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Vaccine passports (excised from Covid-19 thread) Vaccine passports (excised from Covid-19 thread)

12-28-2021 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by ProblemPlaya
How many people under the age of 40 died from covid in the usa? How many people died from the flu in 2017/18 in the usa? Is it worth it to mandate a vaccine if it destroys the economy and saves relatively little lives? Seems to me we should be mandating/encouraging those over 40 since they are the most at risk. When very few under 40 are dying it seems shutting down the economy to protect only the elderly is illogical and lunacy. Provide psas and doctkrs advice for the elderly to stay home and get vaccinated, dont ruin everyones lives
That could arguably work with Omicron but would not have been enough in the first and second waves.

Some form of herd immunity, cutting transmission in the populace would still be necessary to protect the aged and vulnerable and because the anti-vaxxers not only refused to get vax'd but demanded access to every space such that no safe spaces for the aged and vulnerable could be created the demand was unreasonable.

I spent months arguing with those in the BFI, like you who would just say variations of 'if they don't like the risk I pose they need to stay home'. At first that was solely the argument for them not being vax'd but then it grew into one of them saying they not only belong but would push and barge into any created safe space. If you have a small diner in a retirement community that says 'vax'd only' that is the place the Derps wanted to push in to and invade while saying 'if you don't like my risk stay home... don't ask me to prove my status or do anything I don't want to'.
12-28-2021 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
Damn it . Wife’s home with the kid (5 years old ) for the next 7 days and she can’t take him anywhere . We re in nyc and they’ve basically shunned every kid 5+ from doing anything fun , zoos museums etc….
just gave in and told my wife to get him vaxxed . This is some serious segregation bs , I’m upset but also don’t want my kid to be a hermit
If you feel that way that suggests to me that your position was not really one of safety and more one of making a stand. Is that fair?
12-28-2021 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The bolded would only be relevant to the conversation if Tylenol(TM) was being mandated for travel and employment, etc.
I think what you say is a good point to consider Laggy but I would not say that info is not relevant at all. It gives a good point of reference as to the absolute threat level for those who might be under the assumption that the vax is more dangerous than it is, via bad data such as Vaers sneaking in to the conversation.

Most people understand the Tylenol risk and accept it and probably the number of people taking Tylenol compares to the number of vax'd people.
12-28-2021 , 09:49 AM
Everything that got one condemned in the last year is now conventional wisdom, you really have to admire the inability to admit they were wrong

12-28-2021 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by harkin
Everything that got one condemned in the last year is now conventional wisdom, you really have to admire the inability to admit they were wrong

Hey I was watching CNN last night and now cloth masks offer little protection. Well im sure we have tons of N95's

Next thing you know they will be telling us the Wuhan Lab conspiracy may be true Oh wait
12-28-2021 , 11:03 AM
This is definitely an area that needs exploring.

It seems that the early science is that people who are double vax'd face insignificant risk from Omicron.

It also seems that people who are double vax'd and who then get the virus get a form of super protection that is very enduring.

It also seems that simply taking the vax and booster(s) in increasing needed frequency is not giving any enduring protections and, in fact requires an accelerated schedule of boosters upon boosters to maintain any effect which is something that should concern anyone who is not making money on the vax.

I am certain society is not ready for this discussion but I think a shift in discussion to get vax'd and then open up and don't hide away from getting covid is one that should be considered.

I mean, what are the reasons against?
12-28-2021 , 11:22 AM
This thread is not a refuge for gimmick accounts, repeated anti-vax posting masquerading as skepticism or a place to to ressurect threads that got closed in other forums.

Thankfully a lot people take their time to answer these things, but when this results in simply spamming the initial points repeatedly, I refer to the forum guidelines.

Carry on.
12-28-2021 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
So just like that cdc goes from 10 days to 5 days ? lol
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
Damn it . WifeÂ’s home with the kid (5 years old ) for the next 7 days and she canÂ’t take him anywhere . We re in nyc and theyÂ’ve basically shunned every kid 5+ from doing anything fun , zoos museums etcÂ….
just gave in and told my wife to get him vaxxed . This is some serious segregation bs , IÂ’m upset but also donÂ’t want my kid to be a hermit
Originally Posted by lagtight
I got the Pfizer vaccine in August. No more vaccinations and/or "boosters" for me.

I shan't go into any details since I don't want to run afoul of the Moderators.
Originally Posted by harkin
Everything that got one condemned in the last year is now conventional wisdom, you really have to admire the inability to admit they were wrong

Originally Posted by lozen
Hey I was watching CNN last night and now cloth masks offer little protection. Well im sure we have tons of N95's

Next thing you know they will be telling us the Wuhan Lab conspiracy may be true Oh wait
Gotta love all these extremely normal people getting upset at the idea that science isn't some set of rules etched in stone by Jeebus for eternity and is instead a fluid thing that continually gets updated when we receive new information.

ChronicFever aka ChronicWorkerExploiter might be my favorite. Spends time off from his favorite activity of not paying his workers an appropriate wage to talk about how he and his wife are terrible parents. Good show! And btw, and this is not well-known, but children are actually little human beings, and all living humans possess the ability to spread a virus, even when said humans are themselves not at great risk of severe illness.

UncleTomHarkin's "you really have to admire the inability to admit they were wrong", is quite brilliant too. The irony is staggering. What percentage of the rightwing lunatics he retweets go around admitting they're wrong about their conspiracies and insane takes? The vast majority of people will never admit they're wrong about any serious issue. That's why we have the exact same debates for 1,000 years with little-to-no ideological movement from any of the people involved. We're all hopelessly stuck in our ideology. It's how our brains work. To think that that is exclusively the province of liberals, is honestly quite pathetic.

I also enjoy Lozen's eternal battle against the cable news channels that HE HIMSELF WATCHES REGULARLY. That is some realllll hate-watching. Hey Lozen, I've watched, perhaps, 2 hours combined of cable news over the last 10 years; it's very unnecessary to watch corporate news to get informed, and in your case would have the extra benefit of reducing your risk of rage stroke by not having to hear Don Lemon talk to some Lincoln Project guy about "Trumpism" or whatever for the nth time.

Last edited by DifferentName; 12-28-2021 at 02:45 PM.
12-28-2021 , 02:56 PM
Harkin’s only contribution to this forum ever is to pop in with some alt-right Twitter post and then run back to his Boomer safe space with no discussion or follow-up.
12-28-2021 , 06:44 PM
Biden gave up??? He said there's no federal solution? This guy is no better than trump now. I'm so disappointed. Hopefully Bernie runs in 2024.
12-28-2021 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Hey I was watching CNN last night and now cloth masks offer little protection. Well im sure we have tons of N95's

Next thing you know they will be telling us the Wuhan Lab conspiracy may be true Oh wait
Nobody ever said cloth masks provided protection from covid. It's proven to reduce transmission when worn correctly.

You listen to **** like "talk" radio don't you?
12-29-2021 , 01:09 AM
[anecdotal]In the last month or so I know 8 people who have been infected. Three ended up in the hospital. One died, he was 60 as he refused to go on a ventilator. Another is 39 and is on a ventilator. He does seem to be recovering. The other person I know who was hospitalized is in his early 30s as he has recovered. The guy who was 60 was overweight but not morbidity so. The other two are definitely not overweight. All three are/were unvaxed. The other 5 are vaxed and have had varying severity of symptoms from none to a bad case of flu type symptoms for a few days. [/anecdotal]
12-29-2021 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by adios
[anecdotal]In the last month or so I know 8 people who have been infected. Three ended up in the hospital. One died, he was 60 as he refused to go on a ventilator. Another is 39 and is on a ventilator. He does seem to be recovering. The other person I know who was hospitalized is in his early 30s as he has recovered. The guy who was 60 was overweight but not morbidity so. The other two are definitely not overweight. All three are/were unvaxed. The other 5 are vaxed and have had varying severity of symptoms from none to a bad case of flu type symptoms for a few days. [/anecdotal]
My anecdotal
2x cancer survivor 7x yo stepfather in London with what has to be very little immune system left. Thought he'd be a goner for sure when he caught it. Vaxxed and boosted. Went to bed early with a headache one night, next day got a call about a close contact and tested positive by AG and PCR. Never got worse symptoms than that headache for one night.
My 90+ yo anti vax, it's all a hoax, great uncle on long island caught it. Had to go to the hospital for a few days but never got too bad. Was discharged and so far seems fine.
12-29-2021 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
Damn it . Wife’s home with the kid (5 years old ) for the next 7 days and she can’t take him anywhere . We re in nyc and they’ve basically shunned every kid 5+ from doing anything fun , zoos museums etc….
just gave in and told my wife to get him vaxxed . This is some serious segregation bs , I’m upset but also don’t want my kid to be a hermit
This can't be news to you. For months now, NYC has been very strict about requiring vaccines for restaurants, museums, etc. And it was obvious that this policy would be extended to children who are old enough to be vaccinated.
12-29-2021 , 09:31 AM
My first degree of contact with covid just happened. Yup this is just the first person I know directly who has got it He is a morbidly obese Texan but he and his family are all double vax'd. They had a small xmas gathering and it seems that was the event.
ANyway he had 3 common cold like days and is over it. His wife was similar. There daughters, in her 20's, is still struggling with it. Not yet hospitalized but they are watching her.

(just remembered I met a gal about a month ago who told me she got covid in the first wave and i have an old high school friend who lives in Florida who also got it in the first wave, so ill offer that as a slight modifier to my opening statement)
12-29-2021 , 10:48 AM
Looks like I finally caught covid

My vaccinated roommate tested positive and she got what she has from me.

It wasn't too bad-- still producing some flem.
12-29-2021 , 12:04 PM
GL luckbox. Hope your symptoms remain mild.... and of course, you don't spread C19 to others.
12-29-2021 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
GL luckbox. Hope your symptoms remain mild.... and of course, you don't spread C19 to others.
Sounds like he already has. Great work.
12-29-2021 , 12:11 PM
Seems like the type who is a super spreader
12-29-2021 , 12:58 PM
Someone had to spread it to me first of course...

But yeah had my roommate not gotten tested I would have just assumed it was cold.
12-29-2021 , 01:22 PM
The PCR test basically can't tell the difference between Covid and the common cold, which is why they're no longer going to be used by the CDC starting Jan 1st. The CDC is withdrawing it's PCR test emergency use authorization at that time.
12-29-2021 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
The PCR test basically can't tell the difference between Covid and the common cold
? Do you have a cite for this?
12-29-2021 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
? Do you have a cite for this?
Sorry, not the common cold. The PCR test can't differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Obviously it's going to be hard to provide links/proof of this due to censoring.

Last edited by Playbig2000; 12-29-2021 at 01:52 PM. Reason: added link
12-29-2021 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Sorry, not the common cold. The PCR test can't differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Obviously it's going to be hard to provide links/proof of this due to censoring.
Do you have a link supporting this that isn’t hot garbage?
12-29-2021 , 01:56 PM
So your theory is that Covid PCR was picking up Covid+Flu during big waves while the actual Flu test was simultaneously not finding many Flu cases?
