Originally Posted by vikthunder
Ummm...The economy did not in fact improve. I don't know when your poll was, but assuming it was sometime in the not so distant past, those 75% to 80% of republicans were right. The economy wasn't improving, it was getting worse. We now have 7-8.5% inflation & negative GDP growth for the 1st quarter.
Let's say it's Q3/Q4 last year, and you ask a bunch of people do you think the economy is improving, those that said "yes" turned out to be wrong. Those that said "no" were objectively right by most metrics.
Real gdp
2014 : 2.5%
2015 : 3.1%
2016 : 1.7% (presidential race )
2017 : 2.3% ( tax cuts )
2018 : 3.0% (big deficit )
2019: 2.2% (economy already tanking pre covid)
2020 : -3.4% ( normal no blaming )
2021 : biden ( 5.7% )
2022 : obviously won’t be great but war , China lock down , monetary tightening speed never seen in last 200 years .
For a Republican president that claim the US economy was the best ever under his watch and we see the numbers today .
And he made huge tax cuts and deficit to boost the “economy” ( for trump , stock market is the economy …) with results not exceeding obama ?
To me rivercity comment seem right .
Obama and Biden had far more problems to deal with than trump did .
And trump had the 2 chambers control as well .
Not saying one was better than the other , but certainly trump didn’t do much either ….beside increasing huge deficits .