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Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower?

09-26-2019 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If Trump and Biden or Warren are part of a revolving door of corporatists in the White House, then I fail to see how which of them becomes president is too worthwhile a concern. It's like arguing whether the CFO or President of Operations should take over for a retiring CEO. Sure they will have different management styles but they are still working for the same shareholders.
Actually, it can make a huge difference to a company (and shareholders) who they hire as new CEO. Not sure why you think that analogy helps your case. I also find this a weird claim because you do claim that a $15 minimum wage is real change, but not the presidency. The chances of that happening are impacted more by whether Warren or Trump win the presidency than anything else over the next few years imo.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
where is this quote from. Ukraine has continuously debunked that the probe had anything to do with hunter biden.

oh nevermind.. your source is actually THE CORRUPT PROSECUTOR, that is saying this well after the fact backed up by zero evidence that this ever happened.

good job good effort.

Why did hunter bidens legal team contact ukraines new prosecutor the day he was replaced....???
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
Why did hunter bidens legal team contact ukraines new prosecutor the day he was replaced....???
John Solomon is a liar and working with qanon. Let's see what the documents have to say. But of course now that the Ukrainians have been strong armed there isn't a reason to trust them anyways. Sorry.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
John Solomon is a liar and working with qanon. Let's see what the documents have to say. But of course now that the Ukrainians have been strong armed there isn't a reason to trust them anyways. Sorry.
uhhh, you were defending john solomon a few weeks ago.. what changed lol??
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:33 PM
Thinking about this, gives Adam Schiff total legal right to ask for Rudy Guiliani's calendar.

Did he meet with other porn stars?

Other foreign governments?

Can the White House hide behind executive privilege?

This is a big problem for Trump.

Guessing, they will release his calendar only as it relates to the Ukraine, but Schiff won't accept such an answer.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Wah??? Information coming out backing up Giuliani's claims? It's like he's the seer or something. How did he know?
Was it you Luckbox that posted a story from the Hill and I showed you the wiki the reporter and his story of getting hired at the Hill, getting caught reporting a lot of Republican made up stuff as straight fact and then getting moved over the opinion side so his hack jobs don't count as reporting any more?

In any case I'll let you guess the guy's last name
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Was it you Luckbox that posted a story from the Hill and I showed you the wiki the reporter and his story of getting hired at the Hill, getting caught reporting a lot of Republican made up stuff as straight fact and then getting moved over the opinion side so his hack jobs don't count as reporting any more?

In any case I'll let you guess the guy's last name
I don't believe it was me. Was it Solomon though?
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
uhhh, you were defending john solomon a few weeks ago.. what changed lol??
Was I? I don't believe so. I recall other people trashing him but I think I stayed out of it. I don't defend any journalists except Matt Taibbi and only then barely.
I can defend a story if I think some journalist has gotten the details right but I don't know what story that would have been.
But Solomon and his pal Sara Carter seem to be the main mouthpieces for the administration.
But my point isn't whether any of this from him is true or not. It's that none of the so-called liberals will care if it is or isn't because Solomon's credibility with them is shot.

Originally Posted by Max Cut
Dismissing crap sources is fine. If the information is reasonably supported, there will be more legit sources. And yes because it is easier on the reader. Do your own homework when posting claims.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't think a Hill piece from Solomon qualifies. Yes he is putting out stories fed to them by the White House, but I don't think anyone has actually challenged the credibility of anything that he (or Sara Carter) have written about anything behind the scenes Trump/Russia.
What I said about Solomon. Apparently he did fudge some stuff about the texts between Strozk and Page--when they come off like regular partisans and not secret anti-Trump deepstaters.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-26-2019 at 06:55 PM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
Why did hunter bidens legal team contact ukraines new prosecutor the day he was replaced....???
this is a hannity piece right? lol

why did the current ukranian prosecutor general say there was no truth to that, and that the investigation had already cleared biden and son of any wrongdoing, AND that there was no active investigation into the Burisma company during the time that Shokin is alleging that he was interested in biden's son.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You have to understand my position within the overall context of how I view the Trump/Russia investigation vis-a-vis Trump's relationship to the establishment and things like the qanon disinformation campaign.
John Solomon is being fed information from the White House that plays into official propaganda campaigns, yes. But that information--within the bigger picture--is proving itself to either be true or to continue to play a role in ongoing narratives.
I'm sure I could explain that better but what I'm not doing is "listening to them".
Here is what I said about Solomon in that thread and it still applies here. So when Solomon says he has a bunch of documents then I believe he does--but we can't be positive that he is reporting on them accurately unfortunately. Probably he will be and probably what he has is awful for Biden but partisans won't care.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Here is what I said about Solomon in that thread and it still applies here. So when Solomon says he has a bunch of documents then I believe he does--but we can't be positive that he is reporting on them accurately unfortunately. Probably he will be and probably what he has is awful for Biden but partisans won't care.
I'm a partisan and I care. If there is real evidence of Biden doing something wrong here, I want it to become public as soon as possible. Much better now than next September when/if he's already the nominee. Solomon is a partisan reporter, but I have more respect for Republicans who do actual reporting than those just go on Fox News and moan about media bias and fake news.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 07:27 PM
Solomon isn't doing real reporting. He is just fed information the same way almost all of them are fed information. I.e., he's an apparatus of the state.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Solomon isn't doing real reporting. He is just fed information the same way almost all of them are fed information.
He worked at AP for almost twenty years and worked as an investigative reporter for WaPo, so he has certainly done real reporting. Maybe today he's doing something different, I don't know.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 07:36 PM
all we know original position is that this prosecutor was investigating many things, including the company Biden's son worked for.

Most of Europe wanted him removed.

Biden, probably with Obama's backing, was the front man to get him removed.

Did Biden have a conflict? Most likely. Was it under the Obama's Adminstration interest to have him removed anyway? Most likely.

Is it in Trump's interest to find out what he was investigating against EU interests, Obama foreign policy goals and Hunter Biden? Most likely.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If someone who claims that she was sexually assaulted by a Supreme Court nominee is enough to warrant an investigation of that nominee, then all accusations on different topics, however credible or not, are sufficient to justify an investigation. Checkmate.

Again, imagine actually believing that.

Every single post is a formal logic fail.

You essentially are arguing:

If X, then Z.
All Xs are Ys.
Therefore, if Y, then Z.

That's just a straight up formal logic error.

X=first-person claim of sexual assault
Z=investigation is warranted
Y=accusation (of any type)
Bullshit. You keep subtlely changing details to fit your argument. Blasey-Ford accusation was to thwart a political nominee, not to investigate Kavanagh for rape (that was her entire goal), the D's turned that accusation into an FBI investigation.

I'm not saying "any type". The investigation based on the accusation was to thwart a political appointee, for political purposes. You can claim it's standard for politicians to demand criminal investigations by the FBI, based on nothing more than accusations, but that's not how it works. One, that type of thing is handled by local jurisdiction, not the FBI. The D's requested the investigation, not some complaint made by the purported victim. The entire thing was a politically motivated investigation, which is why you don't like what Trump did, but do not have a problem with what the D's did for a SCOTUS nominee, and pretend I'm the one with the logic fail, after you ignore some salient similarities. If you were serious about wanting the rape investigated, you would of wanted the D's to do it right, and have the local authorities investigate it, and not have the FBI try and dig up dirt on a opposing political appointee, for political purposes.

Who the **** goes to congress to have a rape investigated? A lefty who does not want a pro life judge appointed. If she was concerned about the rape being investigated, she would of went to the local authorities, not the media, and damn sure not congress. Spare me the lack of concern for rape victims argument. It's not applicable when Blasey Ford herself has only used it for political purposes.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 09-26-2019 at 09:42 PM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Solomon isn't doing real reporting.
Which reporters are?
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Which reporters are?
Idk. Real stories get killed or not picked up. Probably some local ones someone covering local things if they haven't yet been blackballed by their local PD and mayor's office.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Real stories
Such as?
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Such as?
Taibbi talks about some involving the tobacco industry, Chiquita Banana, and Monsanto
I'd add Gary Webb's San Jose Mercury News coverage of the CIA/cocaine connection to the list and I'm sure there are plenty of other examples. Reporters are supposed to make enemies not friends. [And those who get stories fed to them don't make enemies]
What's with the question game today Trolly? Bored?

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 09-26-2019 at 09:57 PM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Bullshit. You keep subtlely changing details to fit your argument. Blasey-Ford accusation was to thwart a political nominee, not to investigate Kavanagh for rape (that was her entire goal), the D's turned that accusation into an FBI investigation.

I'm not saying "any type". The investigation based on the accusation was to thwart a political appointee, for political purposes. You can claim it's standard for politicians to demand criminal investigations by the FBI, based on nothing more than accusations, but that's not how it works. One, that type of thing is handled by local jurisdiction, not the FBI. The D's requested the investigation, not some complaint made by the purported victim. The entire thing was a politically motivated investigation, which is why you don't like what Trump did, but do not have a problem with what the D's did for a SCOTUS nominee, and pretend I'm the one with the logic fail, after you ignore some salient similarities. If you were serious about wanting the rape investigated, you would of wanted the D's to do it right, and have the local authorities investigate it, and not have the FBI try and dig up dirt on a opposing political appointee, for political purposes.

Who the **** goes to congress to have a rape investigated? A lefty who does not want a pro life judge appointed. If she was concerned about the rape being investigated, she would of went to the local authorities, not the media, and damn sure not congress. Spare me the lack of concern for rape victims argument. It's not applicable when Blasey Ford herself has only used it for political purposes.
You go to Congress when the guy that raped you is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court and Congress is vetting him. Lol, but whatever you gotta tell yourself so that you don’t feel bad about supporting and enabling flagrant sexual abusers.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn

You go to Congress when the guy that raped you is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court and Congress is vetting him. Lol, but whatever you gotta tell yourself so that you don’t feel bad about supporting and enabling flagrant sexual abusers.
There is less evidence Kavanaugh raped someone than there is of Biden having a conflict of interest...who, you know, is running for POTUS, but you are confident in calling Kavanaugh a rapist, but want to say "nothing to see here" with Biden. Right.

I'm not the one rationalizing one politically motivated investigation and damning another.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 09-26-2019 at 10:06 PM. Reason: The same person did not have an issue with any of his other political appointments, it was entirely about abortion, not rape
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 10:10 PM
“In the aftermath of these hearings, I believe that Christine’s testimony brought about more good than the harm misogynist Republicans caused by allowing Kavanaugh on the court,” Katz says in the video. “He will always have an asterisk next to his name. When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade, we will know who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him, and that is important; it is important that we know, and that is part of what motivated Christine.”
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 10:13 PM
What till Amy Barret is on the court next.

Kavanaugh was appointed to beat roe vs. wade.

Amy Barret going to take it to the next level.

Saving her for Ginsburgs seat.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Taibbi talks about some involving the tobacco industry
So, to be clear, you think 60 Minutes is a Real News outlet and their reporting on the tobacco industry is Real News? I would agree with that statement, FWIW. Now I'm in the mood to re-watch The Insider.

What's with the question game today Trolly? Bored?
Again, I have to question what you're doing here if you think these incredibly simple questions are out of line. Like, what do you imagine goes on in a politics forum?
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
09-26-2019 , 10:15 PM
Think Kavanaugh, or Gorsuch is bad on Roe Vs. Wade?

Amy Barret is the next appointment.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
