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Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world?

11-12-2020 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
He represents the GOP.

Which is funny because Biden is going to appoint a GOP cabinet.

Clinton bombed Iraq. Carter overthrew the shah. He represents the USA in full much more than the left cares to admit. They're too busy realizing now that their great democracy was built on slavery.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
He represents the GOP.

Which is funny because Biden is going to appoint a GOP cabinet.

I agree with nuclearDonkey, he def represents the USA as well. hes just more crass about it. but policywise the Dems are much closer to Trump than they are to Bernie.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
and calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" is objectively funny given the circumstances.
Yeah, no. Only racist morons actually find that amusing.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I agree with nuclearDonkey, he def represents the USA as well. hes just more crass about it. but policywise the Dems are much closer to Trump than they are to Bernie.
as they should be overall for the betterment of the country.

you're just looking out for the 1% who make less than 25k a year. Victor I would love if you could live 9 lives, and spend 1 for each of the other countries you think are better than america and see the final results.

you'd choose to live in america
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 01:45 PM
I expect better out of you, Trolly. The woman unironically claimed she was a Native American and was made fun of as a result.

Get out of here with your Monday morning pearl-clutching.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 01:55 PM
The US already ranked low on election integrity before any of this. At no point in history was the US a bastion of democracy. Stronger and more well functioning democracies will continue working just fine.

Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
"I conceed" is not part of the process, or has anything to do with a democracy. Lefties you won the POTUS. Trust the process, it works!

They were right, some of you need to heal from your TDS.
It is, though. It really is. A peaceful transfer of power and granting that one's victorious opponents are legitimate is fundamental to the legitimacy of democracy (or democratic republics) as a system of governance. Trump is undermining both, and has been since his birtherism.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I expect better out of you, Trolly. The woman unironically claimed she was a Native American and was made fun of as a result.

Get out of here with your Monday morning pearl-clutching.
Whereas as I have so such expectations of you, Ins0. I 100% expect to to giggle at his dumb racist namecalling.

PS: “Monday morning pearl-clutching” is gibberish. You don’t know what these idioms mean or how to use them.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The entire country elected Trump because HRC was somehow worse
I'm not sure how much credibility you have on this point. You also thought that Biden -- and every other Democrat who ran for president in 2020 -- was "somehow worse" than Trump.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Don't worry nohands, I have it on good authority that the gulags will be nicer than the current federal pens. You'll be just fine, and emerge a "re-educated" man. Well, in your case, just "educated".
These re-education camps are going to do so much for the economy with all the jobs to run these massive camps of former Trump believers.

Where is win-win for AMERICA!

By the way, there is no pretending they converted and getting out early. One of the final tests requires kissing a Hillary Clinton doppelgänger on the lips.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by xnbomb
the left screamed election interference for 4 years in the 2016 election and trump does it for 4 days and you act like it's the end of democracy for the entire globe
Yet they never said stop the votes so they could canvas for fake reports.

They moved the country toward, and used the constitutionally provided remedy. Trump is not doing that.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Depends how the 'reasonable' part of usa reacts.

If, as I fear they will, the reaction to dumping trump is 'see look usa democracy works' 'checks and balances blah blah blah' then it will hav been disasterous.

If, on the other hand, the usa wakes up to it's profound problems and starts to reform, then trump might have done you and the rest of us a favour.

I'm not hopeful bcause trump is not the cause of the democratic problems.
I don’t know anyone who thinks the system and framework in the US is okay. Literally not a single person.

The problem is it is almost impossible to fix using the systems in place.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
One of the final tests requires kissing a Hillary Clinton doppelgänger on the lips.
Which pair?
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Question like I always ask with Trump is are you surprised with what he is doing. If your answer is no which I suspect it is for most here then just circle January 20 on your calendar and count down the days.
You are the second dumb person to say this in this thread.

Do I need to provide examples on why this logic is complete fail?

But I will remember this if you ever complain about Biden.

“Circle January 20, 2032 on your calendar!”
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
"I conceed" is not part of the process, or has anything to do with a democracy. Lefties you won the POTUS. Trust the process, it works!

They were right, some of you need to heal from your TDS.
70 million HIVs voted for Trump. It is not okay.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Let's not rewrite history. The entire country elected Trump because HRC was somehow worse, and calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" is objectively funny given the circumstances.

Get that stick out of your ass, sir.
I see, Trump is funny, so it's all okay.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:48 PM
Continuing to greatly enjoy Inso0's reaction to Trump's defeat being to run around across several threads manically blaming lefties for every ill in this country, up to and including GOP voters taking to ballot counting centers with guns (!!), and demanding lefties stop being "triggered"...when, you know, their candidate won...which is definitely not projection about his own feelings
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Continuing to greatly enjoy Inso0's reaction to Trump's defeat being to run around across several threads manically blaming lefties for every ill in this country, up to and including GOP voters taking to ballot counting centers with guns (!!), and demanding lefties stop being "triggered"...when, you know, their candidate won...which is definitely not projection about his own feelings
He’s certainly handling the Biden victory much better than the last time a Democratic candidate won. I wonder why.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 02:56 PM
Because finally a strong black woman will become POTUS, that's why.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
If I have one wish for the Biden presidency, it's that it takes all of the sticks out of the collective asses of these super triggered lefties who have completely ruined the internet over the past 4 years.

Make the internet entertaining again.
Let's not re-write history triggered people ruining the internet started well before 4yrs ago Obama's election caused a huge chunk of the country to completely snap.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:05 PM
Tan suits still give me PTSD.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Is Trump's behavior right now generally in line with how you think an orderly democracy should work?
He was voted out of office because of his behavior, what the **** else do you want?

You folks want capitulation, and you're never going to get it.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
He was voted out of office because of his behavior, what the **** else do you want?
His followers to believe the bolded.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
He was voted out of office because of his behavior, what the **** else do you want?
I’m marking this down as a “yes.”
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
11-12-2020 , 04:13 PM
They're still in the transition period. It'll take some time for the hivemind to move on from waking up every single day and finding some excuse to tell everyone how awful Donald Trump is.

Four solid years of being triggered 24/7 is a hard habit to break.

But then, I'm still mad about getting fleeced for 3 grand to fill in my perfectly functional well coming on almost 5 years ago now. Some cuts are just that deep. **** you, City of Wauwatosa.
Will Trump's sad refusal to concede damage democracy around the world? Quote
