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White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter

08-07-2019 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
From the Antifa thread, since JSmith27 did the work.

But I'll add one more quote from the same article.

In [the Tacoma detention facility attacker's, van Spronsen's] manifesto, he called for his “comrades” to take up arms in confronting the ascendant fascism of the state. In one of [the Dayton shooter’s] tweets *before he extinguished the lives of nine fellow Americans, he responded to a person asking if van Spronsen had been a “villain or martyr?”

[The Dayton shooter] flatly replied: “martyr.”
Lol @ making this leap
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-07-2019 , 10:35 PM
El Paso Shooter's Manifesto Contains a Dangerous Message about Climate Change
This one is from The Week and once again it's the media pushing this message. This one with a prediction.
Part of the author's justification for what he was about to do — shoot 22 people to death in a Walmart, most of them Mexican or Mexican-American — was that it would ultimately help restore our ecosystem. And far from an irrational or individual fixation, this argument is terrifyingly rational, and perfectly integrated into a broader project of white nationalism and racial terrorism.
It has a name: eco-fascism. And this will not be the last we hear of it.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-07-2019 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
El Paso Shooter's Manifesto Contains a Dangerous Message about Climate Change
This one is from The Week and once again it's the media pushing this message. This one with a prediction.
Just so everyone here understands, you think he drove 10 hours to El Paso to target a WalMart because of climate change?
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-07-2019 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Aytumious
Just so everyone here understands, you think he drove 10 hours to El Paso to target a WalMart because of climate change?
When I say "once again it's the media pushing this message" that means "no I do not take this article at face-value".
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-07-2019 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
When I say "once again it's the media pushing this message" that means "no I do not take this article at face-value".
That was kind of a yes-or-no question that was put to you.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-07-2019 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
That was kind of a yes-or-no question that was put to you.
It was no.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-07-2019 , 11:28 PM
Here is one from The Intercept
The El Paso Shooter Embraced Ecofacism. We Can't Let the Far Right Co-opt the Environmental Struggle
The generic environmentalist discourse — “save the planet” and so on — all too easily ignores that climate decimation will not happen to everyone at once. The eco-fascist openly supports the genocide of environmental degradation’s front-line victims. The politicians in the “global north” who refuse to open borders to refugees might decry the massacre in El Paso, but in the face of mass, climate-fueled migration, the consequences of closed-border policies will be more murderous than any number of eco-fascists with assault rifles.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 12:43 AM

Is your thesis here that corporate mass media is trying to paint environmentalism as dangerous and fanatical because they want to keep destroying the Earth?
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

Is your thesis here that corporate mass media is trying to paint environmentalism as dangerous and fanatical because they want to keep destroying the Earth?
There isn't much of a thesis. That idea along with some others had come to me but that would be pretty facile I think. Mostly I'm in interested in documenting this ultimately (to me at least) bizarre ecofascism narrative as it seems to be emerging.
That's why I keep posting these because even though everyone (myself included) has had no idea this ecofascism is a thing and you all reject the notion that it could play some relevance, the media is treating it earnestly. And I understand why they should I suppose too--it is after all a part of the manifesto and makes for a story. But I find it all interesting.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 02:58 AM
Here is one from The Nation
After the El Paso Shooting the Choice is Green Socialism or Ecofascism
Definitely some interesting framing there. Ok socialism it is.
The apocalyptic worldview of both manifestos fuses racism with environmental despair, a belief that different “races” are already pitted against each other in a struggle for survival that will only escalate as the environment gets worse.
This type of Malthusian fascism will almost certainly grow in strength. Climate change has opened up a generation gap on the right. Doddering septuagenarians like Donald Trump are happy to keep talking about climate change as a “hoax” for the simple selfish reason that they are old enough to enjoy the profits of fossil fuel extraction while leaving the costs to their children and grandchildren.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Stigmatizing anger- and emotions by virtue of anger being an emotion maybe related.

It’s the frightened violence who idealize an “invasion” that hides behind the typical anger stereotype. That’s where who influences them to be afraid becomes to question. Even perhaps afraid of their own stigmatized anger.
I wouldn't go as far as stigmatising but we should be very wary about supporting, encouraging or justifying people resorting to violence even when the anger is justified and the target considered deserving.

It's not generally the most reasonable and well-balanced people who pick up this message of hate and violence.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I wouldn't go as far as stigmatising but we should be very wary about supporting, encouraging or justifying people resorting to violence even when the anger is justified and the target considered deserving.

It's not generally the most reasonable and well-balanced people who pick up this message of hate and violence.

The minds behind political fringe movements who use violence as a theme or alludes to violence to attract support will be extremely happy when they see similar rhetoric used against them. It essentially validates their behavior. It will also drown out moderate political voices, giving their platform more political impact.

The same applies for groups that employ actual violence. If politically motivated violence happens in return, they're probably happy about that. I wouldn't be surprised if the leaders and influencers of white supremacist movements are absolutely ecstatic if an Islamist terror attack happens (and vice versa).
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
It was no.
So his motivation for the attack was white supremacy, yes?
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So his motivation for the attack was white supremacy, yes?
You're the expert there.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You're the expert there.
I never get tired of watching how these simple questions about what you believe completely break you.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I wouldn't go as far as stigmatising but we should be very wary about supporting, encouraging or justifying people resorting to violence even when the anger is justified and the target considered deserving.

It's not generally the most reasonable and well-balanced people who pick up this message of hate and violence.

Anger doesn’t need to be justified. It’s just an emotion. Simply generally associating anger with violence can be dangerously misleading . Stigmatizing. A stereotype about violence when the violence is rooted in fear rather than anger. And anger is sometimes a mask for pain. Such as the pain of feeling irrationally afraid day after day.

and I’m not suggesting bypassing anger to stigmatize fear. I’m saying a more complete account places fear as more pertinent influence than anger when is comes to what influences lead to violence.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I never get tired of watching how these simple questions about what you believe completely break you.
I figured you would enjoy that.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Anger doesn’t need to be justified. It’s just an emotion.
Of course but same anger is justified - being extremely angry about the way ICE behaves is very justified. Being angry about immigration isn't justified.

Simply generally associating anger with violence can be dangerously misleading . Stigmatizing.
Exactly, that's one of the key the points I make in opposing violence . We can be so angry and be justified in being so angry but it doesn't mean we tsupport violence . When we're kids we lash out but as we get older we learn to channel even our justified anger into something productive at opposing the cause of that justified anger. Sometimes it's very hard to find anything productive that produced fast results and we can get very frustrated about it.

A stereotype about violence when the violence is rooted in fear rather than anger. And anger is sometimes a mask for pain. Such as the pain of feeling irrationally afraid day after day. and I’m not suggesting bypassing anger to stigmatize fear. I’m saying a more complete account places fear as more pertinent influence than anger when is comes to what influences lead to violence.
Ok. I'm not disagreeing with that, "Fear is the key to our soul" but it's besides the points I've been making.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Anger doesn’t need to be justified. It’s just an emotion. Simply generally associating anger with violence can be dangerously misleading . Stigmatizing. A stereotype about violence when the violence is rooted in fear rather than anger. And anger is sometimes a mask for pain. Such as the pain of feeling irrationally afraid day after day.

and I’m not suggesting bypassing anger to stigmatize fear. I’m saying a more complete account places fear as more pertinent influence than anger when is comes to what influences lead to violence.
You can take it a step further talk about self-esteem, fear is right, but fear is also stigmatized by males, and is not as precise (IMO) and I personally think insecurity is a better term than fear. Insecurity is rooted in self-esteem as well.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-08-2019 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
So, the rhetoric has nothing to do with how violent they become? The rhetoric is only applicable if they target certain individuals associated with that rhetoric?
Not a genuine question.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-09-2019 , 08:05 AM
Alleged white supremacists were responsible for all race-based domestic terrorism incidents in 2018, according to a government document distributed earlier this year to state, local and federal law enforcement.
The document groups the 46 individuals allegedly involved in domestic terror incidents last year into three categories: “race-based extremists,” “anti-government extremists,” and “single-issue extremists.” But the map also includes more detailed data within these categories and all 25 of the individuals classified as “race-based extremists” are identified as “white supremacists.”
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-09-2019 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The Weather Underground and Earth First anyway did hurt a few people and I think kill one or two, but they made efforts not to kill people.

I think some leftist terror groups in Europe in the 70s did try to kill people, but not sure.
ETA self identifies as leftist. They killed 800+.

The GRAPO were leftist and killed about 80.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-10-2019 , 08:37 PM
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-11-2019 , 10:31 AM
After Attack on Norway Mosque, Body Found at Home Tied To Assailant
The police said they were aware of online posts linked to the suspect, whose name has not been released. About two hours before the attack, a post appeared on 8chan, the message board that had hosted the anti-immigrant manifesto of the man accused of the El Paso shooting. The post raised questions of whether it could have been written by the suspect in the Norway attack.
8chan has been down for days since cloudfare booted them after El Paso. It is still down and was down yesterday.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
08-11-2019 , 11:48 AM
Independent has him posting to 4chan. One of those chans anyways. It doesn't matter. They are all bad.
White supremacist radicalization via popular discourse and the El Paso Shooter Quote
