Originally Posted by steamraise
Refreshing to see a politician answer questions instead of deflecting
or just spouting a talking point that has nothing to do with the question.
Q1: what are you going to do day 1?
kamala: support the middle class (extremely vague) and i'm going to focus on not being donald trump
Q2: what are you going to do day 1? (yes, she literally asked the same question twice because kamala ducked it the first time)
kamala: we are going to decrease inflation (extremely vague) and give families a 6k tax credit (this will increase inflation)
Q: what do you say to voters who want to go back to when we were under trump and had low inflation?
kamala: we were coming out of a pandemic & our was to "rescue America" (it is safe to assume that she is talking about printing extra money, throwing money into the economy, locking down parts of the economy - which of course wre the major causes of the inflation) and then she attempts to suggest that corporations are price gouging and that was the cause of inflation. what we need to do is hand out more money (again, most economists have said this was the cause of inflation) via tax credits for having a baby or buying a home.
Q: you've had 3.5 years as VP why didn't you already give the tax credits for the babies and home buyers?
kamala: we capped the price of insulin to $35.
Q: you have flipped your opinion quite a bit recently. in 2019 you were quoted as saying "there is no question im in favor of banning fracking." do you still want to ban fracking?
kamala: no, i made it clear in 2020 i wouldn't ban fracking.
Q: i already read you your own quote that you clearly said you want to ban fracking in 2019. have you changed your mind?
kamala: in 2020 i said i wouldn't ban it (implying she changed her mind in 2020, but not since, but isn't willing to come out and say she flipped on the issue)
Q: so what made you change your mind on fracking?
kamala:"let's be clear. my values haven't changed"
Q: umm... so was there some date or something that made you flip on the fracking issue?
kamala: we can grow a clean energy economy w/o banning fracking (it took poor dana 4 times asking her the question for her to finally answer why she flipped on fracking)
Q: you previously said you don't think illegally crossing the border should be illegal. do you still believe that?
kamala: i think there should be consequences (extremely vague)
Q: what do you say to voters who don't like that you have flip flipped on a lot of issues?
kamala: i haven't changed my values.
Dana also asked her 3 times very directly if she would do anything differently that what biden has been doing on the isreal front and all 3 times kamala said we should focus on hostagese and the people who have died. Dana got tired of kamala ducking the question so she moved on to ask walz a different question.
Q: what was the call like when biden said he was dropping out?
kamala: <insert story about how she was making pancakes for her nieces when biden called with too many details about the nieces/pancakes and nothing about the actually phone call>