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Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion

01-24-2023 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
So there is a fire at a hospital. In one end of the building is a six month old baby in the baby ward. in the other end are five test tubes, each with a fertilized egg, in the IVF unit. There is only time to go in one more time before the building collapses. Who do you save? The five test tubes, because they are five lives, and you let the one baby burn; or save the baby and let the eggs get hard boiled?

IMO most of those who claim that life begins at fertilization, and those lives are equal in every way to any other human life, would actually save the baby. I think that when everything is on the line, something deep inside them will tell them that an egg in a test tube is in no way equivalent to a baby crawling around the baby ward. They will instinctively know that a living baby is a human being while the fertilized eggs represent potential human life; but not an actual human being.

Now, if someone says nope, I'm saving the eggs, and they truly mean it, I respect that. I think their belief is a terrible one; but I respect that they have the courage of their convictions even in the face of dire circumstances.

There is another aspect of the "prolife" crowd that I think also illustrates the difference between what they claim and what they would actually do. All but the most extreme pro life groups do not support charging the mother who gets an abortion with murder. They are happy to charge the doctor, the nurse, the uber driver who takes the woman to the doctor's office. But they give the woman a pass. Yet if that same woman called up someone and said I will pay you money to kill my six month old baby, she would be charged with murder without question. So once again, most of these groups shy away from their own "convictions" when that position is taken to its logical conclusion in life and death situations.

What do you think? Would you save the baby, or save the test tubes with eggs and let the baby burn?
I just saw this post. Of course everyone would save the baby.

But also, if the fertilized eggs got successfully implanted in a donor with the intention of a live birth, and a couple weeks later (well within the timeframe for a legal abortion) someone purposefully shot the donor in the stomach to kill the fetus, my understanding is they would be charged with murder. And nothing really material changed except the environment and a couple weeks of growth.

Like I said, it is all very arbitrary at the edges. And a lot of lawyers have spent a lot of time working out how these edge cases fit into our legal framework, and there is still a lot of gray area and contention.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
so ok that is what drives me nuts. guys that say none of my business.
some guys run to spearm bank and have about 500 offsprings but do not care. that's weird imo.

here is my idea. it's a compromise.

I think abortion of a 6 month year old baby is wrong. they call it fetus to distance themself to the fact they call it baby even at 1 month old.

why not force the women to carry out when she gets past 3 month? then the baby gets saved and the women gets punished and won't do it again. win win. I think it's a great idea btw. the more I think about the more like it.

so if I was in charge women would be more careful and more ethical because I would make idiocy regarding human life illegal.

David is right btw. I think. abortion is stupid. I don't know of one single person who had an abortion personally. I know of miscarriages and it's terrible for people.
1) who is calling a one month fetus, a one month baby? I have mostly never heard of a baby being called a baby until after its born

2) why not force women to carry babies that can kill them? because this is america and we believe in freedom, not large tyranical governments that ignore individual rights. You want to punish people, so you are def in the supporting tyranny department

3) have you considered the mothers live as a human that breathes air? youre comparing it to a part of her body that is not separate and cannot breath its own air at this time.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
If people believe life begins at sperm and egg than would not Invetro Fertilization be considered murder by those pro lifers as you do not use them all and many times dispose of the remaining embryos?

Also than should not child support begin as soon as the woman is pregnant?

Personally I fall in the 14-16 week group as do a majority of Americans
yes about 3 month was what I assumed is the limit. 6 month is just unheard of imo. wtf? that's like a full grown human already.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
1) who is calling a one month fetus, a one month baby? I have mostly never heard of a baby being called a baby until after its born
Have you ever been around a pregnant person in the real world? Over the approximately 40 week period you would hear the word baby about 10,000 times and the word fetus 0 times probably.

Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
Have you ever been around a pregnant person in the real world? Over the approximately 40 week period you would hear the word baby about 10,000 times and the word fetus 0 times probably.

haha, exactly .

and a baby at 34 weeks is fully bearable. (able to live on its own)
but only 10 weeks earlier, maybe 9 weeks, you can wipe it out of existence no problem.

"When are most babies born?
57.5 percent of all recorded births occur between 39 and 41 weeks.
26 percent of births occur at 37 to 38 weeks.
About 7 percent of births occur at weeks 34 to 36.
About 6.5 percent of births occur at week 41 or later.
About 3 percent of births occur before 34 weeks of pregnancy.
27.02.2020" › health
How Many Weeks Early Can You Safely Give Birth? - Healthline"
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
Have you ever been around a pregnant person in the real world? Over the approximately 40 week period you would hear the word baby about 10,000 times and the word fetus 0 times probably.

ok youre right.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 02:03 PM

This woman died because Irish law prevented the hospital from removing a nonviable fetus as long as it had a fetal heartbeat even though it was killing the mother.

According to CDC statistics less than 1% of all abortions occur after 21 weeks. No one carries a child for 6 months and just decides at that point that she wants to abort for convenience reasons. Instead, that's the point where excitement and anticipation are building, names being selected, etc. if a dire situation develops that puts the life of the mother at risk, it is incredibly heartbreaking. Extremely difficult decisions must be made. How does a mother, and father, weigh the loss of the fetus against losing the life of the mother? What is the responsibility of the mother to stay alive for her other children versus an unborn fetus?

That decision should only be made by the mother, the father and their doctor. And if they so believe, their religious advisor. But certainly not the government. It is obscene to think that the government can force a woman to die over a fetus. How can they possibly presume to make that call?

But that's exactly what is happening in our country. When you hear of states passing abortion laws with no provisions for life of the mother, that is exactly what they are doing.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
My say is I decided to have sex with her. After that she is a private citizen with rights.

an unborn fetus is not a part of me at all. Sperm was a part of me and no longer exists.

The fetus hasn't been separated and made to be independent so there's no murder. Its a pretty easy answer, not sure why you think its difficult.

I understand that it is under debate whether or not men should have control over women via the government. Some people support large liberal powerful governments that tells private citizens what to do with their bodies, some of us prefer rights and a small conservatives government that doesn't have the right to jail people over what they do with their bodies.

with regards to ethics, why do you think its ok for you to tell someone else what to do with their body when your choice leads to their death in a greater than zero amount of cases?
I'm wondering how all this fits in with parental responsibilities after birth.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I'm wondering how all this fits in with parental responsibilities after birth.
You consent to being a part of the state family law system once you have intercourse with a woman. This includes child support, which you can be jailed for not paying.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-24-2023 , 05:50 PM
Rights and responsibilities are different things
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
01-26-2023 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I started this thread and moved these posts from the Trump thread. It developed as a robust discussion but really no longer specifically related to Trump.

I dont think this is correct. Dems did better than expected this midterm by getting Independent swing voters; the type of people who voted Trump in 2016 and voted Dem this midterm exactly because they support right to choose. The Dem base itself actually had a very weak turn out.

I doubt very many Democrats (if any) are making any appeal to anyone who believes abortion is murder and should be abolished.
I’m prolife. I concede on first trimester abortions. I think late term should no matter what be illegal except for life of mother. I didn’t vote at all when trump won but I am happy he did win. However, I voted for Biden.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-25-2023 , 01:06 PM
Lindsey is such a drama queen!

Literally everyone assumed he was gay but I’ve never heard it brought up before in the media

He knows babies are not being terminated at birth and beyond but he
still pushes that false narrative knowing full well he is lying yet he still does so.
Also Barrett , Kavenaugh both lied about Roe being settled law, only to do a 180 after their hearings.

Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-25-2023 , 01:56 PM
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-26-2023 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
You consent to being a part of the state family law system once you have intercourse with a woman. This includes child support, which you can be jailed for not paying.
I find it interesting u are so easily ready to put so much intent , regulation and responsibilities just for a 5-30m “f u c k “ with a woman and yet being so dismissive with guns …
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 12:00 PM
The mental gymnastics ITT are wild.

So many technicalities and word games to gloss over the fact that the only difference between a freshly conceived child and your new little bundle of joy is 9 months of cook time, barring any complications along the way. Those wheels are set in motion at the moment of conception. The train will arrive at the station unless it gets derailed along the way. Sometimes there are natural accidents, but sometimes people actively destroy the train before it completes its journey. Dick move, for sure.

You can have a strong belief and also not push for strict and absolute adherence to those beliefs, because some things have a certain value to society that outweigh the unpleasantness of the process.

It's okay to be reasonable. Polite society is about give and take.

We're all about second chances here. Most violent crimes are committed by people who already have an official history of wrongdoing. We give them second chances. Some people reform, and others don't and end up killing 10 year old girls doing their homework near a window, because bullets don't give a **** who they pass through when fired haphazardly from a moving vehicle. After it's clear the initial lesson wasn't learned, they [hopefully] lose their freedom and get sent to prison. You no longer get to participate in society because society doesn't need and shouldn't want people like you.

If you screw up and decide you need an abortion; okay. That's not cool, but these things happen. When you come back for round two, however, you lose your reproductive freedom, because it's pretty clear you can't behave yourself. Most abortions are performed on repeat customers. That should deeply disturb anyone who has even a modicum of empathy or has interacted with a child.

This whole part of / reliant on the mother argument is absolutely ridiculous. If left to their own survival, 999 out of 1000 kids under the age of 5 are going to be dead within a week. Of course children are reliant on their parents. Some much moreso than others.

Abortion is a necessary evil, as many people know what happens to unwanted and unloved children. But we shouldn't be enabling the degenerate behavior of all these women who are using abortions as birth control, and like it or not there are a LOT of them.

There's plenty of room to meet halfway on this, and it doesn't have to involve collectively deciding on the exact moment in the gestational process where the baby gains its right to live the life already set in motion upon conception.

Would you tell a formerly excited and now grieving mother who had an early miscarriage to stop crying because it was just a clump of cells? Of course not.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The mental gymnastics ITT are wild.

So many technicalities and word games to gloss over the fact that the only difference between a freshly conceived child and your new little bundle of joy is 9 months of cook time, barring any complications along the way. Those wheels are set in motion at the moment of conception. The train will arrive at the station unless it gets derailed along the way. Sometimes there are natural accidents, but sometimes people actively destroy the train before it completes its journey. Dick move, for sure.

You can have a strong belief and also not push for strict and absolute adherence to those beliefs, because some things have a certain value to society that outweigh the unpleasantness of the process.

It's okay to be reasonable. Polite society is about give and take.

We're all about second chances here. Most violent crimes are committed by people who already have an official history of wrongdoing. We give them second chances. Some people reform, and others don't and end up killing 10 year old girls doing their homework near a window, because bullets don't give a **** who they pass through when fired haphazardly from a moving vehicle. After it's clear the initial lesson wasn't learned, they [hopefully] lose their freedom and get sent to prison. You no longer get to participate in society because society doesn't need and shouldn't want people like you.

If you screw up and decide you need an abortion; okay. That's not cool, but these things happen. When you come back for round two, however, you lose your reproductive freedom, because it's pretty clear you can't behave yourself. Most abortions are performed on repeat customers. That should deeply disturb anyone who has even a modicum of empathy or has interacted with a child.

This whole part of / reliant on the mother argument is absolutely ridiculous. If left to their own survival, 999 out of 1000 kids under the age of 5 are going to be dead within a week. Of course children are reliant on their parents. Some much moreso than others.

Abortion is a necessary evil, as many people know what happens to unwanted and unloved children. But we shouldn't be enabling the degenerate behavior of all these women who are using abortions as birth control, and like it or not there are a LOT of them.

There's plenty of room to meet halfway on this, and it doesn't have to involve collectively deciding on the exact moment in the gestational process where the baby gains its right to live the life already set in motion upon conception.

Would you tell a formerly excited and now grieving mother who had an early miscarriage to stop crying because it was just a clump of cells? Of course not.
It's not mental gymnastics to understand that there is a difference between a person and something that will become a person. We're not talking about stopping a train getting to a station we're talking about stopping the construction before it becomes a train. A women's perception of her miscarriage is also completely irrelevant when it comes to the factual state of her pregnancy. You are a dickhead if you tell her not to care because it's just a clump of cells but it doesn't make you wrong (depending on the stage of the pregnancy).
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 12:36 PM
The time for stopping construction has passed when you failed the pullout game, friend.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The time for stopping construction has passed when you failed the pullout game, friend.
Based on what? If I am building a train, I don't call it a train if all I've done is gathered the materials. I also don't call it a train during the earlier portion of its construction because I know that to be a train has a certain meaning tied to its form and functionality. I assume you accept that in every situation other than pregnancy. It seems like mental gymnastics to apply a completely different standard to this one situation.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 02:27 PM
The metaphor has lost its way.

Your pile of steel and electronics has a 0% chance of becoming something other than a heap of material if left alone. Only 1 or 2 out of every 10 pregnancies result in miscarriage. The rest will become people who you'd hopefully feel really shitty about looking in the eye and telling them that you advocated for their destruction in the womb.

You can still advocate for it, but don't hide behind some bullshit argument that they weren't real until precisely X days after their initial cells began to divide.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The mental gymnastics ITT are wild.

So many technicalities and word games to gloss over the fact that the only difference between a freshly conceived child and your new little bundle of joy is 9 months of cook time, barring any complications along the way. Those wheels are set in motion at the moment of conception. The train will arrive at the station unless it gets derailed along the way. Sometimes there are natural accidents, but sometimes people actively destroy the train before it completes its journey. Dick move, for sure.

You can have a strong belief and also not push for strict and absolute adherence to those beliefs, because some things have a certain value to society that outweigh the unpleasantness of the process.

It's okay to be reasonable. Polite society is about give and take.

We're all about second chances here. Most violent crimes are committed by people who already have an official history of wrongdoing. We give them second chances. Some people reform, and others don't and end up killing 10 year old girls doing their homework near a window, because bullets don't give a **** who they pass through when fired haphazardly from a moving vehicle. After it's clear the initial lesson wasn't learned, they [hopefully] lose their freedom and get sent to prison. You no longer get to participate in society because society doesn't need and shouldn't want people like you.

If you screw up and decide you need an abortion; okay. That's not cool, but these things happen. When you come back for round two, however, you lose your reproductive freedom, because it's pretty clear you can't behave yourself. Most abortions are performed on repeat customers. That should deeply disturb anyone who has even a modicum of empathy or has interacted with a child.

This whole part of / reliant on the mother argument is absolutely ridiculous. If left to their own survival, 999 out of 1000 kids under the age of 5 are going to be dead within a week. Of course children are reliant on their parents. Some much moreso than others.

Abortion is a necessary evil, as many people know what happens to unwanted and unloved children. But we shouldn't be enabling the degenerate behavior of all these women who are using abortions as birth control, and like it or not there are a LOT of them.

There's plenty of room to meet halfway on this, and it doesn't have to involve collectively deciding on the exact moment in the gestational process where the baby gains its right to live the life already set in motion upon conception.

Would you tell a formerly excited and now grieving mother who had an early miscarriage to stop crying because it was just a clump of cells? Of course not.
Do you think quality of life should have no influence in any decision we take ?
Sometimes unwanted child stuck in an unloving family do not have great life at all either .
I guess they can be badly mistreated for years with dire consequences for them and their surroundings .

I don’t see how a mistake would be resolve by making a bigger mistake by allowing unfit parents to have kids ….

Just to save a 1 month celll ?
“When you're one month pregnant, the embryo is teeny-tiny but by the time you're 5 weeks pregnant your baby looks like a tiny curled tube that's about ¼ of an inch long.”
So u must disagree with the supreme court not banning the pill last week ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 04-27-2023 at 02:41 PM.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
I don’t see how a mistake would be resolve by making a bigger mistake by allowing unfit parents to have kids ….
Now there is a loaded statement.
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Now there is a loaded statement.
Meh maybe a bit
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The metaphor has lost its way.

Your pile of steel and electronics has a 0% chance of becoming something other than a heap of material if left alone. Only 1 or 2 out of every 10 pregnancies result in miscarriage. The rest will become people who you'd hopefully feel really shitty about looking in the eye and telling them that you advocated for their destruction in the womb.

You can still advocate for it, but don't hide behind some bullshit argument that they weren't real until precisely X days after their initial cells began to divide.
That clump of cells isn't being left alone to be constructed by magic either. It's the woman's body, that she is sustaining through her effort, that does it.

Why would this matter anyway? If I leave a pumpkin seed in the ground and it grows into a pumpkin it doesn't change the fact that it's pumpkin seed and not a pumpkin when I put it in the ground. If I eat a handful of pumpkin seeds, I'm not eating pumpkins just because they have the potential, if sustained, to become them. So again, why in the case of pregnancy are you dispensing with the reason you'd apply to anything else?
Start of Personhood/Abortion Discussion Quote
04-27-2023 , 03:40 PM
There are any number of situations where you would be liable for the potential value and not strictly present value of some inventory or property you damaged, so I don't think that really helps your case here. I certainly know this to be the case when it comes to earnings in wrongful death suits, so again, not sure why you'd go with this line.

You'd also probably argue for prosecution of a mother of a 4 year old who left them outside to fend for themselves, resulting in the death of the child. So acting like she should just be able to avoid the consequences of her choices just because the child in question can't yet breathe on their own is a bit odd.

Of course, I've already stated earlier that I'm not a hardliner on the concept of abortion. The lesser of two evils and all that. But I am pretty firmly in the camp of not letting people make a habit of it.

I hate that people try to beat around the bush on abortion by changing the definition of humanity. In nearly all cases, the same arguments used to define fetus vs baby can also be used to describe people who were born healthy many years ago. We don't go killing off the infirmed or disabled just because they're inconvenient.
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