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Transgender issues (read OP before posting) Transgender issues (read OP before posting)

08-30-2022 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
2A works best when society is mostly civil or, alternatively, when only one side arms up.
That's not a civil society, that's fascism.
08-30-2022 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Count me among the people who see so little value in sport that they don't see the need for women's divisions at all.

Actually I think sport has a large negative value in society, glorifying those who are born much bigger and stronger than the average person. They then tend to get away with doing negative things for which the average person would be shunned or put in prison, especially for male athletes and their abuses of women.

As a society, I think it is a contradiction to say we place great value in physical achievements, while ignoring the fact that men simply have a huge advantage over women in pretty much all areas of physical strength and dexterity. You can't place great value in sport and still somehow expect to have a society with no discrimination against women.
I don't agree with this at all. I think that a lot of men and women unambiguously benefit from playing sports (and not at the expense of others).

Also, forcing women to either compete against men or refrain from competitive sports altogether is, to put it charitably, not an intuitive solution to societal discrimination against women.
08-30-2022 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
That's not a civil society, that's fascism.
That 'or' there means you can get away with all these right leaning open carry gun nuts when society is mostly civil...


If only one side is armed up ...

BECAUSE then there is no one to shoot back so you are less likely to spark shooting wars with only the odd Rittenhouse sprinkled in.

That is not my way of approving, as I do not. I am pointing out the right loved 2A and being armed when they were the only ones arming up.
08-30-2022 , 10:25 PM
I wonder if the dudes here who think biomen are better at manual dexterity than biowomen have ever tried doing embroidery.
08-30-2022 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't see any burning need for separate divisions for snooker.
I'm not sure what the state of televised billiards is today, but in the past ladies 9-ball on ESPN was a lot more common than men's-- presumably because it sold better and the women were more marketable.
08-30-2022 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Count me among the people who see so little value in sport that they don't see the need for women's divisions at all.

Actually I think sport has a large negative value in society, glorifying those who are born much bigger and stronger than the average person. They then tend to get away with doing negative things for which the average person would be shunned or put in prison, especially for male athletes and their abuses of women.

As a society, I think it is a contradiction to say we place great value in physical achievements, while ignoring the fact that men simply have a huge advantage over women in pretty much all areas of physical strength and dexterity. You can't place great value in sport and still somehow expect to have a society with no discrimination against women.

As transwomen start to win more and more contests, I hope it shines a light on how counterproductive for society these contests are to begin with.
It's refreshing to read this thread and see a unique take. Thank you. It's interesting for sure and perhaps you're right.
08-30-2022 , 11:02 PM
The Black Widow

08-31-2022 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm not sure what the state of televised billiards is today, but in the past ladies 9-ball on ESPN was a lot more common than men's-- presumably because it sold better and the women were more marketable.
That's almost certainly true of women's beach volleyball also, but I don't think it says anything good about men's interest in women's sports.
08-31-2022 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Heteronormative men are raging *******s who can’t handle losing to women or really being around women. That’s why we have women’s chess leagues and women’s snooker leagues. It’s no longer as fashionable to scream at women in sport, so now bullying cis-men have moved on to yelling at trans women who want to play in regional snooker tournaments.
I really can't imagine having that attitude. The world is full of women who can beat Lebron James at their preferred sport.

That's one of many reasons why i would feel ridiculous if I threw a tantrum because I lost a swimming race to Katie Ledecky.

Last edited by Rococo; 08-31-2022 at 07:24 AM.
08-31-2022 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
That's almost certainly true of women's beach volleyball also, but I don't think it says anything good about men's interest in women's sports.
Women deliberately marketed sex in womens volleyball so that is why it sells there. I do not think that is the case with women's Billiards.

i used to go watch the Canadian Open tennis, each year. But I was far more interested in watching the women play mainly because they did not, then, have the dominant top tier of players and as such the matches were more even and hard fought out, and I found more intrigue in not knowing who would win.

I was never comparing the women athletes to the men, in terms of skill level, as I did not see them playing at the same time. I was comparing the women to the women they played. The matches were fantastic and there was no perceived loss of value imo because a man would hit the ball harder. It as all relative.
08-31-2022 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I really can't imagine having that attitude. The world is full of women who can beat Lebron James at their preferred sport.

That's one of many reasons why i would feel ridiculous if I threw a tantrum because I lost a swimming race to Katie Ledecky.
Do not make the mistake of taking what Trolly says seriously. There are bad sports in both sexes, but the over whelming majority of men would not only be fine but celebrate if a top woman could compete and beat them in their sports. IF that billiards gal above could dominate the men's circuit, if there was a woman who could dominate men's volleyball, if women's curlers could beat men's, if women sprinters could beat the men, they would be welcome to play with the men and be huge marketing draws.

Unlike Trolly I actually played sport and that simply was not an issue when a woman was good enough to make it.
08-31-2022 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Unlike Trolly I actually played sport and that simply was not an issue when a woman was good enough to make it.
I played a ton of sports also. I never played on any formal teams with women, but even when I was 18, I wasn't delusional enough to think that I could beat any woman in any sport.

I just can't imagine getting mad about something that is blindingly obvious.
08-31-2022 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Right wing protesters show up armed with AR15s. They are met by Antifa counter protesters also armed with AR15's.

What could go wrong?

Right wingers not comfortable with the idea leftist protesters may start arming up.
One hot head in either group, will lead to a mass slaughter in both groups and anyone who ends up in between. America is in for some serious violence in its near future.

Ironically I could see this leading to real gun control laws, as the States struggle to keep armed groups from facing off.

2A works best when society is mostly civil or, alternatively, when only one side arms up.
08-31-2022 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
I feel the inevitability of both sides opening up in a mass shoot out event is self evident.

You have two highly armed and antagonistic forces facing off, both sides outgunning the police, and all it takes is one neerdowell to escalate by pointing his gun at the other side, even if in a mocking gesture, and then someone on the other side uses that as the reason to try to shoot them. In their mind it is legit self defense... 'he pointed his gun'. Everyone to the left and right of the guy being shot at now can fire back also claiming self defense, and that is accurate in US law. Both sides can now fully open up and everyone can claim a right of self defense.

I actually cannot see how this does not happen eventually if this continues to be the scenario with both sides showing up heavily armed.
08-31-2022 , 09:28 AM
Why is the shoot out discussion itt?
08-31-2022 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Why is the shoot out discussion itt?
Armed idiots bullying a drag queen is at least adjacent to actual trans issues. It’s an improvement for the thread.
08-31-2022 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Why is the shoot out discussion itt?
The event was by a Texas business trying to support the Trans community and how it was met by armed Righties trying to intimidate everyone by showing up with AR's and how they were met with armed Antifa.

"..."​​It was never my intention to host an event that would result in controversy, hate and divisiveness," the distillery's owner, Jay Anderson, wrote on Facebook.

"It is my intention to welcome people from ALL walks of life into Anderson Distillery & Grill."..." cite
08-31-2022 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Right wing protesters show up armed with AR15s. They are met by Antifa counter protesters also armed with AR15's.

What could go wrong?

Right wingers not comfortable with the idea leftist protesters may start arming up.
One hot head in either group, will lead to a mass slaughter in both groups and anyone who ends up in between. America is in for some serious violence in its near future.

Ironically I could see this leading to real gun control laws, as the States struggle to keep armed groups from facing off.

2A works best when society is mostly civil or, alternatively, when only one side arms up.
Finally the left shows up armed. If they had continued to show up unarmed they would have continued to get slaughtered.
08-31-2022 , 11:47 AM
It seems no one here wants to discuss any of the more serious topics but seeing a huge increase in the reported cases of people who have transitioned and are now upset, suing or otherwise saying they did not get the proper care they needed, prior to being allowed to transition, I do think the USA, as other countries ahead on this curve are dong, will need to focus more on Social Contagion aspect and the treatment professionals who seem all too often to just be eager to push individuals thru to surgery and drugs (profit motive??) instead of seeking other courses.

I suspect here some may get angry at any attempt to discuss this issue or that societies even consider it but it is important nonetheless. The attempts to 'silence' discussions like this must not be tolerated.

The US, behind much of Europe in this area, is pushing forward in areas we see those countries in Europe largely reassessing and backing away from. I think Biden and the Dem's need to take a more moderate and cautious approach as a way to deny the GOP being seen as the only party who parents can go to, to ensure this is not pushed thru without proper thought. Because as flawed and dangerous as the GOP approach can and will be, a lot of parents will opt for that over losing control, themselves, of their kids and their choices.

NHS to close Tavistock gender identity clinic for children

NHS gender identity service for children can’t cope with demand, review finds

Tavistock trust whistleblower David Bell: ‘I believed I was doing the right thing’
The psychiatrist behind a critical report on the gender identity unit at the NHS trust on the efforts to silence him and his concerns about children’s access to treatment

Therapist raised alert at troubling practices at Tavistock clinic

NHS gender identity clinic whistleblower wins damages
This article is more than 11 months old
Child safeguarding expert awarded £20,000 after bringing claim against Tavistock and Portman trust

Suicide by Clinic-Referred Transgender Adolescents in the United Kingdom

Data from the world’s largest clinic for transgender youth over 11 years yield an estimated annual suicide rate of 13 per 100,000. This rate was 5.5 times greater than the overall suicide rate of adolescents of similar age, adjusting for sex composition. The estimate demonstrates the elevated risk of suicide among adolescents who identify as transgender, albeit without adjusting for accompanying psychological conditions such as autism. The proportion of individual patients who died by suicide was 0.03%, which is orders of magnitude smaller than the proportion of transgender adolescents who report attempting suicide when surveyed. The fact that deaths were so rare should provide some reassurance to transgender youth and their families, though of course this does not detract from the distress caused by self-harming behaviors that are non-fatal. It is irresponsible to exaggerate the prevalence of suicide. Aside from anything else, this trope might exacerbate the vulnerability of transgender adolescents. As the former lead psychologist at the Tavistock has warned, “when inaccurate data and alarmist opinion are conveyed very authoritatively to families we have to wonder what the impact would be on children’s understanding of the kind of person they are…and their likely fate.

Parents should not be denied their custodial role in this outside the most extreme and rare cases.

Sure some mistakes will be made by parents that sadly the kids will live with, but that is always the case in family roles, with custodial parents. That is far better than mistakes being made via gov't imposition into the family with the entire family, including the child regretting what happened and then having to look at the State actions that forced it, for recompense.
08-31-2022 , 11:50 AM
Calling human beings a “contagion” always leads to great outcomes.
08-31-2022 , 12:32 PM
We are complaining about defined Psychological terms now because even discussing those terms in how they may relate to harm, somehow, Trolly thinks, may make a trans person sad?


08-31-2022 , 04:33 PM
lololololol, it turns out trans snooker player Jamie Hunter is ranked 12th in the world, so much for dominating the competition! Also, some of the top players didn’t even compete in this tourney!

Top women players Reanne Evans, Ng On Yee, and Mink Nutcharut did not participate in the tournament – the first to be played in the United States.

How absolutely deranged do you have to be to have an issue with this?
08-31-2022 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Cant believe this example of non self aware manslpaining.

Your perception of a need could not be more utterly irrelevant.

If women want to play sports and there is enough participation then their will be divisions.

Sharing my opinion is "mansplaining"? I don't think you even understood the point of my post. I think sports are a large net negative to society, and the less sport that exists, the better. Partially because I think they contribute to the subjugation of women. Also because they started as a cultural celebration of war and conquest, and still contribute to war hawkish attitudes, the attitude that differences should be settled by physical confrontations, and the normalization of violence in society. Off topic, so not worth exploring more here, but if anyone really wants to start another thread about it then I'd be happy to participate there.
08-31-2022 , 05:08 PM
I have a hard time seeing a serious connection between Wimbledon and the promotion or glorification of violence.
08-31-2022 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
lololololol, it turns out trans snooker player Jamie Hunter is ranked 12th in the world, so much for dominating the competition! Also, some of the top players didn’t even compete in this tourney!

How absolutely deranged do you have to be to have an issue with this?
LOLOLOL at you think being ranked 12th in the world is a laughable feat.

And ranking works via points Trolly and Jamie Hunter is the process of building her rank

...The victory crowns a memorable debut year on the World Women’s Snooker (WWS) Tour for the 25-year-old, who becomes the first player to lift a maiden ranking title since Mink Nutcharut at the 2019 Australian Open.

Having entered the week ranked in 12th position, Hunter is now set to climb to a career-high position of number six in the latest world ranking list next week.... cite


I know, I know, lololol at not debuting at #1 rank.

I mean, if a trans women is not instantly #1, this is a nothingburger!
