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Transgender issues (excised from moderation thread) Transgender issues (excised from moderation thread)

06-30-2022 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
We dont deny there are people on the left who take things to far sometimes ...g.

There is a complete denial there is such a thing as Cancel Culture on the left and that it is only a thing on the right.

Correspondingly the extreme elements on the right argue the same thing.
06-30-2022 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I wouldn't have commented on this as uke did, but it wasn't harmless -- it was theft.
Still harmless unless you are virtue signalling purest.

Even if you want to argue to the purest of pure virtue signalling standards that the 'theft' is a wrong, I did not do the theft. So then you have to argue that I had some obligation to stop the 'friend of the friend' for ukes attempt to classify me as the 'bad person' to have merit.

You are required to establish two arguments here.
First that the friend of a friends 'theft' was a wrong.
Second that my not stopping him, reporting him or otherwise engaging him after the fact is a wrong.

uke has stated that story outed ME as the bad person so you need to establish the obligation I have in that second point for that to be true.

So you wouldn't consider posting without insults, and you don't know how to just let anything go, yet you view yourself as the adult? This is hilarious.
No, as usual you miss the point.

I refuse to play the game, I have explained and outlined here a thousand times prior. One where Trolly and Uke and others can lie, smear,m slander and insult and no one notices or says something ('sides') but when the person opposing them does then suddenly it is 'hey what about civility'??

That type of selective call should be ignored as it is designed to silence one while empowering the other. As Bobo or King Spew (sorry i still confuse you guys) once said " could just not reply" when I replied to a falsehood by a poster here. Sure I could 'just not reply', I also could 'not insult'. I could keep limiting my box while you guys say nothing to the others.

it was the same in the BFI. Just don't reply to Tooth, which was otherwise known as 'letting his BS stand uncontested'.

If you want to call for civility more generally for all, I am good with that. But not selectively where you do not address others like Trolly or uke who use insults lies and slander as the entire bases of their posting.
06-30-2022 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And still the guys incapable of understanding what Cancel Culture is keep repeating it is not a thing.

It is clear you guys either do not have the faculty to understand or are gaslighting but either way no one should take you seriously.

Cancel culture goal is far more about setting the borders for the masses than it is about cancelling the specific person. The Cancel Culture left extremists would love to actually always cancel the specific person but way more important is to demonstrate to everyone else the types of thoughts and speech that will not be tolerated and the risk you face if you do.

It is far more targeted to getting the masses in the left and centre left into compliance on the positions they MUST support or at least shut up about if they do not.

And what we see as Cancel Culture has been succeeding and getting more and more emboldened is that now 'staying silent' will not be a safe space. Cancel Culture is actively looking now to demand you show signs you support their causes or positions and if that is not clear, that we demand to know your thoughts, so they can be considered for judgement and cancelling.

We are entering into a time of true thought policing if others do not push back on the extreme left, and sadly they have done such a good job at cowing the left and centre that I do not think we will see that. 'Think' is not a strong enough word there as we have already seen on this forum that people are cowed to be inline and support a call for thought policing rationalizing why it is right to demand and do.
What on earth are you ranting and raving about. People are going to criticize the stupid things you say on internet forums. Nobody is cancelling you. Calm down.
06-30-2022 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Still harmless unless you are virtue signalling purest.
You are required to establish two arguments here.
First that the friend of a friends 'theft' was a wrong.
Second that my not stopping him, reporting him or otherwise engaging him after the fact is a wrong.
As usual, you are addressing other people and other posts instead of what I literally said. I will repeat that I am not calling you out for not calling your friend out. What I was responding to was you claiming that the theft was harmless. It was not harmless -- it harmed KFC monetarily and the family in terms of their time and distress.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
If you want to call for civility more generally for all, I am good with that. But not selectively where you do not address others like Trolly or uke who use insults lies and slander as the entire bases of their posting.
And as usual, you again go off topic addressing something I'm not saying. I was not calling on you to be civil generally. What I said was that if you want to claim to be the adult in the situation, then you should be civil. Go ahead and be uncivil, but then don't pretend that you're above anyone else here.
06-30-2022 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
What I was responding to was you claiming that the theft was harmless. It was not harmless -- it harmed KFC monetarily and the family in terms of their time and distress..
More or less this. This is a pretty minor issue, but yes it was theft and yes I think the appropriate response when a friend is stealing right in front of you is to say something about it, even if I think it is pretty minor.

How one gets to "cancel culture" from this observation I have no idea.
06-30-2022 , 01:26 PM
Yes can we please be civil in this thread dedicated to bullying trans girls out of sports and other aspects of daily life.
06-30-2022 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
As usual, you are addressing other people and other posts instead of what I literally said. I will repeat that I am not calling you out for not calling your friend out. What I was responding to was you claiming that the theft was harmless. It was not harmless -- it harmed KFC monetarily and the family in terms of their time and distress.

And as usual, you again go off topic addressing something I'm not saying. I was not calling on you to be civil generally. What I said was that if you want to claim to be the adult in the situation, then you should be civil. Go ahead and be uncivil, but then don't pretend that you're above anyone else here.
Andyou are not addressing what I literarly said so let me QUOTE for you the post of mine you quoted...

...that is a harmless story of the types of harmless nonsense some uni kids would get in to...

I am saying their the STORY is a harmless one that i was telling of the types of harmless nonsense some uni kids get in to.

I am not commenting specifically on the theft as you seem to direct the narrative but for the record, in the grand scheme of university type shenanigans that students get up to, especially 30 years ago, I am fine saying that theft of KFC is harmless in all but the most pureton way. But I certainly understand that todays Ooboo virtue signalling left will try and judge actions 30 years ago with fine tuned morality of today to suggest it was some big bad, but more importantly my non reaction to that 'big bad' speaks clearly to my character and who I am.

So ignore the 30 years of my life since as that moment, as uke would gladly say, if only you guys would willing pile on, clearly defined me.

He's got it. Its established. Purity test applied and judgment made.

But oh that is not a cancel culture technique. FLOL.

And I am not above you. I am just embracing you all. Giving you back what you give with no quarter asked but also rubbing it in your faces when you all cry wondering why you get the behaviour back, that you give. I await eagerly your next selective callout of me.
06-30-2022 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
What on earth are you ranting and raving about. People are going to criticize the stupid things you say on internet forums. Nobody is cancelling you. Calm down.
Oh contraire uke. I am enjoying highlighting the stupid things you say on the internet. Seeing you proudly step up to virtue signal while acting as if you had done a soul read over a harmless uni KFC prank story, where I was not the one doing the action but somehow you infer I must rise up to act or police it or 'fight him'??? or somehow you have now determined my character was hilarious in how quickly you got rebuked by all, as just silliness. Well all except for Trolly who happy to try and pile on.

There is nothing more Cancel Culture and Virtue Signaling than to put a person actions of 30 years ago to the purity test and then proclaim you can now define them.

yes uke, a friend of a friend, took another person chicken order at KFC knowingly as his thing and i, while saying I would never do it, admitted I laughed at the brazenness of that act.

You still have not told us what that means about me, and what your soul read was when you said this now clearly defines me in your view.

Please explain what exactly that means about the person I am today? Or even then?
06-30-2022 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Andyou are not addressing what I literarly said so let me QUOTE for you the post of mine you quoted...

I am saying their the STORY is a harmless one that i was telling of the types of harmless nonsense some uni kids get in to.
Here again, you call it harmless nonsense. Theft is not harmless nonsense, and it's absolutely ridiculous to say that it's virtue singling to say otherwise.

The rest of your post is actually nonsense as I didn't say that this meant anything about you. I specifically said that I wasn't making that comment, in fact.
06-30-2022 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Oh contraire uke. I am enjoying highlighting the stupid things you say on the internet. Seeing you proudly step up to virtue signal while acting as if you had done a soul read over a harmless uni KFC prank story, where I was not the one doing the action but somehow you infer I must rise up to act or police it or 'fight him'??? or somehow you have now determined my character was hilarious in how quickly you got rebuked by all, as just silliness. Well all except for Trolly who happy to try and pile on.

There is nothing more Cancel Culture and Virtue Signaling than to put a person actions of 30 years ago to the purity test and then proclaim you can now define them.

yes uke, a friend of a friend, took another person chicken order at KFC knowingly as his thing and i, while saying I would never do it, admitted I laughed at the brazenness of that act.

You still have not told us what that means about me, and what your soul read was when you said this now clearly defines me in your view.

Please explain what exactly that means about the person I am today? Or even then?
Cancel culture! Cancel culture! Carlin meme! Carlin meme!

Whatever one thinks of my view that you should call out your friends when they are catcalling women or stealing food, it isn't remotely cancel culture to criticize someone on the internet. Even if you think the criticism is utter baloney. These nonsensical claims that I magically trying to cancel the forums most prolific poster is hilarious.
06-30-2022 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Here again, you call it harmless nonsense. Theft is not harmless nonsense, and it's absolutely ridiculous to say that it's virtue singling to say otherwise.

The rest of your post is actually nonsense as I didn't say that this meant anything about you. I specifically said that I wasn't making that comment, in fact.
I call it that as that is what i see it as and we are not going to agree. It is harmless nonsense in my book in the context of things uni kids did and do especially 30 years ago.

I know purity test rules do not allow you to filter things that way. We see that every day on the cancel cutluire left. Things that would be laughed off or not considered serious in yesteryear now judged with the most critical purity test by today's standards and then acting as if that is righteous to do, when its not. It is actually wrong.

I totally understand I would not convince many on todays far left of that as they live for these types of purity tests and virtue signalling exercises. It is like food for them. So trust me, when I say I don't expect us to agree. And I don't expect you to capitulate, and you should know me well enough to know I won't.

So lets agree to disagree and move on. Or not!
06-30-2022 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Cancel culture! Cancel culture! Carlin meme! Carlin meme!

Whatever one thinks of my view that you should call out your friends when they are catcalling women or stealing food, it isn't remotely cancel culture to criticize someone on the internet. Even if you think the criticism is utter baloney. These nonsensical claims that I magically trying to cancel the forums most prolific poster is hilarious.
Yes uke, yes we know.

Even as you instantly jump to using one of the most obvious and exposed common tactics of cancel culture while still virtue signaling from your hill, Cancel Culture is still really not a thing.

No such example, even you getting caught mid swing will make you admit it.

So uke, imagine I did the thing that provided you your soul read of what a bad person i was and did call him out. A guy I only know casually thru other friends and have no direct contact with otherwise. I say to him after we leave, 'hey I don't approve of that', am I done there uke, in your eyes? Redeemed? What if he just laughs at me and does it anyway? Do I need to escalate? Follow him? Fight him? Get him arrested?

What uke is my obligation in all this to not be exposed to your soul read, and virtue signalling?
06-30-2022 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Yes uke, yes we know.

Even as you instantly jump to using one of the most obvious and exposed common tactics of cancel culture while still virtue signaling from your hill, Cancel Culture is still really not a thing.

No such example, even you getting caught mid swing will make you admit it.

So uke, imagine I did the thing that provided you your soul read of what a bad person i was and did call him out. A guy I only know casually thru other friends and have no direct contact with otherwise. I say to him after we leave, 'hey I don't approve of that', am I done there uke, in your eyes? Redeemed? What if he just laughs at me and does it anyway? Do I need to escalate? Follow him? Fight him? Get him arrested?

What uke is my obligation in all this to not be exposed to your soul read, and virtue signalling?
can you please stop trying to cancel me! I’m so sorry I dared suggest people shouldn’t be complicit in theft. What can I do to not get cancelled?
06-30-2022 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
can you please stop trying to cancel me! I’m so sorry I dared suggest people shouldn’t be complicit in theft. What can I do to not get cancelled?
LOl. Cancel culture does not exist as I use the very tactics of cancel culture while virtue signaling...

gaslights for sale everyone... gaslights here... who needs a gaslight??
06-30-2022 , 05:03 PM
Please stop using the tactics of cancel culture against me!!!

Frankly, if you think being made fun of on the internet by me is cancel culture run amok this is better proof than I could ever come up with myself that your view of cancel culture is overblown. Sometimes being called out for shitty opinions on the internet is just that.
06-30-2022 , 05:05 PM
Having a different opinion to QP proves his opinion.
06-30-2022 , 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by rickroll
leave it to you to use an image only an idiot who knows nothing of football and women could ever possibly approve of

there's just so much wrong with that image it makes me want to puke

The ball does not look standard, angle of approach to kick it is all wrong, is that yellow grass? Whose leg moves like that? lol at trusting any woman to begin with.

this is just how some idiot who knows nothing about how basic physics of reality function but wanted to convey a feeling would create

so very on brand for qp
FYP for your next insightful and critical review.

Last edited by Cuepee; 06-30-2022 at 06:43 PM.
06-30-2022 , 06:55 PM
you know your brand, too bad you somehow believe there's a customer base for it
06-30-2022 , 09:28 PM
I have this QP guy on ignore so I can’t reply to him. But yes making idiotic comments, even on a near defunct poker message board, is going to cause people to call you out and rightly make fun of you. I barely post here and even I know that
07-01-2022 , 07:06 PM
Another sad day for trans acceptance. Jordan Peterson has received a strike on twitter for a disgustingly hateful tweet that both deadnames and misgenders Elliot Page while falsely suggesting that his gender affirmation surgery was criminal.

I'm hoping to leave aside the debate for some other thread about Musk, twitter, free speech, and what the appropriate content moderation policies are. Instead, the focus in my eyes here is the effect of one of the most prominent "public intellectuals" followed by millions on trans acceptance in our society. Elliot Page is no less than a hero with his bravery to so publicly and so vulnerably sharing his journey, and of course new that disgusting attacks like this would undoubtedly follow.
07-02-2022 , 01:07 PM
I get that these older dudes don't understand/aren't comfortable with the idea that gender != biological sex, but geez what is wrong with these rich *******s that they have to bully people like Eliott Page? Who is being harmed by Eliott? Just don't watch his movies if trans people gross you out.
07-02-2022 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I get that these older dudes don't understand/aren't comfortable with the idea that gender != biological sex, but geez what is wrong with these rich *******s that they have to bully people like Eliott Page? Who is being harmed by Eliott? Just don't watch his movies if trans people gross you out.
Hollywood is about as fickle a forum as any one might find so it will be interesting to see if Elliott can maintain any type of career as his look, size, etc are not the male stereotype Hollywood usually goes for outside of real funny tiny guys.

Seems like voice work only currently is what Elliott is getting so it will be interesting to see if 'liberal' Hollywood will cast him for any in person acting gigs.
07-02-2022 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Hollywood is about as fickle a forum as any one might find so it will be interesting to see if Elliott can maintain any type of career as his look, size, etc are not the male stereotype Hollywood usually goes for outside of real funny tiny guys.

Seems like voice work only currently is what Elliott is getting so it will be interesting to see if 'liberal' Hollywood will cast him for any in person acting gigs.
John Wick: Chapter 5 "New and improved wick!"
07-02-2022 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Hollywood is about as fickle a forum as any one might find so it will be interesting to see if Elliott can maintain any type of career as his look, size, etc are not the male stereotype Hollywood usually goes for outside of real funny tiny guys.

Seems like voice work only currently is what Elliott is getting so it will be interesting to see if 'liberal' Hollywood will cast him for any in person acting gigs.
As much as unprompted crapping on his job prospects might be the first thing that crosses your mind, thank god that isn’t the case for others. As it happens his big role of season 3 of umbrella academy that just dropped was rewritten after his transition to include a very powerful transition story jn the show, furthering the influence of having such a high profile trans person. Of course, part of why he is so brave is he does have to risk people who will endlessly focus on the negatives just like you did.
07-02-2022 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
As much as unprompted crapping on his job prospects might be the first thing that crosses your mind, thank god that isn’t the case for others. As it happens his big role of season 3 of umbrella academy that just dropped was rewritten after his transition to include a very powerful transition story jn the show, furthering the influence of having such a high profile trans person. Of course, part of why he is so brave is he does have to risk people who will endlessly focus on the negatives just like you did.
Just because you are taking a position that Hollywood is a place of high ethics and not all fickle does not mean I and others have to agree.

Me commenting on waiting to see if Hollywood would cast him is in no way me crapping on his prospects. Hollywood just does not traditionally have roles for men who are 5ft tall even and weighing in around 100lbs. That is not me being mean or offering my opinion, it is a noting of the facts. Just as Hollywood in the not so far past had very few key roles for POC. Me noting that fact is not crapping on POC. It is recognizing what Hollywood is and does.

There is hardly a more fickle and pandering industry to work in than Hollywood and as such recognizing that does not reflect badly on the people who are 'aware'. The key will be beyond 'using his transitioning story' for ratings, will they still continue to cast him? We will see.
