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Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Ukraine-Russia War Take 2

08-09-2024 , 03:27 PM
The Russians appear to be struggling a bit to deal with the Ukrainian ground incursion. Meanwhile, by some means (supposedly drones, but it could be something else), the Ukrainians have hit a Russian airfield about 200 miles inside Russia, and specifically claim to have hit a storage facility for the glide bombs the Russians have been using. With considerable effect, apparently.

You can perhaps assume that Ukraine has the benefit of intelligence supplied by partner nations with considerable reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-09-2024 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
the us will not release F16s in full combat capability unless we own the skies. I dont know how many other ways to explain this to you
Addressing this.

It's been obvious for awhile not that Ukraine would be given f16s and they would be used despite the dangers posed to them.

The incursion is quite large. I think it will take awhile to gather up enough to try to repel it. I doubt it requires moving troops from elsewhere for Russia, but it is possible.

USA and others have been helping with intelligence since the start of the war. Drones seem most likely, but Ukraine has been working on long distance missiles so it's possible we are seeing something new rolled out.

The explosion was huge.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-09-2024 , 09:21 PM
So Russia and Iran have been having a lot of meetings lately, and the internet assumption was Russia was possibly providing advanced weapons to Iran to fight Israel. But in reality it looks like the opposite; that Iran is providing Russia with weapons. Which pretty much means Iran probably doesn't expect to be in a full scale war with Israel anytime soon. This also underscores just how much trouble Russia is having replacing weapons; presumably because of embargo of necessary parts and technology, even given the wartime economy.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-09-2024 , 09:46 PM
I have not heard that Russia was supplying Iran with weapons. I read that they were talking about giving Iran AD, I think if anything Russia helped to dissuade Iran from striking at Israel so Russia can continue purchasing weapons from Iran.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-09-2024 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Addressing this.

It's been obvious for awhile not that Ukraine would be given f16s and they would be used despite the dangers posed to them.

The incursion is quite large. I think it will take awhile to gather up enough to try to repel it. I doubt it requires moving troops from elsewhere for Russia, but it is possible.

USA and others have been helping with intelligence since the start of the war. Drones seem most likely, but Ukraine has been working on long distance missiles so it's possible we are seeing something new rolled out.

The explosion was huge.
“The US will not release F16s in full combat capability unless we own the skies”

Do you think Ukraine has f16s that are being used in full combat capability? AWACS, squadrons of fighters, anti ground missions, anti air missions etc

Is that going on?
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-09-2024 , 09:53 PM
Here's your original explanation of what you meant

Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
What kind of missions do you think F16s will be flying in 2024?

Originally Posted by PointlessWords
none if we dont rule the sky, is this hard for you to understand?

the US doesnt release air assets to areas where we dont control the skies. part of this is cause we gave stingers to the afghanis.

you keep asking me these questions when you refuse understand that F16s wont do anything in combat zones unless its safe

is it safe? no? no f16s

is it safe? yes? f16s

unless the US uses them to secure the skies ofc but I already said I dont see that happening
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 02:04 AM
Good read


There are no red lines and there have never been any for Putin. In 2008 he saw that he could attack Georgia without a Western reaction, in 2014 Ukraine, he gained confidence for 2022.

The "nuclear" red lines on arms deliveries, artillery, tanks, missiles and aircraft have all been crossed.

Putin has repeatedly promised to destroy these weapons, which he has not done, as with the German Marder on Russian territory.

In reality, the threats only serve to scare the West. And it works. Many people close to me who do not follow the conflict closely tell me about Putin's madness and his response if Russia is invaded.

Putin is not crazy, he is playing with us.

A striking example is the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO: Putin had promised to strengthen their bases on the border.

On the contrary, 90% of the Russian army is in Ukraine and the border has been emptied.

This is the end of this new thread. I hope you understand that red lines only work for those who believe in them.

Whatever the Ukrainian plan is, it will all depend on Moscow's reaction.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 10:23 AM
Imagine trying to fight Mike Tyson (circa 1997-1998) and asking your corner if you're allowed to hit back hard.

I hope Ukraine is given permission to fight back with the same ferocity that the fight was brought to them. That they have to sometimes ask is mildly triggering to me.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 10:34 AM
They have to ask because their relying on other peoples fists.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 10:48 AM
@BGP. I could be wrong ofc

To me, full f16s use means an AWAC. And we don’t deploy those unless we own the air

But I could be wrong
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
They have to ask because their relying on other peoples fists.
Other people's gloves might be the best anyone can justify in this analogy.

And Russia is getting gloves from others too now.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I have not heard that Russia was supplying Iran with weapons.
Other way round, I think. Russia is using Iranian drones.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
@BGP. I could be wrong ofc

To me, full f16s use means an AWAC. And we don’t deploy those unless we own the air

But I could be wrong
NATO has AWACS in theatre. They don't have to be in Ukrainian airspace. But any data-sharing with the Ukrainian air force would be a secret matter.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-10-2024 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Other way round, I think. Russia is using Iranian drones.
Likely to be ballistic missiles too, although Reuters has reported this multiple times.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 06:26 AM
Are people in Usa like you willing to die for whoever governs Donetsk or Sevastopol?I know Russians are,as this is an existential war for them?
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 07:25 AM
i'll need some convincing that some dude in novosibirsk gives a **** about who governs donetsk
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 07:34 AM
I'll need some convincing that Putin deciding to invade a neighbor that poses 0 threat to Russia is an existential war for Russians.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 07:39 AM
i mean the only group of people that this is existential for are ukrainians (obviously) and some of the people who control russia (probably)

the second group is currently able to compel our friend from novosibirsk to go get himself shot through the head on ukrainian soil, which i suppose makes it an existential conflict for him too, but in a different way
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
checking in for day 875 of the 3 day special operation

mortgage rates about to double overnight, probably nbd, economy doing better than ever etc
update, russia has raise interest rates by 200 bps, now up to 18%

i assume this is plunging middle class russians into poverty, but they dont have any choice - despite holding rates at historically high levels, inflation is threatening to spiral

turns out that going to war with your little brother is not necessarily fantastic for your economy, contrary to the posting of various putin admirers itt

who could've predicted it
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
update, russia has raise interest rates by 200 bps, now up to 18%

i assume this is plunging middle class russians into poverty, but they dont have any choice - despite holding rates at historically high levels, inflation is threatening to spiral

turns out that going to war with your little brother is not necessarily fantastic for your economy, contrary to the posting of various putin admirers itt

who could've predicted it
90% of russians own their house, with less than 20% having an outstanding mortgage on it (and in most cases, for that 20%, it's fixed rates), so these rates increase hurt the middle class there far less than what it would happen in the west with the same rate increases.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
90% of russians own their house, with less than 20% having an outstanding mortgage on it (and in most cases, for that 20%, it's fixed rates), so these rates increase hurt the middle class there far less than what it would happen in the west with the same rate increases.
my understanding is that this subsidy ended a few months ago because the central govt need to spend that money on guns etc

With state support ending for most eligible groups from Monday, the real estate market that’s been one of the key drivers of Russia’s wartime economy faces months of uncertainty. Banks offer unsubsidized mortgages at 17%-20% interest, more than doubling the monthly payments compared to the state program and making them too costly for most Russians.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 09:45 AM
Oh yeah,the potential Nato military base in Sevastopol sure is not an existential for the Russians,who are you kidding here?
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 09:51 AM
No, that thing which does not exist is not an existential threat to Russia.
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 10:07 AM
Yes man,those Americans MQ-9 s in the black sea dont pose any threat to The Russians(even before invasion)lol,are u dumb?Or you think as an american you can do whatever you want?
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
08-11-2024 , 10:10 AM
Are you trying to say drones are Nato military bases?
Ukraine-Russia War Take 2 Quote
