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Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg

02-13-2020 , 06:05 PM
I’m no moderate but isn’t Buttigieg or Klobuchar like the super obvious moderate choice that’s in best shape to beat Sanders and then beat Trump.?
It’s not even close.

Bloomberg is a ****ing horrible candidate.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 06:08 PM
Bloomberg is a racist , he is more racist than Trump. If you don’t see it you don’t want to see it because you are blinded by the heat of the battle and the desperation of seeing a that’s it’s either comrade Sanders or the guys that separates kids from their parent.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:02 PM
bloomberg supported GOP candidates in the 2018 midterms. that alone is enough said.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
I’m no moderate but isn’t Buttigieg or Klobuchar like the super obvious moderate choice that’s in best shape to beat Sanders and then beat Trump.?
It’s not even close.

Bloomberg is a ****ing horrible candidate.
there are open questions/unknowables regarding dem primary voters that mean that mayo pete or Klobo could hypothetically beat sanders IF the establishment unites behind one of them (and it doesn't seem like that's happening....)
BUT in a general election both of them would get DESTROYED by trump. if this isn't obvious, i don't even know where to start...
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
Bloomberg is a racist , he is more racist than Trump. If you don’t see it you don’t want to see it because you are blinded by the heat of the battle and the desperation of seeing a that’s it’s either comrade Sanders or the guys that separates kids from their parent.
Probably they are equally racist and if one is more racist than the other then that would be impossible to know.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
Bloomberg is a racist , he is more racist than Trump. If you don’t see it you don’t want to see it because you are blinded by the heat of the battle and the desperation of seeing a that’s it’s either comrade Sanders or the guys that separates kids from their parent.
Come to Europe if you want a Sanders, we got them a dime-a-dozen.

Once the shining light of being more ideologically pure and morally better than everybody else wears of, there is rarely much left.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Keruli
there are open questions/unknowables regarding dem primary voters that mean that mayo pete or Klobo could hypothetically beat sanders IF the establishment unites behind one of them (and it doesn't seem like that's happening....)
BUT in a general election both of them would get DESTROYED by trump. if this isn't obvious, i don't even know where to start...

Buttigieg probably loses because he is too fake. Klobuchar could find a way to win imo.

Btw I’m not judging this candidates based on polling or date , I’m just judging them with intuition.
I’m guessing as to how swing voters will react in September and October to the information they gather from the candidates.

Warren in September 19 was probably the strongest version of a democrat candidate, then for some reason she started ruining her campaign.
I don’t think anybody else is particularly strong to win. But I just don’t see how Bloomberg wins with his baggage. He is super super bad in a general election.

I’m seriously shocked when I see how strong Bloomberg is with so many people. And I have seen it all through the years.

This is something I’m really struggling to understand because it just makes no sense at all. Maybe it’s because I’m not being bombarded by the tv ads but this looks really really strange to me.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Come to Europe if you want a Sanders, we got them a dime-a-dozen.

Once the shining light of being more ideologically pure and morally better than everybody else wears of, there is rarely much left.

I don’t particularly like Sanders either. I think he could win but he will enter the general election as an underdog.

I have sympathies for Sanders but I think he should be a bit more pragmatic. He should be about making capitalism work for everybody instead of democratic socialism.

Of course if I was voting in the primary I would vote for him , but I’m South American so my Bernie bias is huge.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Probably they are equally racist and if one is more racist than the other then that would be impossible to know.
Well even if this is true, it seems one of them has demonstrated that the more you call him racist the more he will double down on his racism; and the other one it seems can at least be shamed into being less racist, even if you doubt the sincerity of his motives.

Whatever you think of Bloomberg's personal morals, in action he would certainly act more moral than Trump, at least by neoliberal norms of morality.

In my opinion it is very irresponsible and potentially dangerous to make false moral equivalencies, saying other people are just as bad as Trump; if for no other reason than it normalizing Trump's pathologies.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
Buttigieg probably loses because he is too fake. Klobuchar could find a way to win imo.

Btw I’m not judging this candidates based on polling or date , I’m just judging them with intuition.
I’m guessing as to how swing voters will react in September and October to the information they gather from the candidates.

Warren in September 19 was probably the strongest version of a democrat candidate, then for some reason she started ruining her campaign.
I don’t think anybody else is particularly strong to win. But I just don’t see how Bloomberg wins with his baggage. He is super super bad in a general election.

I’m seriously shocked when I see how strong Bloomberg is with so many people. And I have seen it all through the years.

This is something I’m really struggling to understand because it just makes no sense at all. Maybe it’s because I’m not being bombarded by the tv ads but this looks really really strange to me.
Well, it seems Bloomberg represents what Biden was supposed to be (before it became too hard to ignore his mental decline); a return to the normalcy of Clinton, Obama years. I think the whole "stop and frisk" moral outrage thing real fake. I don't recall there being much outrage at the time. We can always go back in time and criticize things that were accepted in their time by todays standards. I am sure most of us have a worldview with aspects that are completely normal today, that will seem outrageous and immoral 20 years from now.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 08:09 PM
Bloomberg isn't stuck in 1990. He can read the tea leaves. A Bloomberg presidency would probably have more pro-active social justice policies than Obama's presidency did, just because the expectations for such are so much higher.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-13-2020 , 08:17 PM
Well either I’m completely clueless because I’m not American or either you guys are in complete denial because you just want Bloomberg to be something he is not.

But there is no point in further discussing this. I hope you are right and I’m wrong.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 06:38 AM
Bloomberg way too short to win. 66B but still 5 foot three
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
Bloomberg is a racist , he is more racist than Trump. If you don’t see it you don’t want to see it because you are blinded by the heat of the battle and the desperation of seeing a that’s it’s either comrade Sanders or the guys that separates kids from their parent.
He's also a serial sexual-predator, giving him a key combo to appeal to a large voting block that most of the other Dem candidates cannot reach, Trump supporters. But, he's not the drooling idiot Trump is, which negates some of that appeal.

Bloomberg 2020, the racist rapist dems need.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
I don’t particularly like Sanders either. I think he could win but he will enter the general election as an underdog.

I have sympathies for Sanders but I think he should be a bit more pragmatic. He should be about making capitalism work for everybody instead of democratic socialism.

Of course if I was voting in the primary I would vote for him , but I’m South American so my Bernie bias is huge.
Ok, i'm writing this because you seem completely reasonable and i understand where you're coming from:
Sanders' ideology may be democratic socialist, but his platform and plans for the presidency are in fact social-democratic! He is actually pragmatic in exactly the way you mean - the primary aim of the Sanders campaign is stabilize capitalism through soc-dem measures so that we have breathing room to work out what to to next before everything goes to ****!

and as to the mystifying support bloomberg gets, i think it's quite simple:
Some look up to him because he's waaaay high up in the capitalist/rational power hierarchy.
Many media people praise him because he's literally funding them and they've decided to take all the money they can while it lasts - until he fails.
Many voters think he's good because he's inundating them with ads.

Last edited by Keruli; 02-14-2020 at 12:44 PM.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela

I’m seriously shocked when I see how strong Bloomberg is with so many people. And I have seen it all through the years.

This is something I’m really struggling to understand because it just makes no sense at all. Maybe it’s because I’m not being bombarded by the tv ads but this looks really really strange to me.
people in the united states WORSHIP wealth. its the true god here. we pretty much as a whole believe that wealthy people are smarter and better and deserve to be in charge of us.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 01:48 PM
if bloomberg actually wanted to help people other than himself he could do a bunch of things with that money he's spending to run his own propganda ads.

he could pay off the court fines for the ex-inmates trying to become re-enfranchised in florida adding potentially hundreds of thousands if not millions of voters to a "swing state".

he could donate a few million or 1 commercials worth of money to Stacey Abrams secure voting initiative.

he could pay off all the grade school lunch debt in the name of himself or just dems in general.

but he doesn't want any of that, he wants to use this to keep Smaug'ing money and have power.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
I don’t particularly like Sanders either. I think he could win but he will enter the general election as an underdog.

I have sympathies for Sanders but I think he should be a bit more pragmatic. He should be about making capitalism work for everybody instead of democratic socialism.

Of course if I was voting in the primary I would vote for him , but I’m South American so my Bernie bias is huge.
democratic socialism is about making capitalism work. bc the leftie alternative is various forms of seizing the means and ending private property.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
Buttigieg probably loses because he is too fake. Klobuchar could find a way to win imo.

Btw I’m not judging this candidates based on polling or date , I’m just judging them with intuition.
I’m guessing as to how swing voters will react in September and October to the information they gather from the candidates.

Warren in September 19 was probably the strongest version of a democrat candidate, then for some reason she started ruining her campaign.
I don’t think anybody else is particularly strong to win. But I just don’t see how Bloomberg wins with his baggage. He is super super bad in a general election.

I’m seriously shocked when I see how strong Bloomberg is with so many people. And I have seen it all through the years.

This is something I’m really struggling to understand because it just makes no sense at all. Maybe it’s because I’m not being bombarded by the tv ads but this looks really really strange to me.
butti and klob cant really win. running to the right as a moderate wont work for the Dems bc it will alienate the lefties that want legit Progressivism and certainly wont win over the Trumpers. its a truly idiotic strategy. and thats what Warren did bc she saw Pete and Klob getting positive press.

Bloomberg is the same way. hes basically Trump without the bombast. no way he gets enough lefties to win and obv the right loves Trump too much.

it is an incredible demise for Warren. all she had to do was continue to ape Bernie and roll to a win since she had the idpol wokesters and the leftie Progressives and even the far left socialists were willing to believe in her. then she just showed her true colors by moving to the center and it was too much. she already had a ton of baggage from her past and ppl just couldnt look past it anymore. for real tho I am glad she did. I actually supported her and it would have been a disaster for Progressivism if she had won the nom or even the presidency.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 07:31 PM
Warren seems like a bad politician that lacks judgment in the heat of the battle more than a secret centrist.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
butti and klob cant really win. running to the right as a moderate wont work for the Dems bc it will alienate the lefties that want legit Progressivism and certainly wont win over the Trumpers. its a truly idiotic strategy. and thats what Warren did bc she saw Pete and Klob getting positive press.

Bloomberg is the same way. hes basically Trump without the bombast. no way he gets enough lefties to win and obv the right loves Trump too much.

it is an incredible demise for Warren. all she had to do was continue to ape Bernie and roll to a win since she had the idpol wokesters and the leftie Progressives and even the far left socialists were willing to believe in her. then she just showed her true colors by moving to the center and it was too much. she already had a ton of baggage from her past and ppl just couldnt look past it anymore. for real tho I am glad she did. I actually supported her and it would have been a disaster for Progressivism if she had won the nom or even the presidency.
Sounds like the Democratic party should split in two.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
democratic socialism is about making capitalism work. bc the leftie alternative is various forms of seizing the means and ending private property.
Capitalism works when government has little involvement in the economy, not more. Bernie doesn't give a **** about liberty or freedom, he wants to vilify anyone who is wealthy so he can rob them in broad daylight. He knows nothing about basic economics.

Capitalism is about voluntary exchange in competitive markets. The government has very little interest in things that are voluntary or competitive. They are in the coercion and monopoly game if you haven't noticed by now.

I can't for the life of me understand why you Bernie Bots want the US government in charge of healthcare.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by luckproof

I can't for the life of me understand why you Bernie Bots want the US government in charge of healthcare.
I'll guess about half think the government is evil and in bed with corporations and the other half think the government should be in charge of everything. It's a big tent.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by luckproof
Capitalism is about voluntary exchange in competitive markets.
None of the exchanges are voluntary
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
02-14-2020 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
None of the exchanges are voluntary
So what have you been forced to do lately?

And I guess explain why you apparently think voluntary exchange is a myth.
Talk me out of voting for Bloomberg Quote
