd still be okay him getting in, mainly because poker doesn't have the same rule that baseball has:

6. Automatic Elections: No automatic elections based on performances such as a batting average of .400 or more for one (1) year, pitching a perfect game or similar outstanding achievement shall be permitted.

I think poker should separate the player and contributor categories, maybe elect one player a year and a contributor every other year, something like that. The idea of having to elect two people every single year is a bit much.
What are you even talking about?

A player must have played poker against acknowledged top competition:
Moneymaker has played against pretty much anyone at this point, in tournaments and (probably less but he's appeared on tv multiple times) cash games (probably less but he's appeared on tv multiple times).
Played for high stakes: Yes he has, see televised cash games
Played consistently well, gaining the respect of peers: Like I said he isn't a typical pro but he's OK enough to not "fail" this criteria.
Stood the test of time: Dude's been one of the most recognized poker faces since 2003 and nobody has anything bad to say about the guy.
Or, for non-players, contributed to the overall growth and success of the game of poker, with indelible positive and lasting results. They invented a term for what his impact on the poker industry was (Moneymaker effect, it even has a Wikipedia page )

I just noticed moneymaker was eligible for the first time which makes sense, otherwise he'd already be in. He has to be at least a 50% chance to get in given his competition.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-11-2016 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
David Ulliott!
this. /thread
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-11-2016 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
What are you even talking about?

A player must have played poker against acknowledged top competition:
Moneymaker has played against pretty much anyone at this point, in tournaments and (probably less but he's appeared on tv multiple times) cash games (probably less but he's appeared on tv multiple times).
Played for high stakes: Yes he has, see televised cash games
Played consistently well, gaining the respect of peers: Like I said he isn't a typical pro but he's OK enough to not "fail" this criteria.
Stood the test of time: Dude's been one of the most recognized poker faces since 2003 and nobody has anything bad to say about the guy.
Or, for non-players, contributed to the overall growth and success of the game of poker, with indelible positive and lasting results. They invented a term for what his impact on the poker industry was (Moneymaker effect, it even has a Wikipedia page ).
It's true that the qualifications are vague enough that he and thousands of other people qualify. I mean, every year thousands of people enter WSOP events and play "against acknowledged top competition," for high stakes, and I suppose being on a TV cash game a few times is playing for high stakes (though if PokerStars is fronting the cash is that really the same?).

But I'm not sure how you could stretch the record to say he has played consistently well, or what "stood the test of time" even means. Does he have the respect of his peers as a poker player, or as an ambassador?

So you pretty much nailed it with that last qualification: he should be inducted as somebody who contributed to the overall growth and success of the game of poker, with indelible positive and lasting results. That seems pretty clear.

I'll also give my annual complaint that the last one is poorly written/conceived, and that such contributions shouldn't only be considered for 'non players.' Better wording would be: "Contributions to the overall growth and success of the game of poker, with indelible positive and lasting results, will also be considered, including for non-players."

Last edited by illdonk; 09-11-2016 at 12:59 PM.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-11-2016 , 03:06 PM
Brunson & Devilfish
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-12-2016 , 10:34 PM
Layne flack?

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2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-13-2016 , 02:23 AM
Moneymaker is a no brainer. He's the guy who started it all. Now you may say the boom was going to happen anyway (I agree) but he was one hell of a great lead character. No name guy named Moneymaker- Storybook.

Isai Scheinberg would not show up. I'm sure that's another key reason they won't nominate/elect.They should have 2 players a year and then poker contributors every other year.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-15-2016 , 12:40 PM
Dan robison?

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2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-15-2016 , 04:18 PM
Hoff, Caro, Sklansky, Malmuth all deserve to be in hof
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-15-2016 , 10:18 PM
Mori Eskandani

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2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-16-2016 , 08:38 AM
Just don't think a losing one hit wonder (Moneymaker) should be a first ballot automatic
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-16-2016 , 08:53 AM
Phil laak, Antonio Esfandiari, David Williams and of course Babs Enright.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-16-2016 , 03:07 PM
Enright is already in. Went in the same year as Hellmuth IIRC
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-17-2016 , 02:37 AM
Perhaps it's time they started letting more than two people in per year. Things have changed a lot since it started in the 70's or whenever.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
09-17-2016 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by JackRandall
Perhaps it's time they started letting more than two people in per year. Things have changed a lot since it started in the 70's or whenever.
This is not a good idea. We already have a weak class to choose from this year and its hard to make a case for any of the nominees let alone three of them.
2016 wsop hof nominees announced. Quote
