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Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower?

01-30-2020 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
What about the Dershowitz argument that if Trump's actions regarding Biden would not be impeachable if he had done them in his second term, they aren't impeachable in his first term?
I'm not sure why Dershowitz thinks this is such a gotcha. Intent matters. And the inferences we can reasonably draw about Trump's intent depend on context. Whether Trump is in his first term or his second term is part of that context.

These are the sorts of inferences that we ask juries to make all the time.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
That's a fine position to take. Your argument yesterday was basically 1) we have to make Poland feel safe and 2) had Ukraine been a part of it Russia wouldn't have annexed Crimea.
I specifically said that I was NOT arguing that Ukraine should be, or should have been, in NATO. I mentioned Crimea only to make the point that Putin has few reservations about moving aggressively against neighboring countries if he thinks it is feasible.

I think the whole "Russia is the enemy" stuff is nonsense and that the purpose of NATO at this point is to ensure that there is military spending taking place in Europe--which lines the pockets of a certain set.
*Which when Trump goes out and and says "let's be friends with Russia and eliminate NATO, has had the effect of turning large swaths of Americans into renewed cold warriors.
I agree with this to an extent. I don't think U.S. foreign policy should be shaped as if there is some ongoing struggle between the U.S. and Russia for world hegemony. That probably wasn't accurate in 1982 and it certainly isn't accurate now.

But any U.S. president who believes that Putin can be trusted is a fool. I am firmly of the view that Putin is one of the worst people on the planet. I don't think he has anything resembling a moral or ethical compass. Power and money are the only currencies he respects and the only currencies in which he trades.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 08:04 PM
Man, never would have guessed that Luckbox hates "the media" but uncritically reads the Washington Examiner!
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 08:19 PM
This impeachement thing is the total deconstruction of all the supposedely great system americans live in.
This is beautifull to watch how a civilization goes down.
When Trump is acquitted, it will be open seasons on rivals, setting up the perfect precedent.
Now let's see what happens if the right doesn't get the president they want (now or in the next 40 years).
RIP America, you had a good run.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 08:33 PM
as long as we have great men like adam schiff, bernie sanders and great women like AOC and millions of silent decent free thinking patriots ready to join the revolution...we will be fine. USA #1!!
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
This impeachement thing is the total deconstruction of all the supposedely great system americans live in.

This is beautifull to watch how a civilization goes down.

When Trump is acquitted, it will be open seasons on rivals, setting up the perfect precedent.

Now let's see what happens if the right doesn't get the president they want (now or in the next 40 years).

RIP America, you had a good run.
Team Trump is literally arguing that he can assassinate the Dem nominee and rig the vote to assure his election, and doing so is not impeachable, and Republicans will go along with it.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Man, never would have guessed that Luckbox hates "the media" but uncritically reads the Washington Examiner!
Lol. I don't read the Washington Examiner wtf?
Why would you have that idea? Because I posted a google news screenshot and an article backing up my claim that that information about his name has been out for months?
Seriously what is wrong with you people? Are google news screenshots of the Washington Examiner verboten here?
Man I never would have guessed that Wookie makes up nonsense.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Lol. I don't read the Washington Examiner wtf?
Why would you have that idea? Because I posted a google news screenshot and an article backing up my claim that that information about his name has been out for months?
Seriously what is wrong with you people?
I hope that was a rhetorical question, because it is actually fairly obvious what is wrong. It is just tribalism all the way down.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I hope that was a rhetorical question, because it is actually fairly obvious what is wrong. It is just tribalism all the way down.
It's just crazy because I searched Eric Ciamarella and Washington Examiner articles were the furthest back ones I can find. Wookie then assumes that means I read the Washington Examiner because that is apparently the only source of this information in his mind. It's wild to see how people think.
It was a rhetorical question but it still amazes me.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:11 PM
I think you are giving Wookie too much credit. His general MO is just to find the laziest, most expedient way to attack the arguer, while rarely addressing the argument at all. It was just the first, most convenient thing he found in your post to attack. I doubt he even bothered to see what your actual argument was.

Last edited by Kelhus999; 01-30-2020 at 09:16 PM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I think you are giving Wookie too much credit. His general MO is just to find the laziest, most expedient way to attack the arguer, while rarely addressing the argument at all. It was just the first, most convenient thing he found in your post to attack. I doubt he even bothered to see what your actual argument was.
Originally Posted by grando1.0
Man this place is garbage now.
Makes sense
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Team Trump is literally arguing that he can assassinate the Dem nominee and rig the vote to assure his election, and doing so is not impeachable, and Republicans will go along with it.
This is the most ridiculous part about this whole thing. Even more ridiculous than an elected official outing possible whistleblowers BY LEAVING AN IMPEACHMENT HEARING AFTER A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE TOLD HIM HE COULDN'T TO TWEET A STUPID QUESTION.

I mean I have joe6iq on ignore obviously cause no one cares what he says about anything beep boop
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:42 PM

Since the Washington Examiner is no good, how about random twitter users confirm that the guy's name has been out for months.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-30-2020 at 09:47 PM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:51 PM
I outed him in this thread way back in October.

Originally Posted by joe6pack
Anyway, to get the thread back to it's main topic, looks like we may have found our whistleblower. And surprise, surprise he has connections to the Steele dossier.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 09:59 PM
Random MAGA Twitter bots would tweet out my dick if they thought Hillary touched it

Disclaimer: she did
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:00 PM
Lol Steele dossier obviously
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:02 PM
Apparently it's true that he was outed by Schiff himself
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
Random MAGA Twitter bots would tweet out my dick if they thought Hillary touched it

Disclaimer: she did
Anyways, you don't actually think the guy's life is in danger now I hope, right?
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:06 PM
Well his name isn't Marie so he might be fine?!
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Apparently it's true that he was outed by Schiff himself
It's a Benny Johnson tweet so my base assumption that it's more probable that it's a lie than it's the truth
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
It's a Benny Johnson tweet so my base assumption that it's more probable that it's a lie than it's the truth
I've never heard of him but since he has a blue check mark that seems like a fairly safe assumption to make. I forget sometimes to check to make sure I'm never posting tweets from those ****ers.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I'm not sure why Dershowitz thinks this is such a gotcha. Intent matters. And the inferences we can reasonably draw about Trump's intent depend on context. Whether Trump is in his first term or his second term is part of that context.

These are the sorts of inferences that we ask juries to make all the time.
Think of what you are saying. It means that if I come home and find an intruder, whether I get convicted of shooting him could depend on whether or not I knew him and was known to hate him. You are saying that I need to be more sure my life is in danger before shooting him than I would need to be if he was a stranger because my risk of punishment for the shooting will be greater.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I've never heard of him but since he has a blue check mark that seems like a fairly safe assumption to make. I forget sometimes to check to make sure I'm never posting tweets from those ****ers.
It's less to do with the blue check mark and more that he's been fired multiple times for plagiarism and outright lying.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:48 PM
Haha blue checkmark are you ****ing serious? You're an embarrassment. Holy ****.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
01-30-2020 , 10:50 PM
Hey guys only the BEST OF THE BEST get verified by Twitter. We should believe whatever they say!

You guys are so ****ed...
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
