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Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news") Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news")

11-22-2022 , 03:10 PM
Boom, boom, pow, pow, rat-a-tat-tat, brrrrrrraaaaat.
11-22-2022 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I'm also going to go out on a limb and say this is incorrect, and your ignorance of guns is further being shown.
I guess you don't know that they can be made fully automatic with an extra part, which of course should be illegal, except the gun lobby wants as many people murdered as possible.

Really shameful for you to drop into this forum with your gun nut BS right after a lot of people were killed. Why don't you take that **** to your survivalist meeting?
11-22-2022 , 03:28 PM
I'd say the people who live in countries where mass shootings are not a weekly occurrence might have opinions that should be listened to.
11-22-2022 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Surprised Colorado Springs has a downtown. The couple times I've been through it it's seemed like nothing but suburbs.
Quite liked it actually. A small number of streets but lots of pretty good bar, lounge and restaurant options I hit while walking around.

I recommend highly Shame and regret (cocktails), The Rabbit hole (dinner), The Archives (cocktails).

11-22-2022 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
No, that was not what you were doing/saying. You were attempting to color pro gunners as pro automatic gunners.
Correct, because it's almost universally true. Including yourself if you support civilians having semi-automatic weapons when you know they are easily converted to full.

Regardless, there is also no reason civilians need even a semi-automatic weapon.
11-22-2022 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I guess you don't know that they can be made fully automatic with an extra part, which of course should be illegal, except the gun lobby wants as many people murdered as possible.

Really shameful for you to drop into this forum with your gun nut BS right after a lot of people were killed. Why don't you take that **** to your survivalist meeting?
Yes I know about them, switches and hooks.... and guess what... They ARE ILLEGAL. Lmao! (in 99%+ of cases for civilians)

Shameful that instead of admitting you don't know what you are talking about.. you doubled down and exposed even more of your ignorance.

As far as I know it wasn't a modified gun.
11-22-2022 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
It also is not a FACT that this is my response to the heinous act that took place, but it is a FACT that you will slander anyone who doesn't agree with your maniacal fringe political beliefs.
You assume everyone who doesn't support civilian ownership of AR-15s is a member of a maniacal fringe group?

Wow. I think it would probably include a majority of the country, but if not it's a substantial minority.

The maniacal fringe people are those who would go into a thread like this soon after murders of the group being discussed, to defend the ownership of the weapon that murdered them.
11-22-2022 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Correct, because it's almost universally true. Including yourself if you support civilians having semi-automatic weapons when you know they are easily converted to full.

Regardless, there is also no reason civilians need even a semi-automatic weapon.
They are illegal sir. Should cars be illegal considering they can easily be turned into machines altered in such a way that have no intention other than to cause physical harm to people?

Argument is silly anyways, if you ban semi autos people will 3D print them and since you can't realistically stop that and you are all of a sudden about lawful practicality why not think it through a little more?

LOL @ no legit reason to own a semi auto.
11-22-2022 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
You assume everyone who doesn't support civilian ownership of AR-15s is a member of a maniacal fringe group?

Wow. I think it would probably include a majority of the country, but if not it's a substantial minority.

The maniacal fringe people are those who would go into a thread like this soon after murders of the group being discussed, to defend the ownership of the weapon that murdered them.
Nope, that was a comment specifically to Trolly whom I have had experience with in the past. Keep up. I also have posts in this thread from well before now and read it often, I didn't even come here to post about guns until I saw you spouting absolute NONSENSE about them. YOU brought the incorrect gun info up, now you are angry you are being corrected!

Why don't you care more about having the facts of an opinion you are passionate about, then maybe you could actually engage with the other side and come to a reasonable compromise. Instead you are mad you got exposed on the internet and are backtracking/gas lighting.
11-22-2022 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Yes I know about them, switches and hooks.... and guess what... They ARE ILLEGAL. Lmao! (in 99%+ of cases for civilians)

As far as I know it wasn't a modified gun.
Correct, but the NRA took their support of those devices all the way to the Supreme Court. Do you support the NRA?

And it matters not at all if that particular gun was modified or not.

It also matters not that I'm not a gun expert. I never tried to become a gun expert, because I don't think I would enjoy shooting people.
11-22-2022 , 03:47 PM
Cars: built for transportation/leisure; can possibly be used as a weapon to kill.

Guns: built for killing only, can always be used to kill

Good comparison.
11-22-2022 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Correct, but the NRA took their support of those devices all the way to the Supreme Court. Do you support the NRA?

And it matters not at all if that particular gun was modified or not.

It also matters not that I'm not a gun expert. I never tried to become a gun expert, because I don't think I would enjoy shooting people.
I don't GAF about the NRA and wouldn't be for a full auto ban repeal.

Your lack of such rudimentary gun knowledge disqualifies you automatically from having a reasonable opinion about them. Nobody said you had to be an expert, semi auto vs auto is one of the simplest things. How you can be so passionate about something you know so little about is bewildering.
11-22-2022 , 03:49 PM
Such stupid logic.

I don't know the chemical make-up of fentanyl, but I can be concerned about how deadly it is.
11-22-2022 , 03:50 PM
You appear to be frothing at the mouth while passionately defending assault rifles.
11-22-2022 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Latvianassasin
Cars: built for transportation/leisure; can possibly be used as a weapon to kill.

Guns: built for killing only, can always be used to kill

Good comparison.
Bad reading comprehension.

His argument is something that is reasonable can be modified in such a way to make it unreasonable. He then said even semi autos are not reasonable, but with his original point the comparison remains.

A car can strictly a killing machine as well, that's where the modification part comes in, you can modify a car to have spikes on it and design it to run better on sidewalks etc, that would be something intended to strictly kill people.
11-22-2022 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
LOL @ no legit reason to own a semi auto.
Instead of LOLing, why don't you give us a few reasons, along with a poll of this thread to see how many agree?
11-22-2022 , 03:52 PM
Now you are soubling down on a stupid point.

ANything can be modified to kill.

Guns are made to kill. One purpose. Nothing else. They are made to kill.
11-22-2022 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Latvianassasin
Such stupid logic.

I don't know the chemical make-up of fentanyl, but I can be concerned about how deadly it is.
Lmao, I never said people should not be concerned. Was never even close to my argument.

Once again, terrible comparison and my judgement holds true:

Your opinion on which opiates should be legal/illegal should not be weighted greatly if you don't know the difference between codeine and fentanyl.
11-22-2022 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Nope, that was a comment specifically to Trolly whom I have had experience with in the past. Keep up. I also have posts in this thread from well before now and read it often, I didn't even come here to post about guns until I saw you spouting absolute NONSENSE about them. YOU brought the incorrect gun info up, now you are angry you are being corrected!

Why don't you care more about having the facts of an opinion you are passionate about, then maybe you could actually engage with the other side and come to a reasonable compromise. Instead you are mad you got exposed on the internet and are backtracking/gas lighting.
OMG, I'm so shamed that I forgot to put the prefix "semi" in my post when I feel the same way about semi and fully automatic weapons.

You should be ashamed that you likely logged into this thread only to defend the weapon that was just to murder members of the group discussed here.
11-22-2022 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Argument is silly anyways, if you ban semi autos people will 3D print them and since you can't realistically stop that and you are all of a sudden about lawful practicality why not think it through a little more?
Yeah I'm sure the ****nuts who shoot up schools and gay nightclubs will all be making their own homeade guns that don't jam up within three rounds. That's exactly how things are in the rest of the developed world where people aren't allowed to buy AR-15s.
11-22-2022 , 03:55 PM
You cannot be reasoned with at all then. I don't know why you think a person has to be an expert to be concerned about an issue.

I'm not an expert on global warming, but I am concerned.
I'm not an expert on protecting government buildings, but I am concerned about Jan. 6
11-22-2022 , 03:56 PM
Wish we would revoke the UKs gun laws because of all the school shootings using printed guns.
11-22-2022 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Latvianassasin
Now you are soubling down on a stupid point.

ANything can be modified to kill.

Guns are made to kill. One purpose. Nothing else. They are made to kill.
Right.... glad you are catching up.

He has multiple beliefs/points... all just as stupid.

The specific point I was addressing was that he believes guns that are currently legal should be banned because they can easily be turned into a more deadly unreasonable form of the gun in the way of an automatic. That is the car comparison.

He has another belief that gun are a killing machine all together and should be banned, that I'm not addressing. Shockingly it goes without saying that I have no problem with things that are only intended to kill things. We wouldn't be talking to each other right now if things like that were never made.
11-22-2022 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Bad reading comprehension.

His argument is something that is reasonable can be modified in such a way to make it unreasonable. He then said even semi autos are not reasonable, but with his original point the comparison remains.

A car can strictly a killing machine as well, that's where the modification part comes in, you can modify a car to have spikes on it and design it to run better on sidewalks etc, that would be something intended to strictly kill people.
Yeah, we should do something about that, considering how many people are killed every year by cars with spikes on them running over them.
11-22-2022 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
OMG, I'm so shamed that I forgot to put the prefix "semi" in my post when I feel the same way about semi and fully automatic weapons.

You should be ashamed that you likely logged into this thread only to defend the weapon that was just to murder members of the group discussed here.
So now you are pretending that you didn't think it was an automatic gun used when you specifically corrected me on it in another post after I corrected you initially? LMAO
