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Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread)

08-19-2022 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is is no way justified.

But I think that is fair to ask whether expansion of NATO (and the discussion of further expansion of NATO) precipitated an unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine that otherwise might have been avoided. I don't know the answer to that question. My guess is that Russia would have invaded Ukraine eventually no matter what happened with NATO, but the prospect of additional expansion may have accelerated the timing.

But that's just a guess.

I think they already invaded in 2014, maybe not as obvious. But russia funded and backed pro russian insurgents. This is how the russians and experts like mearshheimer put it: The stakes got increased and increased until there was only one move left for russia, all in.

I am not defending or rationalizing here. but this is what they say.

Last edited by washoe; 08-19-2022 at 12:32 PM.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Even if you attributed the defeat of Hitler entirely to Russia and other communist countries (which it wasn't), it doesn't make sense to cite the defeat of Hitler as a validation of communism.

Do you view the defeat of Japan in WWII as a validation of capitalism? I don't, and I doubt you do either.
I mean, you are taking my halfway ironical tongue in cheek post out of context

as for Japan, well its just capitalism vs capitalism so no ofc its not a validation. but again, that wasnt the point of my post or the previous back and forth.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is is no way justified.

But I think that is fair to ask whether expansion of NATO (and the discussion of further expansion of NATO) precipitated an unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine that otherwise might have been avoided. I don't know the answer to that question. My guess is that Russia would have invaded Ukraine eventually no matter what happened with NATO, but the prospect of additional expansion may have accelerated the timing.

But that's just a guess.
The entire mearsheimer NATO aggression argument is false and disproven.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 under not NATO threat.

Scandinavian countries are joining NATO right now and Russia said "we dont care".
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
How do you think the USA would feel if China partnered with Canada and Mexico and set up bases along the border of the USA. Russia is 100% in the wrong but I also feel expanding NATO could of been a mistake. Though who knows what goes through the minds of people like Putin

20/20 Hindsight says the time for the massive sanctions was when Russia invaded Crimea
Who cares how they feel?

Russia knows it is an aggressor. Russia knows it is imperialist and warmongering. Russia knows it is a murdering dictatorship.

Its like asking the murderer if he feels bad that concrete walls were built around him.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
bruv, these are incompatible.

Communism beat Hitler.

it also took more people out of poverty and increased life expectancy and quality of life far faster and better than anything else.

The allies helped Russia during ww2 to beat hitler. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

After hitler was defeated, communism became the next #1 threat to humanity. So NATO was formed and wars were waged to stop communism from spreading.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is is no way justified.

But I think that is fair to ask whether expansion of NATO (and the discussion of further expansion of NATO) precipitated an unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine that otherwise might have been avoided. I don't know the answer to that question. My guess is that Russia would have invaded Ukraine eventually no matter what happened with NATO, but the prospect of additional expansion may have accelerated the timing.

But that's just a guess.
A fair guess and one I agree with.

Because to think otherwise would be to greatly discount the Financial reasons for Russia to invade and IMO that is the primary reason.

Putin has an endless thirst for more wealth and lot of Oligarch mouths to feed. Moreso Ukraine was finally turning things around, having driven Putin's puppet out and the country was showing real optimism and hope and growth and drawing in all sorts of investment at the same time Russian GSP remained mired and embarrassing.

the very turnaround and success of Ukraine, having shed itself of Putin and his Oligarchs was like a middle finger in Putin's eye.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
what?? without russia the USA would belong to the third reich today imo. I think there was a big chnce for this. ask a historian. the russians did a major part in bringing them down.

In Russia Hitler realized he was beat imo. The thing is he couldnt fight on all fronts at the same time with all forces.
USA woulda won with or without Russia.

USA was making the bomb no matter what by 1945.

Every German city would have been a crater in 1945. Nazi germany was never close to making nukes.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Who cares how they feel?

Russia knows it is an aggressor. Russia knows it is imperialist and warmongering. Russia knows it is a murdering dictatorship.

Its like asking the murderer if he feels bad that concrete walls were built around him.
You could insert The USA into many of those sentences and they would be true also . Of course Russia is the aggressor and wrong but sadly it will not stop them
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 04:09 PM
NATO was established because USSR was conquering whatever country it could during and immediately after ww2 and not allowing elections.

So NATO was defensive in nature.

Russia lies to the world willingly and says NATO is the aggressor. It is their MO to always lie and deflect to muddle the conversation. Its their defacto argument rhetoric.

And remember, when you say "well what about USA etc", that is exactly the rhetoric Russia uses to justify invading Ukraine or meddling in foreign affairs.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
NATO was established because USSR was conquering whatever country it could during and immediately after ww2 and not allowing elections.

So NATO was defensive in nature.
this is blatantly false.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 04:52 PM
oh ya that thing about elections is especially funny bc

Communists brought democracy to Korea a full 2 years before "NATO"
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
what?? without russia the USA would belong to the third reich today imo.

You think that Germany would have taken over the U.S. mainland but for Russia? I don't think a single serious person in the world believes that.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I mean, you are taking my halfway ironical tongue in cheek post out of context

as for Japan, well its just capitalism vs capitalism so no ofc its not a validation. but again, that wasnt the point of my post or the previous back and forth.
Fair enough.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
USA woulda won with or without Russia.

USA was making the bomb no matter what by 1945.

Every German city would have been a crater in 1945. Nazi germany was never close to making nukes.
And Germany wasn't close to being able to project conventional power on a massive scale on the U.S. mainland.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 06:08 PM
if Germany beat USSR then they wouldnt be fighting USA. they would be best friends.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo

You think that Germany would have taken over the U.S. mainland but for Russia? I don't think a single serious person in the world believes that.

Honestly, I have no clue. All we know is that the US had the better german scientists to win the war didnt they?
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 06:35 PM
Id like to know why the US didnt have their own brilliant scientists ala Heisenberg.

I think the germans got majorly tilted when doped up hitler was losing everything and losing fast. They definenetly misplayed in the end game. At the final table so to say they sucked. wtf were they even thinking? You cant take on everyone at the same time. crazy bastards.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
USA woulda won with or without Russia.

USA was making the bomb no matter what by 1945.

Every German city would have been a crater in 1945. Nazi germany was never close to making nukes.

Im reading deviating opinions now. Some say that is true, some say the germans were closer than is commonly known. That it all happend in secrecy is of no help in establishing the truth. There are secret bunkers that still remain untouched and unexplored. They had the people they had the material, what they didnt have is the clear mind space and time. And that made scientists escape and go over to the americans. What we know is that they went crazy and messed up everyting, and thank god they did.

Last edited by washoe; 08-19-2022 at 06:53 PM.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Id like to know why the US didnt have their own brilliant scientists ala Heisenberg.
US science, especially fundamental research, wasn't on the level of Germany or England pre WWII, but Oppenheimer WAS the US equivalent of Heisenberg.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-19-2022 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Honestly, I have no clue. All we know is that the US had the better german scientists to win the war didnt they?
Defeating Germany in Europe isn't the same thing as defending the U.S. mainland. If you are going to argue that Germany would have controlled the U.S. mainland but for Russia, you really are going to have to show your work, because you are practically the only person in the world who believes that.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-20-2022 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Defeating Germany in Europe isn't the same thing as defending the U.S. mainland. If you are going to argue that Germany would have controlled the U.S. mainland but for Russia, you really are going to have to show your work, because you are practically the only person in the world who believes that.
I don't believe that. I'm glad that it happened how it happened. just wanted to point out that the Russians did a major part. but that's never the narrative. in the US the narrative is we kicked the Germans ass and that is only partially true. the Russian decimated the Germans, and without them who knows how it would have played out.

Last edited by washoe; 08-20-2022 at 11:08 AM.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-20-2022 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I don't believe that. I'm glad that it happened how it happened. just wanted to point out that the Russians did a major part. but that's never the narrative. in the US the narrative is we kicked the Germans ass and that is only partially true. the Russian decimated the Germans, and without them who knows how it would have played out.
The Russians did a lot of the heavy lifting to break the Nazi's but to Rocco's point, there is no way they were going to cross the Atlantic and occupy America.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-20-2022 , 11:39 AM
they had submarine and boats and weapons. but the more problematic thing is they had tons of evil but brilliant scientists who could have solved that problem with the ocean. luckily some of them fled the evil system and switched over and didnt want anything to do with the evil system. I'm glad it didn't happened, trust me. just saying from a science standpoint as was pointed out itt, the UK and Germany were ahead and had an edge.

that's coming from someone who hates the Germans for their history and arrogance. but somehow they stayed indoors and hecked evil plans and studied and studied and tried to find out how to progress and progress. probably due to bad weather as the brits.

Last edited by washoe; 08-20-2022 at 11:47 AM.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-20-2022 , 11:58 AM
they were busy trying to conquer Europe. but they also had ships like the Bismarck.

Hamburg I.e. had always huge marinas and boat manufacturers, the whole coast did.

the Japanese had the biggest battle ships, 73.000 tons. and as you know they were working together.

so yes if they focused only on one opponent instead of the whole world they might have got the US.

maybe T_D can fill us in, I think he is an expert in military stuff.

Last edited by washoe; 08-20-2022 at 12:05 PM.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
08-20-2022 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
oh ya that thing about elections is especially funny bc

Communists brought democracy to Korea a full 2 years before "NATO"
Communism would perhaps be better than capitalism if most people followed the maxim "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs". But the large majority personally only want to have the second part, and this would be even more true if the upside of the first part, which sometimes occurs in capitalism, was largely removed.
Ukraine policy / Ukraine politics (excised from Russia / Ukraine thread) Quote
