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what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate?

08-22-2019 , 07:21 PM
been wondering about this. done some googling but seems very complex and convuluted.

what can sanders/warren/harris(?) do with a republican senate? seems like very very low odds for dems to outright take the senate in 2020.

i've heard harris explicitly mention using executive orders heavily.

but what areas are they able to do this?.... my interest is mostly financial i.e. the stock market (so taxes, labour costs etc.)

i am not interested in whether trump, obama did a good job or sanders/warren/harris will do a good job

i have seen the suggestion that trump may not be able to implement indexed capital gains without democratic support (although i suppose that's a different issue that what i have asked in general)

thx in advance .... basically looking for cliff notes on executive orders and vetos.
what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? Quote
08-22-2019 , 07:58 PM
Not trying to nitpick much, but Harris was literally a states attorney general so calling her progressive is kinda lol. If she is the president I would expect a lot of toxic dialog but for things to more or less continue to run along Obama-style.

However, if Sanders is president then there will be some interesting and potentially farcical interactions. Basically as far as I understand things, if they R's can pass a bill then whatever executive order is moot in the long term. The inevitable confrontation will be related to the budget. I suspect Sanders will compromise more than is expected because he has spent so long in the senate and understands what is actually realistic to accomplish. Rs are sure to block salaries for government employees and find some reason to blame the Ds if this goes down this way.

I'd expect Warren would be somewhere in the middle. I don't think she would endure a prolonged budget standoff but I might be wrong, she seems hard to read but mostly a progressive-leaning establishment type.

The real questions is if the Rs could hold the senate if Sanders wins the presidency, and I feel the answer to this is no but I'm not super knowledgeable on the topic. I couldn't even tell you how many seats are up for grab and I think that would be the main thing to look into. Potentially a number of moderate democrats will defect often if they find it politically in their interest, so I think a small majority advantage for the Ds favors the Rs far more than the opposite.
what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? Quote
08-22-2019 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Not trying to nitpick much, but Harris was literally a states attorney general so calling her progressive is kinda lol. If she is the president I would expect a lot of toxic dialog but for things to more or less continue to run along Obama-style.
i appreciate the feedback...

i did put a question mark after harris and progressive.

i do think that's her biggest problem. trying to be a progressive when she isn't one. at least, not an extreme progressive.

maybe she can't become the nominee without extreme progressiveness. but i don't think changing a platform after you become presidential nominee will fly these days. 1975, yes, it would have been ok.... and i will also say people can sense a mixed message.

harris should just become biden's VP, trounce trump... and then become president easily in 2024
what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? Quote
08-22-2019 , 08:28 PM
just as background...

2020 senate elections towards strong republican states. the very simplest reaction would be "hey, that's great, lots of seats for D's to pick up"....but really, many of the states are no-hopers for R's.

it's funny how at least 2 of the 3 senate election waves skew so heavily dem or republican. was that always the case?
what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? Quote
08-22-2019 , 08:35 PM
here are the 2020 senate seats that my reading of wikipedia would suggest are NOT SAFE.... basically Wiki had 3 services judge the changes of each seat and i just did a cliff notes consolidation...

basically dem's i believe need 4 seats to flip the senate with R president, 3 with dem president. could be wrong on this. but i think it's right.

dem seats at risk,

alabama 50% of votes last election.. THIS IS A BIG ONE.
michigan 55%
new hampshire 52%

rep seats at risk,

arizona NA
colorado 48
georgia 53
iowa 52
NC 49
maine 69% (apparently at risk... kavanagh hearings?)
what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? Quote
08-26-2019 , 09:38 AM
I suspect mostly serve as a punching ball to blame all the fallout from this presidency on.

The deficit will suddenly become very important, softness towards hostile states will become intolerable and any quirk, trait, gesture, comment or proposed policy will be perceived as un-American.
what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? Quote
08-28-2019 , 08:18 AM
Fwiw Sanders himself admits he'll be fairly impotent as president and is planning on rallying the public to put pressure on congress to implement his policies. Don't have a time stamp but the whole podcast is a decent listen.

what can a progressive democratic president do with a R senate? Quote
