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The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside)

01-16-2023 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I disagree about a lot of things - sometimes irreconcilable polar opposites - with plenty of people. I don't consider them my opponents.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I'm not sure. Is your example meant to be one where someone pops that non-sequitur into this thread, or is it meant to be an example of a post made in a thread that was actually about LGBTQ issues?

I'll note this in no way dealt with anything in my post you replied to.

I would think anyone who has a concern about the use of gaslighting would have the same concern about that statement, of course (not because that statement is what I understand as gaslighting, but because it also assumes malicious intent). Very few people (one or two?) are asking for an outright ban of it, and my suspicion is that those who are, are only doing so because they've gotten tired of the excessive and at times incorrect use of this kind of accusation, and believe banning it may be the only solution - I think that if we actually found a way to greatly reduce those accusations, they would be fine with them. But I don't want to speak for others; perhaps I have that wrong.

I wonder if you can see the massive difference in that statement as opposed to "gaslighting" or "this is the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for (your) own advantage". The latter two assume intent; the former does not.

There are a couple of issues with accusations of gaslighting/lying/arguing in bad faith. They assume malicious intent, so of course they will often be seen as personal attacks. But the much more important issue, IMO, is where it takes the debate. When you say someone is gaslighting, many responses aren't going to be about the point(s) they made, but instead about whether it was gaslighting - we're into a debate about the person's intent, which except for in rare cases neither side is going to be able to prove, and we're derailed from the issue at hand. If you say "that summary is grossly misleading", now the response will be about the content of the post itself, which is quite germane to the topic at hand.

That's not to say no one should ever be called out for bad faith posting. But it should be pretty rare, and only for the most egregious cases where it's hard to assume anything else. None of us are mind readers, and I don't have a lot of faith in our ability to know everyone's intent behind every post they make, so I try to assume people are posting in good faith and I respond as such. I believe the cost to me the times I've done so when it was actually a post made in bad faith is fairly low, and certainly much lower than if I approached things a different way and derailed threads with bad faith accusations.

Now, someone could say to me that this will be too difficult to police, too hard to draw the line of what an "egregious case" is, etc. And they'd be right in that there is no easy answer here. But it seems we have a moderator who is willing to give it a try, so I think we should be as well.
The bolded describes my view well.

I proposed banning the words "gaslighting" and "gaslight", because literally the only poster who used the term used it incessantly and it never did anything positive for any discussion imo.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
that does not answer in any way what i asked. Might i say it is a form of gasl... deflection.

You are asking the moderator to impose a standard where if a poster engages in any of the following, strawmen, gaslighting, logical fallacy, etc that the other poster have no means to call that out and identify it. They cannot use the words, strawman, gaslighting, logical fallacy, etc, nor can they use the descriptive words that would describe what they see being done

Like uke above you are asking for new moderation rules and when challenged to explain them you just go off on a completely unrelated direction.

And while browser might say 'you are under no obligation to reply to me', and i would never deny that, when you are pushing a point and position in conversation with me and you then refuse to answer the most basic questions and instead engage in deflection (I am guess you want that banned too?), that is something I have every right to note.

If browser is going to find 'no laggy and uke can do what they did but you calling them out on that is wrong', well good luck with this forum.

I may test the limits of that new rule and ONLY reply by quoting everyones posts and replying with complete non sequiturs as i did with Bobo above. Answers that are not applicable to the questions discussed because as it seems browser is asserting, not only is it fine to do that, but anyone who would call me out on it, would be in the wrong. At least if that is the conclusion he gives me re Uke, i will likely test.

For the record a person can post in good faith and this association to being 'nice' is not correct in the way you guys use it.

if someone is actively engaging in gaslighting, strawmen, logical fallacies, and i say they are, that is not a mean or 'not nice' to point out.
So, are you are considering deliberately making bad faith posts to test the limits of the new rule?
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
I very much like your excerpt from " Debate Class Best Practices"

Since it was just an excerpt, does that list include when it is and is not appropriate to accuse your adversary of lying or gaslighting?

I'm fine with following whatever guideline they advise on that point.
I found these debating tips:

An Excerpt:

One of the most important tips when it comes to debating is to focus on attacking ideas rather than people. Attacking an opponent on a personal level only weakens the argument. Instead, debaters should look for flaws in their opponent’s reasoning and call the logic into question rather than the person.

Students should avoid the use of words like “always,” “never,” “often” or “generally” because they make their arguments more vulnerable to attack from opponents.

If they believe that their opponent is wrong about something, they should point it out in a tactful manner. For instance, instead of simply saying that an opponent is wrong, students should state that their opponent’s idea is mistaken and then back that up with support for why the idea is flawed.

Students should not disagree with truths that are obvious or try to exaggerate evidence to suit their case. While it is acceptable to present an opinion, students should be careful to acknowledge that it is just an opinion rather than trying to present that opinion as a fact.

Students should use appropriate tone of voice, maintain their composure throughout the debate and avoid bickering. If students remain focused on supporting their ideas and refuting the ideas of their opponents, they are likely to succeed.

In my opinion, following these guidelines would help this forum.

Last edited by shortstacker; 01-16-2023 at 05:34 PM. Reason: added link
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 05:51 PM
I will be addressing a lot of these points in a single response later, as there is a lot to cover.

But I want to clarify something immediately to prevent anyone from making a tactical error:

There is a difference btwn what uke did in his answer and the example of a totally unrelated, off topic response that cuepee did to Bobo. That was pure trolling. Posts like that will be deleted and the poster subject to banning.

I'm not going to get in a discussion now about the differences. I will cover that in my response. But I want to make sure everyone understands that there is no such thing as test posts to determine the limit that have some sort of amnesty. If your test is determined to violate a rule, it will be handled as any other post that violates the rules.

As I have many times before, I suggest everyone put their energy and efforts into participating in the actual main threads and stop getting worked up over a bunch of hypothetical situations that may or may not occur. Esp those trying to identify a hard, objective border at the extremes, as if we were debating what happens at the edge of a black hole. It's all a subjective call, and as the referee I will make the call.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 09:13 PM
Before i catch up on this thread, why should Trolly not be called out for his gaslighting or dishonesty or whatever you want to call in this exchange, where he is trying to create a fake narrative that cities and prisons have endless money for non priorities and like uke would say 'its easy'.

It is a wholly dishonest approach he is taking there.

And why should chillrob not be called out in this one where when Lucky pins him with a checkmate question/request to prove he DOES have free will, by simply giving him a simple test to put two fingers on a table and lift one, chillrob to avoid conceding says he literally cannot decide which to lift and thus they are stuck. His lack of free will does not allow it.

Laggy is arguing that to be 'nice' we must not call out that out as a lie or gaslighting and i guess, just go along with it? Indulge it?

People DO gaslight, lie and otherwise distort to avoid conceding, and this push for everyone to never call it out and say it as it is not 'nice' is just nutty.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
So outside of you, there are no disagreements in this forum?
Which forum? The BFi, no they pretty much all agree this forum is a cesspool and a place for group think only and that there more conservative views would get them banned here.

Is that what you were asking? Did i clear it up?
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
So, are you are considering deliberately making bad faith posts to test the limits of the new rule?
What is bad faith about it?

If the mod says 'it is perfectly ok for uke to reply with a complete non sequitur, that ignores what you asks and can easily create a perception with others that he is engaging a post and point you never made, and that is ok because 'we cannot make him do otherwise'...

Then i am saying, i accept that rule and will adapt to it to. Thx for clarifying. Before i stretch my wings and start deploying it.

Surely you do not think the mod is saying that is an 'uke rule' only, do you?
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
I will be addressing a lot of these points in a single response later, as there is a lot to cover.

But I want to clarify something immediately to prevent anyone from making a tactical error:

There is a difference btwn what uke did in his answer and the example of a totally unrelated, off topic response that cuepee did to Bobo. That was pure trolling. Posts like that will be deleted and the poster subject to banning.

I'm not going to get in a discussion now about the differences. I will cover that in my response. But I want to make sure everyone understands that there is no such thing as test posts to determine the limit that have some sort of amnesty. If your test is determined to violate a rule, it will be handled as any other post that violates the rules.

As I have many times before, I suggest everyone put their energy and efforts into participating in the actual main threads and stop getting worked up over a bunch of hypothetical situations that may or may not occur. Esp those trying to identify a hard, objective border at the extremes, as if we were debating what happens at the edge of a black hole. It's all a subjective call, and as the referee I will make the call.
Yes ukes is WAY worse and your position is illogical.

Ukes has every ability to TRICK readers who are not following closely to THINK i actually made the post he is replying to. We have seen that play out here many times in the past.

If i take a bit of what you said and reply to another point, it certainly looks to others like he might be replying to your point. That would NOT happen in what i said with Bobo. As you say, it would be seen as silly empty posting trolling and not fool anyone.

BUt i am happy to take what you said and adapt to uke like deception which you have NOW stamped as ok.

I look forward to your next post when you return and my uke like reply to it.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
So do not call someone a liar and do not say any form of 'what you are saying is untrue'?? Even if you know it is untrue engage with it as if true without using those type descriptions as the Talking News Shows did for years with Trump supporters and most now admit was a big mistake. Is that what we are looking for here?
I don't know who "we" is supposed to be, because I don't think you are, and I'm certainly not. The only person who I know for certain is calling for gaslighting to be banned is laggy, and he agreed with my interpretation of that: "Very few people (one or two?) are asking for an outright ban of it, and my suspicion is that those who are, are only doing so because they've gotten tired of the excessive and at times incorrect use of this kind of accusation, and believe banning it may be the only solution - I think that if we actually found a way to greatly reduce those accusations, they would be fine with them. But I don't want to speak for others; perhaps I have that wrong." So I think that would leave no one agreeing with "Even if you know it is untrue engage with it as if true".

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Curious what you might think of Laggy's whole list of acceptable and banned words since he is making the big push here?

Laggy has suggested this as adequate wording "'re misrepresenting my position.."

So if i say that to you, Bobo, and you reply "aren't you just accusing me of lying by another means" and i reply "yes" do those words also go on to the banned list as that is not nice?

What if i say I will no longer use gaslighting but instead I will say 'rsncoah$5%haa' which is my substitution for gaslighting? Ban that too?

is the idea at it base line distillation simply that if honest offered evaluations are not nice, simply say nothing or go along with the person stating the perceived dishonest thing as if it is accurate and true?
Well, this long list of leaps doesn't seem especially relevant now given what I've said above, and with how I'll answer your next question.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am not following you here as they all seem to assume intent?
Nope. "that summary is grossly misleading" makes no assumption of intent. I can post something misleading quite unintentionally. Much like I can post something untrue, without being a liar.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
simple question(s) Bobo.

Do you think gaslighting happens in politics and political debates, especially amongst partisans defending their sides?
Of course.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Everything you say above is equally applicable in the real world. Calling out Rand Paul has argued exactly what you are here as did Ron Johnson argue a form on Meet the Press this weekend. Kelly Ann Conway would applaud your position.

Do not call it out, as ultimately that is not nice, as you are assuming Rand Paul, Kelly Ann Conway, etc intent.

YES, YES... In debate if we assume someone's intent, we should be able to call it out.
I might be misunderstanding you here, but if you're suggesting that I'm saying no one should ever be called out, that would be incorrect.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Or are you going to reply, that I am misrepresenting you as you are OK with some just not others as if you HOLD THE LIST when and to whom it is appropriate to call out, and those it is not. That Bobo decides appropriateness and not QP.

I do look forward to your clarifications because what i see above is 'it may be ok sometimes... while this argument keeps getting pushed it is wrong for me'.
I've certainly never suggested that I am some holder of standards on this, nor that it's about what's wrong for me.

This isn't about there being some people that can be called out, and others who can't. It's about what people post. And of course I can't give you some line in the sand where X is OK to call out, and Y isn't. That's going to be subjective, and that's why we have moderators - so someone can make those calls.

As I've said before, there are three ways to approach this issue. You could say that no one is allowed to call out lying/gaslighting/posting in bad faith; I don't think anyone has advocated for this. You could say that everyone can throw out such an accusation whenever they like; I didn't think anyone was advocating for that, but I'm starting to wonder if that wouldn't best align with what you're looking for. The third way is what I believe most people are in favour of, that lying/gaslighting/posting in bad faith can be called out, but not simply on a whim whenever someone likes. But if that's the approach taken here, someone is going to need to be the arbiter of that. To paraphrase you: That the moderator decides appropriateness and not QP.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 10:26 PM
Just ban him browser, it will save us all.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Just ban him browser, it will save us all.
Almost every thread now has a "gaslight" derail. It's rather sad imo.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Which forum? The BFi, no they pretty much all agree this forum is a cesspool and a place for group think only and that there more conservative views would get them banned here.

Is that what you were asking? Did i clear it up?
No, I don't really care what BFI thinks. I don't even know what BFI actually is. What I am asking is, if you feel this forum is an echo chamber, does that not suggest that we all have the same opinions (other than you)? So you are suggesting that no reg here is conservative or has conservative views?
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-16-2023 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Before i catch up on this thread, why should Trolly not be called out for his gaslighting or dishonesty or whatever you want to call in this exchange, where he is trying to create a fake narrative that cities and prisons have endless money for non priorities and like uke would say 'its easy'.

It is a wholly dishonest approach he is taking there.
It's rather hard to explain how this isn't gaslighting as it's just so far from gaslighting.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 02:16 AM
Here's a situation that started in the mod thread and then moved over here. Some of the posts are upthread. I am paraphrasing here to save time, but the points are correct and show the issue fairly well, I believe.

Chezlaw: is it OK to attack people who can't respond back?

Browser: dont like attacks at all, if you're referring to banned people, no you cant attack them.

Cuepee. Creates a scenario and claims that under the policy of banned people cannot be mentioned at all in any way, he couldnt adequately respond in his scenario.

So here's the problem: i never, in any way, stated that banned posters could not be mentioned in any way at all. I said they couldnt be attacked. So that statement by cuepee is false. It's called a strawman, as it doesnt represent my actual policy, ampnd it allows him to attack my policy based on his false description of what the policy covers. It's a textbook strawman, not gaslighting.

So, what to do now? Cuepees statement is false. So is it appropriate to post"cuepee that's a lie, and you're a liar!"? If I say "cuepee, you misrepresented my policy" is there really no difference between saying that and calling him a liar? Is it just a matter of being nice and using a less aggressive term? Is there a difference between saying "cuepee, you misrepresented my policy" vs "cuepee, your statement misrepresents my policy"?

Do I say, "**** it. He posted a false statement so he needs to be called out as a liar! " what if cuepee misread my statement, and so he actually believes I said that banned people cannot be mentioned at all. He read a meaning into the statement that wasnt actually there. So is it still a lie and he a liar? Or is misrepresenting actually not completely synonomous with lying? So on one hand, cuepee may have had no ill intent or bad faith in making his post. He just made a mistake.

OTOH, what if cuepee was clear that I did not say that banned people couldnt be mentioned at all. He altered the policy on purpose. He then created a scenario to show how bad that policy is. He created a strawman and attacked it. Should he be called out as a liar and strawman user right away? What if he claims he just misunderstood the policy, but actually knew full well what he was doing? Now he is lying to cover up his deliberate misrepresentation; he is lying about lying.

I'd like to hear peoples thoughts on how to handle this.

Is every false statement a lie? Every misstatement also a lie? Is every individual to be called out(ie you're a liar") Or do we just point out the problem with the statement (ie your statement misrepresents my policy)? Do we give posters the benefit of the doubt initially and assume an honest mistake or figure he must have known exactly what he was doing ie a deliberate attempt to deceive?
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 03:52 AM
As a rule, I favor applying the Charity Principle; i.e. I assume that the putative misrepresentation was not intentional.

I learned some time ago that when someone misunderstands what I've said, that it was far more often than not my fault for not being more clear.

So, we can often just clarify what we really meant as clearly as possible. That should usually clear things up.

The problem we have at the moment is someone who repeatedly misrepresents the views of others, and accuses them of lying, trolling, gaslighting, and eating crackers in bed. (Okay, I made that last one up.)

Warnings and temp-bans are obviously a last resort, but it may have to come to that with repeat offenders that pretty much the entire community believes is not posting in good faith.

Just my three cents worth. (Adjusted for inflation.)
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
As a rule, I favor applying the Charity Principle; i.e. I assume that the putative misrepresentation was not intentional.

Originally Posted by shortstacker
I learned some time ago that when someone misunderstands what I've said, that it was far more often than not my fault for not being more clear.
And this. Whether it's really far more often than not, it's a great assumption to make. I'm sure like many of us, I could be better at this.

Accusing people of lying/gaslighting/arguing in bad faith should be the last resort, not the first response.

And as a sidenote, when using a specific term like gaslighting, a poster shouldn't be surprised if they get pushback when they use it in a way that most people don't understand the word. Finding a way to shoehorn in one's own interpretation of the meaning just ends up detracting from the point being made.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
I'd like to hear peoples thoughts on how to handle this.

Is every false statement a lie? Every misstatement also a lie? Is every individual to be called out(ie you're a liar") Or do we just point out the problem with the statement (ie your statement misrepresents my policy)? Do we give posters the benefit of the doubt initially and assume an honest mistake or figure he must have known exactly what he was doing ie a deliberate attempt to deceive?
In general I think one should aim to critique the argument and not the poster, as per Rule 1. For example arguing that a position is false or misrepresenting or misleading or incomplete are all critiques of the argument, but accusation of tricking/lying/gaslighting/trolling are all speaking to the intent of the opponent. There might be exceptions and fringe cases (which you've previously asked us not to harp on iirc), but the guiding principle is to treat your opponents with good faith and when they say something even if their argument is very bad (or your interpretation of it, at least) then you critique that bad argument, but not cast all sorts of aspersions against your opponent.

I think there is two main classes of reasons for this. The first is about the conversation, that this kind of attack on a person's character is more likely to result in the kinds of entrenched and acrimonious exchanges you want to avoid. But secondly, most of these accusations are just wrong. For example in the flippant "gaslighting" from earlier ITT, I know I wasn't trying to deceive Cuepee it was just bad accusation, one that gummed up the conversation.

I don't do it particularly often, but I have accused people of lying on this forum before. Maybe only one person. My personal standard has been that I want both a quote of me saying the opposite AND a previous time where I've explained to that person that I don't believe the thing they are accusing me of yet again. That is, they have explicitly and repeatedly been told that this is not my position but are nevertheless still repeating that it is my position. In an era where the moderator is going to deal with such trolling themselves, I don't think there is much need for posters to be making those kinds of lying accusations themselves, but the point is even when that wasn't the case my personal bar was pretty high before I would ever accuse someone of lying.

Finally, I'll caveat this that in general I've advocated less hands-on moderation. So all of this is in the context of a more hands-on moderation then hopefully that hands-on moderation is internally consistent and focusing on what I consider the most egregious and common types of personal attacks which is all these accusations of lying and gaslighting coming out of, well, one person really.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
In general I think one should aim to critique the argument and not the poster, as per Rule 1. For example arguing that a position is false or misrepresenting or misleading or incomplete are all critiques of the argument, but accusation of tricking/lying/gaslighting/trolling are all speaking to the intent of the opponent. There might be exceptions and fringe cases (which you've previously asked us not to harp on iirc), but the guiding principle is to treat your opponents with good faith and when they say something even if their argument is very bad (or your interpretation of it, at least) then you critique that bad argument, but not cast all sorts of aspersions against your opponent.

I think there is two main classes of reasons for this. The first is about the conversation, that this kind of attack on a person's character is more likely to result in the kinds of entrenched and acrimonious exchanges you want to avoid. But secondly, most of these accusations are just wrong. For example in the flippant "gaslighting" from earlier ITT, I know I wasn't trying to deceive Cuepee it was just bad accusation, one that gummed up the conversation.

I don't do it particularly often, but I have accused people of lying on this forum before. Maybe only one person. My personal standard has been that I want both a quote of me saying the opposite AND a previous time where I've explained to that person that I don't believe the thing they are accusing me of yet again. That is, they have explicitly and repeatedly been told that this is not my position but are nevertheless still repeating that it is my position. In an era where the moderator is going to deal with such trolling themselves, I don't think there is much need for posters to be making those kinds of lying accusations themselves, but the point is even when that wasn't the case my personal bar was pretty high before I would ever accuse someone of lying.

Finally, I'll caveat this that in general I've advocated less hands-on moderation. So all of this is in the context of a more hands-on moderation then hopefully that hands-on moderation is internally consistent and focusing on what I consider the most egregious and common types of personal attacks which is all these accusations of lying and gaslighting coming out of, well, one person really.
All very well said.

Especially important is your closing observation: "...all these accusations of lying and gaslighting coming out of, well, one person really."

I believe this to be arguably the most important point of all. Accusations of lying&etc. isn't a tactic being utilized by a large number of posters. Or, to put it another way, this is not a problem endemic to the culture of the Forum community. As such, it should be much easier to fix and/or control.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
No, I don't really care what BFI thinks. I don't even know what BFI actually is. What I am asking is, if you feel this forum is an echo chamber, does that not suggest that we all have the same opinions (other than you)? So you are suggesting that no reg here is conservative or has conservative views?
Of course you don't. They don't care what you guys think either.

The commonality is this 'not me... you' belief as you both follow the exact same paths.

Do you think that the far left cares what the far right thinks about them smearing people with "" or the far right cares what the far left thinks about them smearing people with 'groomer', 'pedophile'.

Of course both sides say "I don't care what the other thinks', as you do. That does not make it wrong to call BOTH sides out even as they want to pretend they are not like the other.

Do you think i am expecting an admission from EITHER?
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
It's rather hard to explain how this isn't gaslighting as it's just so far from gaslighting.
I am open to argument.

We are discussing there, a very real situation where there are items that would fall under Volunteer Work, as no one has any priority to find a budget for them.

Trolly is creating an entirely false narrative to NOT discuss it that there is a budget and they could simply be paid and he keeps repeating to the other readers.

It is an alternative narrative being pushed that is not based in reality. So why is that far from gaslighting?
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Here's a situation that started in the mod thread and then moved over here. Some of the posts are upthread. I am paraphrasing here to save time, but the points are correct and show the issue fairly well, I believe.

Chezlaw: is it OK to attack people who can't respond back?

Browser: dont like attacks at all, if you're referring to banned people, no you cant attack them.

Cuepee. Creates a scenario and claims that under the policy of banned people cannot be mentioned at all in any way, he couldnt adequately respond in his scenario.

So here's the problem: i never, in any way, stated that banned posters could not be mentioned in any way at all. I said they couldnt be attacked. So that statement by cuepee is false. It's called a strawman, as it doesnt represent my actual policy, ampnd it allows him to attack my policy based on his false description of what the policy covers. It's a textbook strawman, not gaslighting.

So, what to do now? Cuepees statement is false. So is it appropriate to post"cuepee that's a lie, and you're a liar!"? If I say "cuepee, you misrepresented my policy" is there really no difference between saying that and calling him a liar? Is it just a matter of being nice and using a less aggressive term? Is there a difference between saying "cuepee, you misrepresented my policy" vs "cuepee, your statement misrepresents my policy"?

Do I say, "**** it. He posted a false statement so he needs to be called out as a liar! " what if cuepee misread my statement, and so he actually believes I said that banned people cannot be mentioned at all. He read a meaning into the statement that wasnt actually there. So is it still a lie and he a liar? Or is misrepresenting actually not completely synonomous with lying? So on one hand, cuepee may have had no ill intent or bad faith in making his post. He just made a mistake.

OTOH, what if cuepee was clear that I did not say that banned people couldnt be mentioned at all. He altered the policy on purpose. He then created a scenario to show how bad that policy is. He created a strawman and attacked it. Should he be called out as a liar and strawman user right away? What if he claims he just misunderstood the policy, but actually knew full well what he was doing? Now he is lying to cover up his deliberate misrepresentation; he is lying about lying.

I'd like to hear peoples thoughts on how to handle this.

Is every false statement a lie? Every misstatement also a lie? Is every individual to be called out(ie you're a liar") Or do we just point out the problem with the statement (ie your statement misrepresents my policy)? Do we give posters the benefit of the doubt initially and assume an honest mistake or figure he must have known exactly what he was doing ie a deliberate attempt to deceive?
You need to read the exchange as Chezlaw clarified to me he was pushing for a 'no mention of former or banned posters at all, as it is possible you can be misrepresenting them or accusing them of something they cannot defend'.

You are not summarizing these well which is a form of ....
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

And this. Whether it's really far more often than not, it's a great assumption to make. I'm sure like many of us, I could be better at this.

Accusing people of lying/gaslighting/arguing in bad faith should be the last resort, not the first response.

And as a sidenote, when using a specific term like gaslighting, a poster shouldn't be surprised if they get pushback when they use it in a way that most people don't understand the word. Finding a way to shoehorn in one's own interpretation of the meaning just ends up detracting from the point being made.
FWIW if you look to exchanges such as the one with uke or Trolly it is not done up front. It is done when the argument progresses, does not go their way and SUDDENLY they start misrepresenting what was said or creating a fake narrative to reply to.

Trolly knows very well, at this point, as i have stated it numerous times, that unlimited budgets are not a real thing and just because you say 'then can just pay inmates to do XYZ work' does not make it so.

Sometimes work only gets done as volunteers step up, or in the case of inmates, super low paid individuals, because no one is prioritizing that work especially at the cost it would take to clearn every single rural side road with proper wage labour.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You need to read the exchange as Chezlaw clarified to me he was pushing for a 'no mention of former or banned posters at all, as it is possible you can be misrepresenting them or accusing them of something they cannot defend'.

You are not summarizing these well which is a form of ....
A form of what? I'm assuming that letting it trail off is your way of implying gaslighting/lying/posting in bad faith, or else you would have just left it at "You are not summarizing these well." If my assumption is wrong, then perhaps you can clarify.

But if my assumption is correct, then this is a nice succinct little summary of the problem, which is making the immediate conclusion that someone is posting in bad faith. There's zero reason to make that your conclusion here, if that's what you're doing.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
FWIW if you look to exchanges such as the one with uke or Trolly it is not done up front. It is done when the argument progresses, does not go their way and SUDDENLY they start misrepresenting what was said or creating a fake narrative to reply to.

Trolly knows very well, at this point, as i have stated it numerous times, that unlimited budgets are not a real thing and just because you say 'then can just pay inmates to do XYZ work' does not make it so.

Sometimes work only gets done as volunteers step up, or in the case of inmates, super low paid individuals, because no one is prioritizing that work especially at the cost it would take to clearn every single rural side road with proper wage labour.
FWIW I replied to your earlier response to me. Not that you're required to respond to it if you've already said your piece.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
01-17-2023 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You are not summarizing these well which is a form of ....
Lol, if you are trying to accuse the mod of gaslighting at least be brave enough to finish the sentence.
The Stop the Clog Containment Thread (warning: dead horses and cite fights inside) Quote
