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US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.

05-20-2021 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Whaddya mean whataboutism? You haven't provided any comparison where you can even claim whataboutism as you've given no criteria, This is just word salad from you.
Nah. It's just you being dense here. I'm talking about the current wave of UFO stuff, and when you bring up something from 1969, that's called whataboutism.
Like you get that's 52 years ago and is irrelevant here?
Here was my post:
Originally Posted by LB
When I say that we're dealing with propaganda and not objective reality, do you understand what I mean there?

Everything in your post suggests that you do not. Whether they're calling them UAPs or UFOs or just saying that they don't know what they are-- all of this is irrelevant and it's you taking too fine grained a view of this.
And then you go off about something from 1969. But UFO events from 1969 are irrelevant here. It's not germane to anything I said.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
When I say that we're dealing with propaganda and not objective reality, do you understand what I mean there?
Everything in your post suggests that you do not. Whether they're calling them UAPs or UFOs or just saying that they don't know what they are-- all of this is irrelevant and it's you taking too fine grained a view of this.
And again Lucky why not simply TELL him what SPECIFICALLY is the propaganda. 'Write it', 'quote it' rather then telling people it is 'clear' to you as the oracle and they simply are not smart enough to see it.

Time and again this is your M.O. "Something" is clear but you won't say what but question why others cannot see it.

JUST SAY WHAT IT IS and stop answering with a question asking 'why can't you see it?'

What is the propaganda.

And no, I have been nothing but constituent quoting my singular post over and over.

As CV tries to determine what you are saying is 'different' when you won't explain he thinks you mean the change in term from UFO to UAP's.

I think you are referring to the simple change in policy as the 'difference' something that is explained easily by the most mundane of policy changes once they realized it is 'out' anyway and thus trying to keep it 'secret' is doing nothing productive.

But again I, like CV know you won't say.

You are actively playing the CTer game when you are stonewalled and others won't buy your BS and you feel trapped in that any deeper answer derails you. So you spin, spin, spin.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
This is just whataboutism from 1969. I'll try to figure out the right way to actually explain it though.
It would be hilarious for someone to go back and count all the times Lucky has said something like this. That he has an explanation and MIGHT get to it at some point.

And with all the word salad spewed he simply cannot take the time to ever actually address those questions instead.

His reason, ...'I am too busy providing spin, to take the time to provide some substance'.

US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:13 PM
Barack Obama just said something *very* interesting about UFOs
CNN article on Obama's comments the other day.
Here's Obama:

"What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there are, there's footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is."

Interesting, right?

Obama's admission that there are, in fact "footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory" is in keeping with a broader acknowledgment by official arms of the government -- after decades of denial! -- that UFOs are real
. (Side note: Believing UFOs are real does not require believing in aliens; UFOs are simply unidentified flying objects. There is no assumption they contain other life forms.)
Like everyone wants to get bogged down in the nitty-gritty details and when we're looking at this, it's the broad strokes that are important. The nitty gritty details here are the "side note"-- that UFOs doesn't mean aliens, or that Obama is now a private citizen, or that CNN is trash, or something from 1969-- but none of that matters.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Nah. It's just you being dense here. I'm talking about the current wave of UFO stuff, and when you bring up something from 1969, that's called whataboutism.
Like you get that's 52 years ago and is irrelevant here?
Here was my post:

And then you go off about something from 1969. But UFO events from 1969 are irrelevant here. It's not germane to anything I said.
Have you dropped from your thesis that what is going on currently "the current wave of UFO stuff" is DIFFERENT than what happened in the past?

Because if you have not dropped that then CV's reply with "Past stuff" is 100% f*cking relevant to reply with as there is no other way to test your thesis without looking at past stuff.

If you have dropped that it is DIFFERENT then what are we debating?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:19 PM
When you read this below, what does it mean to you?:
Obama's admission that there are, in fact "footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory" is in keeping with a broader acknowledgment by official arms of the government -- after decades of denial! -- that UFOs are real
Does it matter that it's coming from CNN and Obama as opposed to Washoe on 2p2?
Like if I see something like this myself, do I actually need to go back to the past to "test my thesis"?

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 05-20-2021 at 06:25 PM.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Have you dropped from your thesis that what is going on currently "the current wave of UFO stuff" is DIFFERENT than what happened in the past?

Because if you have not dropped that then CV's reply with "Past stuff" is 100% f*cking relevant to reply with as there is no other way to test your thesis without looking at past stuff.

If you have dropped that it is DIFFERENT then what are we debating?
Now Cuepee,
Aren't you yourself arguing that something is actually different as a result of a change in policy or did you forget that?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
They are not motivated by 'preventing CT's'.

They initially had a policy to 'not disclose unknown stuff' thinking it could do more damage than good. Much like a parent might try to hide some info from a kid.

But once it became evident it was 'out' and it was causing CT's and speculation beyond even what releasing the data would it became a decision of 'what is the point'?

So while releasing it could dispel some CT's it was more because the original point was being subverted or worse it was backfiring.
Like right here, it looks like you're arguing that things have changed. Are you not?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Like literally very little of anything that you, Monteroy, Cuepee, or Bladesman has said has mattered to me here.
Fair enough, however when I post do not think it will have any impact on you whatsoever. I don't debunk you the way I do because I think you will change. People like you need to be debunked so others (if they happen to read any interaction) realize what you are as a human. You, and what you think does not actually matter in the equation.

You lie about everything. Most see through you, but there are some people who may not see you for what you are (one exists in this thread) so for their benefit they need to see you in the proper context. I only speak for myself, and I assume others have reasons why they interact with you that differ from mine, but I always assumed that both of us literally do not care about the other in any sense of the word, including what the other says (other than for entertainment values in a few instances).
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:51 PM
I think you guys should relax for a minute...

Inhale... for 5..

Exhaleee 5 seconds..

Feel better now?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 06:56 PM
Most people in the thread are actually generally relaxed. I was surprised when Lucky got into petty insults because he usually does not break his character, though it can happen.

The one who needs to relax is you. You read this stuff and dive in head first and charge without really thinking it out too carefully, and you have done that with a few other things as well.

Don't overthink this thread. Lucky does not give a damn about anyone else, and in the end no one talking to him gives a damn about him. He knows what he is and does not care. Others know what he is and in the end probably also do not care for other reasons.

People like you are the ones that get captured by stuff like this at times, and people like Lucky at times, so you are the one that really should take a lot of breaths and take it slow.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Most people in the thread are actually generally relaxed. I was surprised when Lucky got into petty insults because he usually does not break his character, though it can happen.

The one who needs to relax is you. You read this stuff and dive in head first and charge without really thinking it out too carefully, and you have done that with a few other things as well.

Don't overthink this thread. Lucky does not give a damn about anyone else, and in the end no one talking to him gives a damn about him. He knows what he is and does not care. Others know what he is and in the end probably also do not care for other reasons.

People like you are the ones that get captured by stuff like this at times, and people like Lucky at times, so you are the one that really should take a lot of breaths and take it slow.
Mostly I just resent being called a liar, and especially the idea of Cuepee citing your posts as evidence of that. It's pure insanity there really.
But what do you think I am exactly?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:08 PM
You are a fairly standard conspiracy person who has enough experience to avoid the traps of lesser ones (like the Qderps that talked about specific dates).

You have worked on your craft over the years to constantly have an "answer" for everything, even when your answers never answer anything. You answer most questions with questions. You deflect and re-direct all the time. You never commit to anything that tangible. You are a very experienced conspiracy addict.

You are your own best (and pretty much only) reference and you praise yourself a lot with your "insights." You regard others beneath you, either that they cannot see/understand your vision of the world, or they are too dumb and get distracted by "fake" conspiracies (like aliens are real when you know its all a psy op for yadda yadda).

You do not play well with others, in fact you do not play with others at all. You are generally comfortable with yourself and your views even when no one else seems to get you and your special vision you believe you possess. You will say once in a while that you are humble or may not know something, but in the end you believe you do know whats going on.

You do lie all the time even if you believe some of it. It is literally all lies, which is why I point it out.

There you go. You ask a direct question and here was a direct, detailed answer. That is something you pretty much never do.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
He thinks it's a psyop by the elites to ultimately erode all civil rights and enslave humanity. It's a variance of that project bluebeam CT he mentioned earlier. He admitted he thinks the Pentagon and possibly MSM are actively faking UFO footage and calling it "real" (whatever he means by that). That's why people with uncles who covered up 9/11 are on board of directors you just gottaa connect the dots that only LB can see.
They're then gonna fake some UFO threat with scary looking holograms or something which will lead to fema camps and one world government or some such convoluted deeply paranoid dark doomsdaying $hi...stuff. Either way it ends with erosion of civil liberties/enslavement.

Now, broadly speaking that's what I reckon the gist of his position is. He will absolutely deny this and go "LOL CV blah blah" because as Monteroy accurately pointed out, he'll know how this will look to sane non paranoid people so doesn't want to come right out and blurt it.

But broadly speaking that's what he really believes- it's all a psyop to enslave us eventually. That's why the previous 80 years of ufo coverage doesn't matter because he noticed it four years ago when he saw that Elizondo guy on tv so got the idea which means he's right and we're all doomed to enslavement.

And when that enslavement comes we're all gonna go "We didn't listen! LUckbox was right all along and we just. Didn't. LISTEN!!! Why oh why did we mock him so we shoulda listened!"
And then he's gonna feel all smug and self satisfied for a minute, before busily getting back to fighting to the death in the circle of death over a maggoty hunk of bread, for the FEMA camp guards amusement as that's what we're all gonna have to do if we want to eat, in our future FEMA camps. (of death)

In conclusion... we didn't listen. And we really should have.
I think CV might have pretty much nailed it. Although I am not sure to what % Lucky believes this. He said he doesnt believe it. So I am inclined to think he doesnt believe 100% of it. Maybe less than half. Maybe nothing at all.

In essence thats what Q followers believe, no?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Most people in the thread are actually generally relaxed. I was surprised when Lucky got into petty insults because he usually does not break his character, though it can happen.

The one who needs to relax is you. You read this stuff and dive in head first and charge without really thinking it out too carefully, and you have done that with a few other things as well.

Don't overthink this thread. Lucky does not give a damn about anyone else, and in the end no one talking to him gives a damn about him. He knows what he is and does not care. Others know what he is and in the end probably also do not care for other reasons.

People like you are the ones that get captured by stuff like this at times, and people like Lucky at times, so you are the one that really should take a lot of breaths and take it slow.
There might be some truth to it. I dive in too fast sometimes. I do find this thread entertaining and funny. I dont know lucky. To me lucky is the funny guy with the ufos, who gets a hard time. Because in essence he might even be right in some points. There might be some UFO oldschoolers who have seen it all. To me this stuff is new. UFOs was for the crazies. This pentagon stuff is kinda new imo. Maybe even the general attitude towards ufos and the media.

Last edited by washoe; 05-20-2021 at 07:20 PM.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:16 PM
UFOs is a topic he can be funny on, because it is UFOs. You may think differently if you ask him his thoughts on less funny topics, though he is experienced enough to not answer those questions on these forums in a direct manner.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
There might be some truth to it. I dont know lucky. To me lucky is the funny guy with the ufos, who gets a hard time. Because in essence he might even be right in some points. This pentagon stuff is kinda new. Maybe even the general attitude towards ufos and the media.
I mean Monteroy pretty hates everything that he thinks I believe in and everything that he thinks I stand for-- things like truth, objectivity, and a non-slavish devotion to mainstream narratives. But try to not let his gaslighting affect you and deal with me on your own terms please.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:24 PM
Nah, you do not believe in truth. You believe in your psy op narratives, and anyone who does not follow your beliefs are children beneath you (as you have said).

You are literally the guy who talks to the clouds on the street corner, except you have years and years and years of obsessive experience to perfect your craft to avoid the "LOL look at the crazy guy" traps. You apply it in a forum that tolerates it because you were buddies with some of the mods long ago in a gaming forum, as you would be banned from most non conspiracyderp forums long ago, just as many of the lesser ones that were here like the flat Earther or that toxic "Covid is a hoax" Kelvis that got booted.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
When you read this below, what does it mean to you?:
Obama's admission that there are, in fact "footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory" is in keeping with a broader acknowledgment by official arms of the government -- after decades of denial! -- that UFOs are real
Does it matter that it's coming from CNN and Obama as opposed to Washoe on 2p2?
Like if I see something like this myself, do I actually need to go back to the past to "test my thesis"?
What do you think about this post here that I'm still waiting for a Cuepee to respond to?
Do you think it wins the argument about whether anything has changed vis-a-vis UFO narratives?
What in this thread do you think I've lied about the most?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:30 PM
Im as objective as it gets.

So time travel and warp speed is possible in 1000 years huh?

time travel, worm holes, stargates, knock yourself out

US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:31 PM
All of that stuff is just woo woo
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:33 PM
I answered your questions with very direct answers, which you are now trying to re-direct and distract with your routine of asking more "what do you think" questions.

I get that you do these routines out of muscle memory and you cannot stop it, even if you you have some semblance of self awareness. You are a creature of habit.

Still, to show you how it is done, I will answer one of your questions with a direct answer. As to which thread you have lied in the most, I would assume it is your personal thread as you have had the most posts in it and talked about a variety of topics, so just by math that appears to be the correct answer. I cannot say that I have an actual count of how many lies you have told in each thread, but the above seems a logical approach to directly answering your question.

Now that I have directly answered multiple questions of yours, feel free to do the same for others who have asked you some that you have so far avoided. No need for you to answer this with "which questions have I avoided?" - though if you have to out of habit I understand. You are what you are in the end, and this interaction is to show that to people like washoe who can be tempted by "fun" people like you at times.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Nah, you do not believe in truth. You believe in your psy op narratives, and anyone who does not follow your beliefs are children beneath you (as you have said).

You are literally the guy who talks to the clouds on the street corner, except you have years and years and years of obsessive experience to perfect your craft to avoid the "LOL look at the crazy guy" traps. You apply it in a forum that tolerates it because you were buddies with some of the mods long ago in a gaming forum, as you would be banned from most non conspiracyderp forums long ago, just as many of the lesser ones that were here like the flat Earther or that toxic "Covid is a hoax" Kelvis that got booted.
Who looks worse do you think: someone who theorizes that not all might be on the up-and-up with the government's UFO roll-out, or someone who goes all out to attack that person?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 07:49 PM
I think the person in this thread who constantly answers questions with questions or uses further questions to avoid direct answers that he asked for before (that he did not like the answers to) is the one who looks worse, which of course is why I answer your questions with direct answers and then point out what you do so others can see it as it happens. You are a creature of habit in the end, so you can't avoid it, but it still needs multiple iterations for the more gullible out there to see people like you for what they are in this world.

There you go - yet another very direct answer.

To add to it - your UFO stuff is literally a who cares whateverburger. Its UFOs. As I have mentioned many times - go nuts with UFOs. Go nuts with Lizard People. Go nuts with Bigfoot. Go nuts with the moon landing. However, there is a whole list of other topics where you going nuts and sharing your beliefs would be quite a bit less entertaining, and we both know that, so I am fine if you plan to stay in the confines of UFOs and other stuff of that nature, and if you promise to do that then I will happily play along with your whatever, because again - UFOs, Lizard People, Bigfoot etc.

Last edited by Monteroy; 05-20-2021 at 08:14 PM. Reason: UFO = whistle and flashlight on Brady Bunch
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-20-2021 , 08:24 PM

Adjust your stock portfolios some Monte.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
