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11-26-2020 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
I disagree on history, literature it's probably close. I think I'd rank them in level of importance like this and separate literature from the other stuff you learn in English:

financial literacy
writing / reading comprehension
foreign languages
How can they be financially literature if they're not literally literate?
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11-26-2020 , 10:45 AM
an upzoning bill like this or maybe even more aggressive should pass everywhere. too high housing costs and too little densification of high demand areas are a huge problem so many places and easily solvable with a little political will
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11-26-2020 , 12:02 PM
i think if you have only ONE policy, you have to choose one that will affect everything.

to me that's getting rid of crony capitalism/lobbying/Citizens United/dark money in politics.

most of the other policies progressives want that would be extremely beneficial for regular people are backed by money in politics.

Medicare For All has shown to be cheaper than current helathcare by conservative think tanks, but insurance companies are blocking it.

The green new deal could be a massive BOOST to the economy with creating even more jobs in the clean energy sector which is already outpacing fossil fuels, but fossil fuel money is blocking it..

ending the war on drugs would be extremely beneficial, but pharma companies and private prisons lobby against it.
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11-26-2020 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i think if you have only ONE policy, you have to choose one that will affect everything.

to me that's getting rid of crony capitalism/lobbying/Citizens United/dark money in politics.

most of the other policies progressives want that would be extremely beneficial for regular people are backed by money in politics.

Medicare For All has shown to be cheaper than current helathcare by conservative think tanks, but insurance companies are blocking it.

The green new deal could be a massive BOOST to the economy with creating even more jobs in the clean energy sector which is already outpacing fossil fuels, but fossil fuel money is blocking it..

ending the war on drugs would be extremely beneficial, but pharma companies and private prisons lobby against it.
"i think if you have only ONE policy, you have to choose one that will affect everything.

to me that's getting rid of crony capitalism/lobbying/Citizens United/dark money in politics."

Realistically, through what method(s) are you going to get rid of--or reform the above--without first instituting term limits for Congressman and Senators??

I don't proclaim to be all-knowing on this subject, so if anyone has well thought out objections to the idea of term limits, or negative consequences that would result from term limits, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
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11-26-2020 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Pride of Cucamonga
"i think if you have only ONE policy, you have to choose one that will affect everything.

to me that's getting rid of crony capitalism/lobbying/Citizens United/dark money in politics."

Realistically, through what method(s) are you going to get rid of--or reform the above--without first instituting term limits for Congressman and Senators??

I don't proclaim to be all-knowing on this subject, so if anyone has well thought out objections to the idea of term limits, or negative consequences that would result from term limits, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
I view term limits for Congress as a terrible policy, the primary effect of which would be to increase the power of lobbyists, bureaucrats, and the President at the expense of Congress. Since Congress is the most democratic part of the federal government, and generally most closely connected to interests outside of DC, the actual impact of term limits would likely be to increase the power of the entrenched interests of DC and make the federal government less responsive to the public. Reducing the power of politicians without also reducing the power of government makes it less responsive to the public.

Here's an article laying out some of the reasons most political scientists oppose term limits for legislatures.
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11-26-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Here's an article laying out some of the reasons most political scientists oppose term limits for legislatures.
Interesting article, thx for the link.

It seems obvious to me that there are number of very serious issues that politicians need to try and reform or resolve, but which they are unable or unwilling to do so, primarily due to the fact that doing so would be unpopular with their constituents and would thereby result in their losing reelection. Two examples are social security and medicare reform.

If you agree that politicians are very often unwilling to make decisions primarily due to the fact that doing so would negatively affect their chances of reelection--and if term limits are not in fact an effective remedy--what solution(s) do you suggest to remedy this problem?
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11-30-2020 , 11:30 PM
1.) ban arrests for possession
2.) ban arrests for theft
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11-30-2020 , 11:40 PM
It’s hard to choose just two. Ending qualified immunity, the drug war, the department of education,banning solitary confinement, banning debtors prisons and theft arrests, banning restrictions on gender identity and discrimination against lgbt communities, allowing felons to vote, Ending cps abuse, legalizing online gambling and machine guns , ending private prisons , ending seatbelt laws, ending jail fees are all things that should’ve happened yesterday.
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11-30-2020 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
How can they be financially literature if they're not literally literate?
Of course they need to be able to read, I'm saying that understanding how money and credit work will do a lot more for them than quoting Shakespeare.
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