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Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news") Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news")

10-16-2022 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Oh noes, I am defeated with facts and logic.
I have never seen a post by Neverlucky contain either of those things, or indeed contain much of anything.
10-16-2022 , 03:21 PM
It makes me mad because every smart person is on my side.

Unfortunately, smart people are a minority, so we have idiots like Trolly that dominate the discourse because they win by sheer numbers.

You don't even know what you're arguing either, you just like to say whatever is popular.

Take some time to understand issues and then make your own decision.
10-16-2022 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by IAMTHISNOW
I have never seen a post by Neverlucky contain either of those things, or indeed contain much of anything.
I took this as a compliment coming from you.
10-16-2022 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Perhaps but you didn't explain why it's more females than males.
Okay but you haven't explained anything either, you've just trotted out the old canard that it's all just a silly trend and a choice people make for themselves.
10-16-2022 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
It makes me mad because every smart person is on my side.
They really are not and the fact that you not capable of ever making robust arguments but routinely post extremely immature and childish gotcha drive by posts indictates that you are very poor arbiter of what constitutes smart, you are probably incapable of knowing smart when you see it.

But der smart people are on my side is one the lamest and weakest appeals to authority I have seen on this forum and that is saying something.
10-16-2022 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by IAMTHISNOW
They really are not and the fact that you not capable of ever making robust arguments but routinely post extremely immature and childish gotcha drive by posts indictates that you are very poor arbiter of what constitutes smart, you are probably incapable of knowing smart when you see it.

But der smart people are on my side is one the lamest and weakest appeals to authority I have seen on this forum and that is saying something.
IQ test 1v1 for $1k?

I have a measured 142. I'm probably smarter than you.
10-16-2022 , 03:30 PM
Ill judge you just on your posts.

IQ about 50ish.

If you ever make a post that contains any content or an actual argument, that could go up.
10-16-2022 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by IAMTHISNOW
Ill judge you just on your posts.

IQ about 50ish.

If you ever make a post that contains any content or an actual argument, that could go up.
I'll take 50.
10-16-2022 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Okay but you haven't explained anything either, you've just trotted out the old canard that it's all just a silly trend and a choice people make for themselves.
It's probably a trend but probably not a conscious choice.
10-16-2022 , 03:37 PM
I mean it's not too hard to see that there are girls today identifying as trans who would have been lesbians 10-20 years ago, so the argument would have to be that 20 years ago they were free enough to be gay but not free enough to be their true trans selves and I don't buy that
10-16-2022 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I mean it's not too hard to see that there are girls today identifying as trans who would have been lesbians 10-20 years ago, so the argument would have to be that 20 years ago they were free enough to be gay but not free enough to be their true trans selves, and I don't buy that
Trans is clearly more acceptable now than it was 20 years ago.

Being trans 20 years ago was seen as a massive deal, much less so now.
10-16-2022 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The idea that gender or sexual orientation is something you decide on or will yourself into seems quite wrong.
How would you distinguish between mental illness and physical illness ?
Fwiw I wouldn’t put gender and sexual orientation in the same category.

There is a vast distinction for me between liking something and actually physically be something you aren’t or not suppose to be .
There is actual hormones in action here with the gender issue .
Seem the question is what as prevalence, our thought or our physicality?
10-16-2022 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm sorry, but why are you still ****ing this up? It is "trans man" not "transman". Just as it is "black man" not "blackman". I'm not sure whether it is that weird stubbornness where when I inform you that your language is problematic that you just double down and do it more, or if you are still just confused and unable to shake the habit. But you really should stop this.

In your fantasy scenario, are you completely unaware of whether the person goes by "father" or "mother"?

This shouldn't be hard. Trans men are sons/fathers/brothers/uncles/etc, broadly speaking. They identify as male and thus use the male terms and celebrations. That is the general trend, clear as day, and should be utterly unconfusing to you. You seem quite desperate to concoct some very special fringe case scenario where you are terribly confused what to do and think having to ask is a bit "gotcha". It isn't.
I should not stop anything because you tell me to you as you are not my boss, no matter how much that bothers you.

Now go back to complaining about me tone policing you as you woke scold me, and you not seeing any irony in that.

No, I do not use the terms enough that on occasion I simply do not slip up. I know for you any opportunity to woke scold and show your virtue is an opportunity not to waste, but I will tell you something you may not be able to comprehend.

'People make mistake and they cannot help it otherwise they would not be mistakes'.

I am a blackman and would have no issues seeing it written that way. NONE. Therefore it is not on my mind that transgender and transman are not BOTH equally fine.

But again any attempt to woke scold and virtue signal is an opportunity you would never waste, no matter the negative impact to the community you convince yourself you have their best interst at heart.

Oh and you should edit this wikipedia post as it citres that transman and trans man are INTERCHANGEABLE spellings...

Trans man

"...The alternate spelling transman is sometimes used interchangeably...."
10-16-2022 , 03:51 PM
Damn Cuepee is an Uncle Tom.
10-16-2022 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Are you actually confused as to why he's doing this?
If you read the wikipedia it not even a f*ck up. They ARE both alternative legit spellings.

A segment of trans society however (SEGMENT) sees it as insulting for reasons. Something I was unaware of.

BUt that is the way language evolves. Some new terms may get initial push back from some quarters and get reject or accepted.

uke is not right or correct because he sides with the group who is offended just as someone who see it is as appropriate is not right or correct. The issue will only be decided over time once a singular common usage is established and accepted as the neologism.

Transman Medical Dictionary Definition


What uke is saying in a very Carlin like way, is that 'he has an OPINION on what is correct and right and he will not accept anyone having a diverging opinion. HIs opinion makes sense to him and thus should be the only one others use'. And as the butt of the joke of the Carlin meme, he will not understand why.

And btw uke I am opting to use transman from now on, so no point in you pointing out I am making the same mistake, as it is not a mistake. I am opting not to defer to your view and opinion. That is all. And as much as it irks you, i do not have to.
10-16-2022 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by IAMTHISNOW
Trans is clearly more acceptable now than it was 20 years ago.

Being trans 20 years ago was seen as a massive deal, much less so now.
Yes certainly.

I mean I came of age right at a time when homosexuality had become accepted amongst my generation-- which obviously isn't going to be unique to me here-- but in my high school graduating class of 400 something people there weren't any as far as I recall who were "out" but then when I went to college they were there and accepted. The change really took place in a pretty short time period in the late 90s/early 00s.

And I know a number of lesbians (of various types-- both butch and lipstick) now into their 40s who are still gay and still female. None of them have decided at this point in their lives now that being trans is more accepted that they have been living life as a lie. That does happen with people later in life I know, and I'd be interested in seeing that stats there vis-a-vis the sexual orientation of those who do.
10-16-2022 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16

Please just argue with intellectual integrity because that's what holds most people who are actually listening.
Uke and Trolly are not here to argue or discuss this topic with an ounce of integrity or honesty as you can see above.

They are here to woke scold and virtual signal and to make fun of people who are not as informed (woke) as they are, or who disagree with their positions.

It is definitive fact, as I have shown that transman is not 'wrong' and while I am sure uke would scold all the transmen who identify WILLINGLY under that hashtag, when they could use 'trans man' instead and tell them they are wrong, they are not.

SOME see offense in it, OTHERS do not, and that is how society works. Neither side then gets to tell the other they ar wrong simply because they do not agree as to which way terms or language should evolve. That is NOT how language works.

if some redneck disagrees with the terms cisgender and transgender evolving into the lexicon, too bad. If it gets accepted thru common usage and that wins out, it will become standard accepted words and that is who things work, even if someone is upset and thinks it should have went another way.

Similarly uke and others are free not to like the use of transmen, and others are free to disagree and use it. Ultimately usage and definitions will form and too bad for the side that loses out and did not get their way. that is how language works. I opt for transman and uke opts for trans man. He is not more correct than I am until a singular definition evolves and is accepted. If the term i prefer loses out, I am fine accepting that. If the one uke does loses out, he will cry incessantly that is wrong. Such is who uke is. The holder of the 'one true opinion'.
10-16-2022 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Oh and you should edit this wikipedia post as it citres that transman and trans man are INTERCHANGEABLE spellings...

Trans man

"...The alternate spelling transman is sometimes used interchangeably...."
Lol. Ahhha. Buddy, I already quoted this: But unlike you, I didn't selectively quote it. I quoted the entire thing.

The alternate spelling transman is sometimes used interchangeably. However, like transwoman, it is often associated with trans-exclusionary views which hold that trans men are distinct from men, and thus require a separate word to describe them.[13] For this reason many transgender people find the spelling offensive.[13]
As you can hopefully now see, you should be avoiding this term unless, of course, your goal is to deliberately make the choice for the spelling that is more offensive. Now that you have learned this, hopefully you will adjust accordingly.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am a blackman and would have no issues seeing it written that way. NONE. Therefore it is not on my mind that transgender and transman are not BOTH equally fine.
This just seems silly. Does anyone write "blackman" or "fastman" or "orangepumpkin" or any other adjective/noun pair? You might not find it offensive, but it is just grammatically stupid. Heck, you don't even get the right comparison at the end there. 'Trans' is just shorthand for 'transgender'. The comparison is thus transman and transgenderman where again that would be just super super weird to say the least to eliminate the space between an adjective and a noun.
10-16-2022 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
10-16-2022 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master

This just seems silly. Does anyone write "blackman" or "fastman" or "orangepumpkin" or any other adjective/noun pair? You might not find it offensive, but it is just grammatically stupid. Heck, you don't even get the right comparison at the end there. 'Trans' is just shorthand for 'transgender'. The comparison is thus transman and transgenderman where again that would be just super super weird to say the least to eliminate the space between an adjective and a noun.
Railroad man, wheelman, cutman, trigger man all seem to function linguistically as a single noun even when the 'man' is separated. Of course these are noun-noun pairs and not adjective-noun pairs.

I agree with you here just throwing those out there.
10-16-2022 , 04:22 PM
The fact that the stupidest person in the thread is a "professor" is unnerving no?

Can we do something about this?
10-16-2022 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
The fact that the stupidest person in the thread is a "professor" is unnerving no?

Can we do something about this?
Not as long as he keeps bringing in that grant money for us.
10-16-2022 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
And I know a number of lesbians (of various types-- both butch and lipstick) now into their 40s who are still gay and still female. None of them have decided at this point in their lives now that being trans is more accepted that they have been living life as a lie. That does happen with people later in life I know, and I'd be interested in seeing that stats there vis-a-vis the sexual orientation of those who do.
The idea I'd like to see tested here is that people who transition later in life are either 1) heterosexuals or 2) closeted homosexuals and not homosexuals living life as homosexuals-- with the idea being that the last group is already comfortable with who they are and their sexual identity.
10-16-2022 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
This just seems silly. Does anyone write "blackman" or "fastman" or "orangepumpkin" or any other adjective/noun pair? You might not find it offensive, but it is just grammatically stupid. Heck, you don't even get the right comparison at the end there. 'Trans' is just shorthand for 'transgender'. The comparison is thus transman and transgenderman where again that would be just super super weird to say the least to eliminate the space between an adjective and a noun.
I found a list.
Loudspeaker, nobleman, midday, madman, sweetheart.
10-16-2022 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
So you will not criticize 'fake boob guy' but you certainly will jump in to defend her.

And then you will act 'surprised', 'stunned' 'incredulous', when parents and people in the broader community, with kids in that community,
I think we should refer to trans people using the pronouns they identify by. That doesn't change when we think the person is ridiculous or comical or we disagree with them politically. I'm not defending her specifically - I've said nothing about her actions. I'm uploading the general principle that we don't start calling trans women "men" just because we disagree with them.

People can see the hypocrisy of the left and that if this was some type of perceived 'right leaning' person bringing whatever political or social statement this trans person is trying to make, in to the classroom, how the far left would attack that right leaning person for bringing that in to the classroom.

You as an educator should understand that acutely. But all you can do uke, is see 'sides' and no matter what happens, if it is perceived to be on your 'side', you reflexively then go into deflect and protect mode. You do not see how that leads the 'other side' to see the left as not rationale and to be ignored and as a force in society they think needs to be defeated.
I don't think we should centre our conversations about trans people on the most fringe and bizarre caricatures memed on social media. That isn't taking a side. That isn't "protecting" anyone. I think obsessing over these example - such as lozen thrice trying to bring it up - is a really problematic way to focus your engagement on trans issues. That's it.
